QIntValidator for PyQt6 Subclass Overide for fixup() not Functioning - qlineedit

I'm trying to override fixup in QIntValidator for PyQt6.
I have verified that the subclass is being applied by looking at the appropriate object in a watch table.
However, behaviors that I put into fixup() do not execute.
It seems as though the core QIntValidator fixup() is working because if I try to type a letter into the applicable field, no text can be entered.
Numbers can be entered, however, just as you'd expect from a QIntValidator fixup() call.
Right now, I'm just putting a simple print command in, but I have tried several other behaviors and none of them have worked.
I have already worked around this by modifying the slot connected to the text input signal, but I'd like to know the "correct" way to do this using the validator since that can be inherited by any instantiations.
Here is my watch table showing that the correct parent classes for my two validation schemes:
enter image description here
Here is the StepsInput subclass:
from IntValidator import IntValidator
from LabeledInputInput import LabeledInputInput
class StepsInput(LabeledInputInput):
def set_validator(self)-> None:
validator = IntValidator(1, 255)
Here is the IntValidator subclass
from PyQt6.QtGui import QIntValidator
class IntValidator(QIntValidator):
def fixup(self, input):
input = "123"
return input
Here is the LabeledInputInput parent class:
from PyQt6.QtWidgets import QLineEdit
from PyQt6.QtCore import Qt, QRegularExpression
from PyQt6.QtGui import QRegularExpressionValidator
from PasteToMenu import PasteToMenu
class LabeledInputInput(QLineEdit):
context_menu: PasteToMenu
def __init__(self):
self.context_menu = PasteToMenu()
def contextMenuEvent(self, event):
def __set_appearance(self)-> None:
self.setFixedSize(50, 20)
def __generate_style_sheet(self)-> str:
return '''
LabeledInputInput {
background-color: #EEEEEE;
border: 2px solid #FFD369;
color: #393E46;
font-size: 10pt;
font-weight: bold;
def set_validator(self)-> None:
pattern = '[0-9]+'
regex = QRegularExpression(pattern)
validator = QRegularExpressionValidator(regex)


Is there a way to create a "Verify Element Text is Not" keyword?

I need to verify an element had been randomized from a fixed starting state. I already have a test step that verifies the fixed state is working that uses "Verify Element Text" is "inserttexthere".
So I need a way to verify that the text is not "inserttexthere" after I click the randomizing button.
Is there anyway to do this that wouldn't require too much programming knowledge? (I use katalon studio because I have limited tech knowledge)
or is there an if else statement I can use that would pass the step only if the text is different?
Background and other methods I do know of or tried:
I can create another verify text command and just accept it as an intended to fail step. However that's harder to be aware of, especially if the text doesnt change because the test step will pass and I have to remember thats bad.
The other commands that are available only cover if the element no longer has text or if the element is no longer visible/clickable. There is nothing that lets me verify an attribute as "!=" or "NOT"
This is how you need to create a custom keyword in Katalon: Click
class help_keyword_elemtnotPresent {
def isElemetNotPresent() {
WebUI.verifyElementNotPresent(findTestObject(‘someobject’, timeout, FailureHandling.OPTIONAL)
for : if/else
More example
Here's a short beginners' practical tutorial:
Create a keyword in Keywords (1) (right-click, new keyword).
Create a package (2) (right-click, new package) called examplePackage.
Create a new class called ExampleClass inside that package:
public class ExampleClass {
public static verifyElementTextIsNot(String text1, String text2){
assert text1 != text2
Example test case showing how you can call the above keyword (Keyword is Katalon's name for method):
import static com.kms.katalon.core.checkpoint.CheckpointFactory.findCheckpoint
import static com.kms.katalon.core.testcase.TestCaseFactory.findTestCase
import static com.kms.katalon.core.testdata.TestDataFactory.findTestData
import static com.kms.katalon.core.testobject.ObjectRepository.findTestObject
import static com.kms.katalon.core.testobject.ObjectRepository.findWindowsObject
import com.kms.katalon.core.checkpoint.Checkpoint as Checkpoint
import com.kms.katalon.core.cucumber.keyword.CucumberBuiltinKeywords as CucumberKW
import com.kms.katalon.core.mobile.keyword.MobileBuiltInKeywords as Mobile
import com.kms.katalon.core.model.FailureHandling as FailureHandling
import com.kms.katalon.core.testcase.TestCase as TestCase
import com.kms.katalon.core.testdata.TestData as TestData
import com.kms.katalon.core.testobject.TestObject as TestObject
import com.kms.katalon.core.webservice.keyword.WSBuiltInKeywords as WS
import com.kms.katalon.core.webui.keyword.WebUiBuiltInKeywords as WebUI
import com.kms.katalon.core.windows.keyword.WindowsBuiltinKeywords as Windows
import internal.GlobalVariable as GlobalVariable
import examplePackage.ExampleClass
String someText = "It is a rainy day"
String someOtherText = "It is a sunny day"
ExampleClass.verifyElementTextIsNot(someText, someOtherText)

plone.formwidget - Is it possible to set a MasterSelect Field as an AutocompleteFieldWidget?

