Finding lambda captured values (or their classes) in Scala 3 - scala

I'm looking for a way to find values (or their classes) that are captured by lambda (for serialization - something like Spark) in Scala 3 (I don't need Scala 2 support):
val a = "abc"
val f = () => a + "xyz"
serialize(f) // Should detect a / String as captured value
Doing this in runtime is kinda easy (iterating over f.getClass.getDeclaredFields), but I would like to do it in compile time.
I was trying to inspect time of lambda in Macro, but it's detected as plain scala.Function0 without any interesting info.
I wonder if I can do some tree inspection, but I would really like to avoid that - I feel like I would have to copy compiler internals to catch all edge cases.

Try the following macro
import scala.quoted.*
inline def serialize(x: Any): Unit = ${serializeImpl('x)}
def serializeImpl(x: Expr[Any])(using Quotes): Expr[Unit] = {
import quotes.reflect.*
def owners(s: Symbol): List[Symbol] = s :: List.unfold(s)(s1 => Option.when(s1.maybeOwner != Symbol.noSymbol)((s1.maybeOwner, s1.maybeOwner)))
val symbol = x.asTerm.underlying.symbol
val rhs = symbol.tree match {
case ValDef(_, _, Some(rhs)) => rhs
val traverser = new TreeTraverser {
override def traverseTree(tree: Tree)(owner: Symbol): Unit = {
tree match {
case Ident(name) =>
val symbol1 = tree.symbol
val pos1 = symbol1.pos.get
println(s"identifier: $name, defined inside lambda: ${owners(symbol1).contains(symbol)}, defined in current file: ${pos1.sourceFile == SourceFile.current}")
case _ =>
object App1 {
val b = "bbb"
import App1.b
object App {
val a = "abc"
val f = () => { val x = "uvw"; a + b + x + "xyz"}
//scalac: identifier: a, defined inside lambda: false, defined in current file: true
//scalac: identifier: b, defined inside lambda: false, defined in current file: false
//scalac: identifier: x, defined inside lambda: true, defined in current file: true
//scalac: identifier: $anonfun, defined inside lambda: true, defined in current file: true


Can you implement dsinfo in Scala 3? (Can Scala 3 macros get info about their context?)

The dsinfo library lets you access the names of values from the context of where a function is written using Scala 2 macros. The example they give is that if you have something like
val name = myFunction(x, y)
myFunction will actually be passed the name of its val in addition to the other arguments, i.e., myFunction("name", x, y).
This is very useful for DSLs where you'd like named values for error reporting or other kinds of encoding. The only other option seems to explicitly pass the name as a String, which can lead to unintentional mismatches.
Is this possible with Scala 3 macros, and if so, how do you "climb up" the tree at the macro's use location to find its id?
In Scala 3 there is no c.macroApplication. Only Position.ofMacroExpansion instead of a tree. But we can analyze Symbol.spliceOwner.maybeOwner. I presume that scalacOptions += "-Yretain-trees" is switched on.
import scala.annotation.experimental
import scala.quoted.*
object Macro {
inline def makeCallWithName[T](inline methodName: String): T =
def makeCallWithNameImpl[T](methodName: Expr[String])(using Quotes, Type[T]): Expr[T] = {
import quotes.reflect.*
println(Position.ofMacroExpansion.sourceCode)//Some(twoargs(1, "one"))
val methodNameStr = methodName.valueOrAbort
val strs = methodNameStr.split('.')
val moduleName = strs.init.mkString(".")
