JPA Criteria subquery with tuple - jpa

I define two Entity
class Template {
private String id;
private String name;
#OneToMany(fetch=FetchType.LAZY, mappedBy="template")
private List<Edition> editions;
class Edition {
private String id;
private Integer version;
private String state;
private Template template;
And I want to query each template's newest version and edition's state, so my native sql is:
select,, b.version, b.state
tb_pm_template a,
tb_pm_edition b
where = b.template_id and
(b.template_id, b.version) in (select template_id, max(version) from tb_pm_edition group by template_id)
The navtive sql work fine. But I want to write in jpa Criteria api way.
So, I try the code below:
CriteriaBuilder cb = entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<Tuple> maxVersionQuery = cb.createTupleQuery();
Root<Edition> editionRoot = maxVersionQuery.from(Edition.class);
List<Tuple> maxVersion = entityManager.createQuery(maxVersionQuery).getResultList();
List<Map<String, Object>> maxVersionResult = new ArrayList<>(maxVersion.size());
for (Tuple tuple: maxVersion) {
Map<String, Object> row = new HashMap<>(2);
for (TupleElement element: tuple.getElements()) {
row.put(element.getAlias(), tuple.get(element.getAlias()));
// the maxVersion or maxVersionResult contain the template's newest version info I want, then I want to combine the version state and template name
CriteriaQuery<Tuple> templateQuery = cb.createTupleQuery();
Root<Edition> editionRoot1 = templateQuery.from(Edition.class);
// here I don't know how to connect the conditions
// I try the, but it needs Expression type
// I also try to use the Subquery api, but since I need the subquery return template_id and version, so I define Subquery<Tuple>, but the Subquery instance's select method only take one parameter
// I check the official document in comments, the example only show the aggregate without groupby
Is my implementation way wrong? On this basis, I also need to add paging and sorting, so if it is divided into two or more SQL statements, will it affect the paging count?


Cast Id column type of Long to Text so LIKE can be applied

I am using CriteriaBuilder to create a Query that returns a List of MyOwnEntitiy. In my entity I have a #Id that is type of Long but I have the need to query the entity when id is like '%3%'. In plain sql I have several options:
select * from MyOwnTable where concat(id,id) like '%3'
select * from MyOwnTable where id::text like '%3'
select * from MyOwnTable where cast(id as text) like '%3'
but when using hibernate and criteriaBuilder I get stuck when trying to cast to text.
I tried to use #Formula annotation in myOwnEntity:
private String idToText;
but still get the exception:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Parameter value [%3%] did not
match expected type [java.lang.Long (n/a)]
final CriteriaQuery<MyOwnEntitiy> criteriaQuery = CriteriaBuilder.createQuery(MyOwnEntitiy.class);
final Root<MyOwnEntitiy> myOwn = criteriaQuery.from(MyOwnEntitiy.class);
criteriaQuery.where("idToText"), "%3%")))
I expect to see in hibernate sql the same or similar that I see in plain sql.
Leave the id field as Long
public class MyOwnTable {
private Long id;
and use .as(String.class) in criteria builder:
CriteriaBuilder criteriaBuilder = entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder();
final CriteriaQuery<MyEntity> criteriaQuery = criteriaBuilder.createQuery(MyEntity.class);
final Root<MyEntity> myOwn = criteriaQuery.from(MyEntity.class);
criteriaQuery.where("id").as(String.class), "%3%"));
TypedQuery<MyEntity> typedQuery = entityManager.createQuery(criteriaQuery);
List<MyEntity> myEntitiesContainingThreeInId = typedQuery.getResultList()

How can i ignore: PSQLException: The column name clothStyle was not found in this ResultSet

