Neovim starting multiple LSP clients for each buffer - neovim

I recently realized that my neovim automatically spawns the same language server (in this case, tsserver and tailwindcss) everytime I open a file.
Everything works fine when opening the first file
However, once I opened another file, it starts spawning another lsp client
Here's my nvim config for the lsp.
-- Mappings.
-- See `:help vim.diagnostic.*` for documentation on any of the below functions
local opts = { noremap = true, silent = true }
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("n", "<space>e", "<cmd>lua vim.diagnostic.open_float()<CR>", opts)
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("n", "[d", "<cmd>lua vim.diagnostic.goto_prev()<CR>", opts)
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("n", "]d", "<cmd>lua vim.diagnostic.goto_next()<CR>", opts)
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("n", "<space>q", "<cmd>lua vim.diagnostic.setloclist()<CR>", opts)
-- Use an on_attach function to only map the following keys
-- after the language server attaches to the current buffer
local on_attach = function(client, bufnr)
vim.api.nvim_buf_set_option(bufnr, "omnifunc", "v:lua.vim.lsp.omnifunc")
-- Mappings.
-- See `:help vim.lsp.*` for documentation on any of the below functions
vim.api.nvim_buf_set_keymap(bufnr, "n", "gd", "<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.definition()<CR>", opts)
local capabilities = require("cmp_nvim_lsp").default_capabilities(vim.lsp.protocol.make_client_capabilities())
local rawCapabilitiesWithoutFormatting = vim.lsp.protocol.make_client_capabilities()
rawCapabilitiesWithoutFormatting.textDocument.formatting = false
rawCapabilitiesWithoutFormatting.textDocument.rangeFormatting = false
local capabilitiesWithoutFormatting = require("cmp_nvim_lsp").default_capabilities(rawCapabilitiesWithoutFormatting)
-- Use a loop to conveniently call 'setup' on multiple servers and
-- map buffer local keybindings when the language server attaches, for
-- servers that don't need any special treatment
local servers = {
for _, lsp in pairs(servers) do
on_attach = on_attach,
flags = {
debounce_text_changes = 300,
capabilities = capabilities,
-- setup tsserver manually like a pro
on_attach = function(client, bufnr)
client.server_capabilities.document_formatting = false
client.server_capabilities.document_range_formatting = false
on_attach(client, bufnr)
flags = {
debounce_text_changes = 300,
capabilities = capabilitiesWithoutFormatting,
settings = {
documentFormatting = false,
root_dir = require("lspconfig.util").find_git_ancestor,
vim.lsp.handlers["textDocument/publishDiagnostics"] = vim.lsp.with(vim.lsp.diagnostic.on_publish_diagnostics, {
underline = true,
-- This sets the spacing and the prefix, obviously.
virtual_text = {
spacing = 4,
signs = true,
update_in_insert = true,

It was an issue on nvim-lspconfig's end, however it was fixed on a recent patch. Just pull in the latest version and it should work as expected.


