How to disable both past date and time in material-ui textfield datepicker - material-ui

I have added the following code in the textfield (datetime-local) to disable the past dates:
min: new Date().toISOString().slice(0, 16),
But It only disable the past dates. I also want to disable the past time.


Change a text and an icon according to the current date of a time zone

How do i change an icon and a text according to the current date?
For example lets say icon A and a text that says this is the first part of the year appears from January first to June 30th. How do I write my code in flutter so the text changes to this is the second part of the year and then the icon changes to icon B when the current date is July to December. Also, I don't want the code to take the current date from the location of the phone. I want to use the current date of the time zone utc+1.
Also, I got a flutter package for a clock.
Here is the link clock package.
The documentation of the package is not really that detailed. How do I code the clock so it doesn't show the current time of the phone but the current time of a particular time zone I choose. eg utc+1. Thanks a lot for your time.
You can check the month of the current time adjusted per your requirements and display the correct text/icon. Here is an example of how to handle the text. You would follow the same approach for the icon and any other adjustments you'd want to make.
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final now = Duration(hours: 1));
return Text(
now.month < 7
? 'This is the first half of the year'
: 'This is the second half of the year',

How to dynamically create and destroy datepicker in materializecss

I want to initialize and destroy datepicker in materializecss. I know how to initialize but unable to find it how to destroy.
I have one textbox and one dropdown.based on dropdown, the textbox type is changed. so when user select dob, I initialized textbox with materializecss datepicker but after that I am not able to change textbox back to its normal mode, I mean where user can insert text or number.
I am using below code to initialize -
selectMonths: true, // Creates a dropdown to control month
selectYears: 100 // Creates a dropdown of 15 years to control year
A datepicker usually has 3 buttons, however if these buttons are initialized without values ie. today: "" they will not be shown.
today: '',
clear: 'Clear selection',
close: 'Cancel'
For more information see:
From your comment
so lets say you have initialized date picker and now I want to destroy it, so that simple text can be written into it.
I think that if you only need a simple text can be written into it. Just add an option like this
editable: true

How to change months with Datepicker

Is there any way to change the date (value returned by getDate) pressing the change month arrows without using setDate?
It's not much clear your request..try to specify better; anyway see the documentation about datepicker

how to change the marked date to one user chose

when using datepicker (jquery ui 1.10.3) it opens up with default highlight on today and that's fine.
Now, the user want to choose other date - but the initial highlight still remains on today.
I'm searching in their documentation and in general (newbie in js and all) and can't reach the answer..
Edit - this is weird cause according to their example it should work out of the box
One possible solution is to add a class to a datepicker-wrapping element when the user selects a date and adjust the CSS:
$(document).ready(function () {
onSelect: function() {
Necessary CSS adjustment for .ui-datepicker-today : set the background to the background-image of the default-date according to the theme you're using.
Necessary CSS adjustment for .ui-datepicker-today.ui-datepicker-current-day (in case the user selects the current day): set the background to the theme's background-image of .ui-datepicker-current-day and the color of the font to your theme's color for the current day.
.madeSelect .ui-datepicker-today .ui-state-highlight
background: url("") repeat-x scroll 50% 50% #fece2f;
.madeSelect .ui-datepicker-today.ui-datepicker-current-day .ui-state-highlight
background: url("") repeat-x scroll 50% 50% #ffffff;;
color: #0074c7;
Working Demo here: Datepicker - remove highlight on today when date is selected

Kendo DatePicker Max date issue

I have a two kendo DatePickers to select start and end date of a job. job consists of multiple tasks which contains its own completion date (tasks are listed in a grid with kendo DatePicker for each record to select the completion date)
I set max and min of each task when user sets the job start and end date. I use kendo to bind data with kendo (through kendo knockout).
problem is when user clears the end date of a job,I set the max date of task level DatePicker to (2099, 11.31), but when I click on the task level datepicker I cant navigate to next month at once. if i click on some other datepicker can navigate. this happens when I delete start or end date of the job level.
Well this question doesn't seem to be 'active' anymore but for reference, I managed to get around the problem by calling .enable() on the kendo control after setting the new value (I was using ko + ko-kendo but other than that it's exactly the same)
Code in fiddle:
var vm = {
val: ko.observable(new Date()),
mx: ko.observable(new Date())
setTimeout(function() { Date(2099, 11, 31));
var d = $('#a').data('kendoDatePicker');
d.enable(); // commenting this exhibits the problem - max constraint isn't updated visually
}, 3000);
I'm reasonably sure this has no side effect; if you want to preserve the enabled state I'm sure you can check the state and call enable+disable or disable+enable.
Jeez, this was annoying.
EDIT: wrong, I was fooled by the behavior which is a little more involved. You only get the bug if you open the datepicker each time you set a new maximum; the first time the change is acknowledged but subsequent times it's not. I'll spend a few more minutes with this I suppose...