I installed psql on my system without having added any new package sources. Later,I added postgres's package repo following the instructions on their website and ran sudo apt install postgres. I then ran sudo apt remove postgres.
Now, when I run sudo apt remove postgresql again, apt tells me "Unable to locate package postgresql". However, running dpkg -l | grep sql yields (among other things):
ii postgresql-14 14.5-0ubuntu0.22.04.1 amd64 The World's Most Advanced Open Source Relational Database
ii postgresql-15 15.1-1.pgdg22.04+1 amd64 The World's Most Advanced Open Source Relational Database
ii postgresql-client-14 14.5-0ubuntu0.22.04.1 amd64 front-end programs for PostgreSQL 14
ii postgresql-client-15 15.1-1.pgdg22.04+1 amd64 front-end programs for PostgreSQL 15
ii postgresql-client-common 246.pgdg22.04+1 all manager for multiple PostgreSQL client versions
ii postgresql-common 246.pgdg22.04+1 all PostgreSQL database-cluster manager
And running psql --version from the command line yields psql (PostgreSQL) 15.1 (Ubuntu 15.1-1.pgdg22.04+1).
Here are some questions, info about any is appreciated:
Why can't apt find the postgresql package even though psql is installed?
What package is psql part of and how do I figure that out? Does psql still exist on my system because it is part of a package that another package I have installed depends on?
I'm just interested in using the most recent LTS version of postgres (15.1 at the time I'm writing this). Do I need the version 14 packages which exist on my systems? If not, how do I remove them?
Edit: After sudo apt removeing postgresql-14 and postgresql-15, psql still exists on my system but gives the following error: psql: error: connection to server on socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432" failed: No such file or directory. Why does the psql command still work?
I have an Ubuntu 22 server on which I installed Postgres like this:
$ sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib
It's been running for a while but I've just noticed I appear to have both versions 12 and 14 installed and running. For example:
$ sudo su postgres -c "psql"
psql (14.5 (Ubuntu 14.5-0ubuntu0.22.04.1), server 12.12 (Ubuntu 12.12-0ubuntu0.20.04.1))
$ pg_lsclusters
Ver Cluster Port Status Owner Data directory Log file
12 main 5432 online postgres /var/lib/postgresql/12/main /var/log/postgresql/postgresql-12-main.log
14 main 5433 online postgres /var/lib/postgresql/14/main /var/log/postgresql/postgresql-14-main.log
I've seen solutions for fixing this by dumping the data, uninstalling both versions, and installing the specific version (such as this answer) but my questions are:
Why did this happen in the first place?
What is the correct way to install Postgres on a new server to ensure only one version is installed? Every tutorial I've seen (such as Digital Ocean's) do what I did.
I am trying to install postgresql for the meta data of hive on Amazon EC2 Linux machine.
And at that point, I am trying to connect postgresql outside docker image. Inside, I can connect the postgresql.
I tried this command:
[ec2-user#ip-****-***-** ~]$ sudo yum install postgresql-client -y
and the result:
Failed to set locale, defaulting to C
Loaded plugins: extras_suggestions, langpacks, priorities, update-motd
amzn2-core | 3.7 kB 00:00:00
No package postgresql-client available.
Error: Nothing to do
To ensure locale, I tried these ones:
[ec2-user#ip-***-***-*** ~]$ echo "$LANG"
[ec2-user#ip-***-***-*** ~]$ echo "$LC_CTYPE"
Then, I tried this one install postgresql-client lastly:
[ec2-user#ip-***-***-*** ~]$ sudo amazon-linux-extras install postgresql-client
Topic postgresql-client is not found.
I am not so familiar with these technologies, if you can help I will be so appreciated
Install postgresql package
sudo yum install postgresql
As mentioned by #Anon Coward in comments, this package contains the postgresql client. Check it with
yum search postgresql
If you get the error...
No match for argument: postgresql ...
I found that AWS Linux is a dynamic changing OS, so here is the current method + how to detect a new way to do this...
