How to fetch data without retrieve to widgets in flutter? - flutter

In my code I want fetch data to backend without show in ui. Data getting from API, andaslo for that I use model class that same model and API call I used to fetch data and show in UI. That's work without any errors.But in this page I want get doctor_in vale is true or false from that same model and API call method.
model class
class DataDoctor {
String appId;
String channelName;
String receiver_name;
bool doctor_in;
{required this.appId,
required this.channelName,
required this.receiver_name,
required this.doctor_in});
factory DataDoctor.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
return DataDoctor(
appId: json['appId'] == null ? null : json['appId'],
channelName: json['channelName'] == null ? null : json['channelName'],
json['receiver_name'] == null ? null : json['receiver_name'],
doctor_in: json['doctor_in'] == null ? null : json['doctor_in'],
using this model I want get doctor_in boolean value
to the getDoctorActive() method
getDoctorActive() method
void getDoctorActive() {
Map<String, dynamic> jsonData =
json.decode(jsonDataAsString) as Map<String, dynamic>;
doctor_in.value = jsonData['doctor_in'].toString(); }
How to get data without show in UI in flutter?
API code
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:http/http.dart';
import '../model/appIdModel.dart';
class ApiService {
loadData(String channelName) async {
final String url ='$channelName';
Future<List<Data>> getData() async {
Response response = await get(Uri.parse(url));
if (response.statusCode == 2000) {
Map<String, dynamic> json = jsonDecode(response.body);
List<dynamic> body = json['data'];
List<Data> datas = item) => Data.fromJson(item).toList();
return datas;
} else {
throw ('cannot fetch data');
Timer? timer;
bool doctor_in = false;
void initState() {
timer =
Timer.periodic(Duration(seconds: 15), (Timer t) => checkDoctorActive());
Future<void> checkDoctorActive() async {
if (doctor_in == true) {
future = client.getData(widget.channelName);
API call

If you want to periodically fetch data in the background without updating the UI, you can create a class for that purpose, like this
class DoctorCheck{
Future<bool> isDoctorActive(String channelName) async {
// do the api call here as shown in the line below
// var jsonResponse = await client.getData(widget.channelName)
return Data.fromJson(jsonResponse).doctor_in == true;
And call it wherever you want, like this
bool isDoctorActive = await DoctorCheck().isDoctorActive(channelName);
It will return a bool whether the doctor is active or not.
Put it in a function like this
Future<void> dr() async {
bool isDrActive = await DoctorCheck().isDoctorActive(channelName);
setState(() { doctor_in = isDrActive; });
Whenever you call dr(), your variable doctor_in will be updated with the latest value of whether doctor is active or not.

From #rrttrr answer with a change
class DoctorCheck{
Future<bool> isDoctorActive(String channelName) async {
return Data.fromJson(json).doctor_in == true; // Change jsonResponse to json


How to fetch an array data from API and map it to the dart object?

