OpenAPI in Jetbrains Aqua fail to fetch - openapi

I have build a Openapi v3 specification for an api I have running locally. When I open up the GUI and select try it out an execute any request I always get Failed to Fetch.
I have tried accessing it from curl, a web browser as well as the HTTP Client in Aqua and have had no issues.


jmeter and azure devops load test, "At least one HTTP Request sampler should be present and enabled"

I have a simple test script which I recorded using out of the box JMeter and the recording template. I recorded a simple page, which create a "recording controller" in the threadgroup, and below that the pages "http requests".
When I upload this to the Azure DevOps JMeter runner, I get the error:
At least one HTTP Request sampler should be present and enabled.
Is there any way to get round this?
I am not sure why the http request is not recognised as a sampler. I am using JMeter 5.3. I know azure only supports 3.x, but till now this has not been an issue.
Since 3.x to 5.3 there are could be many incompatible changes.
There are two bugs fixed in HTTP Samplers block in JMeter 5.3, Release Notes says.
And one of them marked as an Incompatible changes:
Default value of httpclient4.time_to_live has been modified from 2000
to 60000, this means HTTP connections will live longer than before.
This has impact on connection creation and SSL handshake, see Bug 64289
So, try to record your script in previous version of JMeter, the best choice is JMeter 3.x, if Azure supports only 3.x.

ArangoDB Foxx Service - Failed to load API definition

I am using arangoDB 3.3.3 on macOS.
With the intention to output a JSON-collection from arangoDB via the browser, i am using the Foxx microservice tool, which is offered by arangoDB. I imported the json-file to the database via the offered import script by arangoDB.
When I upload the service-file zip to the arangoDB web interface and trying to make a request to the linked path, it shows me the following error message in the API window:
Unauthorized http://localhost:8529/_db/_system/_admin/aardvark/foxxes/docs/swagger.json?mount=/getting-started
Anyone, facing the same problem and having an idea how to solve this issue?
This is due to a bug in the web interface that should be fixed in 3.3.4, so updating should resolve your problem. See for details.

How to use CORS with grails rest API?

I am developing Rest Api using grails. It is working on localhost:8080. when I am calling with POSTMAN it responded with json. I want to use this data and also perform CRUD operation on my web page which is running on other domain. When I am trying to call RESTAPI which is written in grails, the browser is not able to get a response due to Access-Control-Allow-Origin. So how to enable CORS functionality in my REST API, So anyone can access from a different domain.
If you are using Grails 3.2.1 or higher, it comes with CORS support built in.
In your application.yml, add the following:
enabled: true
See for further details.

Google APIs Explorer posting to remote API instead of local

I'm currently developing a (Java) backend for a mobile application using Google App Engine (SDK v1.8.8) and Cloud Endpoints. I'm using Eclipse (Kepler) with Google Plugin (v3.8.0) to develop/deploy the code.
I've been using Google API's explorer for many months during the development to test the endpoints and up until yesterday, everything was working well... if I ran App Engine locally, I could test the endpoints at:
Likewise, I could execute against the remotely deployed version at:
https://1-dot-[my-app-id] both cases, everything worked as expected.
However, as of yesterday, local execution no longer works... instead, my requests are sent to the remote (i.e. live!) version of my API. I'm still accessing API Explorer on localhost and according to it's output, my requests are still being posted locally... here is what is printed when I execute a function 'foo' on 'admin' endpoint:
POST `http://localhost:8888/_ah/api/adminendpoint/v1/foo`
X-JavaScript-User-Agent: Google APIs Explorer
However, for some reason, these requests are being sent to the live/deployed instance of the API.
I restarted my browser (Chrome) and cleared it's cache, tried another browser (Safari), restarted the machine, re-deployed the API... It feels like something is being cached somewhere but I'm running out of ideas.
Does anyone have any suggestions?
The error has been fixed in the Google App Engine SDK for Java version 1.9.17, as indicated in the release notes ( I updated my libraries to 1.9.17, and the APIs explorer started working again for localhost.

Debug Rest API in Eclipse

I am writing a program to connect with JIRA and create tickets automatically.
For this i used JIRA rest API. The code is done in Eclipse-Kepler using java as a stand alone program.
For some request, this program is throwing "Bad Request" and response code "400".
I want to debug what is wrong with a particular request. Is there any plug in to debug that?
I tried using Rest client in eclipse, but its asking for URL to hit in this tool.
I want if I run my program as Java, some tool can show me the required debug statements.