Mapbox - How to properly use the Tilesets API - mapbox

I am trying to update my existing tileset with new data. In postman, I sucessfully send the following;{{usermame}}/testing?access_token={{admin-access-token}}
In the body, I have added a new line delimited geojson, as required, with the following key/value pair;
key: file
value: file_nd.geojson
As a reply I get the following;
status: ok
"id": "mapbox://tileset-source/{{username}}/testing",
"files": 1,
"source_size": 1131168,
"file_size": 1131168
When I go to the tileset tab on the mapbox website, the modified time does not change and the data is not updated. I did notice though that if I look at tileset sources in postman using the following;{{username}}?access_token={{admin-access-token}}
This is returned;
"id": "mapbox://tileset-source/{{username}}/testing",
"size": 1131168,
"files": 1
So I am guessing that it has not yet been converted to a tileset. I cannot see in the documentation how to trigger the conversion via the API. Any help appreciated.


How to send dataset in Web Activity? ADF

I want to publish data into a Service Bus, from my Storage Account.
I already tried send a simple body and it works fine. But i dont know how should set a data set.
Web Activity Setting
When i run this activity into a pipeline, this send
"myMessage": "Sample",
"datasets": [{
"name": "MyDataset",
"properties": {
"linkedServices": [{
"name": "MyStorageLinkedService1",
"properties": {
and i want send data from the file in dataset. Anyone know how i should set web activity?
You can achieve that by using "Copy Activity".
Here is a quick demo that I made :
I used JsonPlaceHolder API , I want to modify the array and add a custom value by doing a PUT request.
check it out here :
please read carefully "Updating a resource"
Here is a Json that I want to modify , I added it as a Dataset in ADF.
The main idea is to set the Dataset as a source and the sink is a REST API method so we are sending the Dataset as an input to the POST request in Copy activity.
Copy activity:
You can read more about it here:
Here is the output of the Copy Activity:

adding openweather data to mapbox map

So im trying to add weather data to my mapbox map. Im using for the data the openweather api. Im trying to add the data via adding a layer with the weather data tiles. Here's my current code: ` var map1 = "{z}/{x}/{y}.png?appid=e7fef929605b6a73c6921e4fec83f6ce"
map.on('load', function(){
"id": "simple-tiles",
"type": "raster",
"source": {
"type": "raster",
"tiles": ["{z}/{x}/{y}.png?appid=e7fef929605b6a73c6921e4fec83f6ce"],
"tileSize": 256
"minzoom": 0,
"maxzoom": 22
So if i do it like this it works totaly fine, but if i try to add weather tileset trough a link provided on the openweather website it doesnt work. Also the link is quiet different. For example i want to add this map:{z}/{x}/{y}?date=1527811200&appid={API key} it doesnt work. And yes i changed the api key placeholder with my api key. So any suggestions why its not working with this other link and how to fix that problem. Maybe iam just stupid but thanks in advance.

how to query custom dimension google anaylitics api

I have setup a custom dimension in google analytics 'dimension2' into which I want to capture a WPForms UniqueID. I added this to Google Tag manager and I can see the custom dimension with a value when I preview site in GTA preview.
. I added this to gtags.js on this word press site,
var dimensionValue = $.cookie("_wpfuuid");
gtag('config', 'UA-1234567890-2', {
'custom_map': {'dimension2': 'wpfid'}
gtag('set', 'dimension2', {'wpfid': dimensionValue});
In google analytics query explorer, I can see dimension2 in the test results.
"columnHeaders": [
"name": "ga:dimension2",
"columnType": "DIMENSION",
"dataType": "STRING"
"name": "ga:users",
"columnType": "METRIC",
"dataType": "INTEGER"
"totalsForAllResults": {
"ga:users": "1"
"rows": [
And, I can see the dimension2 data in google analytics user explorer, so it is making it to the browser interface for analytics.
However, when I add the following to my API query script, it breaks and is not generating any php errors, or the error is that it does not recognize 'dimension2'. I tried this on 2 views and both act the same. Here is my code to add the custom dimension to my query
$dimension = new Google_Service_AnalyticsReporting_Dimension();
What am I missing? Why isn't this visible in google api results and/or where I can I see any errors?
Some hours later, this code started to work, which suggests to me that custom dimensions are not immediately available to the api. In this case the api recognized dimension2 long after the data was visible in the analytics website.
Second possibility to check which can cause this seemingly good code to not work, you are using the wrong view id. Of the 2 views I tested, this only works on one.