I created a a query to only get 4 items from a row in a table which does not include the column cloth style, so i understand why i get the error, but how can i tell Spring Jpa or JPA it is on purpose. and i just want the id, name and color table ?
this is my code:
#RequestMapping(value = "/query/material",method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String QueryMaterialTable(HttpServletRequest request){
DataTableRequest<Material> dataTableInRQ = new DataTableRequest<Material>(request);
PaginationCriteria pagination = dataTableInRQ.getPaginationRequest();
String baseQuery = "SELECT id as id, time as time, name as name, color as color, price as price, (SELECT COUNT(1) FROM MATERIAL) AS totalrecords FROM MATERIAL";
String paginatedQuery = AppUtil.buildPaginatedQuery(baseQuery, pagination);
Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(paginatedQuery, Material.class);
List<Material> materialList = query.getResultList();
DataTableResults<Material> dataTableResult = new DataTableResults<Material>();
if (!AppUtil.isObjectEmpty(materialList)) {
if (dataTableInRQ.getPaginationRequest().isFilterByEmpty()) {
} else {
return new Gson().toJson(dataTableResult);
If I got the question right, your problem is with the following two lines:
Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(paginatedQuery, Material.class);
List<Material> materialList = query.getResultList();
You have various options to fix this:
provide a complete column list, i.e. provide the missing column in the SQL statement and just make them NULL;
Don't use Material but a new class that has the matching attributes.
Don't use a native query but JPQL and a constructor expression.
Use a ResultTransformer.
Use Spring Data and a Projection.
Use a Spring JdbcTemplate.

spring data sort by map-value within a given key

I would like to sort a Map of by the value. For example I have Person class which has a map of details that are stored in a map with key-value Map<String, String>.
I am using springboot with hibernate5. This is the mapping.
public class Person implements Serializable {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
#Column(name = "personid")
private Integer id;
#Column(name = "name")
private String name;
// this is a collection of person details
#MapKeyColumn(name = "detailkey")
#Column(name = "detailvalue")
#CollectionTable(name = "details", joinColumns = #JoinColumn(name = "personid"))
Map<String, String> details = new HashMap<>();
//getter and setters omitted
So far I am able to retrieve a person with some specific detailskey and specific detail value. So for example a person table in the DB has eyecolor as detail attribute and as value can have "green", "blue", "brown". Note this is not a real example, just for clarity purposes.
So for example I can get the list of persons and sort them by their name, in the controller I can do
Sort sort = new Sort(Sort.Direction.ASC, "name");
and the opposite direction
Sort sort = new Sort(Sort.Direction.DESC, "name");
Pageable pageable = new PageRequest(1, 10, sort);
pageResult = personRepository.findAll(
"eyecolor", "green", pageable
and this one will return the list of persons that have "eyecolor" as green. So far so good and this is working as expected. Now I would like to define a sorting on the detailvalue.
For example I would like to get a list of person sorted by their eyecolor. So first I should have the persons that have "blue", "brown", "green".
how can the Sort be specified in this case ?
In standard SQL it would be something like this:
SELECT p.* from persons p LEFT JOIN details d ON
p.personid = d.personid AND p.detailkey='eyercolor' ORDER BY
p.detailvalue ASC;
The following query worked for me:
SELECT p FROM Person p JOIN p.details d WHERE KEY(d) = 'eyecolor' ORDER BY d
(note that ORDER BY VALUE(d) would fail since VALUE(d) still seems to behave as described here: JPA's Map<KEY, VALUE> query by JPQL failed)
Now, I'm not particularly well versed with Spring Data, but I suppose you should be able to use the above query (without the ORDER BY part) with the #Query annotation on your PersonRepository.findAll method (I'm assuming that's a custom method) and provide the sorting using JpaSort.unsafe("d").

How replace native order by clause on JPA equivalent?