I'm trying to use Flutter documentation to map an array data (comes from API) to the dart object. The documentation uses a single Json object, not an array. I have the following codes:
Json data:
"channelId" : 1
"channelTitle" : "Photos"
"channelImage" : pr01.jpg
"channelLastPost" : null
"lastUpdate" : null
"userRef" : 1
"channelId" : 2
"channelTitle" : "Science"
"channelImage" : pr02.jpg
"channelLastPost" : "For test ...."
"lastUpdate" : "2023-01-03"
"userRef" : 1
class ChannelListModel {
String creator;
String? image;
String title;
String lastPost;
String lastUpdate;
{required this.creator,
required this.image,
required this.title,
required this.lastPost,
required this.lastUpdate});
factory ChannelListModel.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
return ChannelListModel(
creator: json['userRef'],
image: json['channelImage'],
title: json['channelTitle'],
lastPost: json['channelLastPost'],
lastUpdate: json['lastUpdate']);
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
return {
"userRef" : creator,
"channelImage" : image,
"channelTitle" : title,
"channelLastPost" : lastPost,
"lastUpdate" : lastUpdate
class HttpServices {
Future<List<ChannelListModel>> getChannelList() async {
var url = base.BaseURL.channelListUrl;
final response = await http.get(Uri.parse(url));
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
// If the server did return a 200 OK response,
// then parse the JSON.
return List<ChannelListModel>.fromJson(jsonDecode(response.body)); //I have problem in this line
} else {
// If the server did not return a 200 OK response,
// then throw an exception.
throw Exception('Failed to load album');
class _ChannelsState extends State<Channels> {
List<ChannelListModel> channels = [];
void initState() {
channels = getChannelsFromHttp(); // A valid array object needs to be provided here.
var httpService = HttpServices();
var result = await httpService.getChannelList();
return result;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
body: ListView.builder(
itemCount: channels.length,
itemBuilder: (context, index) =>
ChannelCard(channelModel: channels[index]),
I want to classify my codes so I decided to provided different dart files for each part. How can I fix my code?
Instead of
Try this code,
List<ChannelListModel> channels = [];
final res = jsonDecode(response.body);
(res).map((x) => ChannelListModel.fromJson(x))));
return channels;
Added based on comments
void initState() {
var httpService = HttpServices();
var result = await httpService.getChannelList();
channels = result;
Your fromJson factory returns single ChannelListModel.
You can't use List<ChannelListModel>.fromJson. Instead iterate through List and convert each json to ChannelListModel
class HttpServices {
Future<List<ChannelListModel>> getChannelList() async {
var url = base.BaseURL.channelListUrl;
final response = await http.get(Uri.parse(url));
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
// If the server did return a 200 OK response,
// then parse the JSON.
//return List<ChannelListModel>.fromJson(jsonDecode(response.body));
final data = jsonDecode(response.body) as List<dynamic>;
return => ChannelListModel.fromJson(e as Map<String, dynamic>))
} else {
// If the server did not return a 200 OK response,
// then throw an exception.
throw Exception('Failed to load album');
You can modify the ChannelListModel.fromJson method to handle a list of JSON objects instead of a single object. Here's one way to do it:
factory ChannelListModel.fromJson(List<dynamic> jsonList) {
return => ChannelListModel(
creator: json['userRef'],
image: json['channelImage'],
title: json['channelTitle'],
lastPost: json['channelLastPost'],
lastUpdate: json['lastUpdate'])
You can also use jsonDecode to convert the response body to a List and then use the above method to convert the list to ChannelListModel
final response = await http.get(Uri.parse(url));
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
// If the server did return a 200 OK response,
// then parse the JSON.
final jsonData = jsonDecode(response.body);
return ChannelListModel.fromJson(jsonData);
} else {
// If the server did not return a 200 OK response,
// then throw an exception.
throw Exception('Failed to load album');
Also, you need to update the getChannelsFromHttp function to assign the result of httpService.getChannelList() to channels variable instead of calling the function again.
void initState() {
getChannelsFromHttp() async {
var httpService = HttpServices();
channels = await httpService.getChannelList();
setState(() {});
This should solve the problem in your code.

How can I store the values ​of the json or request in a variable without using future builder or list builder in flutter?

I want to use the information I get from the json or request and be able to use it in a useraccountheader drawer but WITHOUT, using a list builder or future builder.
I usually use a future builder and display the information from the database.
I want to get the json or request information and store it in a variable or use it directly in a text widget.
It is also to have loaded user information.
In the infoinitialuser2 list, the values ​​of the json or request are stored and I show them in the list builder or future builder, but as I just mentioned, I don't want to do it that way.
Class State<NombreCabeceraDrawer> extends StatefulWidget{return nombrecabeceradrawer()}
class nombrecabeceradrawer extends State<NombreCabeceraDrawer> {
void initState() {
cabeceradrawerservices.MostrarInfoInicialUser().then((value) {
setState(() {
} );
accountName: Text("here i want to show the value of the json or request"),
accountEmai: Text("here i want to show the value of the json or request too")
class InfoUsuarioInicialServices{
Future MostrarInfoInicialUser() async{
Map<String, String> headers = {
var Url= Uri.parse("http://");
final response = await http.get((Url),headers: headers);
return productInfoUsuarioInicialromJson(response.body);
List productInfoUsuarioInicialromJson(String str) => List<InfoInicialUserModel>.from(json.decode(str).map((x) => InfoInicialUserModel.fromJson(x)));// con esto hago el get
class InfoInicialUserModel{
String UsuarioPk;
String FotoUsuario;
String CorreoUsuario;
String NombreUsuario;
factory InfoInicialUserModel.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> parsedJson){
return InfoInicialUserModel(
UsuarioPk: parsedJson['Usuari'],
NombreUsuario: parsedJson['Usuario_A'],
This is how I would do it:
Future GetMostrarInfoInicialUser() async {
Map<String, String> headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json;charset=UTF-8',
'Charset': 'utf-8'
var Url = Uri.parse("http://");
final response = await http.get((Url), headers: headers);
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
var jsonData = json.decode(response.body);
if (jsonData == "Error") {
} else {
if (mounted) {
setState(() {
accountEmail = jsonData['accountEmail'];
accountName = jsonData['accountName'];
void initState() {