Neovim, color scheme not working on macOS Ventura terminal

When I run Neovim (NVIM v0.8.0), I was getting the following error.
Error detected while processing /Users/oguzyildirim/.config/nvim/init.lua:
E5113: Error while calling lua chunk: vim/_meta.lua:0: E474: Invalid argument
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'nvim_set_option_value'
vim/_meta.lua: in function '_set'
vim/_meta.lua: in function '__newindex'
/Users/oguzyildirim/.config/nvim/lua/oguz/core/options.lua:26: in main chunk
[C]: in function 'require'
/Users/oguzyildirim/.config/nvim/init.lua:2: in main chunk
E5422: Conflicting configs: "/Users/oguzyildirim/.config/nvim/init.lua" "/Users/oguzyildirim/.config/nvim/init.vim"
After a while the error message stopped coming. But nightfly color scheme wasn't working.
This is colorscheme.lua file's code,
local status, _ = pcall(vim.cmd, 'colorscheme nightfly')
if not status then
print('Colorscheme not found!')
This is options.lua file's code
local opt = vim.opt -- for conciseness
-- line numbers
opt.relativenumber = true
opt.number = true
-- tabs & indentation
opt.tabstop = 2
opt.shiftwidth = 2
opt.expandtab = true
opt.autoindent = true
-- line wrapping
opt.wrap = false
-- search settings
opt.ignorecase = true
opt.smartcase = true
-- cursor line
opt.cursorline = true
-- apperance
opt. termguicolors = true
opt.background ="dark"
opt.signcolumn = "yes"
-- backspace
opt.backspace = 'indent,eol,start'
-- clipboard
-- split windows
opt.splitright = true
opt.splitbelow = true
This is plugins-setup.lua file's code
local ensure_packer = function()
local fn = vim.fn
local install_path = fn.stdpath('data')..'/site/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim'
if fn.empty(fn.glob(install_path)) > 0 then
fn.system({'git', 'clone', '--depth', '1', '', install_path})
vim.cmd [[packadd packer.nvim]]
return true
return false
local packer_bootstrap = ensure_packer()
-- Autocommand that reloads neovim whenever you save this file
augroup packer_user_config
autocmd BufWritePost plugins.lua source <afile> | PackerCompile
augroup end
local status, packer = pcall(require, 'packer')
if not status then
return packer.startup(function(use)
use("bluz71/vim-nightfly-guicolors") -- oreferred colorscheme
if packer_bootstrap then
This is init.lua file's code
I installed neovim for the first time. Then I was making simple config edits to change themes. My expectation was to be able to run the "nightfly" color scheme properly.
I solved my problem. The problem is that native mac terminal doesn't support color scheme. Download another terminal app for that. Like iTerm. I also recommend installing zshrc.

neovim's lsp does not show error messages

i have a neovim config which contains lsp configuration
on my laptop i have neovim 0.7.2 which works perfectly
but on my desktop i have neovim 0.8.0 and lsp still works but does not show error massages.
this is my config
vim.opt.tabstop = 2
vim.cmd([[colorscheme dedsec]])
vim.cmd([[set number]])
vim.cmd([[set noswapfile]])
vim.cmd([[set mouse=a]])
vim.opt.shiftwidth = 2
vim.opt.softtabstop = 2
vim.opt.expandtab = true
-- use "wbthompson/packer.nvim"
use "vim-airline/vim-airline"
use 'vim-airline/vim-airline-themes'
use 'ryanoasis/vim-devicons'
use 'jpalardy/vim-slime'
use 'shime/vim-livedown'
use 'ap/vim-css-color'
use 'terryma/vim-multiple-cursors'
use 'mattn/emmet-vim'
use 'scrooloose/nerdtree'
use 'mxw/vim-jsx'
-- LSP
use {
requires = {
-- LSP Support
-- Autocompletion
-- Snippets
let g:airline_powerline_fonts = 1 "Включить поддержку Powerline шрифтов
let g:airline#extensions#keymap#enabled = 0 "Не показывать текущий маппинг
let g:airline_section_z = "\ue0a1:%l/%L Col:%c" "Кастомная графа положения курсора
let g:Powerline_symbols='unicode' "Поддержка unicode
let g:airline#extensions#xkblayout#enabled = 0 "Про это позже расскажу
set guioptions= "Отключаем панели прокрутки в GUI
set showtabline=1 "Отключаем панель табов (окошки FTW)
let g:slime_target = "tmux"
let g:slime_target = "neovim"
nnoremap <leader>n :NERDTreeFocus<CR>
nnoremap <C-n> :NERDTree<CR>
nnoremap <C-b> :NERDTreeToggle<CR>
nnoremap <C-f> :NERDTreeFind<CR>
let g:user_emmet_mode='a'
set colorcolumn=109
local lsp = require('lsp-zero')
local servers = { 'pyright', 'tsserver', 'jdtls', 'rust-analyzer', 'clangd', 'sumneko_lua'}
for _, lsp in pairs(servers) do
require('lspconfig')[lsp].setup {
on_attach = on_attach,
flags = {
debounce_text_changes = 150,
local signs = { Error = " ", Warn = " ", Hint = " ", Info = " " }
for type, icon in pairs(signs) do
local hl = "DiagnosticSign" .. type
vim.fn.sign_define(hl, { text = icon, texthl= hl, numhl = hl })
this is how it works on laptop
this is how it works on my desktop
i have tried to install neovim 0.7.2 but it does not help me
i also have tired to update and reinstall plugins but it also does not help
simply follow this documentation.
virtual_text = false,
virtual_text = true,
if you have the same situation try to install williamboman/nvim-lsp-installer. it have halped in my situation