I use JPA 2.0 criteria builder. I need get data from one table and sort them by column from other. This tables have relations OneToMany:
class Club{
#OneToMany(mappedBy = "club")
private List<Address> addresses;
class Address{
#JoinColumn(name = "club_id", referencedColumnName = "id")
#ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
private Club club;
#Column(name = "type")
private Long type;
#Column(name = "full_address")
private String full_address;
May be several address of some type but I need only one row of this specific address.
I write native queries with subquery, but it's has problem because subquery doesn't use in order clause and in select clause in JPA 2.0.
select c.full_name from club c
ORDER BY (select a.full_address from address a WHERE a.club_id and a.type=1 LIMIT 1)
select c.full_name, (select a.full_address from address a WHERE a.type=1 AND LIMIT 1) as full_address FROM club c
ORDER BY fullAddress;
How I can replace native order by clause on JPA equivalent?
This native query also resolve problem and it can replace by JPA query
select c.full_name, min(a.full_address) FROM club c LEFT JOIN address a on = a.club_id
where is null or a.type=1 or not exists(SELECT 1 from address aSub WHERE aSub AND aSub.type=1)
GROUP BY, c.full_name ORDER BY min(a.full_address);
JPA equivalent
CriteriaBuilder builder = em.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<ClubItem> query = builder.createQuery(ClubItem.class);
Root<Club> root = query.from(Club.class);
Join<Club, Address> addressJoin = root.join(Club_.address, JoinType.LEFT);, root.get(, root.get(Club_.fullName), builder.function("min", String.class, addressJoin.get(Address_.fullAddress))));
Subquery<Address> subquery = query.subquery(Address.class);
Root<Address> addressRoot = subquery.from(Address.class);;
builder.equal(addressRoot.get(Address_.type), 1),
builder.equal(addressRoot.get(Address_.clubId), root.get(;
query.where(builder.or(builder.isNull(addressJoin), builder.equal(addressJoin.get(Address_.type), builder.literal(new Long(1))),
query.groupBy(root.get(, root.get(Club_.fullName))
Order order = builder.asc(builder.function("min", String.class, addressJoin.get(Address_.fullAddress)));
TypedQuery<ClubItem> contentQuery = em.createQuery(query);
It's not terribly elegant, but it gets the job done...
Make your "Club" class implement Comparable. Put the order-by logic into the Comparable. Then use Collections.sort(unsortedList) to get the list into sorted form. There's also a Collections.sort(unsortedList, Comparable) method which could be useful, especially if you are doing a bunch of similar methods that just vary on order-by.

jpa avoid query

i have the next class
#Table(name = "table_order")
public class Order {
/** Unique identifier of the currency code in which the transaction was negociated. */
#Column(name = "TRADECURRE", nullable = false, length = 5)
private String tradeCurrencyCode;
/** Currency Entity for Trade. */
#ManyToOne(optional = true, fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
#JoinColumn(name = "TRADECURRE", referencedColumnName = "codigo", updatable = false, insertable = false) })
private Currency currencyEntity;
.. here get and sets
then execute the next query:
StringBuilder jpaQuery = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder whereClause = new StringBuilder();
jpaQuery.append("SELECT o, o.currencyEntity");
List orders = query.getResultList();
in this point the log of jpa show 2 querys executed, one to order table and other to Currency table.
bellow i write the next code (in the same class and method of the previous code)
for (Object orderElement : orders) {
int indexArray = 0;
Object[] orderArray = (Object[]) orderElement;
Order orderEntity = (Order) orderArray [indexArray++];
orderEntity.setCurrencyEntity((Currency) orderArray [indexArray++]);
When the line
orderEntity.setCurrencyEntity((Currency) orderArray [indexArray++]);
is executed, the query over the table currency is executed once again at database. I need avoid this query to fix some performance problems, i have all the data in the orderArray.
i'm using eclipselink 1.1
thanks in advance
This is happening because you haven't told JPA to pre-fetch the currentEntity in the initial select (although I think that's what you were trying to do with SELECT o, o.currencyEntity). As a result, JPA has to fetch the currentEntity each time round the loop, and it's a real performance killer.
The way to do this with JPA is with a fetch join (documented here). You'd write your query like this:
SELECT o from Order o LEFT JOIN FETCH o.currencyEntity
This also makes it easier to navigate the result set than with SELECT o, o.currencyEntity, since you'll only have a single entity returned, with its currencyEntity property intact:
List<Order> orders = query.getResultList();
for (Order order : orders) {
// fully-populated, without requiring another database query
Currency ccy = order.getCurrentEntity();