This is the what I am getting in Android Studio
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
Script 'C:\src\flutter\flutter\packages\flutter_tools\gradle\flutter.gradle' line: 1159
What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':app:compileFlutterBuildDebug'.
Process 'command 'C:\src\flutter\flutter\bin\flutter.bat'' finished with non-zero exit value 1
I tried using flutter pub upgrade --major-versions but the issue has not been resolved.
This is what it showed after using flutter pub upgrade --major-versions
Resolving dependencies...
async 2.9.0 (2.10.0 available)
boolean_selector 2.1.0 (2.1.1 available)
characters 1.2.1
clock 1.1.1
collection 1.16.0 (1.17.0 available)
cupertino_icons 1.0.5
fake_async 1.3.1
flutter 0.0.0 from sdk flutter
flutter_test 0.0.0 from sdk flutter
matcher 0.12.12 (0.12.14 available)
material_color_utilities 0.1.5 (0.2.0 available)
meta 1.8.0
path 1.8.2 (1.8.3 available)
sky_engine 0.0.99 from sdk flutter
source_span 1.9.0 (1.9.1 available)
stack_trace 1.10.0 (1.11.0 available)
stream_channel 2.1.0 (2.1.1 available)
string_scanner 1.1.1 (1.2.0 available)
term_glyph 1.2.1
test_api 0.4.12 (0.4.17 available)
vector_math 2.1.2 (2.1.4 available)
No dependencies changed.
12 packages have newer versions incompatible with dependency constraints.
Try `flutter pub outdated` for more information.
Upon using flutter pub outdated this is what I got
[*] indicates versions that are not the latest available.
Package Name Current Upgradable Resolvable Latest
direct dependencies: all up-to-date.
transitive dependencies:
collection *1.16.0 *1.16.0 *1.16.0 1.17.0
material_color_utilities *0.1.5 *0.1.5 *0.1.5 0.2.0
vector_math *2.1.2 *2.1.2 *2.1.2 2.1.4
transitive dev_dependencies:
async *2.9.0 *2.9.0 *2.9.0 2.10.0
boolean_selector *2.1.0 *2.1.0 *2.1.0 2.1.1
matcher *0.12.12 *0.12.12 *0.12.12 0.12.14
path *1.8.2 *1.8.2 *1.8.2 1.8.3
source_span *1.9.0 *1.9.0 *1.9.0 1.9.1
stack_trace *1.10.0 *1.10.0 *1.10.0 1.11.0
stream_channel *2.1.0 *2.1.0 *2.1.0 2.1.1
string_scanner *1.1.1 *1.1.1 *1.1.1 1.2.0
test_api *0.4.12 *0.4.12 *0.4.12 0.4.17
all dependencies are up-to-date.
Can someone please tell me how to solve this issue? I cannot figure out what needs to be done here.
I keep getting the same error code.
How to update these dependencies to the newer version? I don't know how to do it.
I have this libraries in my project:
sdk: ">=2.7.0 <3.0.0"
after_layout: ^1.1.0
alt_sms_autofill: ^1.0.0
another_flushbar: ^1.10.24
avatar_glow: ^2.0.2
barcode_scan2: ^4.1.4
camera: ^0.9.2+2
carousel_slider: ^4.0.0
catcher: ^0.6.8
charts_flutter: ^0.11.0
contacts_service: ^0.6.3
crypto: ^3.0.1
cryptography: ^2.0.2
cupertino_icons: ^1.0.3
device_info: ^2.0.3
dio: ^4.0.1
dotted_border: ^2.0.0+1
encrypt: ^5.0.1
file_picker: ^4.2.0
firebase_messaging: ^10.0.9
sdk: flutter
flutter_inappwebview: ^5.3.2
flutter_keyboard_visibility: ^5.1.0
flutter_rating_bar: ^4.0.0
flutter_slidable: ^0.6.0
flutter_svg: ^0.23.0+1
fluttertoast: ^8.0.8
font_awesome_flutter: ^9.2.0
geolocator: ^7.7.1
get_it: ^7.1.3
hive: ^2.0.4
hive_flutter: ^1.1.0
http: ^0.13.3
image_cropper: ^1.4.1
image_gallery_saver: ^1.7.1
image_picker: ^0.8.4+1
installed_apps: ^1.2.0
intl: ^0.17.0
