unity network variabe occasional writing permission error - unity3d

I am new to unity netcode and I am trying to implement a grabbing/dropping mechanism for a 3rd person game.
But my network variable occasionally throws a confusing error out at the host side when client side "drop" something:
[Netcode] Client wrote to NetworkVariable`1 without permission. No more variables can be read. This is critical. => NetworkObjectId: 5 - GetNetworkBehaviourOrderIndex(): 1 - VariableIndex: 0
Sometimes it throws 1 of this error, sometimes it throws 2 and in rare case it doesn't throw error at all.
What is the possible reason for this?
Basically my approach is:
(below using clientNetworkTransform)
calling grabServerRpc( callerClientId ) in the Grabbable object by the local player
passing the ownership of the Grabbable setting the network variable grabbedClientId to callerClientId in grabServerRpc()
in the OnValueChange delegate for every player, check if LocalPlayerId == grabbedClientId
if equal, set the local targetTransform to the grabbing point of the player and serval more properties to complete the grab
(the OnValueChange also check if grabbedClientId == Default value before doing anything to prevent execution due to dropServerRpc())
unset the properties to drop it.
call the dropServerRpc() in the Grabbable
removeOwnership() in the dropServerRpc()
restore the grabbedClientId to default value to complete the drop
public void grab(ulong grabbedClientId){
[ServerRpc(RequireOwnership = false)]
private void grabServerRpc(ulong grabClientId){
if (this.grabbedClientId != TPNetworkGrabbable.GRABBED_CLIENT_DEFAULT) return;
this.grabbedClientId = grabClientId;
private void OnGrab(ulong previous, ulong current){ // OnValueChange for grabbedClientId
if (this.grabbedClientId == TPNetworkGrabbable.GRABBED_CLIENT_DEFAULT) return; // prevent calling due to changes in drop()
if (this.grabbedClientId != NetworkManager.LocalClientId) return;
TPNetworkGrabbingControl grabbingControl = NetworkManager.LocalClient.PlayerObject.GetComponent<TPNetworkGrabbingControl>();
this._targetTransform = grabbingControl.grabPosition;
this.rigidbody.useGravity = false;
this.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, 0);
this.rigidbody.freezeRotation = true;
public void drop(){
if (this.grabbedClientId != NetworkManager.LocalClientId) return;
if (this.grabbedClientId == TPNetworkGrabbable.GRABBED_CLIENT_DEFAULT) return;
this._targetTransform = null;
this.rigidbody.useGravity = true;
this.rigidbody.freezeRotation = false;
[ServerRpc(RequireOwnership = false)]
private void dropServerRpc(){
this.grabbedClientId = TPNetworkGrabbable.GRABBED_CLIENT_DEFAULT;
what I have done:
global searched my project and every single modification to any network variable are already done in [ServerRpc] and they are server write authoritive by default.
Googled and found basically nothing related to this specific error, except this:
though the solution seems to not apply to my case and the example does not exist anymore.