val moduleSymbol = Symbol.requiredModule(moduleName)
val shortMethodName = strs.last
val ident = Ident(TermRef(moduleSymbol.termRef, shortMethodName))
val (ownerName, ownerRhs) = Symbol.spliceOwner.maybeOwner.tree match {
case ValDef(name, tpt, Some(rhs)) => (name, rhs)
case DefDef(name, paramss, tpt, Some(rhs)) => (name, rhs)
case t => report.errorAndAbort(s"can't find RHS of ${}")
val treeAccumulator = new TreeAccumulator[Option[Tree]] {
override def foldTree(acc: Option[Tree], tree: Tree)(owner: Symbol): Option[Tree] = tree match {
case Apply(fun, args) if fun.symbol.fullName == "App$.twoargs" =>
Some(Apply(ident, Literal(StringConstant(ownerName)) :: args))
case _ => foldOverTree(acc, tree)(owner)
treeAccumulator.foldTree(None, ownerRhs)(ownerRhs.symbol)
.getOrElse(report.errorAndAbort(s"can't find twoargs in RHS: ${}"))
package mypackage
case class TwoArgs(name : String, i : Int, s : String)
import mypackage.TwoArgs
object App {
inline def twoargs(i: Int, s: String) =
def x() = twoargs(1, "one") // TwoArgs("x", 1, "one")
def aMethod() = {
val y = twoargs(2, "two") // TwoArgs("y", 2, "two")
val z = Some(twoargs(3, "three")) // Some(TwoArgs("z", 3, "three"))
dsinfo also handles the name twoargs at call site (as template $macro) but I didn't implement this. I guess the name (if necessary) can be obtained from Position.ofMacroExpansion.sourceCode.
Update. Here is implementation handling name of inline method (e.g. twoargs) using Scalameta + Semanticdb besides Scala 3 macros.
import mypackage.TwoArgs
object App {
inline def twoargs(i: Int, s: String) =
inline def twoargs1(i: Int, s: String) =
def x() = twoargs(1, "one") // TwoArgs("x", 1, "one")
def aMethod() = {
val y = twoargs(2, "two") // TwoArgs("y", 2, "two")
val z = Some(twoargs1(3, "three")) // Some(TwoArgs("z", 3, "three"))
package mypackage
case class TwoArgs(name : String, i : Int, s : String)
import scala.annotation.experimental
import scala.quoted.*
object Macro {
inline def makeCallWithName[T](inline methodName: String): T =
def makeCallWithNameImpl[T](methodName: Expr[String])(using Quotes, Type[T]): Expr[T] = {
import quotes.reflect.*
val position = Position.ofMacroExpansion
val scalaFile = position.sourceFile.getJPath.getOrElse(
report.errorAndAbort(s"maybe virtual file, can't find path to position $position")
val inlineMethodSymbol =
new SemanticdbInspector(scalaFile)
.getInlineMethodSymbol(position.start, position.end)
.getOrElse(report.errorAndAbort(s"can't find Scalameta symbol at position (${position.startLine},${position.startColumn})..(${position.endLine},${position.endColumn})=$position"))
val methodNameStr = methodName.valueOrAbort
val strs = methodNameStr.split('.')
val moduleName = strs.init.mkString(".")
val moduleSymbol = Symbol.requiredModule(moduleName)
val shortMethodName = strs.last
val ident = Ident(TermRef(moduleSymbol.termRef, shortMethodName))
val owner = Symbol.spliceOwner.maybeOwner
val macroApplication: Option[Tree] = {
val (ownerName, ownerRhs) = owner.tree match {
case ValDef(name, tpt, Some(rhs)) => (name, rhs)
case DefDef(name, paramss, tpt, Some(rhs)) => (name, rhs)
case t => report.errorAndAbort(s"can't find RHS of ${}")
val treeAccumulator = new TreeAccumulator[Option[Tree]] {
override def foldTree(acc: Option[Tree], tree: Tree)(owner: Symbol): Option[Tree] = tree match {
case Apply(fun, args) if tree.pos == position /* fun.symbol.fullName == inlineMethodSymbol */ =>
Some(Apply(ident, Literal(StringConstant(ownerName)) :: args))
case _ => foldOverTree(acc, tree)(owner)
treeAccumulator.foldTree(None, ownerRhs)(ownerRhs.symbol)
val res = macroApplication
.getOrElse(report.errorAndAbort(s"can't find application of $inlineMethodSymbol in RHS of $owner"))
import java.nio.file.{Path, Paths}
import scala.meta.*
import scala.meta.interactive.InteractiveSemanticdb
import scala.meta.internal.semanticdb.{ClassSignature, Locator, Range, SymbolInformation, SymbolOccurrence, TextDocument, TypeRef}
class SemanticdbInspector(val scalaFile: Path) {
val scalaFileStr = scalaFile.toString
var textDocuments: Seq[TextDocument] = Seq()
Paths.get(scalaFileStr + ".semanticdb")
)((path, textDocs) => {
textDocuments ++= textDocs.documents
val bufferedSource: BufferedSource = io.Source.fromFile(scalaFileStr)
val source = try bufferedSource.mkString finally bufferedSource.close()
extension (tree: Tree) {
def occurence: Option[SymbolOccurrence] = {
val treeRange = Range(tree.pos.startLine, tree.pos.startColumn, tree.pos.endLine, tree.pos.endColumn)
.find(_.range.exists(occurrenceRange => treeRange == occurrenceRange))
def info: Option[SymbolInformation] = occurence.flatMap(
extension (symbol: String) {
def info: Option[SymbolInformation] = textDocuments.flatMap(_.symbols).find(_.symbol == symbol)
def getInlineMethodSymbol(startOffset: Int, endOffset: Int): Option[String] = {
def translateScalametaToMacro3(symbol: String): String =
.replace(".", "$.")