introduction_screen: ^2.1.0
json_annotation: ^4.0.1
local_auth: ^1.1.7
logger: ^1.1.0
mask_text_input_formatter: ^2.0.0
otp: ^3.0.1
overlay_support: ^1.2.1
package_info_plus: ^1.3.0
page_view_indicators: ^2.0.0
path_provider: ^2.0.4
permission_handler: ^8.1.6
persian: ^1.1.1
path: packages/persian_datetime_picker
persian_number_utility: ^1.1.0
provider: ^6.0.1
quick_actions: ^0.6.0+6
retrofit: ^2.1.0
rxdart: ^0.27.2
screenshot: ^1.2.3
shared_preferences: ^2.0.7
sqflite: ^2.0.0+4
timezone: ^0.8.0
universal_html: ^2.0.8
url_launcher: ^6.0.10
url_strategy: ^0.2.0
uuid: ^3.0.5
video_player: ^2.2.3
visibility_detector: ^0.2.2
wc_flutter_share: ^0.4.0
webview_flutter: ^2.0.13
build_runner: ^2.1.2
sdk: flutter
sdk: flutter
hive_generator: ^1.1.1
http_mock_adapter: ^0.3.2
json_serializable: ^4.1.4
mockito: ^5.0.15
retrofit_generator: ^2.0.1
I run this command and It's result:
$ flutter pub upgrade --null-safety
Resolving dependencies...
_fe_analyzer_shared 22.0.0 (30.0.0 available)
after_layout 1.1.0
alt_sms_autofill 1.0.0
analyzer 1.7.1 (2.7.0 available)
another_flushbar 1.10.24
args 2.3.0
asn1lib 1.0.2
async 2.5.0 (2.8.2 available)
avatar_glow 2.0.2
barcode_scan2 4.1.4
base32 2.1.1
boolean_selector 2.1.0
build 2.1.0 (2.1.1 available)
build_config 1.0.0
build_daemon 3.0.0 (3.0.1 available)
build_resolvers 2.0.4
build_runner 2.1.2 (2.1.4 available)
build_runner_core 7.1.0 (7.2.2 available)
built_collection 5.1.1
built_value 8.1.3
camera 0.9.2+2 (0.9.4+3 available)
camera_platform_interface 2.1.1
carousel_slider 4.0.0
catcher 0.6.8
characters 1.1.0 (1.2.0 available)
charcode 1.2.0 (1.3.1 available)
charts_common 0.11.0 (0.12.0 available)
charts_flutter 0.11.0
checked_yaml 2.0.1
cli_util 0.3.5
clock 1.1.0
code_builder 4.1.0
collection 1.15.0
contacts_service 0.6.3
convert 3.0.1
cross_file 0.3.2
crypto 3.0.1
cryptography 2.0.2
csslib 0.17.1
cupertino_icons 1.0.3
dart_style 2.1.1 (2.2.0 available)
device_info 2.0.3
device_info_platform_interface 2.0.1
device_info_plus 2.2.0 (3.1.0 available)
device_info_plus_linux 2.1.0
device_info_plus_macos 2.2.0
device_info_plus_platform_interface 2.2.0
device_info_plus_web 2.1.0
device_info_plus_windows 2.1.0
dio 4.0.1
dio_http 5.0.4
dots_indicator 2.0.0
dotted_border 2.0.0+1
encrypt 5.0.1
fake_async 1.2.0
ffi 1.1.2
file 6.1.2
file_picker 4.2.0
firebase_core 1.8.0
firebase_core_platform_interface 4.0.1
firebase_core_web 1.1.0
firebase_messaging 10.0.9
firebase_messaging_platform_interface 3.0.7
firebase_messaging_web 2.0.7
fixnum 1.0.0
flutter 0.0.0 from sdk flutter
flutter_inappwebview 5.3.2
flutter_keyboard_visibility 5.1.0
flutter_keyboard_visibility_platform_interface 2.0.0
flutter_keyboard_visibility_web 2.0.0
flutter_localizations 0.0.0 from sdk flutter
flutter_mailer 2.0.0
flutter_plugin_android_lifecycle 2.0.4
flutter_rating_bar 4.0.0
flutter_slidable 0.6.0
flutter_svg 0.23.0+1
flutter_test 0.0.0 from sdk flutter
flutter_web_plugins 0.0.0 from sdk flutter
fluttertoast 8.0.8
font_awesome_flutter 9.2.0
frontend_server_client 2.1.2
geolocator 7.7.1
geolocator_android 2.1.0
geolocator_apple 1.2.2
geolocator_platform_interface 2.3.6
geolocator_web 2.0.6
get_it 7.1.3 (7.2.0 available)
glob 2.0.1 (2.0.2 available)