How to configure the DAP debugger under neovim for typescript?

I'm trying to configure the DAP debugger in Neovim for a typescript application.
I added the DAP plugin:
use "mfussenegger/nvim-dap"
I also have a config.lua file containing the adapter and configuration:
local status_ok, dap = pcall(require, "dap")
if not status_ok then
end = {
type = "executable",
command = "node",
args = {os.getenv("HOME") .. "/dev/dap-debugger/vscode-js-debug/out/src/debugServerMain.js", "45635"}
dap.configurations.typescript = {
type = "chrome",
request = "attach",
program = "${file}",
debugServer = 45635,
cwd = vim.fn.getcwd(),
sourceMaps = true,
protocol = "inspector",
port = 9222,
webRoot = "${workspaceFolder}"
When, under nvim in my typescript application project, I try to start the debugger with the :lua require'dap'.continue() command, I get the error:
Debug adapter didn't respond. Either the adapter is slow (then wait and ignore this) or there is a problem with your adapter or `chrome` configuration. Check
the logs for errors (:help dap.set_log_level)
But the ~/.cache/nvim/dap.log DAP log shows no error:
[ DEBUG ] 2022-04-12T08:49:37Z+0200 ] ...nvim/site/pack/packer/start/nvim-dap/lua/dap/session.lua:776 ] "Spawning debug adapter" {
args = { "/home/stephane/dev/dap-debugger/vscode-js-debug/out/src/debugServerMain.js", "45635" },
command = "node",
type = "executable"
[ DEBUG ] 2022-04-12T08:49:37Z+0200 ] ...nvim/site/pack/packer/start/nvim-dap/lua/dap/session.lua:965 ] "request" {
arguments = {
adapterID = "nvim-dap",
clientId = "neovim",
clientname = "neovim",
columnsStartAt1 = true,
linesStartAt1 = true,
locale = "en_US.UTF-8",
pathFormat = "path",
supportsRunInTerminalRequest = true,
supportsVariableType = true
command = "initialize",
seq = 0,
type = "request"
I can set breakpoints with the command:
lua require'dap'.toggle_breakpoint()
I also installed the VSCode Js debugger with the following commands:
git clone
cd vscode-js-debug/
npm i
I can see that my Chrome browser is listening on the 9222 port:
chrome 208069 stephane 118u IPv4 1193769 0t0 TCP (LISTEN)
If I run the debugger manually, I can see it starts on the given port number:
09:16 $ node ~/dev/dap-debugger/vscode-js-debug/out/src/debugServerMain.js 45635
Debug server listening at 45635
I'm on NVIM v0.7.0-dev
My Angular application is started and responds all right.
UPDATE: The debugger I was trying to use is not on DAP standard. I guess I need to find an alternative.
The VSCode Chrome debugger is deprecated and has been replaced by the VSCode JS debugger. The VSCode JS debugger is compatible with all browsers. But the VSCode JS debugger is not DAP compliant. So the VSCode Chrome debugger is still being used for now.
Installing the debugger:
git clone
cd vscode-chrome-debug
npm install
npm run build
Configuring the debugger:
local function configureDebuggerAngular(dap) = {
-- executable: launch the remote debug adapter - server: connect to an already running debug adapter
type = "executable",
-- command to launch the debug adapter - used only on executable type
command = "node",
args = { os.getenv("HOME") .. "/.local/share/nvim/lsp-debuggers/vscode-chrome-debug/out/src/chromeDebug.js" }
-- The configuration must be named: typescript
dap.configurations.typescript = {
name = "Debug (Attach) - Remote",
type = "chrome",
request = "attach",
-- program = "${file}",
-- cwd = vim.fn.getcwd(),
sourceMaps = true,
-- reAttach = true,
trace = true,
-- protocol = "inspector",
-- hostName = "",
port = 9222,
webRoot = "${workspaceFolder}"
local function configureDap()
local status_ok, dap = pcall(require, "dap")
if not status_ok then
print("The dap extension could not be loaded")
vim.highlight.create('DapBreakpoint', { ctermbg = 0, guifg = '#993939', guibg = '#31353f' }, false)
vim.highlight.create('DapLogPoint', { ctermbg = 0, guifg = '#61afef', guibg = '#31353f' }, false)
vim.highlight.create('DapStopped', { ctermbg = 0, guifg = '#98c379', guibg = '#31353f' }, false)
vim.fn.sign_define('DapBreakpoint', { text = '', texthl = 'DapBreakpoint', linehl = 'DapBreakpoint',
numhl = 'DapBreakpoint' })
{ text = 'ﳁ', texthl = 'DapBreakpoint', linehl = 'DapBreakpoint', numhl = 'DapBreakpoint' })
{ text = '', texthl = 'DapBreakpoint', linehl = 'DapBreakpoint', numhl = 'DapBreakpoint' })
vim.fn.sign_define('DapLogPoint', { text = '', texthl = 'DapLogPoint', linehl = 'DapLogPoint', numhl = 'DapLogPoint' })
vim.fn.sign_define('DapStopped', { text = '', texthl = 'DapStopped', linehl = 'DapStopped', numhl = 'DapStopped' })
return dap
local function configure()
local dap = configureDap()
if nil == dap then
print("The DAP core debugger could not be set")