.replace("/", ".")
dialects.Scala3(source).parse[Source].get.collect {
case t#Term.Apply(fun, args) if t.pos.start == startOffset && t.pos.end == endOffset =>
lazy val scala3V = "3.1.3"
lazy val scala2V = "2.13.8"
lazy val scalametaV = "4.5.13"
lazy val root = project
name := "scala3demo",
version := "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT",
scalaVersion := scala3V,
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"org.scalameta" %% "scalameta" % scalametaV cross CrossVersion.for3Use2_13,
"org.scalameta" % s"semanticdb-scalac_$scala2V" % scalametaV,
scalacOptions ++= Seq(
semanticdbEnabled := true,
By the way, Semantidb can't be replaced by Tasty here because when a macro in App is being expanded, the file App.scala.semantidb already exists (it's generated early, at frontend phase of compilation) but App.tasty hasn't yet (it appears when App has been compiled i.e. after expansion of the macro, at pickler phase).
.scala.semanticdb file will appear even if .scala file doesn't compile (e.g. if there is an error in macro expansion) but .tasty file won't.
scala.meta parent of parent of Defn.Object
Is it possible to using macro to modify the generated code of structural-typing instance invocation?
Scala conditional compilation
Macro annotation to override toString of Scala function
How to merge multiple imports in scala?
How to get the type of a variable with scalameta if the decltpe is empty?
See also
Simplified version:
import scala.quoted.*
inline def makeCallWithName[T](inline methodName: String): T =
def makeCallWithNameImpl[T](methodName: Expr[String])(using Quotes, Type[T]): Expr[T] = {
import quotes.reflect.*
val position = Position.ofMacroExpansion
val methodNameStr = methodName.valueOrAbort
val strs = methodNameStr.split('.')
val moduleName = strs.init.mkString(".")
val moduleSymbol = Symbol.requiredModule(moduleName)
val shortMethodName = strs.last
val ident = Ident(TermRef(moduleSymbol.termRef, shortMethodName))
val owner0 = Symbol.spliceOwner.maybeOwner
val ownerName = owner0.tree match {
case ValDef(name, _, _) => name
case DefDef(name, _, _, _) => name
case t => report.errorAndAbort(s"unexpected tree shape: ${}")
val owner = if owner0.isLocalDummy then owner0.maybeOwner else owner0
val macroApplication: Option[Tree] = {
val treeAccumulator = new TreeAccumulator[Option[Tree]] {
override def foldTree(acc: Option[Tree], tree: Tree)(owner: Symbol): Option[Tree] = tree match {
case _ if tree.pos == position => Some(tree)
case _ => foldOverTree(acc, tree)(owner)
treeAccumulator.foldTree(None, owner.tree)(owner)
val res = macroApplication.getOrElse(
report.errorAndAbort("can't find macro application")
) match {
case Apply(_, args) => Apply(ident, Literal(StringConstant(ownerName)) :: args)
case t => report.errorAndAbort(s"unexpected shape of macro application: ${}")

Get an scala.MatchError: f (of class scala.reflect.internal.Trees$Ident) when providing a lambda assigned to a val

I'm kind like discovering the macros for an use case in which I tried to extract the lambda arg names from a function. To do so, I've defined this class (let's say in a module A):
object MacroTest {
def getLambdaArgNames[A, B](f: A => B): String = macro getLambdaArgNamesImpl[A, B]
def getLambdaArgNamesImpl[A, B](c: Context)(f: c.Expr[A => B]): c.Expr[String] = {
import c.universe._
val Function(args, body) = f.tree
val names =
val argNames = names.mkString(", ")
val constant = Literal(Constant(argNames))
Now in another module, I'm trying to write an unit like to check the names of the argument named passed to a lambda :
class TestSomething extends AnyFreeSpec with Matchers {
"test" in {
val f = (e1: Expr[Int]) => e1 === 3
val argNames = MacroTest.getLambdaArgNames(f)
assert(argNames === "e1")
But this code doesn't compile because of :
scala.MatchError: f (of class scala.reflect.internal.Trees$Ident)
But if I pass directly the lambda to the function like MacroTest.getLambdaArgNames((e1: Expr[Int]) => e1 === 3) it's working so I'm pretty lost about the reason that makes the code not compiling.