graphs 2.1.0
hive 2.0.4
hive_flutter 1.1.0
hive_generator 1.1.1
html 0.15.0
http 0.13.3 (0.13.4 available)
http_mock_adapter 0.3.2
http_multi_server 3.0.1
http_parser 4.0.0
image_cropper 1.4.1
image_gallery_saver 1.7.1
image_picker 0.8.4+1 (0.8.4+4 available)
image_picker_for_web 2.1.4
image_picker_platform_interface 2.4.1
installed_apps 1.2.0
intl 0.17.0
introduction_screen 2.1.0
io 1.0.3
js 0.6.3
json_annotation 4.0.1 (4.3.0 available)
json_serializable 4.1.4 (6.0.1 available)
local_auth 1.1.7 (1.1.8 available)
logger 1.1.0
logging 1.0.2
mailer 5.0.2
mask_text_input_formatter 2.0.0
matcher 0.12.10 (0.12.11 available)
meta 1.3.0 (1.7.0 available)
mime 1.0.1
mockito 5.0.15 (5.0.16 available)
nested 1.0.0
otp 3.0.1
overlay_support 1.2.1
package_config 2.0.2
package_info_plus 1.3.0
package_info_plus_linux 1.0.3
package_info_plus_macos 1.3.0
package_info_plus_platform_interface 1.0.2
package_info_plus_web 1.0.4
package_info_plus_windows 1.0.4
page_view_indicators 2.0.0
path 1.8.0
path_drawing 0.5.1+1
path_parsing 0.2.1
path_provider 2.0.4 (2.0.6 available)
path_provider_linux 2.1.0
path_provider_macos 2.0.2
path_provider_platform_interface 2.0.1
path_provider_windows 2.0.3
pedantic 1.11.1 (discontinued replaced by lints)
permission_handler 8.1.6 (8.2.5 available)
permission_handler_platform_interface 3.6.1 (3.7.0 available)
persian 1.1.1
persian_datetime_picker 2.0.0 from path packages/persian_datetime_picker
persian_number_utility 1.1.0
petitparser 4.1.0 (4.4.0 available)
platform 3.0.2
plugin_platform_interface 2.0.2
pointycastle 3.3.5
pool 1.5.0
process 4.2.3 (4.2.4 available)
protobuf 2.0.0
provider 6.0.1
pub_semver 2.1.0
pubspec_parse 1.0.0 (1.1.0 available)
quick_actions 0.6.0+6 (0.6.0+7 available)
quick_actions_platform_interface 1.0.0
quiver 3.0.1+1
retrofit 2.1.0
retrofit_generator 2.0.1 (2.1.0+1 available)
rxdart 0.27.2
screenshot 1.2.3
sentry 5.1.0 (6.0.1 available)
shamsi_date 0.16.0
shared_preferences 2.0.7 (2.0.8 available)
shared_preferences_linux 2.0.2
shared_preferences_macos 2.0.2
shared_preferences_platform_interface 2.0.0
shared_preferences_web 2.0.2
shared_preferences_windows 2.0.2
shelf 1.2.0
shelf_web_socket 1.0.1
sky_engine 0.0.99 from sdk flutter
source_gen 1.0.3 (1.1.1 available)
source_helper 1.3.0
source_span 1.8.0 (1.8.1 available)
sqflite 2.0.0+4
sqflite_common 2.0.1+1
stack_trace 1.10.0
stream_channel 2.1.0
stream_transform 2.0.0
string_scanner 1.1.0
synchronized 3.0.0
term_glyph 1.2.0
test_api 0.2.19 (0.4.7 available)
timezone 0.8.0
timing 1.0.0
tuple 2.0.0
typed_data 1.3.0
universal_html 2.0.8
universal_io 2.0.4
url_launcher 6.0.10 (6.0.12 available)
url_launcher_linux 2.0.2
url_launcher_macos 2.0.2
url_launcher_platform_interface 2.0.4
url_launcher_web 2.0.4
url_launcher_windows 2.0.2
url_strategy 0.2.0
uuid 3.0.5
vector_math 2.1.0 (2.1.1 available)
video_player 2.2.3 (2.2.6 available)
video_player_platform_interface 4.2.0
video_player_web 2.0.4
visibility_detector 0.2.2
watcher 1.0.0 (1.0.1 available)
wc_flutter_share 0.4.0
web_socket_channel 2.1.0
webview_flutter 2.0.13 (2.1.2 available)
win32 2.0.5 (2.2.10 available)
xdg_directories 0.2.0
xml 5.1.2 (5.3.1 available)
yaml 3.1.0
No dependencies changed.