I am trying to set a MasterSelect field to an AutocompleteFieldWidget.
I'm using AutocompleteFieldWidget from plone.formwidget.autocomplete and the MasterSelectField from plone.formwidget.MasterSelect. The slave field belonging to the MasterSelectField is also a MasterSelectField.
The autocomplete functions as it should (retrieving the values based on input), but the slave field's choices do not change. However, when its not set as an autocomplete, everything works as it should.
In my buildout-cache, I looked at widget.py in plone.formwidget.masterselect and tried placing a print statement in getSlaves and that function wasn't getting called. I tried the render function and that wasn't getting called either. Then I placed a print statement in MasterSelectField and that was notgetting called. Setting the field to an Autocomplete widget removes any trace that its a Master Select field.
Edit: In the init.py file in plone.formwidget.masterselect, I placed a print statement in the init function of the MasterSelectField, and the slave widget does print, where as in getSlaves in widget.py it doesn't. This is the output I'm getting from printing in the init and what I should be getting in getSlaves:
({'action': 'vocabulary', 'masterID': 'form-widgets-IMyForm-master_field',
'control_param': 'master_value', 'name': 'IMyForm.slave_field',
'vocab_method': <class 'my.product.vocabulary.SlaveVocab'>},)
I have my interface:
from plone.directives import form
class IMyForm(model.Schema):
master_field = MasterSelectField(
slave_field = MasterSelectField(title=_(u'Slave Field'),
I have my source object for the master field:
class MySource(object):
def __init__(self, context):
simple_terms = []
#Query portal catalog for unique indexes, and fill with simple terms
self.vocab = SimpleVocabulary(simple_terms)
def __contains__(self, term):
return self.vocab.__contains__(term)
def getTermByToken(self, token):
return self.getTermByToken(token)
def getTerm(self, value):
return self.getTerm(value)
def search(self, query_string):
return [term for term in self.vocab if query_string in term.title.lower()]
class MySourceBinder(object):
def __call__(self, context):
return MySource(context)
My slave field's source is:
class SlaveVocab(object):
def __init__(self, **kw):
self.master_value = kw.get('master_value', None)
def __call__(self, context):
if self.master_value is None or self.master_value == "--NOVALUE--"
self.master_value = getattr(context,'master_field',None)
#Still nothing, return empty vocabulary
if self.master_value is None or self.master_value == '--NOVALUE--':
return SimpleVocabulary([])
terms = []
#If not null, building a simple vocabulary to return
return SimpleVocabulary(terms)
I did a print statement in call of the Slave Vocabulary and it was being called, but nothing was being passed in.
I also tried using another widget, ChosenFieldWidget. I get the same results in that it functions as it should, but the slave field's choices do not change. Is it possible to set a master select field to an autocomplete? If so, what am I doing wrong?
Also, I'm using Solgema.fullcalendar and the content type extends the IEventBasic behavior, so I don't have access to using my own form class I would've liked to have used since Solgema seems to render its own forms.
I am using Plone 4.3

How do I make a boolean field required in a z3c.form?

I'm using z3c.form to create a form in Plone 4.1.4. I need a boolean field which is required: the user must tick the box. (In my case, the user must agree to the terms and conditions.)
Using required=True for the field doesn't work: I can submit the form without checking the checkbox.
This is what my code looks like:
from five import grok
from plone.directives import form
from zope import schema
from z3c.form import button
from Products.CMFCore.interfaces import ISiteRoot
from Products.statusmessages.interfaces import IStatusMessage
class ITestSchema(form.Schema):
hasApprovedConditions = schema.Bool(
title=u'I agree to the Terms and Conditions.',
class TestForm(form.SchemaForm):
schema = ITestSchema
ignoreContext = True
def handleApply(self, action):
data, errors = self.extractData()
if errors:
self.status = self.formErrorsMessage
IStatusMessage(self.request).addStatusMessage(u'Thanks', 'info')
The form shows the checkbox and label, but there is no indication that the field is required and indeed it isn't: I can submit the form without ticking the checkbox.
I'm extending these known good sets:
They pin z3c.form to version 2.5.1 but I also tried version 2.6.1.
What am I missing?
You should use a constraint like this:
def validateAccept(value):
if not value == True:
return False
return True
class ITestSchema(form.Schema):
hasApprovedConditions = schema.Bool(
title=u'I agree to the Terms and Conditions.',
More info:
to respond to the "flaw" you note #Mark van Lent - just add a:

