When is a second priority request trigged on Wiremock? - ui-automation

I'm new to Wiremock and I'm not sure how priority works. I am able to trigger a request I've labeled as first priority but I'm not able to trigger a request I've labeled as second priority. It always just triggers the request that is first priority. Anyone know how to trigger second priority requests?

Setting priorities allows you to specify what happens when more than one stub can match a particular request.
1 is the highest priority, 10 the lowest and the default is 5.
Generally a good way to use priorities is to have high priority stubs with specific matches for particular test cases you need to run, plus lower priority stubs with broader matches for development/exploratory testing.
So e.g. you might have a set of stubs a priority 5 that match URLs like /v1/contacts/12354, /v1/contacts/23456 etc. plus a stub at priority 8 that matches on a URL regex of /v1/contacts/[0-9]+.
The stubs with specific IDs in the URL paths (12345 and 23456) would be used to return the data you need for particular test cases, and the lower-priority generic stub would return something valid regardless of the ID used.


One similar phrase but for two different intents

I have two intents. Both, however, may use a common phrase of "What is the status of ...". The first intent is for Request Tickets and shall always include a Request Number which starts with REQ. For example, "what is the status of REQ0054896?". The second intent is for the status of a service, such as "What is the status of Google Mail?".
I have made a custom entity for the REQ Number which is in Dialogflow as REQ#sys.number-integer:number-interger. I have also done the training and ensuring that the intents are matched however it does not always return the correct values.
I'd like it so that whenever the REQ number is entered, it matches it to the entity and understands that the user is asking for the status of a request, rather than for a business service.
As you can see from the above images, the phrase of "What is the status of..." is a common factor in both intents. Then the screenshot shows that a question in which a REQ number is used, it matches with the Business Service Intent.
Adding a simple rule-based intent classifier before the main one, in these situations when you can catch some intents with certainty can save you some headache.
I'm not aware of the details of your algorithm (data, model, ...) but clearly "What is the" part should not be important. One technique to reduce the importance of these types of words is using criteria like tf-idf as a weight function.

How to handle network connectivity loss in the middle of REST POST request?

REST POST is used to create resources.
Let's say we have resource url
We want to create a new car.
We POST to "http://example.com/cars" with JSON payload containing car properties (color, weight, model, etc).
Server receives the request, creates a new car, sends a response over the network.
At this point network fails (let's say router stops working properly and ignores every packet).
Client fails with TCP timeout (like 90 seconds).
Client has no idea whether car was created or not.
Also client haven't received car resource id, so it can't GET it to check if it was created.
Now what?
How do you handle this?
You can't simply retry creating, because retrying will just create a duplicate (which is bad).
REST POST is used to create resources.
HTTP POST is used for lots of things. REST doesn't particularly care; it just wants resources that support a uniform interface, and hypermedia.
At this point network fails
Now what? How do you handle this? You can't simply retry creating, because retrying will just create a duplicate (which is bad).
This is a general messaging concern, not directly related to REST. The most common solution is to use the Idempotent Receiver pattern. In short, you
need to define your messages so that the receiver has enough information to recognize the request as something that has already been done.
Ideally, this is being supported at the business level.
Idempotent collections of values are often straight forward; we just need to be thinking sets, rather than lists.
Idempotent collections of entities are trickier; if the request includes an identifier for the new entity, or if we can compute one from the data provided, then we can think of our collection as a hash.
If none of those approaches fits, then there's another possibility. Instead of performing an idempotent mutation of the collection, we make the mutation of the collection itself idempotent. Think "compare and swap" - we encode into the request information that identifies the current state of the collection; is that state is still current when the request arrives, then the mutation is applied. If the condition does not hold, then the request becomes a no-op.
Translating this into HTTP, we make a small modification to the protocol for updating the collection resource. First, we GET the current representation; and in the meta data the server provides validators that can be used in subsquent requests. Having obtained the validator, the client evaluates the current representation of the resource to determine if it needs to be changed. If the client decides to make a change, then submits the change with an If-Match or an If-Unmodified-Since header including the validator. The server, before processing the requests, then considers the validator, immediately abandoning the request with 412 Precondition Failed.
Thus, if a conditional state-changing request is lost, the client can at its own discretion repeat the request without concern that server will misunderstand the client's intent.
Retry it a limited number of times, with increasing delays between the attempts, and make sure the transaction concerned is idempotent.
because retrying will just create a duplicate (which is bad).
It is indeed, and it needs fixing, see above. It should be impossible in your system to create two entries with the same attributes. This is easily accomplished at the database level. You can attain idempotence by having the transaction return the same thing whether the entry already existed or was newly created. Or else just have it return EXISTS if the entry already exists, and adjust your client accordingly.