43 packages have newer versions incompatible with dependency constraints.
Try `flutter pub outdated` for more information.
No changes to pubspec.yaml!
Why I cant update my libs, I want to migrate my old project to null safety?
First backup your project for safety.
Try this,
flutter clean
Now delete pubspec.lock file.
Now delete all the versions from pubspec.yaml.
Leaving version number empty, let flutter decide which to use.
Upgrade SDK version,
sdk: ">=2.14.0 <3.0.0"
Now run,
flutter pub get
When I tried to run the flutter application through "Run without debugging" or "With debugging" in VS CODE the application does not show up in the emulator (emulator is up and running). Android studio is properly installed. SDK path is updated in env. variables. Updated packages with yaml file. restarted VSCODE, restarted the computer, Problem still persists. What could be the issue?
Debug console
Launching lib\main.dart on Android SDK built for x86 in debug mode...
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* Where:
Script 'D:\flutter2.3\packages\flutter_tools\gradle\flutter.gradle' line: 1005
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':app:compileFlutterBuildDebug'.
> Process 'command 'D:\flutter2.3\bin\flutter.bat'' finished with non-zero exit value 1
* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.
* Get more help at
Exception: Gradle task assembleDebug failed with exit code 1
Exited (sigterm)
Then I tried to upgrade yaml file packages with
flutter pub upgrade
Resolving dependencies...
async 2.8.1 (2.8.2 available)
boolean_selector 2.1.0
characters 1.1.0 (1.2.0 available)
charcode 1.3.1
clock 1.1.0
collection 1.15.0
cupertino_icons 1.0.3
fake_async 1.2.0
flutter 0.0.0 from sdk flutter
flutter_svg 0.23.0+1
flutter_test 0.0.0 from sdk flutter
matcher 0.12.10 (0.12.11 available)
meta 1.7.0
path 1.8.0
path_drawing 0.5.1+1
path_parsing 0.2.1
persistent_bottom_nav_bar 4.0.2
petitparser 4.4.0
sky_engine 0.0.99 from sdk flutter
source_span 1.8.1
stack_trace 1.10.0
stream_channel 2.1.0
string_scanner 1.1.0
term_glyph 1.2.0
test_api 0.4.2 (0.4.6 available)
typed_data 1.3.0
vector_math 2.1.0 (2.1.1 available)
xml 5.3.1
No dependencies changed.
5 packages have newer versions incompatible with dependency constraints.
Try `flutter pub outdated` for more information.
Then ran flutter pub outdated
Showing outdated packages.
[*] indicates versions that are not the latest available.
Package Name Current Upgradable Resolvable Latest
direct dependencies: all up-to-date.
transitive dependencies:
characters *1.1.0 *1.1.0 *1.1.0 1.2.0
vector_math *2.1.0 *2.1.0 *2.1.0 2.1.1
transitive dev_dependencies:
async *2.8.1 *2.8.1 *2.8.1 2.8.2
matcher *0.12.10 *0.12.10 *0.12.10 0.12.11
test_api *0.4.2 *0.4.2 *0.4.2 0.4.6
all dependencies are up-to-date.