Entity Core and SaveChanges works only once

I have problem with Entity Core 3.1.2.
I have code like this:
var ThisCollector = SQL.CollectorServers
.Where(esa => esa.ServerName == ServerCollectorName)
while (foo)
await SQL.Entry(ThisCollector)
DateTime dtTimeOut = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(-1);
//check status of current Worker
var CurrentLB = SQL.CollectorServers
.Where(esa => esa.isWorker == true
&& esa.LastSeenLB < dtTimeOut)
if (CurrentLB!=null) //Current Worker is dead!
CurrentLB.isWorker = false;
ThisCollector.isWorker = true;
SQL.SaveChanges(); //This works allways
var Collectors = SQL.CollectorServers
.Where(Esa => Esa.isWorker == true);
if (Collectors.Count() == 0)
ThisCollector.isWorker = true;
if (Collectors.Count() >= 2)
foreach(CollectorServer cs in Collectors)
cs.isWorker = false;
//why this is requied?
SQL.Entry(cs).State = Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.EntityState.Modified;
ThisCollector.isWorker = true;
//<--This works only once, without manually setting State to
// modified!!! Why? Values has been changed from external program.
//(Management studio in this case)
await Task.Delay(10000, stoppingToken);
Problem is that last SaveChanges works only first time it has been called without I set Entry state to Modified. After that it does not make SQL query (I can see that in SQL Profiler).
In this case this can be fixed by this way, but I'm trying to undestand why this happends. My software saves lot data to SQL, and I need to know can I trust to this code without opening all queries and adding this modified state.
I didin't have this kind of problems in full version (6) of Entity, this is something quite new for me.
The described behavior would make sense if the entities returned by CollectorServers are not tracked.
ThisCollector is attached on every loop by the call to SQL.Entry(ThisCollector) :
await SQL.Entry(ThisCollector) //Attaching
.ReloadAsync(); //Reloading
Any changes made to it would be tracked and saved by the first call to DbContext.SaveChanges().
On the other hand, the entities returned by the Collectors query :
var Collectors = SQL.CollectorServers
.Where(Esa => Esa.isWorker == true);
Would remain untracked, until they get reattached by the call to SQL.Entry(cs) :
foreach(CollectorServer cs in Collectors)
cs.isWorker = false;
SQL.Entry(cs).State = Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.EntityState.Modified;
That's equivalent to calling DbContext.Update to attach and set the state to Modified. Update is easier to read though :
foreach(CollectorServer cs in Collectors)
cs.isWorker = false;

Analyzer creating multiple diagnostics for compilation unit

I am writing a Roslyn Diagnostic to turn on/off option strict. Since there can only be one per file, I am using the compilation for the node to be examined:
context.RegisterSyntaxNodeAction(CompilationUnitCheck, SyntaxKind.CompilationUnit);
I am seeing multiple diagnostics displayed in the error list pane when running the development hive, at times as many as 3, but always at least 2 per file. They show the same location. What could be causing this, and what can I do to fix it?
private void CompilationUnitCheck(SyntaxNodeAnalysisContext context)
var orgRoot = (CompilationUnitSyntax) context.Node;
var fileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(orgRoot.SyntaxTree.FilePath) ;
if ((fileName?.EndsWith("designer", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)).GetValueOrDefault() ||
"Reference".Equals(fileName, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
if (fileName != "TestFile") return;
var newErrors = fileName == "TestFile";
var location = orgRoot.GetLocation();
string strictMsg = null ?? "Off";
var diagnostic = Diagnostic.Create(Rule, location, strictMsg);
My current workaround is to get the hashcode of the root, and store that in a static list, if it's in the list, I don't check again.

