At below page,
Can't add ssh public keys on azure devops page and not sure why.
After clicking on SSH Public Keys and pasting the keys and with propername and ADD, I can't see them as listed. Is that how is it represented?
Tried adding as mentioned in the link
Yes, after pasting the ssh keys and giving a name, I clicked on the Add button(the one on lower right corner) but still didn't added as I can't see any list ssh keys or any message or warning saying as successfully added.
In Azure Pipelines you can upload a secure file. Below I have uploaded a .p12 certificate file.
Then, you can reference this file with the InstallAppleCertificate#2 task. How do you get the GUID value for the unique identifier of the file? I am not seeing where I can find this value.
When viewing the secure file in your browser if you expand the URL it has a query parameter "secureFileId" which is the GUID you're looking for.
How do you get the GUID value for the unique identifier of the file?
According to the reply for the issue 8112 on github:
The id is not displayed in the frontend but if you open the
WebDeveloperTools of a browser of your choice, go to
library->secureFiles and open/reload the page there is a request named
'securefiles' that returns a json containing the list of securefiles
and their ids.
As test, I enable the WebDeveloperTools by shortcut key F12, then open the page 'securefiles', I could get the GUID in the Response preview tab:
Besides, we could also use the file name instead of the GUID for the securefiles.
I am a new user following this tutorial provided by IBM.
I am up to this step:
For Cloudant Instance, select Input your own credentials and fill in the following fields with the credentials information captured for your cloudant service: Username, Password, Host and Database = guestbook and click Add and then Save.
After following the instruction to 'Add', I am returned to the sequence view (with the list of actions representing the sequence I'm working on).
Expected: The newly created public action w/ binding should appear in the list.
Instead: The newly created public action is not in the list. There is no evidence of it having been created at all. There is no option to 'save'.
Am I doing something wrong? This seems like an enormous bug.
Attempted solutions (unsuccessful):
Log out and back in.
Create new Cloudant service credentials.
Enter service credentials manually vs via dropdown.
Create action in a named package rather than default package.
Create new Cloudant service credentials, selecting a specific service ID.
Attempted to create support ticket but needed to upgrade account by adding credit card. Filled in card information. Card rejected: "Error: Could not place order. Unable to verify the credit card. Declined due to Risk management". I use this card successfully all the time.
In actions UI, selected a sequence, added an action to the sequence, 'reset' sequence to discard changes, began to add yet another action, cancelled that new action, returned to sequence view and the previously created action that I had discarded was there. Ie seems like some backend / database propagation issues on IBM's end?
The steps have been updated in
To create the new Cloudant binding:
Set Name to binding-for-guestbook.
Set Instance to Input your own credentials.
Set Username, Password, Host and IAM API Key from the values found in the Cloudant credentials for-guestbook created earlier.
Set Database to guestbook.
Set whiskoverwriteLabel to true.
I created a GitHub Webhook function, copied and pasted the Function URL and GitHub Secret to the GitHub to the WebHook I created in GitHub and I keep getting the following error.
{"Message":"The WebHook signature provided by the 'X-Hub-Signature' header
field does not match the value expected by the 'GitHubWebHookReceiver'
receiver. WebHook request is invalid."}
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
OK, so it turns out the GitHub Secret from the Develop page matches the _master key from the Admin Keys (All Functions) keys on the Manage page.
When I used the default key from the Function Keys it started working. By the names of those sections that sounds like the key I actually want to use and maybe the portal is displaying the wrong one in the GitHub Secret field.
Not sure if this is the answer or a workaround.
I am following
guide to generate a CSR to request a code signing/software publishing certificate.
In management console when I Right-click Certificates, and then go to All Tasks > Advanced Operations > Create Custom Request & Click Next I don't find "Active Directory Enrollment Policy" to select.
I don't know Whether I need to download any template or generate some custom policy and how?
I am using windows 8 and my user account is not under any active directory domain nor I administer any active directory.
I am not sure if it is the right forum to ask this question. Pardon me, and direct me to the right forum, if it is not.
I ran into the same problem today and found the solution on MSDN. Try the following:
Instead of selecting Active Directory Enrollment Policy select Proceed without enrollment policy.
Click Next.
Select (No template) CNG key from the Template list.
Select PKCS #10 as the Request format.
Click Next.
Click the Details arrow and then the Properties button.
Enter a name for your certificate in Friendly name box on the General tab.
Click the Subject tab.
Under Subject name, select Common name from the Type list. Enter a common name in the Value box and click the Add button.
Repeat step 9 for Organizational unit, Locality, State and Country.
Click the Extensions tab.
Under Key usage select Digital signature and click the Add button.
Under Extended key usage select Code signing and click the Add button.
Under Basic constraints click the Enable this extension checkbox.
Click the Private key tab.
Under Key options select 2048 as the Key size.
Click the Make private key exportable checkbox.
Under Select hash algorithm select sha256 from the Hash Algorithm list.
Click OK.
So far it appears to be working. I was able to use my new code signing certificate to export a PFX file and successfully sign an executable.
Note: I chose sha256 instead of sha1 in step 18 because SHA-1 is deprecated.
On both GitHub and GitLab, you can download a user's SSH public keys with a simple GET request to the URL https://server/username.keys,
for example:
This gives:
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEArmmGWKZ8UAO6myYW94liK4oMNBen6Sl7r0QAb6Et0y1kwCIBeBrHZhsSFQBzw0H517FeML9d+fBMSShZloMvw5x8nLQq5kbi4+8JXC4+CwW505fipjFY4ABj60BZioZn4Hndf8bwmCwXDHVtjfUeBD8b+Sjn7VNQ123rd1t5TLYDShk+2I4ldDhxbkFRqBF1gz3is4BsngdsHQp5AuuFWmiD2FRDRZDACdUyL8fUIP6O/3TAGFNKP2CG6//8+XHbQOYUaJ9RkSAJ453dx2PwDdiIXJyIJRO/q8wqWyRhA94XtJ77zP9BMyrRVnMClYcQoc9WBBlocp519l9vsp6jyQ==
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCoQ9S7V+CufAgwoehnf2TqsJ9LTsu8pUA3FgpS2mdVwcMcTs++8P5sQcXHLtDmNLpWN4k7NQgxaY1oXy5e25x/4VhXaJXWEt3luSw+Phv/PB2+aGLvqCUirsLTAD2r7ieMhd/pcVf/HlhNUQgnO1mupdbDyqZoGD/uCcJiYav8i/V7nJWJouHA8yq31XS2yqXp9m3VC7UZZHzUsVJA9Us5YqF0hKYeaGruIHR2bwoDF9ZFMss5t6/pzxMljU/ccYwvvRDdI7WX4o4+zLuZ6RWvsU6LGbbb0pQdB72tlV41fSefwFsk4JRdKbyV3Xjf25pV4IXOTcqhy+4JTB/jXxrF
Unfortunately, notice that there is no comment field at the end.
On GitHub and GitLab the comment field is there in the system, you can view and edit in your profile to easily distinguish your multiple keys from each other.
But when accessing using this method, both GitHub and GitLab drop the comment field, for some reason.
Is there an easy way to get the public keys from these services? I'm aware of the REST APIs, but as far as I know they return JSON, which is not so convenient for example if I want to simply redirect the output of curl to append to an authorized_keys file. If I have to parse JSON, that adds more complexity to my scripts I'd like to avoid.
That seems a security issue, where the comment content might leak some possibly sensitive data if it were returned (since you can set any comment in there).
That is why the very specification of that "get keys" feature in GitLab does include:
it "should not render the comment of the key" do
get :get_keys, username: user.username
expect(response.body).not_to match(/