Making only some columns editable on streamlit-aggrid? - ag-grid

I'm new to streamlit-aggrid.
I have a CSV file I want to load to a dynamic table and allow editions to only some of the columns.
I saw this example:
import streamlit as st
import pandas as pd
from st_aggrid import AgGrid
df = pd.DataFrame({'col1': [1, 2, 3], 'col2': [4, 5, 6]})
grid_return = AgGrid(df, editable=True)
new_df = grid_return['data']
So I've followed it, but let's say that instead of editable=True, that allows both col1 and col2 values to be modified, I want to allow modifications on one of them (not important which one).
How can I do that please?
I tried to pass a columns subset into the editable args but it is only accepting boolean values.


How to create this function in PySpark?

I have a large data frame, consisting of 400+ columns and 14000+ records, that I need to clean.
I have defined a python code to do this, but due to the size of my dataset, I need to use PySpark to clean it. However, I am very unfamiliar with PySpark and don't know how I would create the python function in PySpark.
This is the function in python:
unwanted_characters = ['[', ',', '-', '#', '#', ' ']
cols = df.columns.to_list()
def clean_col(item):
column= str(item.loc[col])
for character in unwanted_characters:
if character in column:
character_index = column.find(character)
column = column[:character_index]
return column
for x in cols:
df[x] = lrndf.apply(clean_col, axis=1)
This function works in python but I cannot apply it to 400+ columns.
I have tried to convert this funtion to pyspark:
clean_colUDF = udf(lambda z: clean_col(z))"Name"), \
convertUDF(col("Name")).alias("Name") ) \
But when I run it I get the error:
AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'loc'
Does anyone know how I would modify this so that it works in pyspark?
My columns datatypes are both integers and strings so I need it to work on both.
Use built-in pyspark.sql.functions wherever possible as they provide a ready-made performant toolkit which should be able to cover 95% of any data transformation requirement without having to implement your own custom UDF's
pyspark.sql.functions docs:
For what you want to do I would start with regex_replace()

PySpark Code Modification to Remove Nulls

I received help with following PySpark to prevent errors when doing a Merge in Databricks, see here
Databricks Error: Cannot perform Merge as multiple source rows matched and attempted to modify the same target row in the Delta table conflicting way
I was wondering if I could get help to modify the code to drop NULLs.
from pyspark.sql.window import Window
from pyspark.sql.functions import row_number
df2 = partdf.withColumn("rn", row_number().over(Window.partitionBy("P_key").orderBy("Id")))
df3 = df2.filter("rn = 1").drop("rn")
The code that you are using does not completely delete the rows where P_key is null. It is applying the row number for null values and where row number value is 1 where P_key is null, that row is not getting deleted.
You can instead use the instead to get the required result.["P_key"]).show(truncate=False)
To make your approach work, you can use the following approach. Add a row with least possible unique id value. Store this id in a variable, use the same code and add additional condition in filter as shown below.
from pyspark.sql.window import Window
from pyspark.sql.functions import row_number,when,col
df ="header",True).csv("dbfs:/FileStore/sample1.csv")
#adding row with least possible id value.
dup_id = '0'
new_row = spark.createDataFrame([[dup_id,'','x','x']], schema = ['id','P_key','c1','c2'])
#replacing empty string with null for P_Key
new_row = new_row.withColumn('P_key',when(col('P_key')=='',None).otherwise(col('P_key')))
df = df.union(new_row) #row added
#code to remove duplicates
df2 = df.withColumn("rn", row_number().over(Window.partitionBy("P_key").orderBy("id")))
#additional condition to remove added id row.
df3 = df2.filter((df2.rn == 1) & (df2.P_key!=dup_id)).drop("rn")

How do I create new columns containing lead values generated from another column in Pyspark?

