Read provider inside a global or static method in Flutter - flutter

I have a question, regarding reading providers from inside static methods or global methods. I am using riverpod and awesome_notification packages, and I need to alter the state the app, from the action of the notification, for this, the package uses static methods inside a controller class.
class NotificationController{
static Future<void> onActionReceivedMethod(ReceivedAction receivedAction) async {
...//some way to access a provider, to call methods on it
If there is another way of doing this that I am not seeing, please let me know.
I have not been able to find a way to do this.

You can:
Pass to the ref function as a parameter.
static Future<void> onActionReceivedMethod(ReceivedAction receivedAction, Ref ref) async {
final some =;
Create a class that accepts the ref field in the constructor.
final notificationProvider = Provider((ref) => NotificationController(ref));
// or use tear-off
final notificationProvider = Provider(;
class NotificationController {
NotificationController(Ref ref) {
_ref = ref;
static late final Ref _ref;
static Future<void> onActionReceivedMethod(ReceivedAction receivedAction) async {
final some =;
An additional example:
import 'package:riverpod/riverpod.dart';
final valueProvider = Provider<int>((_) => 5);
final managerProvider = Provider(;
class ManagerProvider {
ManagerProvider(Ref ref) {
_ref = ref;
static late final Ref _ref;
static int getValue() =>;
void main() {
final container = ProviderContainer();;
final value = ManagerProvider.getValue();
print(value); // 5
Either way, you should always have access to `Ref'.
As #OppositeDragon and #Eran Ravid pointed out, we really can't access _ref in a static method. However, if you define _ref in the constructor, it is possible. I think it's a terrible anti-pattern, though. Use method 1 and you will be fine.


Singleton with dependency injection in Dart

Can anyone help me with using dependency injection on singleton?
here is my code:
class SpaceController extends ChangeNotifier {
final SpacesPersistence _persistence;
static final SpaceController _instance = SpaceController._internal(persistence: null);
factory SpaceController({required SpacesPersistence persistence}) {
return _instance;
SpaceController._internal({required SpacesPersistence persistence}) : _persistence = persistence;
abstract class SpacesPersistence {
Future<List<Entry>> getPath();
Future<List<Entry>> getEntries(Entry? parent, [String? keyword]);
Future<List<Connection>> getConnections([List<Entry>? entries]);
Future<void> add(Entry entry);
Future<void> remove(Entry entry);
Future<void> update(Entry entry);
Future<void> setPath(List<Entry> path);
This problem is that I want to inject the persistence variable, but _internal requires the argument and _persistence is not ready yet.
Try with passing new instance in _instance. Here SpacesPersistenceImpl is a class which implements SpaceController
class SpaceController extends ChangeNotifier {
final SpacesPersistence _persistence;
static final SpaceController _instance = SpaceController._internal(persistence: SpacesPersistenceImpl());
factory SpaceController() {
return _instance;
SpaceController._internal({required SpacesPersistence persistence}) : _persistence = persistence;
I simply grab a RiverPod provider, which gives me lazy initialization, discoverability as a singleton, and dependency injection via overrides for mocking during testing. Details at

Combining Riverpod Providers Bidirectionally

How can we access a method from the being wrapped riverpod provider?
ContentProvider can access user value from UserProvider by using "watch". There is no problem for this direction. On the other hand, UserProvider also needs access to the methods of ContentProvider. So bidirectional communication is required.
For this case, I need to call deleteContents method from UserProvider.
I don't prefer to merge them to keep logic safe.
class ContentProviderNotifier extends ChangeNotifier {
final User? currentUser;
ContentProviderNotifier({required this.currentUser});
addContent(Content content) {
content.user = currentUser?.name;
deleteContents() {
final contentProvider = ChangeNotifierProvider<ContentProviderNotifier>(
(ref) {
final user =;
return ContentProviderNotifier(currentUser: user);
class UserProviderNotifier extends ChangeNotifier {
User? currentUser;
// here to call a method from contentProvider
final userProvider = ChangeNotifierProvider<UserProviderNotifier>(
(ref) {
return UserProviderNotifier();
If I try to feed UserProvider with ContentProvider like this
final userProvider = ChangeNotifierProvider<UserProviderNotifier>(
(ref) {
final content =; // <----
return UserProviderNotifier(content);
But I know, It won't make sense.
The type of 'userProvider' can't be inferred because it depends on itself through the cycle: contentProvider, userProvider.
Try adding an explicit type to one or more of the variables in the cycle in order to break the cycle.darttop_level_cycle
You can create UserProviderNotifier so it takes ref as an input, like this:
class UserProviderNotifier extends ChangeNotifier {
final Ref ref;
deleteUsers() {
// here to call a method from contentProvider;
final userProvider = ChangeNotifierProvider<UserProviderNotifier>(
(ref) {
return UserProviderNotifier(ref);
This section of the Riverpod docs mentions this is a common use-case.