I am trying to build a flutter app on Codemagic but the build fails when installing dependencies. I have upgraded all dependencies in the pubspec.yaml file but I get the message below in Codemagic:
> flutter packages pub get
== Install Flutter dependencies ==Resolving dependencies...
The current Dart SDK version is 2.13.0.
Because test >=1.16.0-nullsafety <1.16.0-nullsafety.8 requires SDK version >=2.10.0-0 <2.12.0 and test >=1.16.0-nullsafety.8 <1.16.0-nullsafety.18 depends on typed_data >=1.3.0-nullsafety <1.3.0, test >=1.16.0-nullsafety <1.16.0-nullsafety.18 requires typed_data >=1.3.0-nullsafety <1.3.0.
And because test >=1.16.0-nullsafety.18 <1.16.0-nullsafety.19 depends on test_api 0.2.19-nullsafety.7, test >=1.16.0-nullsafety <1.16.0-nullsafety.19 requires typed_data >=1.3.0-nullsafety <1.3.0 or test_api 0.2.19-nullsafety.7.
And because test >=1.15.5 <1.16.0-nullsafety depends on test_api 0.2.18+1 and test >=1.16.0-nullsafety.19 <1.16.6 depends on test_api 0.2.19, test >=1.15.5 <1.16.6 requires typed_data >=1.3.0-nullsafety <1.3.0 or test_api 0.2.18+1 or 0.2.19-nullsafety.7 or 0.2.19.
And because every version of flutter_test from sdk depends on both typed_data 1.3.0 and test_api 0.3.0, flutter_test from sdk is incompatible with test >=1.15.5 <1.16.6.
And because test >=1.16.6 depends on yaml ^3.0.0 and flutter_launcher_icons 0.8.1 depends on yaml ^2.1.15, one of flutter_test any from sdk or test >=1.15.5 or flutter_launcher_icons 0.8.1 must be false.
And because no versions of flutter_launcher_icons match >0.8.1 <0.9.0 and tonnah depends on flutter_launcher_icons ^0.8.1, flutter_test from sdk is incompatible with test >=1.15.5.
So, because tonnah depends on both test ^1.15.7 and flutter_test any from sdk, version solving failed.
pub finished with exit code 1
Build failed :|
Failed to install dependencies
I have made a lot of changes to the code so I don't know where to start to look for a solution. I am not running any tests in Codemagic.
This is from flutter doctor:
Doctor summary (to see all details, run flutter doctor -v):
[√] Flutter (Channel stable, 2.0.5, on Microsoft Windows [Version
10.0.19041.985], locale en-US)
[√] Android toolchain - develop for Android devices (Android SDK version 30.0.3)
[√] Chrome - develop for the web
[√] Android Studio (version 4.1.0)
[√] VS Code (version 1.56.2)
[√] Connected device (3 available)
I want to upgrade my dependencies to the latest possible, but I can't because they are being blocked by one of the packages.
How can I tell which one is causing the issue where others can't be updated? They pretty much all seem to be outdated. Running flutter pub outdated gives me the list of my packages where the resolvable and updatable are always the same as my current package.
> flutter pub outdated
Showing outdated packages.
[*] indicates versions that are not the latest available.
