AnyLogic inject() doesn't accept type - anylogic

I am trying to inject with a function objects from a population into a source block.
In the function I used this inject() function:
for (mp_lkw mp : mplkws)
if (dateToTime(mp.ankunft) <= time()) {
Now my source should accept that injection, but an error occurs, that it is only applicable for Integers
Unresolved compilation problem:
The method inject(int) in the type Source<mp_lkw> is not applicable for the arguments (mp_lkw)
I wonder why it doesnt accept my agent type even though the settings in source for "New agent:" and "Agent type:" are set to my agent "mp_lkw"

This is not how the inect() method works. It only lets you specify the number of agents that the Source block creates when you call it. But the details of the agents themselves are set by the Source block.
In your case (where an agent already exists and just needs to start a new flow chart), you replace the Source block with an "Enter" block.
In the code, you call myEnterBlock.take(mp);


LLDB for Swift: Access computed property or perform function call in type summary Python script

When I create a custom type summary using a Python script, it is possible to access ivars using value.GetChildMemberByName("<child-name>"). However, this does not work for computed properties or functions.
With the frame variable command, the script that generates the summary can evaluate expressions in the current frame (e.g. value.GetFrame().EvaluateExpression(value.GetName() + ".description"))
However, this will not work when using p <some-expression>/expression -- <some-expression> as there is no frame, so the above statement will fail to produce any results.
Is there a way to call functions or evaluate computed properties in a type summary when using p (expression --)?
You might what to use SBValue.CreateValueFromExpression instead of either the frame or the target EvaluateExpression calls for data formatters.
SBValues remember the context they were defined in, and SBValue.CreateValueFromExpression funnels that context back to the expression evaluator. Since the Variable formatters always receive the SBValue that they are acting on, CreateValueFromExpression allows a simple way to forward that context to the new expression.
The EvaluateExpression function is available on the target as well as on frames. Try value.GetTarget().EvaluateExpression(...).

I am getting an error while trying to pass the data from scoreboard to sequence, how to get rid of it?

I am new to UVM and I am trying to verify a memory design where I am trying to run a write sequence multiple times followed by read sequence same number of times so that I could read the same addresses I am writing to, and compare. For this I tried to create a new class extended from uvm_object with a queue to store the addresses I am writing to, so that I could use them in read seq and I am instantiating this class in the scoreboard and then sending the handle of class to the read sequence via uvm_config_db, now the issue is I am able to store addresses in queue but unable to get the class handle in read sequence ......Is this the right way of checking or is there some better way to check the write and read back from memory, please help me !
entire code link (yet to complete):
Relevant code snippets:
This is the class I created to store the addresses
class address_list extends uvm_object;
function new(string name);;
In my scoreboard, I am passing the handle of class with address queue to the read sequence, here is the snippet from scoreboard
virtual function void write(mem_seq_item pkt);
`uvm_info(get_type_name(),$sformatf("Adder list is
endfunction : write
In my read sequence, I am trying to get the handle
virtual task body();
if(!uvm_config_db#(address_list)::get(this, " ", "address", addr_))
`uvm_fatal("NO_VIF",{"virtual interface must be set for:",get_full_name(),".addr_"});
`uvm_info(get_type_name(),$sformatf("ADDR IS %p",addr_),UVM_LOW)
Error-[ICTTFC] Incompatible complex type usage, 137 {line where i try to get from uvm_config_db}
Incompatible complex type usage in task or function call.
The following expression is incompatible with the formal parameter of the
function. The type of the actual is 'class $unit::wr_rd_sequence', while
type of the formal is 'class uvm_pkg::uvm_component'. Expression: this
Source info: uvm_config_db#
" ", "address", this.addr_)
There are two problems with this line:
if(!uvm_config_db#(address_list)::get(this, " ", "address", addr_))
One is causing your error. One might lead to you not being able to find what you're looking for in the database.
This (literally this) is causing your error. You are calling get from a class derived from uvm_sequence. The first argument to get is expecting a class derived from uvm_component. Your problem is that a sequence is not part of the testbench hierarchy, so you cannot use a sequence as the first argument to a call to get (or set) in a uvm_config_db. Instead the convention is to use the sequencer that the sequence is running on, which is returned by a call to the sequence's get_sequencer() method. This solves your problem:
if(!uvm_config_db#(address_list)::get(get_sequencer(), "", "address", addr_))
This works because you used a wildcard when you called set.
Notice that I also removed the space from between the quotes. That might not give you a problem, because you used the wildcard when you called set, but in general this string should either be empty or should be a real hierarchical path. (The hierarchy input to the set and get calls is split between the first argument - a SystemVerilog hierarchical path - and the second - a string representing a hierarchical path).
uvm_config_db is basically for passing configuration between components.
For purpose of passing data from scoreboard to sequence, you can use uvm_event.
Trigger event in scoreboard using event.trigger(address_list)
sequence wait for event using event.wait_for_trigger_data(address_list)