Empty map on flutter when initiating

Map user = {};
Future<void> getUser(String idProfile) async {
final response = await ac.getItem("/v2/users/:0", [idProfile]);
if (response.statusCode >= 200 && response.statusCode < 300) {
setState(() {
user = json.decode(response.body);
void initState() {
With the first print, it returns me the user. However, at the second doesn't. I need to get the user information. How could I do it?
getUser is a future method, you need to wait until it fetches data from API. While you are using StatefulWidget , you can show landing indication while it fetch data from API.
If it is inside Column widget,
if (user.isEmpty) Text("fetching data")
else LoadDataWidget(),
Also you can use ternary operator.
Map user = {};
//Return a user from the function
Future<Map<String, dynamic>> getUser(String idProfile) async {
final response = await ac.getItem("/v2/users/:0", [idProfile]);
if (response.statusCode >= 200 && response.statusCode < 300) {
user = json.decode(response.body) as Map<String, dynamic>;
return user
else {
throw Exception();
// Set the user value in initstate
void initState() {
user = getUser(getCurrentUser());

Flutter Riverpod : How to Implement FutureProvider?

I using Flutter Riverpod package to handling http request. I have simple Http get request to show all user from server, and i using manage it using FutureProvider from Flutter Riverpod package.
class UserGoogleApi {
Future<List<UserGoogleModel>> getAllUser() async {
final result = await reusableRequestServer.requestServer(() async {
final response =
await http.get('${appConfig.baseApiUrl}/${appConfig.userGoogleController}/getAllUser');
final Map<String, dynamic> responseJson = json.decode(response.body);
if (responseJson['status'] == 'ok') {
final List list = responseJson['data'];
final listUser = => UserGoogleModel.fromJson(e)).toList();
return listUser;
} else {
throw responseJson['message'];
return result;
User Provider
class UserProvider extends StateNotifier<UserGoogleModel> {
UserProvider([UserGoogleModel state]) : super(UserGoogleModel());
Future<UserGoogleModel> searchUserByIdOrEmail({
String idUser,
String emailuser,
String idOrEmail = 'email_user',
}) async {
final result = await _userGoogleApi.getUserByIdOrEmail(
idUser: idUser,
emailUser: emailuser,
idOrEmail: idOrEmail,
UserGoogleModel temp;
for (var item in result) {
temp = item;
state = UserGoogleModel(
idUser: temp.idUser,
createdDate: temp.createdDate,
emailUser: temp.emailUser,
imageUser: temp.emailUser,
nameUser: temp.nameUser,
tokenFcm: temp.tokenFcm,
listUser: state.listUser,
return temp;
Future<List<UserGoogleModel>> showAllUser() async {
final result = await _userGoogleApi.getAllUser();
state.listUser = result;
return result;
final userProvider = StateNotifierProvider((ref) => UserProvider());
final showAllUser = FutureProvider.autoDispose((ref) async {
final usrProvider =;
final result = await usrProvider.showAllUser();
return result;
After that setup, i simply can call showAllUser like this :
Consumer((ctx, read) {
final provider = read(showAllUser);
return provider.when(
data: (value) {
return ListView.builder(
itemCount: value.length,
shrinkWrap: true,
itemBuilder: (BuildContext context, int index) {
final result = value[index];
return Text(result.nameUser);
loading: () => const CircularProgressIndicator(),
error: (error, stackTrace) => Text('Error $error'),
it's no problem if http request don't have required parameter, but i got problem if my http request required parameter. I don't know how to handle this.
Let's say , i have another http get to show specific user from id user or email user. Then API look like :
Future<List<UserGoogleModel>> getUserByIdOrEmail({
#required String idUser,
#required String emailUser,
#required String idOrEmail,
}) async {
final result = await reusableRequestServer.requestServer(() async {
final baseUrl =
final chooseURL = idOrEmail == 'id_user'
? '$baseUrl?id_or_email=$idOrEmail&id_user=$idUser'
: '$baseUrl?id_or_email=$idOrEmail&email_user=$emailUser';
final response = await http.get(chooseURL);
final Map<String, dynamic> responseJson = json.decode(response.body);
if (responseJson['status'] == 'ok') {
final List list = responseJson['data'];
final listUser = => UserGoogleModel.fromJson(e)).toList();
return listUser;
} else {
throw responseJson['message'];
return result;
User Provider
final showSpecificUser = FutureProvider.autoDispose((ref) async {
final usrProvider =;
final result = await usrProvider.searchUserByIdOrEmail(
idOrEmail: 'id_user',
idUser: usrProvider.state.idUser, // => warning on "state"
return result;
When i access idUser from userProvider using usrProvider.state.idUser , i got this warning.
The member 'state' can only be used within instance members of subclasses of 'package:state_notifier/state_notifier.dart'.
It's similiar problem with my question on this, but on that problem i already know to solved using read(userProvider.state) , but in FutureProvider i can't achieved same result using ref(userProvider).
I missed something ?
Warning: This is not a long-term solution
Assuming that your FutureProvider is being properly disposed after each use that should be a suitable workaround until the new changes to Riverpod are live. I did a quick test to see and it does work. Make sure you define a getter like this and don't override the default defined by StateNotifier.
class A extends StateNotifier<B> {
static final provider = StateNotifierProvider((ref) => A());
getState() => state;
final provider = FutureProvider.autoDispose((ref) async {
final a =;
final t = a.getState();
Not ideal but seems like a fine workaround. I believe the intention of state being inaccessible outside is to ensure state manipulations are handled by the StateNotifier itself, so using a getter in the meantime wouldn't be the end of the world.

