Flutter - Textfield/keyboard issue whenever clicking on special characters button - flutter

Whenever I type into a text field and click on the special characters button & then try to edit past text by clicking in between some of the letters, it'll automatically highlight all of the text instead of showing the original single cursor sitting between 2 letters. This can be a bit annoying and confusing for the user experience. Is there any quick fix for this?
Note: I'm using a real device (Samsung Galaxy S8)
Here are 2 images to better explain this problem:
Trying to edit text before clicking on special characters button:
Trying to edit text after clicking on special characters button:


TinyMCE - On the drop of text, need to add space after the text

Dropping text with a link to the editor. When the user focuses on the editor, the focus is set to the last text link. Now the user starts typing the continuation starts from the last text link, the link is getting expanded.
same in tinymce app https://www.tiny.cloud/docs/demo/full-featured/
If I’m able to add space after a dropped text or on focus then I can resolve this issue. How do achieve this?

Weird characters appeared in Netbeans

I was creating java classes in netbeans, and I don't know what button I pressed to make points for placeholder followed by the paragraph markers (ΒΆ) appear in my code.
How can I proceed to make them disappear?
That's what it looks like at the moment
Try view > Show Non-Printable Characters
Go to 'View' and uncheck the Show Non-Printable Characters. That will clears off your problem
View -> Show Non-printable Characters

How to start the search process in Visual Studio Code

I can see the search form panel in left side, but, how can I start the search process? there is a field to put the text that I am looking for, but I don't find a button or icon to press and start the search process, I don't want to try pressing the enter button because I don't know if pressing enter will search or it will replace (since there is also a "replace" field)
Enter will start the search, don't worry. If I remember correctly
Ctrl+alt+enter does the replacement for all and you also have to
confirm before the replacement – FreshD
thanks, I also noticed a small triangle to hide the replace field

How to understand when the system use autocomplete in textView in Swift

I have TextView and enabled text suggestions. How can I understand when user is writing part of the word and when press Space/Return the system autocomplete the word?
My problem is that I want to change the Font and go to new line when the user press Font changing button on the screen. Now when the button is clicked, the system add the line, the new font, but after that add his autocompletion and override my added line and change my Selected Range.
At the end the cursor is on previous line between the letters of the added autocompleted word and when start typing it is with my new added Font.
textView.autocorrectionType = .no
is not working, because the system knows it wants to change the word. The only found solution is
in my method. This will make the autocomplete first and after that continue with my method. And yeah, because I make both of them there is no moving keyboard(hide, show), but I want to find better solution

How they do a software that let you add smilies and images in various other messaging softwares?

take for example the Iminent google chrome plugin, it let's you add smilies to youtube comments, facebook chat, gmail etc...
I just don't undertands how, didn't just who ever made the software can do this type of thing?
Unicode has had "smileys" (a.k.a. emoji) for a while, and web applications that support Unicode (sometimes referred to as UTF-8) can accept them (and international characters) in places like text input boxes. So the programs in question treat these like any other character.
I'm not sure what Windows' equivalent is, but on the Mac, there's a "Show Character Viewer" item in the keyboard menu which lets you search for and insert these characters. To enable it, go to the Keyboard panel in System Preferences. In the Keyboard tab, there's a checkbox for Show Input & Character Viewers in menu bar near the bottom. Check it and you get a small country flag icon in the menu bar, which is the keyboard menu.