RESTFul approach for updating a field

I wonder, what would the more RESTFul, flexible and better approach of updating(!) a field (state) of an item
/api/v1/items/:id/ + action in the body
or items
/api/v1/items/ + action in the body
I would prefer the third API structure:
/api/v1/items/:id/ + action in the body
My reasons include:
According to the Richardson Maturity Model the URL should point to a specific resource or set of resources. You do not want to add update information within the URL, as it doesn't qualify as a valid endpoint.
You want to use PUT for update/replacement operations which affect a resource. Let the URL select the resource and let the body define the exact fields you want to update, and any other logic otherwise.
Using the body rather than the query string allows you to insert arbitrarily large information (to a certain limit, but greater than a query string) which logically might be paired with the operation (start in your case). It allows greater flexibility in extending the operation in the future as well.
You can probably list the relevant actions that can be performed on the endpoint inside the response of /api/v1/items. This would be a list of informative hypermedia controls. Again, the Richardson maturity model provides a very good example.
As alternative you can implement the PATCH method. It would provide you with the possibility to update selective fields. The only problem with PATCH is thats its unknown because the RFC is young. The actual implemention depends on your server and client side libraries and frameworks.
When you dont want to use PATCH the only alternative is to implement overriden POST and define the update mechanism. For example, you can say: Every field != null will override the resource field value.
Lets re phrase the question:
how do i change few attribute of my resource. (status is just another attribute)
identify a resource.
Use POST (since the request is non idempotent)
supply in body, since in future you may need to change more attribute than just status for this resource.
POST /api/v1/items/:id + action in the body
use only POST method.
Put should be used when it changes the complete set of properties not one or partial property(ies).
Please, let’s move on. We don’t need to use PUT for every state change in HTTP. REST has never said that we should. It is okay to use POST - roy t fielding

Move resource in RESTful architecture

I have a RESTful web service which represent processes and activities. Each activity is inside one and only one process.
I would like to represent a "move" operation of activity between the process it is currently in and another process.
I've look at forums and found people suggest to use MOVE operation which is not very standard and other suggest to use PUT but then I'm not sure how to tell the difference between PUT that update and PUT that moves which looks semantically wrong.
Any ideas?
One way might be to represent the move itself as, say, a "transfer" resource (transfer as a noun), and POST a new one:
POST /transfer
With an entity containing:
activity: /activities/4
toProcess: /processes/13
This way, clients are creating new "transfers" which, on the server, handle validating and transferring the activity.
This gives you the ability to add information about the transfer, too. If you wanted to keep a history for auditing, you could add a transferredBy property to the resource, or a transferredOn date.
If using PUTs, you can tell the difference by whether the process of the existing entity matches the new one.
PUT /process1/activity2
process: 2
some_data: and_stuff
To which the logical response (if successful) is
303 See Other
Location: /process2/activity2
Given the available answers I'm not really satisfied with the proposals.
POST is an all purpose method that should be used if none of the other operations fit the bill. The semantics of a payload received are defined by the service/API only and may therefore a solution for one API but not for most ones. It further lacks the property of idempotency which in case of a network issue will leave the client in an uncertainty whether the request received the server and only the response got lost mid way or if the request failed to reach the server at all. A consecutive request might therefore lead to unexpected results or further actions required.
PUT has the semantics of replace the current representation obtainable from the resource (may be empty) with the representation provided in the payload. Servers are free to modify the received representation to a more fitting one or to append or remove further data. PUT may even have side effects on other resources as well, i.e. if a versioning mechanism for a document update is provided. While providing the above-mentioned idempotency property, PUT actually does not fit the semantics of the requested action. This might have serious implications on the interoperability as standard HTTP servers wont be able to server you correctly.
One might use a combination of POST to create the new representation on the new endpoint first and afterwards remove the old one via DELETE. However, this are two separate operations where the first one might fail and if not handled correctly lead to an immediate deletion of the original resource in worst case. There is no real transactional behavior in these set of operations unfortunately.
Instead of using the above mentioned operations I'd suggest to use PATCH. PATCH is a serious of changes calculated by the client necessary to transform a current representation to a desiered one. A server supporting PATCH will have to apply these instructions atomically. Either all of them are applied or none of them at all. PATCH can have side effects and is thus the most suitable fit to perform a move in HTTP currently. To properly use this method, however, a certain media-types should be used. One might orientate on JSON Patch (more reader-friendly) i.e., though this only defines the semantics of operations to modify state of JSON based representations and does not deal with multiple resources AFAIK.