Current method (as of Oct 21, 2022)
(I have Machine Image (AMI): Amazon Linux 2022)
$ sudo yum update
$ sudo yum install postgresql13
$ psql --version
psql (PostgreSQL) 13.5
Future proof answer
Try this first ...
$ sudo yum update
$ sudo yum search "postgres"
... and look in the output for a line like this: postgresql13.aarch64 : PostgreSQL client programs. This tells you the current version of an installable client package name - in this case postgresql13. Now you know which package to install and avoid: No match for argument: postgresql error.
It seems, for Linux that Amazon now says to use yum directly vs. the old amazon-linux-extras here... Install software packages on an Amazon Linux instance. Then you wonder, how to know which package name to use to install it, which is here: Find software packages on an Amazon Linux instance. I used a small part of the name as a 'key' to search for: sudo yum search "postgres" which got me the answer, by looking at the output.
This currently works for my version of Amazon linux:
$ uname -a
Linux ip-0-0-0-0.ec2.internal 5.15.43-20.123.amzn2022.aarch64 #1 SMP Thu May 26 17:03:36 UTC 2022 aarch64 aarch64 aarch64 GNU/Linux
This is a new instance with almost nothing added, not even additional yum archives, YMMV.
omnia#ubuntu:~$ psql --version
psql (PostgreSQL) 9.3.4
omnia#ubuntu:~$ pg_dump --version
pg_dump (PostgreSQL) 9.2.8
omnia#ubuntu:~$ dpkg -l | grep pg
ii gnupg 1.4.11-3ubuntu2.5 GNU privacy guard - a free PGP replacement
ii gpgv 1.4.11-3ubuntu2.5 GNU privacy guard - signature verification tool
ii libgpg-error0 1.10-2ubuntu1 library for common error values and messages in GnuPG components
ii libpq5 9.3.4-1.pgdg60+1 PostgreSQL C client library
ii pgdg-keyring 2013.2 keyring for apt.postgresql.org
ii postgresql-9.2 9.2.8-1.pgdg60+1 object-relational SQL database, version 9.2 server
ii postgresql-9.3 9.3.4-1.pgdg60+1 object-relational SQL database, version 9.3 server
ii postgresql-client-9.2 9.2.8-1.pgdg60+1 front-end programs for PostgreSQL 9.2
ii postgresql-client-9.3 9.3.4-1.pgdg60+1 front-end programs for PostgreSQL 9.3
ii postgresql-client-common 154.pgdg60+1 manager for multiple PostgreSQL client versions
ii postgresql-common 154.pgdg60+1 PostgreSQL database-cluster manager
ii python-gnupginterface 0.3.2-9.1ubuntu3 Python interface to GnuPG (GPG)
ii unattended-upgrades 0.76ubuntu1 automatic installation of security upgrades
ii update-manager-core 1: manage release upgrades
Seems I have both installed but pg_dump is stuck in an older version? Weird since both are linked to the same "wrapper":
omnia#ubuntu:~$ readlink /usr/bin/psql
omnia#ubuntu:~$ readlink /usr/bin/pg_dump
What am I doing wrong?
sudo rm /usr/bin/pg_dump
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/postgresql/9.3/bin/pg_dump /usr/bin/pg_dump
If your pg_dump is sym-linked to pg_wrapper, then the best fix is to tell pg_wrapper which version to use.
* * 9.6 localhost:5432 *
to /etc/postgresql-common/user_clusters, (assuming your postmaster is listening on localhost:5432 of course).
This then fixes the problem for all pg_ commands, doesn't involve breaking anything, and scales nicely for future versions which you may wish to install.
See man pg_wrapper and man postgresqlrc for details and other options.
NB This answer is specifically for Debian/Ubuntu, and is most likely applicable when there are two version of pg installed, eg. after an upgrade.
The pgdg60 package suffix leads me to believe these packages are not from the official Ubuntu repository. Try looking into /etc/apt/sources.list or /etc/apt/sources.list.d and see if you have any third party PPA's or repositories specified.