Any possible solution to fix that ?
It's the same issue as in Scala macro inspect tree for anonymous function, where you commented: you really do need to pass the lambda itself to the macro, as you say
if I pass directly the lambda to the function like MacroTest.getLambdaArgNames((e1: Expr[Int]) => e1 === 3) it's working
When you write MacroTest.getLambdaArgNames(f), the AST argument (f: c.Expr[A => B] in getLambdaArgNamesImpl) just stores the identifier f and the lambda's AST isn't stored anywhere.
Alternately, you can store the AST for the lambda in f, not the the lambda itself:
val f = q"(e1: Expr[Int]) => e1 === 3"
in Scala 2,
val f = '{ (e1: Expr[Int]) => e1 === 3 }
in Scala 3, and then make getLambdaArgNames a normal function.
Try approach with Traverser
def getLambdaArgNamesImpl[A, B](c: blackbox.Context)(f: c.Expr[A => B]): c.Expr[String] = {
import c.universe._
val arguments = f.tree match {
case Function(args, body) => args
case _ =>
var rhs: Option[Tree] = None
val traverser = new Traverser {
override def traverse(tree: Tree): Unit = {
tree match {
case q"$_ val f: $_ = $expr"
if tree.symbol == f.tree.symbol ||
(tree.symbol.isTerm && tree.symbol.asTerm.getter == f.tree.symbol) =>
rhs = Some(expr)
case _ => super.traverse(tree)
c.enclosingRun.units.foreach(unit => traverser.traverse(unit.body))
rhs match {
case Some(Function(args, body)) => args
case _ => c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, "can't find definition of val f")
val names =
val argNames = names.mkString(", ")
val constant = Literal(Constant(argNames))
Case tree.symbol == f.tree.symbol matches when f is a local variable
class TestSomething extends AnyFreeSpec with Matchers {
"test" in {
val f = (e1: Expr[Int]) => e1 === 3
Case tree.symbol.asTerm.getter == f.tree.symbol matches when f is a field in a class
class TestSomething extends AnyFreeSpec with Matchers {
val f = (e1: Expr[Int]) => e1 === 3
"test" in {
Def Macro, pass parameter from a value
Creating a method definition tree from a method symbol and a body
Scala macro how to convert a MethodSymbol to DefDef with parameter default values?
How to get the runtime value of parameter passed to a Scala macro?

scala proxy macro, issue converting method args to values

I am trying to write a proxy macro using scala macros. I want to be able to proxy a trait X and return instances of X that invoke a function for all methods of X.
Here is what I did so far. Say we want to proxy the trait TheTrait (which is defined below), we can run ProxyMacro.proxy passing a function that will be called for all invocations of the proxy methods.
trait TheTrait
def myMethod(x: String)(y: Int): String
val proxy = ProxyMacro.proxy[TheTrait] {
case ("myMethod", args) =>
The implementation so far is this:
package macrotests
import scala.language.experimental.macros
import scala.reflect.macros.whitebox.Context
object ProxyMacro
type Implementor = (String, Any) => Any
def proxy[T](implementor: Implementor): T = macro impl[T]
def impl[T: c.WeakTypeTag](c: Context)(implementor: c.Expr[Implementor]): c.Expr[T] = {
import c.universe._
val tpe = weakTypeOf[T]
val decls = { decl =>
val termName =
val method = decl.asMethod
val params = => internal.valDef(s)))
val paramVars = method.paramLists.flatMap( { s =>
q""" def $termName (...$params) = {
$implementor (${termName.toString}, List(..${paramVars}) ).asInstanceOf[${method.returnType}]
c.Expr[T] {
new $tpe {
But there is a problem. This doesn't compile due to List(..${paramVars}). This should just create a list with all the values of the method arguments.