Using poetry on different machines

I am working on a Python project and recently started using poetry. I was originally working on the project using macOS 11.0, but as I near completion, I wanted to test it on a Linux workstation. I use Github for my repository, and so, I am able to clone the repo easily. However, that is where the simple part ends. I have used both pyenv and conda for the virtual environment on macOS, but when I clone the repo onto the workstation, I set up an environment and then try the following command:
poetry shell
poetry install
I receive the following error after poetry install:
Unable to parse "at20RC5+54.g5702a232fe.dirty".
at ~/.poetry/lib/poetry/_vendor/py3.8/poetry/core/semver/ in parse
207│ except TypeError:
208│ match = None
210│ if match is None:
→ 211│ raise ParseVersionError('Unable to parse "{}".'.format(text))
213│ text = text.rstrip(".")
215│ major = int(
I have tried poetry lock with the same result, and I have even deleted poetry.lock and attempted poetry lock with no success.
I intend to build and publish it when all is said and done, but because I eventually want to add features that my Mac does not have (e.g., CUDA), I want to code on the workstation as well.
Any help will be appreciated.
Update -- 03/27/21
name = "qaa"
version = "0.1.0"
description = "Quasi-Anharmonic Analysis"
authors = ["Timothy H. Click <>"]
license = "BSD-3-Clause"
readme = "README.rst"
homepage = ""
repository = ""
documentation = ""
classifiers = [
"Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6",
"Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7",
"Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8",
"Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9",
Changelog = ""
python = "^3.8"
click = "^7.0"
numpy = "^1.20.1"
scipy = "^1.6.1"
matplotlib = "^3.3.4"
seaborn = "^0.11.1"
scikit-learn = "^0.24.1"
pandas = "^1.2.3"
netCDF4 = "^1.5.6"
mdtraj = "^1.9.5"
pytest = "^6.2.2"
pytest-cache = "^1.0"
pytest-click = "^1.0.2"
pytest-console-scripts = "^1.1.0"
pytest-cov = "^2.11.1"
pytest-flake8 = "^1.0.7"
pytest-mock = "^3.5.1"
pytest-pep8 = "^1.0.6"
pytest-randomly = "^3.5.0"
coverage = {extras = ["toml"], version = "^5.3"}
safety = "^1.9.0"
mypy = "^0.812"
typeguard = "^2.9.1"
xdoctest = {extras = ["colors"], version = "^0.15.0"}
sphinx = "^3.3.1"
sphinx-autobuild = "^2020.9.1"
pre-commit = "^2.8.2"
flake8 = "^3.8.4"
black = "^20.8b1"
flake8-bandit = "^2.1.2"
flake8-bugbear = "^21.3.2"
flake8-docstrings = "^1.5.0"
flake8-rst-docstrings = "^0.0.14"
pep8-naming = "^0.11.1"
darglint = "^1.5.5"
reorder-python-imports = "^2.3.6"
pre-commit-hooks = "^3.3.0"
sphinx-rtd-theme = "^0.5.0"
sphinx-click = "^2.5.0"
Pygments = "^2.7.2"
ipython = "^7.21.0"
isort = "^5.7.0"
towncrier = "^19.2.0"
nox = "^2020.12.31"
pytest-coverage = "^0.0"
nox-poetry = "^0.8.4"
numpydoc = "^1.1.0"
codecov = "^2.1.11"
flake8-black = "^0.2.1"
flake8-import-order = "^0.18.1"
qaa = "qaa.__main__:main"