Django-Nonrel with Mongodb listfield

I am trying to implement manytomany field relation in django-nonrel on mongodb. It was suggessted at to:
Django-nonrel form field for ListField
Following the accepted answer
class MyClass(models.Model):
field = ListField(models.ForeignKey(AnotherClass))
i am not sure where the following goes, it has been tested in fields.py, widgets,py, models.py
class ModelListField(ListField):
def formfield(self, **kwargs):
return FormListField(**kwargs)
class ListFieldWidget(SelectMultiple):
class FormListField(MultipleChoiceField):
This is a custom form field that can display a ModelListField as a Multiple Select GUI element.
widget = ListFieldWidget
def clean(self, value):
#TODO: clean your data in whatever way is correct in your case and return cleaned data instead of just the value
return value
class MyClassAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
form = MyClassForm
def __init__(self, model, admin_site):
super(MyClassAdmin,self).__init__(model, admin_site)
admin.site.register(MyClass, MyClassAdmin)
The following Errors keep popping up:
If the middle custom class code is used in models.py
name 'SelectMultiple' is not defined
If custom class code is taken off models.py:
No form field implemented for <class 'djangotoolbox.fields.ListField'>
You just need to import SelectMultiple by the sound of it. You can put the code in any of those three files, fields.py would make sense.
Since it's pretty usual to have:
from django import forms
at the top of your file already, you probably just want to edit the code below to:
# you'll have to work out how to import the Mongo ListField for yourself :)
class ModelListField(ListField):
def formfield(self, **kwargs):
return FormListField(**kwargs)
class ListFieldWidget(forms.SelectMultiple):
class FormListField(forms.MultipleChoiceField):
This is a custom form field that can display a ModelListField as a Multiple Select GUI element.
widget = ListFieldWidget
def clean(self, value):
#TODO: clean your data in whatever way is correct in your case and return cleaned data instead of just the value
return value
You probably also want to try and learn a bit more about how python works, how to import modules etc.

How do I update an HTML class from a CometActor

In response to some asynchronous event on the server, I want to update the class of an HTML node in order to reflect its updated status. I know the id of the node, and the class I want to change it to. What JsCmd do I need to use to update the class? In general, where can I find a good reference on the JsCmd's and what they do?
A simple example:
case class UpdateClass(id: String, htmlClass: String)
class ClassUpdater extends CometActor {
override def lowPriority: scala.PartialFunction[scala.Any, scala.Unit] = {
case UpdateClass(id, htmlClass) =>
partialUpdate(Noop /* now what? */)
def render = NodeSeq.Empty
So if I had the HTML:
<lift:comet type="ClassUpdater"/>
<div id="foo" class="bar">insert text here</div>
If I sent the message UpdateClass("foo", "baz") to my ClassUpdater, I want the class of my div to change to baz.
Edit: I’ve found a better way to do it. The old code is now more of a blueprint for more complicated stuff.
Looks like there is a more straightforward way of doing it without jQuery:
SetElemById("foo", JE.Str("baz"), "className")
which translates to a JavaScript call
document.getElementById("foo").className = "baz";
Note that JE.Str("baz") can be any JsExp and if you could also do something like
SetElemById("foo", JE.Str("baz"), "firstChild", "className")
which would change the class of the first child. (See: SetElemById)
You can have a look at the code for the JsCMD trait for what else is possible with build-in commands.
In case you want to something more complicated, however, something like this might help you. It sends a jQuery command which will change the class in #oldId to newClass.
case class ChangeClassAtId(oldId: String, newClass: String) extends JsCmd {
def toJsCmd = """try {
$(""" + ("#" + oldId).encJs + """).attr("class", """ + newClass.encJs + """);
} catch (e) {}"""
Changing all occurrences of a class everywhere is a bit more complicated:
case class ChangeClass(oldClass: String, newClass: String) extends JsCmd {
def toJsCmd = """try {
$(""" + ("." + oldClass).encJs + """).each(function(){
$(this).addClass(""" + newClass.encJs + """).removeClass(""" + oldClass.encJs + """);
} catch (e) {}"""
You should use it instead of Noop of course.
EDIT - I misread the question. My answer merely updates the contents of the div.
Check out: http://github.com/lift/lift/blob/master/examples/example/src/main/scala/net/liftweb/example/comet/Clock.scala
You'll want something like this:
case UpdateClass(id, htmlClass) =>
partialUpdate(SetHtml(id, Text("TEXT TO SHOVE INTO DIV")))