excel export data file error in ag-grid-react - ag-grid

I am developing with ag-grid 26.2.0 version(react).
And making a function Excel Export.
When using gridApi.exportDataAsExcel(parameters) is there a value that should not be included in the parameter sheetName?
As a result of my testing, an error occurred in the downloaded file when the following characters were inserted into the sheet. String that causes an error: []<>&"/\*:?
onlySelected : selRows.length > 0,
sheetName : `Test & my sheetName`,
fileName : `ExportedData_.xlsx`,
author : 'v1.0'
Image when downloaded in the form above:


pyspark does not parse an xml from a file containing multiple xmls

I am using spark 2.3.2 with python 3.7 to parse xml.
In an xml file (sample), I have appended 2 xmls.
When I parse it with:
os.environ['PYSPARK_SUBMIT_ARGS'] = '--packages com.databricks:spark-xml_2.11:0.7.0 pyspark-shell'
conf = pyspark.SparkConf()
sc = SparkSession.builder.config(conf=conf).getOrCreate()
spark = SQLContext(sc)
dfSample = (spark.read.format("xml").option("rowTag", "xocs:doc")
I see 2 xmls' data:
However, what I need is to extract the info under "ref-info" tag (along with their corresponding key eids), so my code is:
withColumn("metaExp", F.explode(F.array("xocs:meta"))).
withColumn("eid", F.col("metaExp.xocs:eid")).
withColumn("xocs:itemExp", F.explode(F.array("xocs:item"))).
withColumn("item", F.col("xocs:itemExp.item")).
withColumn("itemExp", F.explode(F.array("item"))).
withColumn("bibrecord", F.col("item.bibrecord")).
withColumn("bibrecordExp", F.explode(F.array("bibrecord"))).
withColumn("tail", F.col("bibrecord.tail")).
withColumn("tailExp", F.explode(F.array("tail"))).
withColumn("bibliography", F.col("tail.bibliography")).
withColumn("bibliographyExp", F.explode(F.array("bibliography"))).
withColumn("reference", F.col("bibliography.reference")).
withColumn("referenceExp", F.explode(F.array("reference"))).
withColumn("ref-infoExp", F.explode(F.col("reference.ref-info"))).
withColumn("authors", F.explode(F.col("ref-infoExp.ref-authors.author"))).
withColumn("py", (F.col("ref-infoExp.ref-publicationyear._first"))).
withColumn("so", (F.col("ref-infoExp.ref-sourcetitle"))).
withColumn("ti", (F.col("ref-infoExp.ref-title"))).
drop("xocs:item", "xocs:itemExp", "item", "itemExp", "bibrecord", "bibrecordExp", "tail", "tailExp", "bibliography",
"bibliographyExp", "reference", "referenceExp").show())
This extracts the info only from the xml with eid = 85082880163
When I delete this one and only kept the one with eid = 85082880158, it works.
My file is an xml file containing those 2 lines in the link. I have also tried to merge those 2 into one xml but could not manage.
What is wrong with my data/approach? (My ultimate plan is to create such a file containing thousands of different xmls to be parsed)
Your trouble lies in this piece of XML:
<abstract original="y" xml:lang="eng">
Apple is often affected by [...] intercellular CO <inf>2</inf> concentration [...]
While it is correct XML (mixed content), this embedded tag <inf>2</inf> seems to be breaking spark-xml parser. If you remove it (or convert to corresponding HTML entities) you will get correct results.

Docx to Google Doc using Google Script

I have a lot of docx files ( ~ 72 ) , their MIMETYPE is :
and I want to convert all of them to GoogleDocument so I can edit them online to do so I need them to be
Is this possible ? I've tried with blob but nothing works , there is a way to create a new google doc with the same format ?
Got it .
var docx = DriveApp.getFileById("###");
var newDoc = Drive.newFile();
var blob =docx.getBlob();
var file=Drive.Files.insert(newDoc,blob,{convert:true});
The {convert:true} convert it .
Ps : you need to set document name since it's not included in teh blob

pdftk error when using checkbox on pdf form

When I use checkbox on pdf form, pdftk gives the following error and does not create output pdf.
Unhandled Java Exception:
Unhandled Java Exception:
at gnu.gcj.runtime.NameFinder.lookup(libgcj.so.12)
at java.lang.Throwable.getStackTrace(libgcj.so.12)
at java.lang.Throwable.stackTraceString(libgcj.so.12)
at java.lang.Throwable.printStackTrace(libgcj.so.12)
at java.lang.Throwable.printStackTrace(libgcj.so.12)
Today I am having a similar problem with Checkbox. And I also saw java.lang.NullPointerException error. After investigation, I found that it is because my fillable checkbox is using custom glyphicon ('X') as checkmark instead of default styling.
So after reading this answer https://stackoverflow.com/a/29034948/11898471, It does workout by getting rid of my custom checkbox glyphicon. Without seeing your code I don't know exactly how you may do it your way, but my situation is to flatten a client uploaded PDF form with custom checkbox. What I did, is to extract all form data and re-fill the form so they get rid of all custom checkbox markup. Something like:
$pdf = new Pdf($uploadedFile->getRealPath(), ['command' => env('PDFTK_PATH')]);
/* Extract form field to remove custom markup field that cannot be filled. Eg: custom checkbox icon */
$pdf2 = new Pdf($uploadedFile->getRealPath(), ['command' => env('PDFTK_PATH')]);
$data = $pdf2->getDataFields();
$data = (array) $data;
$fill_data = [];
foreach ($data as $field) {
if (isset($field['FieldValue'])) {
$fill_data[$field['FieldName']] = $field['FieldValue'];
/* Update form field */

How to resolve pdf parsing error

scala code :
val file = new File(path + name)
val raf = new RandomAccessFile(file, "r")
val channel = raf.getChannel()
val buf = channel.map(FileChannel.MapMode.READ_ONLY, 0, channel.size())
val pdffile = new PDFFile(buf) // line 5
here, file is referring to pdf file. path is the address of pdf file and name is name of file.
In normal case, it executes fine, but in some pdf files, it throws error in line 5 as :
com.sun.pdfview.PDFParseException: Expected 'xref' at start of table
at com.sun.pdfview.PDFFile.readTrailer(PDFFile.java:974) ~[pdf-renderer-1.0.5.jar:na]
at com.sun.pdfview.PDFFile.parseFile(PDFFile.java:1175) ~[pdf-renderer-1.0.5.jar:na]
at com.sun.pdfview.PDFFile.<init>(PDFFile.java:126) ~[pdf-renderer-1.0.5.jar:na]
at com.sun.pdfview.PDFFile.<init>(PDFFile.java:102) ~[pdf-renderer-1.0.5.jar:na]
I think this pdf file has some problem with its format or content. When i made another pdf file using save as with this pdf file and used that new created pdf file, it worked fine.
So how can i resolve this problem so that whetehr i use proper file or bad file, my code should work fine.
I found the following in the com/sun/pdfview/PDFFile.java description
#throws PDFParseException if the document appears to be malformed, or
its features are unsupported

Debugging a FileQueueError using Swfupload

My swfupload implementation is triggering the fileQueueError function when I try to select multiple files. When I select one file the upload works as expected.
I'm logging the variables passed to the javascript functions and here's what I get anytime I select more than one file.
file : null
errorCode : -100
message : 1
Anyone got suggestions on how to trace the source of the error?
According to the file SWFUpload.js: