How can i achieve this with flutter? - flutter

enter image description here
On clicking any of the tabs I want to expand the container which contains textfield as in picture 2.
enter image description here
Then I want to switch tabs but second click on same tab should contract the container like before.

maybe you can use ExpansionTile widget.


How to select and focos part of a text in Flutter

I have a box with text, this box has a scroll.
I want to be able to tap on a button and select the text "products". If the text that I want to select is not on the screen, I need to jump into it.
Is it possible using Flutter web or desktop?
You can use SelectableText() widget instead of normal Text() widget

How to show a container / dialog next to an icon when the icon is tapped?

Hi I'm trying to create a screen that have bunch of container with a child of row that have a text and a Icon (the red one - can be seen on the image). So when I click the icon I want to show a dialog right next to the icon. I tried using aligned_dialog but the positioning is really hard to do, I want it to be instantly next to the icon just like the image.
Is there any package or widget that I can use to achieve this ?
You can check this package:
It allow to specify a child of type Widget, so you can add what you want.

DropdownButton - don't show popup on tap

I want to show my own page on dropdown button tap, then item selected on page should be set as dropdown button value.
So basically, I need DropdownButton without any popup on tap. When I use onTap still default popup will be shown, how to prevent that?
why you don't use a button instead? or you can try to create an Inkwell put a container on its child and make it look like a button and write your code inside Inkwell OnTap(){}
1- Pass null to items parameter to disable the button.
2- You'll notice icon's color will be grey with disabled button, you can change it by setting color of the icon you send to icon parameter or send color directly to iconDisabledColor parameter.
3- You'll not use value parameter, instead you'll just use hint to show both your hint and your value. and update it using your state management after you pick new value from your own page.
4- Wrap your DropdownButton with GestureDetector or InkWell to show your own page when you tap on the button.
5- If you want to customize your DropdownButton shape, size and more. You can try my new package DropdownButton2. It's simple, easy, based on Flutter's core DropdownButton and have lots of features.

Dart/Flutter: change content of container on tab in ListView

I am currently trying to create something like a TabBar. I created a horizontal ListView which should work as the TabBar and I my goal is, that one row fills itself with a list that contains the cards for the Tab I clicked on and refreshes when I click on another one. Is there a way to do that? It should look like this:
Reference Picture
Did you look at Work with tabs, an introduction to TabBar, TabBarView and DefaultTabController?
You could also create it from scratch using a ListView with a Card wrapped in a GestureDetector or a ListTile, and detect taps on onTap, which would set the selected data and update state using setState.

Using AlertDialog on a stack widget in flutter

I have a basic layout where I am using a stack widget to hold my other widgets.. I have a side toolbar, inside that I have a pen menu on click of which a popup should appear. When i am clicking the pen menu an alert dialog appears but not in the expected place, what i mean is...
I am expecting a dialog like the one in the below image. Do I need to use any plugin to create a dialog like this with a chevron mark?enter image description here
As you are using Alert dialog, it will by default be aligned in center of your screen. In order to achieve what you are trying to, I would suggest using a plugin like this.