IBM Cloud Function OpenWhisk node.js calling WIOTP over http

I am trying to use in an OpenWhisk sequence (containing two actions) all code is node.js
Testing the sequence using Postman. Once the action completes, the action returns the variable, payload. The variable payload is passed over to the next action in the sequence which is the openwhisk-package-watsoniotp (added via a binding in the IBM Cloud console so I am unable to modify this code, it is locked).
I can post data from postman into Watson IoT platform via the sequence. However the format of the payload is interpreted as a String, not a JSON string.
This is the body I post from Postman, one of the variants I have tried.
{"payload": "{'speed': 10}"}
My node.JS actions return the input, unmodified.
return {payload: params.payload};
The value should be a JSON string. However WIOTP is unable to interpret the payload and basically tokenizes the values. This is evident when I try to create a board and a card. The property list lets me select each value in the array.
enter image description here
The openwhisk-package-watsontiotp code as far as I can tell just takes, params.payload as is and passes it along.
I found an example in the code that answer the question,
The payload, should be nested. I missed that originally.
"key": "sampleInput",
"value": {
"eventType": "status",
"payload": {
"temp": 4
"domain": "",
"typeId": "xxxx",
"deviceId": "xxxx01"

Google Fit REST API "Unable to fetch DataSource for Dataset: xyz"

I'm testing out a few things in the OAuth 2.0 Playground and trying to get data in and out of Google Fit using their REST API
I have done this previously with success, I just didn't write down what I did.. now I've come back to make it a proper thing and can't get it working again.
I have access to Google Fit datasources via the dashboard. I can get a list of the dataSources that exist from:
And that is successful. I have also created my own stream which has a single floating point weight value on it called
It already has data in it, I put it there last time I used it. I can select all that data by requesting a GET on the following
It returns me all the data points I entered last time as JSON
I then try to PATCH the data adding my own data to the folliwng URL
With this as a the request body
"minStartTimeNs": "1421912895000000000",
"maxEndTimeNs": "1432193482000000000",
"dataSourceId": "",
"point": [
"startTimeNanos": "1421912895000000000",
"modifiedTimeMillis": "1421912895000",
"endTimeNanos": "1421912895000000000",
"value": [
"fPVal": 89.1
"dataTypeName": ""
But I get back
"error": {
"code": 400,
"message": "Unable to fetch DataSource for Dataset:",
"errors": [
"domain": "global",
"message": "Unable to fetch DataSource for Dataset:",
"reason": "invalidArgument"
I can't find any one referencing a similar anywhere soo I'm here
Also note if I miss spell my source it tells me off because they don't match the URL, if i include an empty list of data points I get the same error. I'm quite lost so I'm throwing it out there to see if anyone knows what that means
Thanks in advance
edit: i tried changing the hex code for my project's integer code and got an error about untrusted source. so i tried making a new test data source which works as expected. Slightly annoyed but guess I'll just start over..
OK I was stupid and didn't set up my own credentials in the OAuth settings in top right of the dashboard as it said to here. I forgot that bit -_- now I can access my own stream again and it shows my integer project id in the stream id not the hex one
Now I get invalid argument, but.. whatever >_<
edit 2:
invalid argument was because I have fPVal instead of fpVal and modifiedTimeMillis mills is not supposed to be submitted, obviously