But I get a compilation issue (not worth pasting it) on that line.
How can I convert the list of method arguments to their values?
showInfo is useful when you debug macro
def showInfo(s: String) =, s.split("\n").mkString("\n |---macro info---\n |", "\n |", ""), true)
val paramVars = method.paramLists.flatMap( { s =>
})(this result is List(x0$1, x1$1))
val paramVars = method.paramLists.flatMap( { s =>
})(this result is List(x, y))

Scala Functional "no-op" syntax [duplicate]

When programming in java, I always log input parameter and return value of a method, but in scala, the last line of a method is the return value. so I have to do something like:
def myFunc() = {
val rs = calcSomeResult()"result is:" + rs)
in order to make it easy, I write a utility:
class LogUtil(val f: (String) => Unit) {
def logWithValue[T](msg: String, value: T): T = { f(msg); value }
object LogUtil {
def withValue[T](f: String => Unit): ((String, T) => T) = new LogUtil(f).logWithValue _
Then I used it as:
val rs = calcSomeResult()
withValue("result is:" + rs, rs)
it will log the value and return it. it works for me,but seems wierd. as I am a old java programmer, but new to scala, I don't know whether there is a more idiomatic way to do this in scala.
thanks for your help, now I create a better util using Kestrel combinator metioned by romusz
object LogUtil {
def kestrel[A](x: A)(f: A => Unit): A = { f(x); x }
def logV[A](f: String => Unit)(s: String, x: A) = kestrel(x) { y => f(s + ": " + y)}
I add f parameter so that I can pass it a logger from slf4j, and the test case is:
class LogUtilSpec extends FlatSpec with ShouldMatchers {
val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass())
import LogUtil._
"LogUtil" should "print log info and keep the value, and the calc for value should only be called once" in {
def calcValue = { println("calcValue"); 100 } // to confirm it's called only once
val v = logV("result is", calcValue)
v should be === 100
What you're looking for is called Kestrel combinator (K combinator): Kxy = x. You can do all kinds of side-effect operations (not only logging) while returning the value passed to it. Read
In Scala the simplest way to implement it is:
def kestrel[A](x: A)(f: A => Unit): A = { f(x); x }
Then you can define your printing/logging function as:
def logging[A](x: A) = kestrel(x)(println)
def logging[A](s: String, x: A) = kestrel(x){ y => println(s + ": " + y) }
And use it like:
logging(1 + 2) + logging(3 + 4)
your example function becomes a one-liner:
def myFunc() = logging("result is", calcSomeResult())
If you prefer OO notation you can use implicits as shown in other answers, but the problem with such approach is that you'll create a new object every time you want to log something, which may cause performance degradation if you do it often enough. But for completeness, it looks like this:
implicit def anyToLogging[A](a: A) = new {
def log = logging(a)
def log(msg: String) = logging(msg, a)
Use it like:
def myFunc() = calcSomeResult().log("result is")
You have the basic idea right--you just need to tidy it up a little bit to make it maximally convenient.
class GenericLogger[A](a: A) {
def log(logger: String => Unit)(str: A => String): A = { logger(str(a)); a }
implicit def anything_can_log[A](a: A) = new GenericLogger(a)
Now you can
scala> (47+92).log(println)("The answer is " + _)
The answer is 139
res0: Int = 139
This way you don't need to repeat yourself (e.g. no rs twice).