Try getting the Postgresql packages either from your Ubuntu repo (although these may be a bit out-of-date depending on your Ubuntu version), or from the official postgres repo (they provide an apt server for Ubuntu/Debian): https://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Apt
So this morning I couldn't install Postgres 9.1 from the Ubuntu repo. I tried installing 9.2 from postgres repo, but if failed with the same error. The error trace is really uninformative (I don't even know what is the source of this error). Google didn't tell me anything as well.
It failed during installation with the same error, and I tried to create the cluster manually. But...
root#Ubuntu-1304-raring-64-minimal /home/tmp # pg_createcluster 9.2 main --start
Creating new cluster (configuration: /etc/postgresql/9.2/main, data: /var/lib/postgresql/9.2/main)...
FATAL: syntax error at line 5067: unexpected character ";"
child process exited with exit code 1
initdb: removing contents of data directory "/var/lib/postgresql/9.2/main"
Error: initdb failed
What is wrong?
According to this output from dpkg -l 'postgres*':
ii postgresql-9.2 9.2.4-1.pgdg12.4+1 amd64 object-relational SQL database, version 9.2 server
un postgresql-client (no description available)
ii postgresql-client-9.1 9.1.9-1ubuntu1 amd64 front-end programs for PostgreSQL 9.1
ii postgresql-client-9.2 9.2.4-1.pgdg12.4+1 amd64 front-end programs for PostgreSQL 9.2
ii postgresql-client-common 140 all manager for multiple PostgreSQL client versions
ii postgresql-common 140 all
postgresql-9.2 is already installed (see the ii flags in the leftmost column), as well as the client tools for 9.1 and 9.2 from a mix of pgdg and ubuntu repositories.
Anyway, the error encountered by pg_createcluster is quite unusual. From the output, especially the line number, it would seem that the underlying initdb fails when playing the postgres.bki file.
For 9.2, this file is: /usr/share/postgresql/9.2/postgres.bki. It contains low-level commands in a sql-like dialect to populate the cluster with pre-initialized data (template databases, pre-defined types and views, etc.)
It's hard to imagine that this file would be corrupted, especially since you have a similar problem when installing 9.1 that comes with a different postgres.bki file right from the package.
Still you may check just in case what's at line 5067 and around. In my build directory for 9.2.4, I have this:
insert OID = 1 ( template1 10 ENCODING "LC_COLLATE" "LC_CTYPE" t t -1 0 0 1663 _null_)
And there isn't a ; character anywhere in the entire file.
Other than that, you may want to remove the entire postgresql installation to restart from a clean base:
# purge client packages
dpkg --purge postgresql-client-9.1 postgresql-client-9.2 postgresql-client-common
# purge server packages
dpkg --purge postgresql-9.2 postgresql-common
You're... trying to install postgres?
Either one of these commands should get you on your way:
sudo apt-get install postgresql-9.1
sudo apt-get install postgresql-9.2
Here's the download page
If those commands returned an error, the error response would be helpful information to include in your question.
I'm afraid I've never tried manually creating the clusters before, so I'm probably not of much help.
I'm trying to get it installed and use in ubuntu. Was following this page to install the additional instrumentation packages.
Install Server Instrumentation for Postgresql 8.4
To install Server Instrumentation for Postgresql 8.4 you may use the command line and type:
sudo apt-get install postgresql-contrib
Run the adminpack.sql script, simply type:
sudo -u postgres psql < /usr/share/postgresql/8.4/contrib/adminpack.sql
But I couldn't find adminpack.sql in 9.1 version.
In PostgreSQL 9.1 and later, extensions can be installed via the CREATE EXTENSION command:
sudo -u postgres psql
Try locate adminpack. But first, run updatedb to make sure the locate database is up to date.
sudo updatedb
locate adminpack
The output is:
Looks like this is old and comments are closed, so I'm opening another answer.
ldalonzo's answer is correct once you have all the components, but I found I also had to run:
sudo apt-get install postgresql-contrib-9.1
Looks like the bare postgresql package doesn't include the additional modules.
Once you install postgresql-contrib using below command
sudo apt-get install postgresql-contrib
Adminpack is located in the below path
To load the adminpack use the below command
sudo su postgres -c psql < /usr/share/postgresql/9.1/extension/adminpack--1.0.sql
sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql restart