PostgreSQL user access - postgresql

Can a read-only user create the temp tables in PostgreSQL.
If not, is there any way to give access only to create temp tables.
please advice, thank you

You have to give him the "TEMPORARY" privilege:
For a full explanation of permissions you can check the docs:


Readonly admin user in postgresql

we have a postgres database we want to run a number of checks against. Part of the tool involves looping over database all the database tables and views, checking grants and other things - so it would be entirely pointless if we had to grant access to this user to individual tables.
We want to be able to create a user that has full read privileges to anything, regardless of what permissions are set in the database - like a db owner - but has no write access at all.
Is this possible in any way?
The only way to do this is granting the SELECT privilege on every individual object that needs to be examined. You can make the work easier with
You can also use ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES to set the permissions on future objects.
I recommend that you create a readonly role and do all that once. Then you can create a read-only user by making the user a member of that role.
With postgresql 14 you can just do:
GRANT pg_read_all_data TO my_role;

Redshift access denied automatically in REDSHIFT

grant usage on schema apps to group group_name;
grant SELECT ON ALL TABLES IN schema apps to group group_name;
alter default privileges in schema apps grant select on tables to group group_name;
Comments used by gave access to group
I created the user or group in redshift. Initially, they have a access to the tables. When the table recreates the access automatically declined. Can anyone help to fix the issue?
I hope I can help. The users need to have default ACLs set which give all tables that user creates a set of grants. See:
The creator of the object needs to grant to others but this can be done automatically by setting their default pricileges.
Hope this helps

Amazon RDS Postgres -> Give permission to pg_catalog

I need to grant permission to the master user(MasterUsername) the access of of pg_catalog.
GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA pg_catalog TO <master-user>;
On running this, I get the below warning:
WARNING: no privileges were granted for "pg_catalog".
Essentially, I have an automation script, where I create the database, I set search path and :
SET search_path = <my-schema>, pg_catalog;
id bigint,
name character varying);
I get below error
Caused by: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: permission denied for schema pg_catalog
Essentially, it's not allowing me to create type, since the pg_type table exists in pg_catalog. How to create type?
I don't know if granting the USAGE rights will help? If there's another way to work-around this, please do let me know.
granting usage rights will only let you be able to access objects of a schema, creating new objects will require create privileges on that schema.
The way I worked around this is very simple, I created a role postgres using CREATE ROLE postgres, I assigned it to my user.
Added to search path public and the database by SET search_path=public,<database>
Assigning this to my user actually gave me all the rights I needed to create custom pg_type, use the schema pg_catalog in public schema. How this worked? I don't know, may be postgres guys can answer this? Or the AWS RDS guys can answer this may be.
Secondly, I faced another issue in using the pg_functions and the functions of extension Postgis, even they were resolved by adding the role postgres role to the user who needed to access the function.
I still think this is a workaround and not a direct fix, or may be a fix but there should be some documentation around this(which I did not find).

Database Schema Right Issue

I am using postgresql. I have created a user and grant access on db. I want user can only see granted schema objects and rest database/schema objects can't watchable. Please guide me.
You need to alter the user and set the search path.
ALTER USER foo SET search_path TO '$newschema,pg_catalog';
Note that in order to get a proper backup of globals such as this you have to use pg_dumpall -g, not pg_dump. Obviously a base backup will have them as well.

Do not have select privilege for temporary table in db2 stored procedure

I am running a stored procedure in DB2 10.1 which creates a created global temporary table and it returns the following error message that seems to say that it cannot select from the temporary table that it has just created in the same stored procedure
"USER" does not have the required authorization or privilege to
perform operation "SELECT" on object "MYSCHEMA.MYTABLE"..
SQLCODE=-551, SQLSTATE=42501, DRIVER=4.16.53
I have not encountered this problem with the other stored procedures and they create temp tables in the same way. The user privileges are controlled by groups, but due to issues with the groups I have started to give privileges to the users directly.
I cannot grant select permissions to the temp table because its not yet created and not sure how to fix this situation.
Has anyone come across this problem before and if so how did you fix it?
Thanks for any help.