Package Name Current Upgradable Resolvable Latest
direct dependencies:
bip39 *1.0.3 *1.0.3 *1.0.3 1.0.6
cloud_firestore *0.16.0+1 *0.16.0+1 *0.16.0+1 1.0.5
firebase_auth *0.20.1 *0.20.1 *0.20.1 1.1.0
firebase_core *0.7.0 *0.7.0 *0.7.0 1.0.3
firebase_storage *7.0.0 *7.0.0 *7.0.0 8.0.3
flutter_blue *0.7.3 *0.7.3 *0.7.3 0.8.0
google_maps_flutter *1.2.0 *1.2.0 *1.2.0 2.0.3
http *0.12.2 *0.12.2 *0.12.2 0.13.1
image *2.1.19 *2.1.19 *2.1.19 3.0.2
image_picker *0.6.7+22 *0.6.7+22 *0.6.7+22 0.7.4
local_auth *0.6.3+4 *0.6.3+4 *0.6.3+4 1.1.4
permission_handler *5.1.0+2 *5.1.0+2 *5.1.0+2 6.1.3
transitive dependencies:
archive *2.0.13 *2.0.13 *2.0.13 3.1.2
args *1.6.0 *1.6.0 *1.6.0 2.0.0
bech32 *0.1.2 *0.1.2 *0.1.2 0.2.0
bip32 *1.0.7 *1.0.7 *1.0.7 1.0.10
bs58check *1.0.1 *1.0.1 *1.0.1 1.0.2
cloud_firestore_platform_interface *3.0.2 *3.0.2 *3.0.2 4.0.1
cloud_firestore_web *0.3.0+2 *0.3.0+2 *0.3.0+2 1.0.5
convert *2.1.1 *2.1.1 *2.1.1 3.0.0
crypto *2.1.5 *2.1.5 *2.1.5 3.0.1
firebase_auth_platform_interface *3.1.0 *3.1.0 *3.1.0 4.1.0
firebase_auth_web *0.3.3 *0.3.3 *0.3.3 1.0.6
firebase_core_platform_interface *3.0.1 *3.0.1 *3.0.1 4.0.0
firebase_core_web *0.2.1+3 *0.2.1+3 *0.2.1+3 1.0.2
firebase_storage_platform_interface *1.0.4 *1.0.4 *1.0.4 2.0.1
firebase_storage_web *0.1.1+3 *0.1.1+3 *0.1.1+3 1.0.3
fixnum *0.10.11 *0.10.11 *0.10.11 1.0.0
flutter_plugin_android_lifecycle *1.0.11 *1.0.11 *1.0.11 2.0.1
google_maps_flutter_platform_interface *1.2.0 *1.2.0 *1.2.0 2.0.4
hex *0.1.2 *0.1.2 *0.1.2 0.2.0
http_parser *3.1.4 *3.1.4 *3.1.4 4.0.0
image_picker_platform_interface *1.1.6 *1.1.6 *1.1.6 2.1.0
intl *0.16.1 *0.16.1 *0.16.1 0.17.0
permission_handler_platform_interface *2.0.2 *2.0.2 *2.0.2 3.1.3
petitparser *3.1.0 *3.1.0 *3.1.0 4.1.0
plugin_platform_interface *1.0.3 *1.0.3 *1.0.3 2.0.0
pointycastle *1.0.2 *1.0.2 *1.0.2 3.0.1
protobuf *1.1.3 *1.1.3 *1.1.3 2.0.0
quiver *2.1.5 *2.1.5 *2.1.5 3.0.1
rxdart *0.24.1 *0.24.1 *0.24.1 0.26.0
source_span *1.8.0 *1.8.0 *1.8.0 1.8.1
stream_transform *1.2.0 *1.2.0 *1.2.0 2.0.0
uuid *2.2.2 *2.2.2 *2.2.2 3.0.4
xml *4.5.1 *4.5.1 *4.5.1 5.1.0
i'm a flutter starter and currntly adding firebase authentication to my project.
i added firebase_auth and and cloud_firestore to pubspec.yaml file using command lines
flutter pub add firebase_auth
flutter pub add cloud_firestore
dependenices are
"cupertino_icons: ^1.0.2
cloud_firestore: ^2.0.0
firebase_auth: ^1.1.3"
when trying to run my project i'm getting the error
The current Dart SDK version is 2.12.0-133.2.beta.
Because firebase_auth 1.1.3 requires SDK version >=2.12.0 <3.0.0 and no versions of firebase_auth match >1.1.3 <2.0.0, firebase_auth ^1.1.3 is forbidden.
So, because elected_ones depends on firebase_auth ^1.1.3, version solving failed.
pub get failed (1; So, because elected_ones depends on firebase_auth ^1.1.3, version solving failed.)
in the error it says the Dart SDK version is 2.12.0-133.2.beta
but when i run flutter --version i get
Flutter 2.0.6 • channel stable •
Framework • revision 1d9032c7e1 (8 days ago) • 2021-04-29 17:37:58 -0700
Engine • revision 05e680e202
Tools • Dart 2.12.3
being trying to figure it out and i got totally lost between the '''dart pub upgrade''' and '''dart pub outdated''' through transitive dependecies
problem solved by directing the IDE to correct folder where correct sdk sits
run in terminal (in project root)
flutter doctor -v
path will be shown in the first line