Manual casting of agents and accessing its parameter of type SelectOutputOut in AnyLogic?

I understood that I can insert different types of agents in the same block by changing the agent type in the whole process to the generic Agent (works well thanks to Amy). snapshot
But, I am stuck on how to get them out using a manual casting for the process selectOutputIn1. Each Agent type has a parameter called p_new_location with type SelectOutputOut.
What I need help in
passing what is equivalent to agent.p_new_location if properly casted through selectOutputIn1.
What I have tried
creating a function with manual casting:
if( agent instanceof Wife){
return ((Wife)agent).p_new_location ;
} else if(agent instanceof Child_M){
return ((Child_M)agent).p_new_location ;
} else if(agent instanceof Child_F){
return ((Child_F)agent).p_new_location ;}
how it looks with the error
Unfortunately, as you can see there is an error saying the method must return a result of type SelectOutputOut although it is already defined.
The parameter type in each class looks like exactly like this. And from inside the simulation, it looks like this before passing the value and like this after passing its value. Furthermore, I noticed that the value of an uncommon parameter type like SelectOutputOut, is not showing during the simulation as shown here. As you can see parameters (age, countDb and taken) are all there with their values but, not p_new_location.
The Solution
Thanks to Amy Again :)
The compiler is seeing if / else if / else if. What if none of those are true? If your last else if is the only option, just change that to an else or put in appropriate code for what you want to do.
This is how the code looks like now
if( agent instanceof Wife){
return ((Wife)agent).p_new_location ;
} else if(agent instanceof Child_M){
return ((Child_M)agent).p_new_location ;
} else{
return ((Child_F)agent).p_new_location ;}
Thanks inAdvance;
Yes, AnyLogic can easily handle multiple agent types in a single process block. A few things to keep in mind:
Make sure the process block is set to handle a generic type "Agent" or the parent class of mother, father, child.
Since you have multiple agent types flowing through the same blocks, you should be prepared to do some casting to get any class specific information.
AnyLogic agents cannot be in more than one flowchart block at a time, even though they can be in many collections. They can also be in NO flowchart blocks. Before you send an agent to an enter block, you must first remove it from any other block it is in (if it is in one). For example, if all you wives were in a queue, you would need to remove the wife agent from the queue before calling your enter.take( wife ) line of code.

