Trying make join to get data about people flying on Mars - postgresql

Trying make join to get data about people flying on Mars
I'm having studying database, which contains information about different flights on spaceships. I will provide you with my database for better understanding.My datalogical model
The task is - find the amount of people that flew to a certain point on a certain ship. I do it with the code shown below:
select ship.shipname, as destination_name, count(person_id)
from person
join flight_person on flight_person.PERSON_ID = person.ID
join flight on = flight_person.flight_id
join ship on flight.ship_id =
join destination on flight.destination_id =
group by ship.shipname,;
The output is next:
But the problem is, that I want to get information about points and destinations that I didn’t visit, how can I modify my query to get this data. In my case with is destination Neptune and snip FirePower

Probably, what you're looking for is called "FULL JOIN". In this case, you'll get an output, which contains all information about all ships and all planets. Consider following example:
select ship.shipname, as destination_name, count(person_id)
from person
join flight_person on flight_person.PERSON_ID = person.ID
join flight on = flight_person.flight_id
full join ship on flight.ship_id =
full join destination on flight.destination_id =
group by ship.shipname,;


Unexpected Results From Postgresql Query

I am trying to find a way to create a table where it shows each customer profile (71 in total) their top item bought per time frame (10 in total), what that item is, and the time frame that was most popular. Whenever I run this query it shows the top items for a time frame but it shows all the customers as null. I also need a way to display the customer name which is also accessed through the id_table. I'm lost so any direction would be greatly appreciated! I only have read permissions on this DB.
select distinct as product_name, pb.recruitment_round, count(pb.purchased), st.cust_dbf_id as cust_profile
from product_bought pb
join id_table
on id_table.dbf_id = pb.dbf_id
left join shopper_table st
on st.cust_dbf_id = id_table.dbf_id
where >= '2022-01-01'
and <= '2022-01-05'
and pb.shopping_time = 4
group by id_table."name", pb.recruitment_round, pb.cust_dbf_id
order by count(pb.purchased) desc, pb.recruitment_round
limit 1;
Expected: a return of st.cust_dbf_id.
Received: Null values

how to make a logical exclusion within the query?

I have 3 tables in our ERP database holding all delivery data (table documents holds one row for each delivery note, documentpos holds all positions on delivery notes, documentserialnumbers holds all serial numbers for delivered items).
I want to show all items with their serial number that have been delivered to the customer and still resides there so far.
The above shown output of the following query however shows, that one item that has been delivered was returned (red marks) later. The return delivery note has the document number 527419 (dark red mark) and refers to the the delivery note 319821 (green) which is listed yellow.
The correct list would consequential show only items that are still on customer's site without the returned items (see below).
How do I have to change the query in order to exclude the returned items from the output?
The upper table shows in the image shows the output of my query, the table below how it should be.
select a.BelID, c.ReferenzBelID, a.itemnumber, a.itemname, c.deliverynotenumber,c.documenttype, c.documentmark, b.serialnumber
from dbo.documentpos a
inner join dbo.documentserialnumbers b on a.BelPosID = b.BelPosID
inner join dbo.documents c on a.BelID = c.BelID
inner join sysdba.customers d on d.account = c.A0Name1
where d.AccountID = 'customername' and c.documenttype like '%delivery%'
order by a.BelID
You may exclude positions, which are referenced by any "return" delivery note, like this (edited)
select a.BelID, c.ReferenzBelID, a.itemnumber, a.itemname, c.deliverynotenumber,c.documenttype, c.documentmark, b.serialnumber
from dbo.documentpos a
inner join dbo.documentserialnumbers b on a.BelPosID = b.BelPosID
inner join dbo.documents c on a.BelID = c.BelID
inner join sysdba.customers d on d.account = c.A0Name1
where d.AccountID = 'customername' and c.documenttype like '%delivery%'
and not exists (select 1
from dbo.documents cc
where cc.documenttype like '%delivery%'
and c.ReferenzBelID=cc.BelID
and c.documentmark='VLR')
and not exists (select 1
from dbo.documents ccc
join dbo.documentpos aa on aa.BelID = ccc.BelID
where ccc.ReferenzBelID=c.BelID
and ccc.documentmark='VLR'
and a.itemnumber=aa.itemnumber)
order by a.BelID

TSQL select and join issue

I have two tables, EMPL which is a historical employee table to track changes in an employee's tax rate and PAYROLL which is also a historical table filled with employee pay over a number of periods.
FROM EMPL, based upon the EMPL.effect_pd <= PAYROLL.payroll_pd, only one record should be joined from EMPL to PAYROLL.
Below are the two tables, query and result set. However, I only want 1 record for each employee per pay period, which matches the relevant employee record based upon the payroll_pd and effect_pd.
(Click image to enlarge)
first of all - welcome!
You wrote "...FROM EMPL, based upon the EMPL.effect_pd <= PAYROLL.payroll_pd ..." but you start your SQL with PAYROLL and not with EMPL.
Pls test this statement first:
empl AS E
payroll AS P
ON E.empl_id = P.empl_id
AND E.effect_pd < P.payroll_pd
After that you get 7 records witch are uniqe.
i think, thats it.
Best regards
After 3 days of messing around with the code, I finally arrived at the solution which is:
LEFT JOIN EMPL e on p.empl_id = e.empl_id
WHERE e.rec_id = ( SELECT TOP 1 c.rec_id
WHERE c.empl_id = p.empl_id
AND p.payroll_pd >= c.effect_pd
ORDER BY c.effect_pd DESC );

