Row level security issues on insert - postgresql

I am trying to create an RLS in supabase for an initiative_categories table since when the service creates a new initiative it calls another function to create a new record in the initiative_categories tables but when it does the operation Insertion into the table returns a 403 with the following error: new row violates row-level security policy for table "initiative_categories".
Currently my row security level has been configured like this:
(initiative_id = ( SELECT
FROM initiatives
WHERE (( = initiative_categories.initiative_id) AND (uid() = initiatives.user_id))

Would this work?
(exists (SELECT
FROM initiatives
WHERE id = initiative_id AND uid() = user_id)


Problems with create policy of update

I want to use row level security to create a policy for update, tb.idx never could update to less than 2 if cls = 'great2':
create table tb (
idx integer,
cls text);
create role user1;
grant all on tb to user1;
create policy up_p on tb for update
with check (idx >2 and cls='great2');
set role user1;
select * from tb;
update tb set idx=1 cls='great2'
There are two problems:
when using select * from tb, it shows an empty table.
it allows update with idx=1 cls='great2'.
it shows an empty table.
Quote from the manual
If row-level security is enabled for a table, but no applicable policies exist, a “default deny” policy is assumed, so that no rows will be visible or updatable.
So you need to create a policy that allows selecting:
create policy tb_select on tb
for select
using (true);
it allows update with idx=1 cls='great2'.
Quote from the manual
Existing table rows are checked against the expression specified in USING, while new rows that would be created via INSERT or UPDATE are checked against the expression specified in WITH CHECK
As you created the policy with using (true) that means all rows can be updated.
So you need:
create policy up_p on tb
for update
using (idx > 2 and cls='great2');
Assuming there is a row with (1, 'great2') the following update would not update anything:
update stuff.tb
set cls = 'great2'
where idx = 1;
Note, that for the policy to actually be active you also need:
alter table tb enable row level security;
However, if you simply want to ensure that values for idx are always greater than 2 for rows with cls = 'great2', a check constraint might be the better option:
create table tb
idx integer,
cls text,
constraint check_idx check ( (idx > 2 and cls = 'great2') or (cls <> 'great2'))
insert into tb
(10, 'great2'),
(1, 'foo');
Now running:
update tb
set idx = 1
where idx = 10
results in:
ERROR: new row for relation "tb" violates check constraint "check_idx"
Detail: Failing row contains (1, great2).
the same happens if you change the cls value for a row with idx <= 2
update tb
set cls = 'great2'
where idx = 1;

Postgresql - Rule with On Conflict Statement

I have a table in postgres with columns link(PK), person, places and date. I would like to create a rule that when insert is command is issued from my backend program then if there is a conflict on the link column it would do an upsert ( update the person, places and date) columns for the same link. I cannot figure out the format of the rule. Below is pseudo code of what I am looking for.
Create Rule rssmodel as on
INSERT into public.rssmodel
On conflict (link)
do UPDATE public.rssmodel
set person = data, places=data, date=data
You could do something like this to achieve that:
CREATE RULE rssmodel_insert AS ON
INSERT TO public.rssmodel
WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 from rssmodel where = link)
UPDATE public.rssmodel
SET person = NEW.person, places = NEW.places, date = WHERE link =;

I'm trying to insert tuples into a table A (from table B) if the primary key of the table B tuple doesn't exist in tuple A

Here is what I have so far:
INSERT INTO Tenants (LeaseStartDate, LeaseExpirationDate, Rent, LeaseTenantSSN, RentOverdue)
SELECT CURRENT_DATE, NULL, NewRentPayments.Rent, NewRentPayments.LeaseTenantSSN, FALSE from NewRentPayments
WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM Tenants, NewRentPayments WHERE NewRentPayments.HouseID = Tenants.HouseID AND
NewRentPayments.ApartmentNumber = Tenants.ApartmentNumber)
So, HouseID and ApartmentNumber together make up the primary key. If there is a tuple in table B (NewRentPayments) that doesn't exist in table A (Tenants) based on the primary key, then it needs to be inserted into Tenants.
The problem is, when I run my query, it doesn't insert anything (I know for a fact there should be 1 tuple inserted). I'm at a loss, because it looks like it should work.
Your subquery was not correlated - It was just a non-correlated join query.
As per description of your problem, you don't need this join.
Try this:
insert into Tenants (LeaseStartDate, LeaseExpirationDate, Rent, LeaseTenantSSN, RentOverdue)
select current_date, null, p.Rent, p.LeaseTenantSSN, FALSE
from NewRentPayments p
where not exists (
select *
from Tenants t
where p.HouseID = t.HouseID
and p.ApartmentNumber = t.ApartmentNumber