How do you turn a List <dynamic> into a List <Map> >>

I started to learn Flutter because I want to build an app which can handle API-Calls.
But now I'm frustrated because I want to make an infinite Load and don't get it to work.
The Problem is, that the method require an Future<List> but I dont know how to convert the response from the API into an List
Future<List<Map>> _getServerData(int length) async{
String api = data.url +length.toString();
final res=
await http.get("data.url");
if (res.statusCode == 200) {
List<dynamic> resp = jsonDecode(res.body);
return resp;
} else {
throw Exception('Failed to load DATA');
The whole class is out of an Tutorial from oodavid.
But in his tutorial he dont use an API
Future<List<Map>> _getExampleServerData(int length) {
return Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 1), () {
return List<Map>.generate(length, (int index) {
return {
"body": WordPair.random().asPascalCase,
"avatar": '${WordPair.random().asPascalCase}.png',
That was the how he solved it
Down below is the whole class
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:Kontra/pages/articel_list.dart';
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
import 'package:Kontra/api/url.dart' as data;
import 'package:Kontra/api/articelsResponse.dart';
/// Example data as it might be returned by an external service
/// ...this is often a `Map` representing `JSON` or a `FireStore` document
Future<List<Map>> _getServerData(int length) async{
String api = data.url +length.toString();
final res=
await http.get(data.url);
if (res.statusCode == 200) {
List<dynamic> resp = jsonDecode(res.body);
return resp;
} else {
throw Exception('Failed to load DATA');
/// PostModel has a constructor that can handle the `Map` data
/// ...from the server.
class PostModel {
String sId;
String title;
String text;
String author;
String pictures;
String link;
int postId;
String createdAt;
PostModel({this.title, this.text,,, this.postId});
factory PostModel.fromServerMap(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
return PostModel(
title: json['title'],
text: json['text'],
pictures: json['pictures'],
link: json['link'],
postId: json['postId']
/// PostsModel controls a `Stream` of posts and handles
/// ...refreshing data and loading more posts
class PostsModel {
int reload = 0;
Stream<List<PostModel>> stream;
bool hasMore;
bool _isLoading;
List<Map> _data;
StreamController<List<Map>> _controller;
PostsModel() {
_data = List<Map>();
_controller = StreamController<List<Map>>.broadcast();
_isLoading = false;
stream =<Map> postsData) {
return postData) {
return PostModel.fromServerMap(postData);
hasMore = true;
Future<void> refresh() {
return loadMore(clearCachedData: true);
Future<void> loadMore({bool clearCachedData = false}) {
if (clearCachedData) {
_data = List<Map>();
hasMore = true;
if (_isLoading || !hasMore) {
return Future.value();
_isLoading = true;
return _getServerData(reload++).then((postsData) {
_isLoading = false;
hasMore = (_data.length < 30);
Thanks for your help guys
Try with
return List<Map>.from(resp.whereType<Map>());
return resp.whereType<Map>().toList();
return resp.cast<Map>();