A value of type 'Future<AppDatabase>' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'AppDatabase'

I am trying to create a persistent interface which forks db calls to floor or another self made web db static store.
The interface part is looking like this:
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:mwork/database/floor/entities/map_location_entity.dart';
import 'package:mwork/database/floor/result/map_location_result.dart';
import 'persistent_stub.dart'
if( 'persistent_native.dart'
if(dart.library.js) 'persistent_web.dart';
abstract class Persistent extends ChangeNotifier {
static Persistent? _instance;
static Persistent? get instance{
_instance ??= getPersistent();
return _instance;
Future<List<MapLocationResult?>?> getMapLocations();
Future<MapLocationResult?> getMapLocation({int id});
Future<void> insertReplaceMapLocation(MapLocation mapLocation);
Future<void> insertReplaceMapLocations(List<MapLocation> mapLocations);
All seems nice so far, but the trouble appears when the init() function below returns Future<AppDatabase> not AppDatabase as I want.
import 'package:floor/floor.dart';
import 'package:mwork/database/floor/database/database.dart';
import 'package:mwork/database/floor/entities/map_location_entity.dart';
import 'package:mwork/database/floor/result/map_location_result.dart';
import 'package:mwork/services/persistent/persistent_interface.dart';
import 'package:mwork/common/m_work_config.dart' as m_work_config;
Persistent getPersistent() => PersistentNative();
class PersistentNative extends Persistent {
final AppDatabase _appDatabase = init(); //<-- Fails here !!
static Future<AppDatabase> init() async {
return await $FloorAppDatabase.databaseBuilder(m_work_config.mWorkFloorDb).build();
Future<List<MapLocationResult?>?> getMapLocations() async {
return await _appDatabase.mapLocationDao.getMapLocations();
Future<MapLocationResult?> getMapLocation({int id=-1}) async {
return await _appDatabase.mapLocationDao.getMapLocation(id);
Future<void> insertReplaceMapLocation(MapLocation mapLocation) async {
Future<void> insertReplaceMapLocations(List<MapLocation> mapLocations) async {
How should I return AppDatabase from init() ?
Maybe you should change the type of the init() function to AppDatabase instead of Future<AppDatabase>? For me it seems that the code is right one and should return AppDatabase.
The init method returns a future, since you wait for it ( and it is a recommended way)
if you would like to return the AppDatabase only, rewrite it as follows::
static AppDatabase init() {
return $FloorAppDatabase.databaseBuilder(m_work_config.mWorkFloorDb).build().then((AppDatabase db) => db);}
Doing this will have some implications though, this wont be awaited meaning that any call depending on this would return late..
I'd recommend using an await clause to the callee,
for example
static Future<AppDatabase> init() async {
return await $FloorAppDatabase.databaseBuilder(m_work_config.mWorkFloorDb).build();
and then calling it as::
final AppDatabase db = await (...........);
YourClass.init().then((AppDatabase db) { /* anything here*/});

How can I create a non-modifiable class Flutter

I need to create a class called GeneralAppAndDeviceDetails which has the following fields:
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
class GeneralAppAndDeviceDetails {
final bool isDarkModeEnabled;
final double deviceWidth;
final double deviceHeight;
final Color primaryColor;
final Color secondaryColor;
It basically stores general device and app information at the start of the program so that I don't need to create a new instance of Theme or MediaQuery class whenever I want to access these details.
The problem I'm facing is that how can I write this class so that after the fields' values are assigned, They will be unmodifiable? (so that nothing can change the field values)
(I tried to create a singleton class but I need to pass the values to the constructor and by using factory and private constructor, A user can create new classes with different parameters passed to the factory.)
The thing I need is to have static fields that can receive a value once and become unmodifiable after that. How can I achieve something similar?
Thank you
I wrote the class as below:
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
class GeneralAppAndDeviceDetails {
final bool isDarkModeEnabled;
final double deviceWidth;
final double deviceHeight;
final Color primaryColor;
final Color secondaryColor;
static bool _isAlreadyCreated = false;
static GeneralAppAndDeviceDetails _instance;
factory GeneralAppAndDeviceDetails(bool isDarkModeEnabled, double deviceWidth,
double deviceHeight, Color primaryColor, Color secondaryColor) {
if (_isAlreadyCreated == false) {
_isAlreadyCreated = true;
_instance = GeneralAppAndDeviceDetails._(isDarkModeEnabled, deviceWidth,
deviceHeight, primaryColor, secondaryColor);
return _instance;
const GeneralAppAndDeviceDetails._(this.isDarkModeEnabled, this.deviceWidth,
this.deviceHeight, this.primaryColor, this.secondaryColor);
I use a flag to check if an instance was created before or not in here and with this code, a similar instance will be returned every time but is it the best way to achieve this?
This is your singleton class
class Test{
final String str;
static Test _singleton;
factory Test(String str) {
return _singleton ??= Test._internal(
str: str
example code for you to try and test
void main() {
Test obj = Test('ABC');
Test obj1 = Test('XYZ');
class Test{
final String str;
static Test _singleton;
factory Test(String str) {
return _singleton ??= Test._internal(
str: str
try running this in dartpad for better understanding
you can make the class as singleton and then make these fields as private, accessible only through getters and setters, inside the setter you can check and discard the new value if there is already some value assigned to the field.

How to listen to variable changes in a provider class?

When using providers, how can I listen to a value change in the provider class?
In the code below, when _myData changes, I want to change _allData as well. (I know I can just change them both together, but the code below is a stripped version of what I have)
class CoolProvider extends ChangeNotifier {
List<String> _allData = [];
List<String> _myData = [];
List<OrdersResponse> get allData => _allData;
List<OrdersResponse> get myData => _myData;
void changeData() {
_allData = ['yo', 'bro'];
You can use addListener for instance of your class.
CoolProvider coolProvider = CoolProvider();
void f() {
// access new data