Manatee.Trello Moving Cards

I'm writing a small application to manage Trello Boards in only a few aspects such as sorting Cards on a List, moving/copying Cards based on Due Date and/or Labels, archiving Lists on a regular basis and generating reports based on Labels, etc. As such, I've been putting together a facade around the Manatee.Trello library to simplify the interface for my services.
I've been getting comfortable with the library and things have been relatively smooth. However, I wrote an extension method on the Card class to move Cards within or between Lists, and another method that calls this extension method repeatedly to move all Cards from one List to another.
My issue is that when running the code on a couple of dummy lists with 7 cards in one, it completes without error, but at least one card doesn't actually get moved (though as many as 3 cards have failed to move). I can't tell if this is because I'm moving things too rapidly, or if I need to adjust the TrelloConfiguration.ChangeSubmissionTime, or what. I've tried playing around with delays but it doesn't help.
Here is my calling code:
public void MoveCardsBetweenLists(
string originListName,
string destinationListName,
string originBoardName,
string destinationBoardName = null)
var fromBoard = GetBoard(originBoardName); // returns a Manatee.Trello.Board
var toBoard = destinationBoardName == null
|| destinationBoardName.Equals(originBoardName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
? fromBoard
: GetBoard(destinationBoardName);
var fromList = GetListFromBoard(originListName, fromBoard); // returns a Manatee.Trello.List from the specified Board
var toList = GetListFromBoard(destinationListName, toBoard);
for (int i = 0; i < fromList.Cards.Count(); i++)
fromList.Cards[i].Move(1, toList);
Here is my extension method on Manatee.Trello.Card:
public static void Move(this Card card, int position, List list = null)
if (list != null && list != card.List)
card.List = list;
card.Position = position;
I've created a test that replicates the functionality you want. Basically, I create 7 cards on my board, move them to another list, then delete them (just to maintain initial state).
private static void Run(System.Action action)
var serializer = new ManateeSerializer();
TrelloConfiguration.Serializer = serializer;
TrelloConfiguration.Deserializer = serializer;
TrelloConfiguration.JsonFactory = new ManateeFactory();
TrelloConfiguration.RestClientProvider = new WebApiClientProvider();
TrelloAuthorization.Default.AppKey = TrelloIds.AppKey;
TrelloAuthorization.Default.UserToken = TrelloIds.UserToken;
#region http://stackoverflow.com/q/39926431/878701
private static void Move(Card card, int position, List list = null)
if (list != null && list != card.List)
card.List = list;
card.Position = position;
public void MovingCards()
Run(() =>
var list = new List(TrelloIds.ListId);
var cards = new List<Card>();
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
cards.Add(list.Cards.Add("test card " + i));
var otherList = list.Board.Lists.Last();
for(var i = 0; i < cards.Count; i++)
Move(card, i, otherList);
foreach (var card in cards)
Quick question: Are you calling TrelloProcessor.Flush() before your execution ends? If you don't, then some changes will likely remain in the request processor queue when the application ends, so they'll never be sent. See my wiki page on processing requests for more information.
Also, I've noticed that you're using 1 as the position for each move. By doing this, you'll end up with an unreliable ordering. The position data that Trello uses is floating point. To position a card between two other cards, it simply takes the average of the other cards. In your case, (if the destination list is empty), I'd suggest sending in the indexer variable for the ordering. If the destination list isn't empty, you'll need to calculate a new position based on the other cards in the list (by the averaging method Trello uses).
Finally, I like the extension code you have. If you have ideas that you think would be useful to add to the library, please feel free to fork the GitHub repo and create a pull request.

Is there an Update Object holder on Entity Framework?

I'm currently inserting/updating fields like this (if there's a better way, please say so - we're always learning)
public void UpdateChallengeAnswers(List<ChallengeAnswerInfo> model, Decimal field_id, Decimal loggedUserId)
JK_ChallengeAnswers o;
foreach (ChallengeAnswerInfo a in model)
o = this.FindChallengeAnswerById(a.ChallengeAnswerId);
if (o == null) o = new JK_ChallengeAnswers();
o.answer = FilterString(a.Answer);
o.correct = a.Correct;
o.link_text = "";
o.link_url = "";
o.position = FilterInt(a.Position);
o.updated_user = loggedUserId;
o.updated_date = DateTime.UtcNow;
if (o.challenge_id == 0)
// New record
o.challenge_id = field_id; // FK
o.created_user = loggedUserId;
o.created_date = DateTime.UtcNow;
// Update record
this.Save(); // Commit changes
As you can see there is 2 times this.Save() (witch invokes db.SaveChanges();)
when Adding we place the new object into a Place Holder with the AddObject method, in other words, the new object is not committed right away and we can place as many objects we want.
But when it's an update, I need to Save first before moving on to the next object, is there a method that I can use in order to, let's say:
if (o.challenge_id == 0)
// New record
o.challenge_id = field_id;
o.created_user = loggedUserId;
o.created_date = DateTime.UtcNow;
// Update record
this.Save(); // Only save once when all objects are ready to commit
So if there are 5 updates, I don't need to save into the database 5 times, but only once at the end.
Thank you.
Well if you have an object which is attached to the graph, if you modify values of this object, then the entity is marked as Modified.
If you simply do .AddObject, then the entity is marked as Added.
Nothing has happened yet - only staging of the graph.
Then, when you execute SaveChanges(), EF will translate the entries in the OSM to relevant store queries.
Your code looks a bit strange. Have you debugged through (and ran a SQL trace) to see what is actually getting executed? Because i can't see why you need that first .Save, because inline with my above points, since your modifying the entities in the first few lines of the method, an UPDATE statement will most likely always get executed, regardless of the ID.
I suggest you refactor your code to handle new/modified in seperate method. (ideally via a Repository)
Taken from Employee Info Starter Kit, you can consider the code snippet as below:
public void UpdateEmployee(Employee updatedEmployee)
//attaching and making ready for parsistance
if (updatedEmployee.EntityState == EntityState.Detached)
_DatabaseContext.ObjectStateManager.ChangeObjectState(updatedEmployee, System.Data.EntityState.Modified);