Replacing class keyword with actor causes an error

Here's my code:
class Eapproximator
var step : F64
new create(step' :F64) =>
step = step'
fun evaluate() :F64 =>
var total = F64(0)
var value = F64(1)
while total < 1 do
total = total + step
value = value + (value * step)
actor Main
new create(env: Env) =>
var e_approx = Eapproximator(0.00001)
var e_val = e_approx.evaluate()
It works well and prints (as expected) 2.7183. However, if I replace class with actor in Eapproximator definition I get a bunch of errors:
/src/main/main.pony:18:34: receiver type is not a subtype of target type
var e_val = e_approx.evaluate()
/src/main/main.pony:18:17: receiver type: Eapproximator tag
var e_val = e_approx.evaluate()
/src/main/main.pony:6:3: target type: Eapproximator box
fun evaluate() :F64 =>
/src/main/main.pony:3:3: Eapproximator tag is not a subtype of Eapproxim
ator box: tag is not a subcap of box
new create(step' :F64) =>
/src/main/main.pony:19:19: cannot infer type of e_val
What can I do to fix this?
The actor is the unit of concurrency in Pony. This means that many different actors in the same program can run at the same time, including your Main and Eapproximator actors. Now what would happen if the fields of an actor were modified by multiple actors at the same time? You'd most likely get some garbage value in the end because of the way concurrent programs work on modern hardware. This is called a data race and it is the source of many, many bugs in concurrent programming. One of the goals of Pony is to detect data races at compile time, and this error message is the compiler telling you that what you're trying to do is potentially unsafe.
Let's walk through that error message.
receiver type is not a subtype of target type
The receiver type is the type of the called object, e_approx here. The target type is the type of this inside of the method, Eapproximator.evaluate here. Subtyping means that an object of the subtype can be used as if it was an object of the supertype. So that part is telling you that evaluate cannot be called on e_approx because of a type mismatch.
receiver type: Eapproximator tag
e_approx is an Eapproximator tag. A tag object can neither be read nor written. I'll detail why e_approx is tag in a minute.
target type: Eapproximator box
this inside of evaluate is an Eapproximator box. A box object can be read, but not written. this is box because evaluate is declared as fun evaluate, which implicitly means fun box evaluate (which means that by default, methods cannot modify their receiver.)
Eapproximator tag is not a subtype of Eapproxim
ator box: tag is not a subcap of box
According to this error message, a tag object isn't a subtype of a box object, which means that a tag cannot be used as if it was a box. This is logical if we look at what tag and box allow. box allows more things than tag: it can be read while tag cannot. A type can only be a subtype of another type if it allows less (or as much) things than the supertype.
So why does replacing class with actor make the object tag? This has to do with the data race problems I talked about earlier. An actor has free reign over its own fields. It can read from them and write to them. Since actors can run concurrently, they must be denied access to each other's fields in order to avoid data races with the fields' owner. And there is something in the type system that does exactly that: tag. An actor can only see other actors as tag, because it would be unsafe to read from or write to them. The main useful thing it can do with those tag references is send asynchronous messages (by calling the be methods, or behaviours), because that's neither reading nor writing.
Of course, since you're not doing any mutation of Eapproximatorin your program, your specific case would be safe. But it is much easier to try to forbid every unsafe program than to try to allow every safe program in addition to that.
To sum it up, there isn't really a fix for your program, except keeping Eapproximator as a class. Not anything needs to be an actor in a Pony program. The actor is the unit of concurrency, but that means it is also the unit of sequentiality. Computations that need to be sequential and synchronous must live in a single actor. You can then break down those computations into various classes for good code hygiene.

GtkAda simple chat error

I'm writing simple chat program in Ada, and I'm having problem with chat window simulation - on button clicked it reads text form entry and puts it on text_view. Here is the code I've written and here is the compile output:
gnatmake client `gtkada-config`
gcc -c -I/usr/include/gtkada client_pkg.adb
client_pkg.adb:14:19: no candidate interpretations match the actuals:
client_pkg.adb:14:37: expected private type "Gtk_Text_Iter" defined at
client_pkg.adb:14:37: found type "Gtk_Text_View" defined at
client_pkg.adb:14:37: ==> in call to "Get_Buffer" at
client_pkg.adb:14:37: ==> in call to "Get_Buffer" at
client_pkg.adb:15:34: no candidate interpretations match the actuals:
client_pkg.adb:15:34: missing argument for parameter "Start" in call to "Get_Text" declared at
client_pkg.adb:15:34: missing argument for parameter "Start" in call to "Get_Text" declared at
gnatmake: "client_pkg.adb" compilation error
Can anyone tell me what is the problem, since I have no idea why procedure Get_Buffer expects Gtk_Text_Iter, and why Get_Text miss Start parameter?
You have to call the correct procedures/functions.
In your example, you call Gtk.Text_Buffer.Get_Buffer, not the correct Gtk.Text_View.Get_Buffer. This is because you with and use Gtk.Text_Buffer, but don't use Gtk.Text_View. You should be careful what you use. Same for Get_Text.
If you add use clauses for Gtk.Text_View and Gtk.GEntry, those errors should disappear.
But I give you an advice: try to use as few as possible use clauses. That way you always know what function is really called.
TLDR: Add use Gtk.Text_View; use Gtk.GEntry; to the declaration part of the On_Btn_Send_Clicked procedure.