update -- 03/29/21
This is the error received when running poetry lock -vvv
Using virtualenv: /home/tclick/.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs/qaa-VNW0yB_S-py3.8
Stack trace:
10 ~/.poetry/lib/poetry/_vendor/py3.8/clikit/ in run
129│ parsed_args = resolved_command.args
→ 131│ status_code = command.handle(parsed_args, io)
132│ except KeyboardInterrupt:
133│ status_code = 1
9 ~/.poetry/lib/poetry/_vendor/py3.8/clikit/api/command/ in handle
118│ def handle(self, args, io): # type: (Args, IO) -> int
119│ try:
→ 120│ status_code = self._do_handle(args, io)
121│ except KeyboardInterrupt:
122│ if io.is_debug():
8 ~/.poetry/lib/poetry/_vendor/py3.8/clikit/api/command/ in _do_handle
161│ if self._dispatcher and self._dispatcher.has_listeners(PRE_HANDLE):
162│ event = PreHandleEvent(args, io, self)
→ 163│ self._dispatcher.dispatch(PRE_HANDLE, event)
165│ if event.is_handled():
7 ~/.poetry/lib/poetry/_vendor/py3.8/clikit/api/event/ in dispatch
21│ if listeners:
→ 22│ self._do_dispatch(listeners, event_name, event)
24│ return event
6 ~/.poetry/lib/poetry/_vendor/py3.8/clikit/api/event/ in _do_dispatch
87│ break
→ 89│ listener(event, event_name, self)
91│ def _sort_listeners(self, event_name): # type: (str) -> None
5 ~/.poetry/lib/poetry/console/config/ in set_installer
140│ poetry = command.poetry
→ 141│ installer = Installer(
143│ command.env,
4 ~/.poetry/lib/poetry/installation/ in __init__
63│ self._installer = self._get_installer()
64│ if installed is None:
→ 65│ installed = self._get_installed()
67│ self._installed_repository = installed
3 ~/.poetry/lib/poetry/installation/ in _get_installed
560│ def _get_installed(self): # type: () -> InstalledRepository
→ 561│ return InstalledRepository.load(self._env)
2 ~/.poetry/lib/poetry/repositories/ in load
116│ path = Path(str(distribution._path))
117│ version = distribution.metadata["version"]
→ 118│ package = Package(name, version, version)
119│ package.description = distribution.metadata.get("summary", "")
1 ~/.poetry/lib/poetry/_vendor/py3.8/poetry/core/packages/ in __init__
60│ if not isinstance(version, Version):
→ 61│ self._version = Version.parse(version)
62│ self._pretty_version = pretty_version or version
63│ else:
Unable to parse "at20RC5+54.g5702a232fe.dirty".
at ~/.poetry/lib/poetry/_vendor/py3.8/poetry/core/semver/ in parse
202│ except TypeError:
203│ match = None
205│ if match is None:
→ 206│ raise ParseVersionError('Unable to parse "{}".'.format(text))
208│ text = text.rstrip(".")
210│ major = int(
I think you should NOT run poetry shell first. It's used only when poetry project and its dependencies are installed.
poetry install should work nice in the project directory with pyproject.toml
Possible help:
ensure that poetry installed and path to poetry executable in PATH
environment variable;
check that python 3.8+ is installed (from your dependencies). If
you use pyenv check that path to this version is available for