The following code pulls down daily oil prices (dcoilwtico), resamples the daily figures to monthly, calculates the 12-month (i.e. year over year percent) change and finally contains a loop to shift the YoY percent change ahead 1 month (dcoilwtico_1), 2 months (dcoilwtico_2) all the way out to 12 months (dcoilwtico_12) as new columns:
import pandas_datareader as pdr
start = datetime.datetime (2016, 1, 1)
end = datetime.datetime (2022, 12, 1)
#1. Get historic data
df_fred_daily = pdr.DataReader(['DCOILWTICO'],'fred', start, end).dropna().resample('M').mean() # Pull daily, remove NaN and collapse from daily to monthly
df_fred_daily.columns= df_fred_daily.columns.str.lower()
#2. Expand df range: index, column names
index_fred = pd.date_range('2022-12-31', periods=13, freq='M')
columns_fred_daily = df_fred_daily.columns.to_list()
#3. Append history + empty df
df_fred_daily_forecast = pd.DataFrame(index=index_fred, columns=columns_fred_daily)
df_fred_test_daily=pd.concat([df_fred_daily, df_fred_daily_forecast])
#4. New df, calculate yoy percent change for each commodity
df_fred_test_daily_yoy= ((df_fred_test_daily - df_fred_test_daily.shift(12))/df_fred_test_daily.shift(12))*100
#5. Extend each variable as a series from 1 to 12 months
for col in df_fred_test_daily_yoy.columns:
for i in range(1,13):
df_fred_test_daily_yoy["%s_%s"%(col,i)] = df_fred_test_daily_yoy[col].shift(i)
And produces the following df:
Question: My real world example contains hundreds of columns and I would like to generate these same results using Pyspark.
How would this be coded using Pyspark?
As your code is already ready, I would use koalas, "a pandas spark version", You just need to install
see the simple example
import databricks.koalas as ks
import pandas as pd
pdf = pd.DataFrame({'x':range(3), 'y':['a','b','b'], 'z':['a','b','b']})
# Create a Koalas DataFrame from pandas DataFrame
df = ks.from_pandas(pdf)
# Rename the columns
df.columns = ['x', 'y', 'z1']
# Do some operations in place:
df['x2'] = df.x * df.x

Using select statement in pyspark changes values in column

I'm experiencing a very weird behavior in pyspark (databricks).
In my initial dataframe (df_original) I have multiple columns (id, text and some_others) and I add a new column 'detected_language'. The new column is added using a join with another dataframe df_detections (with columns id and detected_language). The ids in the two dataframes correspond to each other).
df_detections is created like this:
ids = [125, ...] # length x
detections = ['ko', ...] # length x
detections_with_id = list(zip(ids, detections))
df_detections = spark.createDataFrame(detections_with_id, ["id", "detected_language"])
df = df_original.join(df_detections, on='id', how='left)
Here is the weird part. Whenever I display the dataframe using a select statement I get the correct detected_language value. However, using only display I get a totally different value (e.g. 'fr' or any other language code) for the same entry (see the statements and their corresponding results below).
How is that possible? Can anybody think of a reason why this is? And how would I solve something like this?
Displaying correct value with select:
display(['id', 'text', 'detected_language']))
내 한국어 텍스트
Displaying wrong value without select:
내 한국어 텍스트
I appreciate any hints or ideas! Thank you!

How to sum values of an entire column in pyspark

I have a data frame with 900 columns I need the sum of each column in pyspark, so it will be 900 values in a list. Please let me know how to do this? Data has around 280 mil rows all binary data.
Assuming you already have the data in a Spark DataFrame, you can use the sum SQL function, together with DataFrame.agg.
For example:
sdf = spark.createDataFrame([[1, 3], [2, 4]], schema=['a','b'])
from pyspark.sql import functions as F
sdf.agg(F.sum(sdf.a), F.sum(sdf.b)).collect()
# Out: [Row(sum(a)=3, sum(b)=7)]
Since in your case you have quite a few columns, you can use a list comprehension to avoid naming columns explicitly.
sums = sdf.agg(*[F.sum(sdf[c_name]) for c_name in sdf.columns]).collect()
Notice how you need to unpack the arguments from the list using the * operator.