Lat-Long of exits on a Freeway e.g US 101 say arranged in N-S direction

I am trying to find all exits on US 101 exits, preferably in the order North to South using the OpenGIS osm2pgsql. But no luck so far.
Closes solution I found is: comes close with the SQL:
select osm_id, name, ref from planet_osm_roads where highway='motorway_link';
The query:
select osm_id, name, ref from planet_osm_roads where highway='motorway';
Returns a lot more nodes with ref but I dont think those are freeway exits (whats special about the points noted on the freeway where highway="motorway"?
However most of the exits have null name and ref so while I have exit lat-longs its not clear which freeway these exits are on and nor are they ordered say North to South..
Please help.
In OSM data motorway exit is tagged with highway=motorway_junction, and it's type of point, so:
select *
from planet_osm_point
where highway = 'motorway_junction'
and ref = '101'
order by ST_Y(way) desc
If there is a problem with empty ref on this points you can also check if there is some motorway with specified ref (of course it's not a 100% method but better than no method)
select *
from planet_osm_point p
where highway = 'motorway_junction'
and exists (
select 1
from planet_osm_lines l
where st_DWithin(l.way::geography, p.way::geography, 100)
and highway = 'motorway'
and ref = '101')
order by ST_Y(way) desc
You can run an Overpass query that gives you all ways tagged as highway=motorway_link that are connected to ways tagged [ref="US 101"]:
way[highway][ref="US 101"];
out center;
You can then export the data as GeoJSON.

SQL Server 2008 R2 Spatial Queries

I am very new to the spatial realm of SQL Server and need some help. I have a waypoint organizing app and I am trying to generate some queries that follow along the premise of finding waypoints that are part of geographic polygons like lakes, rivers, etc. I have preloaded my tables with data I have downloaded. I used shape2sql.exe to load shapefiles into the appropriate db tables.
Tables are as follows:
Water table - id, name, geog(geography data type)
State table - id, state_name, state_abbr, geog(geography data type)
County table - id, name, state_name, geog(geography data type)
Waypoint table - id, name, lat, lon, waterid
How do I write queries against these tables to return things like:
- all waypoints in 'michigan'
- all waypoints on 'bass lake' in 'montcalm' county in 'michigan' (there are multiple bass lakes in michigan and the country hence the county/state part)
- auto assign the water id column of the waypoint table by "processing" a group of waypoints and finding what lake they actually belong to
- etc.
Learned so far:
select geog.ToString() as Points, geog.STArea() as Area, geog.STLength() as Length
from water
where name like '%bass lake%' and STATE = 'mi'
will return the record for Bass Lake and the polygon with the actual coordinates for the lake.
POLYGON ((-87.670498549804691 46.304831340698243, -87.670543549804691 46.307117340698241, -87.676573549804687 46.313480340698241, -87.68120854980468 46.314821340698245, -87.685168549804686 46.315703340698242, -87.6877605498047 46.313390340698241, -87.685051549804683 46.308827340698244, -87.682360549804685 46.305650340698243, -87.677734549804683 46.304768340698246, -87.674440549804686 46.304336340698242, -87.670498549804691 46.304831340698243)) 1022083.96662664 4027.52433709888
Shooting from the hip, here, but maybe like this:
UPDATE waypoints
SET waypoints.WaterId = water.Id
FROM dbo.Waypoints AS waypoints LEFT JOIN
dbo.Water AS water ON geography::Point(waypoints.Lat, waypoints.Lon, 4326).STIntersects(water.geog)
Should set the waterId on the wapoints table to one of the matching water ids, from the water table.
This should get you all the waypoints on BASS LAKE
SELECT waypoints.*
FROM dbo.Waypoints as waypoints INNER JOIN
dbo.Water AS water ON geography::Point(waypoints.Lat, waypoints.Lon, 4326).STIntersects(water.geog) = 1
Ok - learning as I go so here are some answers to my own questions for anyone what would like to know.
Here is one query for finding various waypoints with conditions in the where clause:
SELECT * FROM WaypointTable wp
JOIN WaterTable w
ON wp.geogcolumn.STIntersects(w.geogcolumn) = 1
WHERE LIKE '%bass lake%'
AND w.state = 'mi';
Here is a query for assigning water id's to waypoints based on where they 'fit':
UPDATE WaypointTable wp
SET WaterID = (
FROM WaterTable
WHERE geogcolumns.STIntersects(wp.geogcolumn) = 1
Both of these queries work extremely well and fast! Love it!