REST interface for finding average

Suppose I want to create a REST interface to find the average of a list of numbers. Assume that the numbers are submitted one at a time. How would you do this?
POST a number to https://example.com/api/average
If this is the first number a hash will be returned
POST a number to https://example.com/api/average/hash
GET https://example.com/api/average/hash to find the average
DELETE https://example.com/api/average/hash since we don't need it any more
Is this the right way to do it? Any suggestions?
It makes more sense to think of the list of numbers as the resource. Suppose each list's resource URL is /list/{id} where {id} is a placeholder for the list's ID. Then:
POST /list creates a new list, the server generates a list ID (or 'hash') and specifies the /list/{id} URL in the response's Location header.
POST /list/{id} adds a number to the list
GET /list/{id}/average returns the average
DELETE /list/{id} deletes the list.
An alternative to GET /list/{id}/average would be for GET /list/{id} to return the list as structured data, e.g. XML, that includes the average as a generated property.
What you are talking about is doing a stateless transformation of a request representation (list of numbers) into a response representation (single number).
Lets categorize your resource:
Stateless -- The request is stateless, but so is the resource. It should be able to take your request, process it, and return a response without maintaining any internal state. Further discussion below.
Unlikely to be cacheable -- I am making an assumption here that your lists of numbers are never/seldom identical.
Idempotent -- Requests have no side effects. This is because the resource is stateless.
Now lets examine the different HTTP methods:
GET - Gets the state of a resource. Since your resource has no state, it is not appropriate for your situation. (idempotent, cacheable)
DELETE - Removes a resource or clears its state. Also not appropriate for your situation. (not idempotent, not cacheable)
PUT - Used to set the state of a resource (or create it if it does not exist). (idempotent, not cacheable)
POST - Used to process requests which may or may not modify the state of a resource. May create other resources. (no guarantee of idempotence -- depends on whether the resource is stateful or stateless, not cacheable)
As you see in the other answers, POST is most popularly used as a synonym for 'create'. While this is ok, POST is not limited to just 'create' in REST. Mark Baker does a good job of explaining this here: http://www.markbaker.ca/2001/09/draft-baker-http-resource-state-model-01.txt (Section 3.1.4).
While POST does not have a perfect semantic mapping to your problem, it is the best of all the HTTP methods for what you are trying to do. It also leads to a simple, stateless, and scalable solution, which is the point of REST.
In summary, the answer to your question is:
Method: POST
Request: A representation of a list of numbers
Response: A representation of a single number (average of the list)
While this may look like a SOAP-style web service invocation, it is not. Don't let your visceral reaction to SOAP cloud your use of the POST method and place unnecessary constraints on it.
KISS (Keep it simple, stupid).
You cannot just return a hash or an ID, you have to return URIs or a URI template plus the field values. The only URI that can be part of your API is the entry point, otherwise your API is not REST.
To maximize REST philosophies I would do the following
Do a PUT this to indicate a new structure that would generate a hash, that is not based on the number passed. Just a "random" hash. Then each subsequent post would include the id-hash with returned result hash of the numbers sent. Then when a get is presented on that you can cache the results.
1. PUT /api/average/{number} //return id-hash
2. POST /api/average/{id-hash}/{number} // return average-hash
3. GET /api/average/{average-hash}
4. DELETE /api/average/{id-hash}
Then you can cache the get of the average hash, even when you may get to the result in a different way, or different servers get that same average.