If you like a more generic approach better, you could define
implicit def idToSideEffect[A](a: A) = new {
def withSideEffect(fun: A => Unit): A = { fun(a); a }
def |!>(fun: A => Unit): A = withSideEffect(fun) // forward pipe-like
def tap(fun: A => Unit): A = withSideEffect(fun) // public demand & ruby standard
and use it like
calcSomeResult() |!> { rs =>"result is:" + rs) }
calcSomeResult() tap println
Starting Scala 2.13, the chaining operation tap can be used to apply a side effect (in this case some logging) on any value while returning the original value:
def tap[U](f: (A) => U): A
For instance:
scala> val a = 42.tap(println)
a: Int = 42
or in our case:
import scala.util.chaining._
def myFunc() = calcSomeResult().tap(x =>"result is: $x"))
Let's say you already have a base class for all you loggers:
abstract class Logger {
def info(msg:String):Unit
Then you could extend String with the ## logging method:
object ExpressionLog {
// default logger
implicit val logger = new Logger {
def info(s:String) {println(s)}
// adding ## method to all String objects
implicit def stringToLog (msg: String) (implicit logger: Logger) = new {
def ## [T] (exp: T) = { + " = " + exp)
To use the logging you'd have to import members of ExpressionLog object and then you could easily log expressions using the following notation:
import ExpressionLog._
def sum (a:Int, b:Int) = "sum result" ## (a+b)
val c = sum("a" ## 1, "b" ##2)
Will print:
a = 1
b = 2
sum result = 3
This works because every time when you call a ## method on a String compiler realises that String doesn't have the method and silently converts it into an object with anonymous type that has the ## method defined (see stringToLog). As part of the conversion compiler picks the desired logger as an implicit parameter, this way you don't have to keep passing on the logger to the ## every time yet you retain full control over which logger needs to be used every time.
As far as precedence goes when ## method is used in infix notation it has the highest priority making it easier to reason about what will be logged.
So what if you wanted to use a different logger in one of your methods? This is very simple:
import ExpressionLog.{logger=>_,_} // import everything but default logger
// define specific local logger
// this can be as simple as: implicit val logger = new MyLogger
implicit val logger = new Logger {
var lineno = 1
def info(s:String) {
println("%03d".format(lineno) + ": " + s)
// start logging
def sum (a:Int, b:Int) = a+b
val c = "sum result" ## sum("a" ## 1, "b" ##2)
Will output:
001: a = 1
002: b = 2
003: sum result = 3
Compiling all the answers, pros and cons, I came up with this (context is a Play application):
import play.api.LoggerLike
object LogUtils {
implicit class LogAny2[T](val value : T) extends AnyVal {
def ##(str : String)(implicit logger : LoggerLike) : T = {
def ##(f : T => String)(implicit logger : LoggerLike) : T = {
As you can see, LogAny is an AnyVal so there shouldn't be any overhead of new object creation.
You can use it like this:
scala> import utils.LogUtils._
scala> val a = 5
scala> val b = 7
scala> implicit val logger = play.api.Logger
scala> val c = a + b ## { c => s"result of $a + $b = $c" }
c: Int = 12
Or if you don't need a reference to the result, just use:
scala> val c = a + b ## "Finished this very complex calculation"
c: Int = 12
Any downsides to this implementation?
I've made this available with some improvements in a gist here

how to keep return value when logging in scala

When programming in java, I always log input parameter and return value of a method, but in scala, the last line of a method is the return value. so I have to do something like:
def myFunc() = {
val rs = calcSomeResult()"result is:" + rs)
in order to make it easy, I write a utility:
class LogUtil(val f: (String) => Unit) {
def logWithValue[T](msg: String, value: T): T = { f(msg); value }
object LogUtil {
def withValue[T](f: String => Unit): ((String, T) => T) = new LogUtil(f).logWithValue _
Then I used it as:
val rs = calcSomeResult()
withValue("result is:" + rs, rs)
it will log the value and return it. it works for me,but seems wierd. as I am a old java programmer, but new to scala, I don't know whether there is a more idiomatic way to do this in scala.
thanks for your help, now I create a better util using Kestrel combinator metioned by romusz
object LogUtil {
def kestrel[A](x: A)(f: A => Unit): A = { f(x); x }
def logV[A](f: String => Unit)(s: String, x: A) = kestrel(x) { y => f(s + ": " + y)}
I add f parameter so that I can pass it a logger from slf4j, and the test case is:
class LogUtilSpec extends FlatSpec with ShouldMatchers {
val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass())
import LogUtil._
"LogUtil" should "print log info and keep the value, and the calc for value should only be called once" in {
def calcValue = { println("calcValue"); 100 } // to confirm it's called only once
val v = logV("result is", calcValue)
v should be === 100
What you're looking for is called Kestrel combinator (K combinator): Kxy = x. You can do all kinds of side-effect operations (not only logging) while returning the value passed to it. Read
In Scala the simplest way to implement it is:
def kestrel[A](x: A)(f: A => Unit): A = { f(x); x }
Then you can define your printing/logging function as:
def logging[A](x: A) = kestrel(x)(println)
def logging[A](s: String, x: A) = kestrel(x){ y => println(s + ": " + y) }
And use it like:
logging(1 + 2) + logging(3 + 4)
your example function becomes a one-liner:
def myFunc() = logging("result is", calcSomeResult())
If you prefer OO notation you can use implicits as shown in other answers, but the problem with such approach is that you'll create a new object every time you want to log something, which may cause performance degradation if you do it often enough. But for completeness, it looks like this:
implicit def anyToLogging[A](a: A) = new {
def log = logging(a)
def log(msg: String) = logging(msg, a)
Use it like:
def myFunc() = calcSomeResult().log("result is")
You have the basic idea right--you just need to tidy it up a little bit to make it maximally convenient.
