App Store: Programmatically get search results - app-store

For a demo app I want to implement an App Store search. There are a few projects on GitHub on this as discussed here however they are all giving different results from the results that I am seeing when logged into the US App Store.
The example request in the answer of the linked thread is also off (I've replaced the keyword with other terms, all produce different results compared to what I see on the phone)
What do I have to change or what other way do I have to go to get reasonable results there?


Accessing Walmart API and setting up product mapping

To start: I'm completely new to working with APIs, so please bear with me.
My first question is related to getting access to the Walmart API. I see the example code to generate time stamp and signature. How do I run this file? I've looked at YouTube videos, the Walmart tutorial, and other posts in this forum and am still a little stuck.
Second, I'm guessing this file needs to be included in the actual application to continue to be able to access the products?
Third, my goal is to map only a subset of the product catalog for users of the app to view. Let's use 'soda' as an example. Is it the Taxonomy API I need to use? And how do I limit the available products a user can search?
Note: This will be implemented in a Flutter application, if it makes any difference.

A/B Test a Page Step in a Single Page without a new URL

I am trying to figure out how to run an A/B Test for a change on a Page Step for a Single Page. The idea is we have a payment flow with several page steps each containing a form. We'd like to swap out forms and test how our users react. We are trying to avoid changing the URL.
I looked into tools such as Google Analytics, but that requires a different URL to run the A/B test. The hesitation about creating a new URL is because our users are known to bookmark them, and we don't want to keep a backlog of redirects from invalid URLs, also we'd like to avoid constantly deploying new URLs for our tests.
I cannot seem to find any tool to do this, so I've tried to think of a few solutions but I'm not having a lot of luck.
My best idea is to build both a and b forms into the page, and when a user accesses the flow, the session randomly(based on a preset%) stores a value that dictates whether the user is in test a or b. Then when they step into that form, the server will serve the proper form to them. If they abandon their session, we'd track that, and if they complete the action, we'd track that.
I feel like there should be a better solution, but I just cannot come up with one.
My results online were either blogs showing how to approach it from a high level, and all of them used different URLs, I have found almost no developer resources.
We're using ExtJS 4.2.2, and .NET as our server.
Whenever you need the server to be involved, you need server-side instrumentation. No free tools offer that, but you could consider Optimizely "full-stack" (has support for C#) or Variant (does not yet).

How to scrape Facebook friends' info INCLUDING their real e-mail the way Facebook App does?

I recently found that Facebook App (for Android & iOS, but i'm using Android anyway) downloads almost all friends' information (including FB ID and real e-mail account) to a SQLite database called fb.db. I am trying to do the same thing programmaticaly (using python, perl, bash etc) but with no luck so far. I need a way that will do similar requests with FB APP, and will download all of my friends' info upon login, just like the way FB APP work.
I tried so far to:
Decompile com.facebook.katana and see how it's done - No luck (or just missed it).
Sniff the facebook app with burp - No luck (due to SSL and app's protection when certs have been changed)
I am sure you went through this:
There it is stated:
Android provides full support for SQLite databases. Any databases you create will be accessible by name to any class in the application, but not outside the application.
It was not the answer, it was just a text, which states that you can create a database for your web app. But unfortunately they are not providing any kind of helping material about writing and removing the data from that Database. So lets move to another source!
Related posts:
Please read this:
How to insert data into SQLite database in android?
There is a sweet example of how to add the content to a database in Android.
There is another example on this question too, Downloading data/content into Sqlite database
Why they didn't work:
Decompiling won't work! As they might have editted the app to be only fb-developer-readable on the first place. So you will never have success this way.
And the second thing is same.
All you can do, is to guess the algorithm or ask for it here: and give it a try from scratch! :)
I would try to recommend you to first learn how to:
Access Data connection on the phone.
Access the server from where to download the data.
Create a string or what ever data type to be inserted in database.
Create the connection, and save the data there!
I would now assume that you are a beginner, and want a tutorial! Then the first guess could be to visit their own project sites (SQLite, Android). Visit the developer network. And look for what you get!
Good luck buddy! Cheers.

multiuser capable and search option available in app

I need to make my app such that
the first screen will have the option : NEW and SEARCH.
2.Clicking NEW should allow the user to create a new profile,
3.but clicking search should allow to access one of the stored profiles by searching for the user number.
These profiles will actually be some data about the person, his name etc. and then yes/no answers to some questions.
At the moment my app works such that I can type in my name, and do the yes/no checks and I am using plists to save the info. this means that when the I start the app the next time the app loads with the saved info. So I have got half the task done.
Now how do I make it multi-user capable so that it has the option of creating a new file or providing a search option to access existing data?
also, I am creating the plist in application directory, using the code on apple's website, but I have no clue how to access these files it possible to access these files, if I want to show the information on a desktop? Thanks.
The key phrase you want for searching Apple's docs is: Data Management.
Specifically, I would recommend the Data Management Starting Point.
Handling data can be as simple as writing a string or array to disk or as complex as a big Core Data data model. If you plan on writing and maintaining several Apple API apps, I strongly recommend eventually learning Core Data.

iOS data sharing to Google Apps for social features: Workable?

I'm putting on my thinking cap for this one, looking for a high level overview of possibility. I'm the author of an iPhone app that tracks user generated statistics. Data is essentially stored in a table on the device, with each entry having several fields/columns. Users can then sort that data, view graphs, and do other nerdy number crunching stuff. I want to take it farther and incorporate a sharing platform online. Game Center, Open Feint and other third party platforms are too narrow in scope. I'm interested in writing a web app, that users can visit to do three things:
Post New Table entries (automated by device)
View own entries and share via web (read only)
View other members table entries (read only)
Is Google App Engine a viable solution for this? My iOS app will require a POST URL, and the web app will need to save that authenticated user's data, and possibly return an "identifier" value to be referenced in the future in case the user needs to modify the item on the web. It will also require a GET URL to retrieve the authenticated user's statistics one by one or in total.
Next, the user will be able to visit the website and type in a "username" (probably email address) and see read-only statistics that have been submitted.
Thank you in advance for your input.
Sure, you could do all that with App Engine. If you wanted to, you could even make that local table of data sync with your app on GAE.
Really, there's not much on GAE that you can't do, although sometimes the database layer take some time to get used to.
My personal preference would be to set up a Django instance, but you could use any Python or Java-based app, depending on what you're comfortable with.
In short, yeah, you won't have any trouble doing basic REST work with GAE, and you could probably push it harder to do some more number crunching on those stats.