Spawn objects in same place on screen on different aspect ratios, but retain distances between one another - unity3d

I am trying to make connect the dots game in landscape mode, and i need to spawn dots from coordinates(0-1000) in json file onto screen. It's easy to map out different viewport size to coordinates and make them spawn in same location from the edges / center of the screen, but since when you connect the dots it's suppose to be a drawing I don't want it to strech. F.e 4/3 display and 21/9 one will stretch the drawing completely differently. How can I make sure it looks the same on all devices?
I am thinking of making an invisible rectangular shape in the middle of the screen with a size 1000x1000 or max screen height) and maping coordinates to that shape, so the drawing will always be in center of the screen and will always look exactly the same, but not sure if it's possible to get a specific point in shape.
I just think there's easy solution and I overcomplicate this.


Unity scrollview inherit scale and keep position relative to parent

I'm trying to add some buttons to a gameObject which is a scroll view child. The child is a very wide image, about 4 times as wide as normal screens, which is why I let it control the height, so that it is always from top to bottom, and only exeeds horizontally where scroll is allowed.
Here you can see my setting.
1. is the wide image
2. is a banner that used to be part of the image, but now I want it to be a individual gameObject.
I don't know how I can make the banner (2) inherit the behavior of the "full map" (1), right now when I choose free aspect and resized the game view, the "full map" scales nicely, so the it always fits from top to bottem. The more narrow the screen is, then more of the map will exceed to the right, and vice versa.
However the problem is that then banner (2) has a rect transform, which is set with x,y coordinates relative to the parent which scales. So as i resize around the view, the banner gets out of it's intended position, and also does not scale with the. I have tried many different components, but without luck. Here among, scale constraint, canvas scaler, position constraint
As you can see in this gif, the banner does not scale down, as the island gets smaller, also it stays in the same position horizontally.
Any suggestions on how I can make the children os the map behave as they were part of the map?
Deleted previous, misunderstood the question.
Proposed solution:
You remove the map part from UI and create it as an object: You attach the map image as a texture to (ie) a plane (see a video here). You add the "infinity island" as another texture and have it placed over the island image.
After that, you control the camera to zoom in/out of the island and not struggle with any scaling or moving UI.
I think you need to anchor the images to center of the island mini image, you can drag the anchor gizmo from the scene hierarchy.
If you see it as free aspect it gets buggy and difficult to handle, but if you choose a resolution everything is smooth.
Is this what you want?
Change the resolultion

Unity: Positioning an element on canvas

I need to move an image down through canvas so that its central point would be where is now its top edge. It makes some 50 points, but if I decrease y by 50, it moves to different part of the screen on devices with different screen size. I guess, it's because my main canvas is set to scale with the screen size. So I suppose I need to manually divide the number 50 by my screen height and then code to multiply by Screen.height? Isn't there a more convenient way to move UI objects?
Allow me a second question: Do you think it is even wise to make a game purely on canvas? My game is simple 2D, only slightly animated and contains many layout elements, so I decided to go for it, but I have hard time to grasp the UI position rules.
you may have the problem of the anchoring.
Unity UI totally depends on the Anchoring, if you have got right anchoring there is no issue.
For example. if you anchored something at the Center than changing left and right value moves them according to the center anchor.
for clear visualization, you can paste a screenshot of the behavior.

How can I make the SCNCamera that i instantiated zoom into only nodes that i want in SceneKit

Pretend i have 3 nodes in total. One of the nodes is a large SCNShere and i put the camera inside this sphere and make the sphere double sided with a textured image. I then put in two smaller spheres next to each other in the center inside this sphere. I also allowCameraControl. I want to be able to zoom into these two smaller spheres without zooming into the larger sphere and messing up the detail on that sphere.
You can't put limits on the camera that's automatically created with allowCameraControl. You'll have to do your own camera management, using your own gesture recognizers.
Another solution would be to rethink your approach to the background image. Instead of using a sky sphere for the background (which is what it sounds like you're doing), use a skybox, or cube map. You can supply a cube map through the scene's background property. The SCNMaterial documentation explains the options for supply a cube map.
Hmm, I wonder what would happen if you use the large sphere's textured image/material as the scene's background, instead of putting it on an enclosing sphere?
I like the idea of using an image as the background but there are two problems. One is i looked on the web for ways to make an image the background and none of them work. Two I want the background to have depth so in order to go on that idea I need to find a way to zoom into the background and have the image pan in the opposite direction that I drag.

Unity3D - Make texture edges not stretch

I've been searching around for this one for a bit, and unfortunately I can't seem to find any good, consistent results. So, in the Unity UI system, buttons can stretch without becoming pixelated or distorted. This is because the texture is split up into 9 parts - the corners, middle, and sides.
This works because the button's middle and sides are stretched, but not the corners. Then, the button appears not pixelated, at any dimension.
So, the question is as follows: How can I do the same thing for a transparent, unlit texture in 3D space? I have a speech bubble texture on a flat plane that I know how to re-scale to fit the text in the speech bubble.
I've set the texture type to Multiple Sprite, and divided it up into 9 parts. However, I cannot seem to find where I can set the texture to act like the UI button does, and I'm not sure that this is even possible in this way in 3D space.
Is there a way, or should I just make the different parts of the texture different objects, and move them together? That would seem very inefficient and ugly compared to this.
To accomplish what you are asking, you would need to create tiles for this speech bubble and then write a script that procedurally builds a speech bubble based on the plane's scale value. You could also try just changing the texture's Filter Mode to Point.
However I really don't think you should be using textures for this anyway. Why not just use a Unity Canvas and set the Render Mode to World Space? Then you can just set your text box to be a sprite, not a texture, and set its filter mode to Point (See below). This would also make it a lot easier for when you want there to be text in the speech bubble later on.

ios game make a mask layer effect

I need a 'mask' layer that covers the whole screen, with the center part (a circle) to be transparent. Then I can move the mask layer around using touch. User are only able to see the transparent part in the middle.
I don't think a png file can help because the file need to be very large to cover the whole screen.
So is it possible to do it by coding?
i found this online, but don't know much about openGL.
it would be great if i can use a CCMaskLayer and input with the radius. i can handle the touch event by my self.
the attached png file is expected result, the center part is transparent. i need this to cover my screen, and only show the middle part. the red part is covered.
I write a CCMaskLayer to do the exactly same thing.
You may solve this task with cropped circle texture in two ways:
1) Draw sprite with circle texture in screen center and draw another 4 sprites around (on top, bottom, left and right sides) with small red texture but scaled to cover all screen.
2) (more elegant but harder to implement) Make your mask layer fullscreen but adjust texture coordinates. In details:
set wrap mode to GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE to your circle texture
adjust texture coordinates of your layer vertices (to do this you need to subclass base CCLayer):
Here v means vertex position and t - texture coordinates. You need to set correct texture coordinates for four corner vertices of layer. For future if you will want to drag circle you will need to add some offset values to texture coordinates.