Microsoft Robotics and Sql

I have an issue implementing CCR with SQL. It seems that when I step through my code the updates and inserts I am trying to execute work great. But when I run through my interface without any breakpoints, it seems to be working and it shows the inserts, updates, but at the end of the run, nothing got updated to the database.
I proceeded to add a pause to my code every time I pull anew thread from my pool and it works... but that defeats the purpose of async coding right? I want my interface to be faster, not slow it down...
Any suggestions... here is part of my code:
I use two helper classes to set my ports and get a response back...
/// <summary>
/// Gets the Reader, requires connection to be managed
/// </summary>
public static PortSet<Int32, Exception> GetReader(SqlCommand sqlCommand)
Port<Int32> portResponse = null;
Port<Exception> portException = null;
GetReaderResponse(sqlCommand, ref portResponse, ref portException);
return new PortSet<Int32, Exception>(portResponse, portException);
// Wrapper for SqlCommand's GetResponse
public static void GetReaderResponse(SqlCommand sqlCom,
ref Port<Int32> portResponse, ref Port<Exception> portException)
EnsurePortsExist(ref portResponse, ref portException);
portResponse, portException,
delegate(IAsyncResult ar) { return sqlCom.EndExecuteNonQuery(ar); }), null);
then I do something like this to queue up my calls...
DispatcherQueue queue = CreateDispatcher();
String[] commands = new String[2];
Int32 result = 0;
commands[0] = "exec someupdateStoredProcedure";
commands[1] = "exec someInsertStoredProcedure '" + Settings.Default.RunDate.ToString() + "'";
for (Int32 i = 0; i < commands.Length; i++)
using (SqlConnection connSP = new SqlConnection(Settings.Default.nbfConn + ";MultipleActiveResultSets=true;Async=true"))
using (SqlCommand cmdSP = new SqlCommand())
cmdSP.Connection = connSP;
cmdSP.CommandTimeout = 150;
cmdSP.CommandText = "set arithabort on; " + commands[i];
Arbiter.Activate(queue, Arbiter.Choice(ApmToCcrAdapters.GetReader(cmdSP),
delegate(Int32 reader) { result = reader; },
delegate(Exception e) { result = 0; throw new Exception(e.Message); }));
where ApmToCcrAdapters is the class name where my helper methods are...
The problem is when I pause my code right after the call to Arbiter.Activate and I check my database, everything looks fine... if I get rid of the pause ad run my code through, nothing happens to the database, and no exceptions are thrown either...
The problem here is that you are calling Arbiter.Activate in the scope of your two using blocks. Don't forget that the CCR task you create is queued and the current thread continues... right past the scope of the using blocks. You've created a race condition, because the Choice must execute before connSP and cmdSP are disposed and that's only going to happen when you're interfering with the thread timings, as you have observed when debugging.
If instead you were to deal with disposal manually in the handler delegates for the Choice, this problem would no longer occur, however this makes for brittle code where it's easy to overlook disposal.
I'd recommend implementing the CCR iterator pattern and collecting results with a MulitpleItemReceive so that you can keep your using statements. It makes for cleaner code. Off the top of my head it would look something like this:
private IEnumerator<ITask> QueryIterator(
string command,
PortSet<Int32,Exception> resultPort)
using (SqlConnection connSP =
new SqlConnection(Settings.Default.nbfConn
+ ";MultipleActiveResultSets=true;Async=true"))
using (SqlCommand cmdSP = new SqlCommand())
Int32 result = 0;
cmdSP.Connection = connSP;
cmdSP.CommandTimeout = 150;
cmdSP.CommandText = "set arithabort on; " + commands[i];
yield return Arbiter.Choice(ApmToCcrAdapters.GetReader(cmdSP),
delegate(Int32 reader) { resultPort.Post(reader); },
delegate(Exception e) { resultPort.Post(e); });
and you could use it something like this:
var resultPort=new PortSet<Int32,Exception>();
foreach(var command in commands)
//everything is done and you've got 2
//collections here, results and exceptions
//to process as you want