In DB2, perform an update based on insert for large number of rows

In DB2, I need to do an insert, then, using results/data from that insert, update a related table. I need to do it on a million plus records and would prefer not to lock the entire database. So, 1) how do I 'couple' the insert and update statements? 2) how can I ensure the integrity of the transaction (without locking the whole she-bang)?
some pseudo-code should help clarify
insert into table1 (neededId, id) select DYNAMICVALUE, id from tableX where needed value is null
update table2 set neededId = (GET THE DYNAMIC VALUE JUST INSERTED) where id = (THE ID JUST INSERTED)
note: in table1, the ID col is not unique, so i can't just filter on that to find the new DYNAMICVALUE
This should be more clear (FTR, this works, but I don't like it, because I'd have to lock the tables to maintain integrity. Would be great it I could run these statements together, and allow the update to refer to the newAddressNumber value.)
--insert a new address for each order that does not have a address id
insert into addresses
(customerId, addressNumber, address)
--get next available addressNumber
ifNull((select max(addy2.addressNumber) from addresses addy2 where addy2.customerId =,0) + 1 as newAddressNumber,
from customers cust
where exists (
--find all customers with at least 1 order where addressNumber is null
select 1 from orders ord
where 1=1
and ord.customerId =
and ord.addressNumber is null
update orders ord1
set addressNumber = (
select max(addressNumber) from addresses addy3
where addy3.customerId = ord1.customerId
where 1=1
and ord1.addressNumber is null
The IDENTITY_VAL_LOCAL function is a non-deterministic function that returns the most recently assigned value for an identity column, where the assignment occurred as a result of a single INSERT statement using a VALUES clause

Can Entity Framework assign wrong Identity column value in case of high concurency additions

We have an auto-increment Identity column Id as part of my user object. For a campaign we just did for a client we had up to 600 signups per minute. This is code block doing the addition:
using (var ctx = new {{ProjectName}}_Entities())
int userId = ctx.Users.Where(u => u.Email.Equals(request.Email)).Select(u => u.Id).SingleOrDefault();
if (userId == 0)
var user = new User() { /* Initializing user properties here */ };
userId = user.Id;
Then we use the userId to insert data into another table. What happened during high load is that there were multiple rows with same userId even though there shouldn't be. It seems like the above code returned the same Identity (int) number for multiple inserts.
I read through a few blog/forum posts saying that there might be an issue with SCOPE_IDENTITY() which Entity Framework uses to return the auto-increment value after insert.
They say a possible workaround would be writing insert procedure for User with INSERT ... OUTPUT INSERTED.Id which I'm familiar with.
Anybody else experienced this issue? Any suggestion on how this should be handled with Entity Framework?
After further analyzing data I'm almost 100% positive this is the problem. Identity column had skipped auto-increment values 48 times total 2727, (2728 missing), 2729,... and exactly 48 duplicates we have in the other table.
It seems like EF returned random Identity value for each row it wasn't able to insert for some reason.
Anybody have any idea what could possible be going on here?
Possibly important info I didn't mention is that this happened on Azure Website with Azure SQL. We had 4 instances running at the time it happened.
Stored Proc:
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[p_ClaimCoupon]
#CampaignId int,
#UserId int,
#Flow tinyint
[Code] CHAR(11) NOT NULL,
[ClaimedBefore] BIT NOT NULL
INSERT INTO #myCoupons
SELECT TOP(1) c.Id, c.Code, c.ExpiresAt, 1
FROM Coupons c
WHERE c.CampaignId = #CampaignId AND c.UserId = #UserId
DECLARE #couponCount int = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #myCoupons)
IF #couponCount > 0
FROM #myCoupons
UPDATE TOP(1) Coupons
SET UserId = #UserId, IsClaimed = 1, ClaimedAt = GETUTCDATE(), Flow = #Flow
OUTPUT DELETED.Id, DELETED.Code, DELETED.ExpiresAt, CAST(0 AS BIT) as [ClaimedBefore]
WHERE CampaignId = #CampaignId AND IsClaimed = 0
Called like this from the same EF context:
var coupon = ctx.Database.SqlQuery<CouponViewModel>(
"EXEC p_ClaimCoupon #CampaignId, #UserId, #Flow",
new SqlParameter("CampaignId", {{CampaignId}}),
new SqlParameter("UserId", {{userId}}),
new SqlParameter("Flow", {{Flow}})).FirstOrDefault();
No, that's not possible. For one, that would be an egregious bug in EF. You are not the first one to put 600 inserts/second on it. Also, SCOPE_IDENTITY is explicitly safe and is the recommended practice.
These statements go for the case that you are using a SQL Server IDENTITY column as ID.
I admit I don't know how Azure SQL Database synchronizes the generation of unique, sequential IDs, but intuitively it must be costly, especially at your rates.
If non-sequential IDs are an option, you might want to consider generating UUIDs at the application level. I know this doesn't answer your direct question, but it would improve performance (unverified) and bypass your problem.
Update: Scratch that, Azure SQL Database isn't distributed, it's simply replicated from a single primary node. So, no real performance gain to expect from alternatives to IDENTITY keys, and supposedly the number of instances is not significant to your problem.
I think your problem may be here:
UPDATE TOP(1) Coupons
SET UserId = #UserId, IsClaimed = 1, ClaimedAt = GETUTCDATE(), Flow = #Flow
OUTPUT DELETED.Id, DELETED.Code, DELETED.ExpiresAt, CAST(0 AS BIT) as [ClaimedBefore]
WHERE CampaignId = #CampaignId AND IsClaimed = 0
This will update the UserId of first record it finds in the campaign that hasn't been claimed. It doesn't look robust to me in the event that inserting a user failed. Are you sure that is correct?