class GenericLogger[A](a: A) {
def log(logger: String => Unit)(str: A => String): A = { logger(str(a)); a }
implicit def anything_can_log[A](a: A) = new GenericLogger(a)
Now you can
scala> (47+92).log(println)("The answer is " + _)
The answer is 139
res0: Int = 139
This way you don't need to repeat yourself (e.g. no rs twice).
If you like a more generic approach better, you could define
implicit def idToSideEffect[A](a: A) = new {
def withSideEffect(fun: A => Unit): A = { fun(a); a }
def |!>(fun: A => Unit): A = withSideEffect(fun) // forward pipe-like
def tap(fun: A => Unit): A = withSideEffect(fun) // public demand & ruby standard
and use it like
calcSomeResult() |!> { rs =>"result is:" + rs) }
calcSomeResult() tap println
Starting Scala 2.13, the chaining operation tap can be used to apply a side effect (in this case some logging) on any value while returning the original value:
def tap[U](f: (A) => U): A
For instance:
scala> val a = 42.tap(println)
a: Int = 42
or in our case:
import scala.util.chaining._
def myFunc() = calcSomeResult().tap(x =>"result is: $x"))
Let's say you already have a base class for all you loggers:
abstract class Logger {
def info(msg:String):Unit
Then you could extend String with the ## logging method:
object ExpressionLog {
// default logger
implicit val logger = new Logger {
def info(s:String) {println(s)}
// adding ## method to all String objects
implicit def stringToLog (msg: String) (implicit logger: Logger) = new {
def ## [T] (exp: T) = { + " = " + exp)
To use the logging you'd have to import members of ExpressionLog object and then you could easily log expressions using the following notation:
import ExpressionLog._
def sum (a:Int, b:Int) = "sum result" ## (a+b)
val c = sum("a" ## 1, "b" ##2)
Will print:
a = 1
b = 2
sum result = 3
This works because every time when you call a ## method on a String compiler realises that String doesn't have the method and silently converts it into an object with anonymous type that has the ## method defined (see stringToLog). As part of the conversion compiler picks the desired logger as an implicit parameter, this way you don't have to keep passing on the logger to the ## every time yet you retain full control over which logger needs to be used every time.
As far as precedence goes when ## method is used in infix notation it has the highest priority making it easier to reason about what will be logged.
So what if you wanted to use a different logger in one of your methods? This is very simple:
import ExpressionLog.{logger=>_,_} // import everything but default logger
// define specific local logger
// this can be as simple as: implicit val logger = new MyLogger
implicit val logger = new Logger {
var lineno = 1
def info(s:String) {
println("%03d".format(lineno) + ": " + s)
// start logging
def sum (a:Int, b:Int) = a+b
val c = "sum result" ## sum("a" ## 1, "b" ##2)
Will output:
001: a = 1
002: b = 2
003: sum result = 3
Compiling all the answers, pros and cons, I came up with this (context is a Play application):
import play.api.LoggerLike
object LogUtils {
implicit class LogAny2[T](val value : T) extends AnyVal {
def ##(str : String)(implicit logger : LoggerLike) : T = {
def ##(f : T => String)(implicit logger : LoggerLike) : T = {
As you can see, LogAny is an AnyVal so there shouldn't be any overhead of new object creation.
You can use it like this:
scala> import utils.LogUtils._
scala> val a = 5
scala> val b = 7
scala> implicit val logger = play.api.Logger
scala> val c = a + b ## { c => s"result of $a + $b = $c" }
c: Int = 12
Or if you don't need a reference to the result, just use:
scala> val c = a + b ## "Finished this very complex calculation"
c: Int = 12
Any downsides to this implementation?
I've made this available with some improvements in a gist here