How to prevent jitter with Network Transforms in Netcode? - unity3d

We currently are working on a multiplayer game with Unity Netcode. The game is a racing game with relatively high speed. The player objects get synchronized with the Network Transform component.
We have the problem that the player is lagging a little bit (or junpig some steps forward instead of moving smooth).
The interpolate setting on the Network Transform makes it a little bit better but not completely.
Something we could observe is that when the own camera isn't moving, the other player isn't lagging at all, but since we have a racer game the camera moves all the time.

We could finally fix the problem. More information:


Why does using PhotonRigidbody2DView give 'elastic' movement?

I'm currently using photon pun 2 to learn simple 2d multiplayer.
Using PhotonRigidbody2DView is giving an 'elastic' movement to the player. The player goes forward a bit and then returns to the original position.
Here's the video:
Why does this happen and how do I solve this?
I tried using PhotonTransformView and PhotonTransformViewClassic but it is giving weird results. The players go inside each other and when one player collides the other, the other player starts jittering.
So I decided to use PhotonRigidbody2DView instead. Now the players don't go inside each other and the jittering is also not happening but the 'elastic' movement problem is happening.
This happens because the remote client uses the velocity of the rigidbody to reproduce the movement of the character is does not control. This makes it a bit independent from the lag but for arcade style movement (where direction changes are immediate), this doesn't work all that well.
Solutions to this depend on what you actually need. Networked objects combined with physics can be tricky to get right. For PUN 2, we didn't implement a solution to this case and assumed you'd tweak the PhotonRigidbody2DView as needed.
The Smooth Sync package in the Asset Store seems to do well and is a plugin to PUN 2.
Alternatively, the newer Photon SDK "Fusion" should do better and is state of the art as networking solution.

How to synchronize projectiles with Photon in Unity3D

I have a multiplayer game that synchronizes the movement of the character via photon transform view, applying a Lerp Interpolation for a smooth movement, the shots are synchronized in each client using Photon RPC calls.
I have the following problem, when you move and shoot with a player the other clients observe that the projectiles start in a position in which the player is not yet (this uses Lerp in the synchronization of the movement).
I need to see the projectiles, so I can't make them invisible and only show a shooting animation.
what is the best way to do this?
What you should do is take into account the player position when you start animating the projectile, so that indeed it starts shooting from where the player is and not from where the rpc, which means you also need to adjust the trajectory so that it correct itself to match the projectile real position and direction.
have you tried to minimize the lerp so that it doesn't lag? are you already at the limit of it

Make physics change with self.speed in a Flappy Bird style game in SpriteKit?

I am currently using SpriteKit to create a Flappy Bird style game. I want the game to speed up under certain conditions, to make the game more difficult. At the moment, I am doing this via incrementing self.speed.
This works well for speeding up the game, but the issue is that the physics on the main character do not change, so if the character jumps up, they jump and fall the same as they would before the speed up.
This means the rest of the game-world is swept beneath their feet at high speed, allowing them to clear several obstacles on the path much easier than before.
Effectively, I need a way to change the physics, so that as it speeds up, the character's jump-arc stays relative to the objects on the screen.
Any advice on this would be great, thanks.
Use the physicsWorld .speed property to adjust the timing of your engine.

Unity 3d - Explosion Area Damage

I've developed an airplane 3D shooter game. In this game, I want to make my plane shot a bomb. When the bomb gets to the enemies it will explode and give damage in the area of explosion.
I have already searched for a tutorial to make this code and the animation of explosion. But I couldn't find it. Please tell me about something that could solve this problem. I'm developing my game using C#.
For the explosion animation, you could use a particle system. There are many pre-made ones in the Asset Store, such as this one:!/content/42285
For detecting what is affected in the explosion's area of effect, do a SphereCast ( from the point of impact and then do whatever you want with any of the objects touched by the sphere.

Unity 3D low fps

I'm using Unity3D 5.3 version. I'm working on a 2D "Endless running" game. It's working normally on PC. But when I compile it to my phone, all of my gameobjects are shaking when they are moving. Gameobjects are in a respawn loop. I'm increasing my Camera's transform position x. So when my camera is in action, all of the other objects look like they are shaking a lot and my game is working slowly on my phone as a result. I tried to play my game at Samsung, on discovery phones. It's working normally on some of them. But even on some Samsung devices it's still shaking. So i don't understand what the problem is. Can you help me with this?
One thing you can do is start optimising, if you have a game that is either finished or close to it. If you open the profiler, click "Deep Profile" and then run it in the editor on your PC, you'll get a very detailed breakdown of what is using the most resources within your game. Generally it's something like draw calls or the physics engine doing unnecessary work.
Another thing that might help is to use Time.deltaTime, if you aren't already. If the script that increases the transform doesn't multiply the increase by Time.deltaTime, then you're moving your camera by an amount per frame rather than per second, which means that if you have any framerate drops for any reason, the camera will move a smaller distance and that could be throwing out some of your other calculations. Using Time.deltaTime won't improve your framerate, but it will make your game framerate independant, which is very important.