Buildbot configuration error

I have installed buildbot master and slave and when i am running the slave after starting the master this is my master script for a build name simplebuild.
c = BuildmasterConfig = {}
c['status'] = []
from buildbot.status import html
from buildbot.status.web import authz, auth
gracefulShutdown = False,
forceBuild = 'auth',
forceAllBuilds = False,
pingBuilder = False,
stopBuild = False,
stopAllBuilds = False,
cancelPendingBuild = False,
c['status'].append(html.WebStatus(http_port=8010, authz=authz_cfg))
from buildbot.process.factory import BuildFactory
from buildbot.steps.source import SVN
from import ShellCommand
qmake = ShellCommand(name = "qmake",
command = ["qmake"],
haltOnFailure = True,
description = "qmake")
makeclean = ShellCommand(name = "make clean",
command = ["make", "clean"],
haltOnFailure = True,
description = "make clean")
checkout = SVN(baseURL = "file:///home/aguerofire/buildbottestsetup/codeRepo/",
mode = "update",
username = "pawan",
password = "pawan",
haltOnFailure = True )
makeall = ShellCommand(name = "make all",
command = ["make", "all"],
haltOnFailure = True,
description = "make all")
f_simplebuild = BuildFactory()
from buildbot.buildslave import BuildSlave
c['slaves'] = [
BuildSlave('slave1', 'slave1'),
c['slavePortnum'] = 13333
from buildbot.config import BuilderConfig
c['builders'] = [
BuilderConfig(name = "simplebuild", slavenames = ['slave1'], factory = f_simplebuild)
from buildbot.schedulers.basic import SingleBranchScheduler
from buildbot.changes import filter
trunkchanged = SingleBranchScheduler(name = "trunkchanged",
change_filter = filter.ChangeFilter(branch = 'master'),
treeStableTimer = 10,
builderNames = ["simplebuild"])
c['schedulers'] = [ trunkchanged ]
from buildbot.changes.svnpoller import SVNPoller
svnpoller = SVNPoller(svnurl = "file:///home/aguerofire/buildbottestsetup/codeRepo/",
svnuser = "pawan",
svnpasswd = "pawan",
pollinterval = 20,
split_file = None)
c['change_source'] = svnpoller
After running this script when i check at browser the status of the build then i am not getting any status of the build.
detail inside the waterfall view is
My first question is where actual build is performed at master's end or slave's end ?
What can be the problem in the configuring of buildbot as i have made an error in the commit and was trying to find out weather it will be shown in the waterfall display...but again no error and the same screen as coming in the console view and waterfall view ?
Builds are run on a slave, master just manages schedulers, builders and slaves.
It seems that builds are not run. As for your second screenshot, it shows change info, but not build info. What does your "builders" tab show?