Can MS Forms ONLY display the fields that weren't filled the first time a Form was created? - forms

Forms should be able that whenever the option "follow-up message" is selected (Option 1: initial message and Option 2: follow-up message), the system remembers what was already specified in the initial message and does not display the fields that were filled in in the follow-up message.


How to refresh form when I open?

I have a CheckBox in my TabPage on my Form, if I select the checkBox, the value is saved in a Table field (present in my FormDataSource: ParametersTable).
I want to refresh the form when I enter in TabPage, just Like pressing F5.
Is it possible?
There is a great article about different methods of refreshing the form's data here. Here are the basic outline:
1. Refresh
This method basically refreshes the data displayed in the form controls with whatever is stored in the form cache for that particular datasource record. Calling refresh() method will NOT reread the record from the database. So if changes happened to the record in another process, these will not be shown after executing refresh().
2. Reread
Calling reread() will query the database and re-read the current record contents into the datasource form cache. This will not display the changes on the form until a redraw of the grid contents happens (for example, when you navigate away from the row or re-open the form).
You should not use it to refresh the form data if you have through code added or removed records.
3. Research
Calling research() will rerun the existing form query against the database, therefore updating the list with new/removed records as well as updating all existing rows. This will honor any existing filters and sorting on the form, that were set by the user.
4. ExecuteQuery
Calling executeQuery() will also rerun the query and update/add/delete the rows in the grid. ExecuteQuery should be used if you have modified the query in your code and need to refresh the form to display the data based on the updated query.
I strongly recommand that you read the article. Try to use some of the methods above or some combinations of them.
Start with research() method, it might solve your problem:

Show blank text boxes and buttons in MS Access form even when there is no data

I have a split form in MS Access that is bound to a query. Sometimes this query will return no results and when this happens, the form goes totally blank.
Is there a way to have the form still show all the fields and buttons and just have the fields be blank?
Not really. Count the records at the OnOpen event of the form and Cancel the event it the count is zero and pop a message that nothing is to be shown.
Possible answer here.
I'm guessing you can't get around condition A as it sounds like it's set up to have filter (that sometimes returns no results), but check whether you have any of scenarios described in condition B and try to fix those.

Where to keep the old data entered using a form in MS Word?

I have a form embedded in the MS Word. The form is activated using a button command. The user pushes the button to open the form and then modifies the text fields in the form. The text entered in the form are printed in the same word document.
The problem for me that I am finding a way to keep and retrieve the previous data entered in the text fields. When the form is opened it should contain the previously entered data.
How and where I can keep the previous form data?
Use the Variables collection of the Document object.
You can create/overwrite them easily, naming is flexible, they can each hold a large amount of data, and they are not easily seen or damaged by ordinary end users.

Controlling page breaks when printing to duplex printer

I'm using the new fixed page layout report in active reports 7, with a fixed cover page and a variable number of overflow pages. When it's printed the user can select a number of these reports to print at once, and the data for the report is adjusted accordingly. The report has grouping defined to start a new cover page for each group. How can I ensure that when printing to a double sided printer that each cover page is printed to a new sheet of paper? For example, consider the simple case where there is only a cover sheet and no overflow. If the dataset contains data for three such pages, how can I ensure that a new sheet is printed for each one, rather than the second being printed on the back of the first?
An alternative solution would be to split the data before it gets to the report, then repeatedly create and print the report for each group. To do this I would need to ask the user to select a printer for the first copy, but then use the same printer for subsequent invocations. How can I determine which printer the user selected, then pass that printer to the second, third, etc invocations? I could create my own printer selection dialog, I guess, but it would be useful to know if I can retrieve the information from the built in one
I don't think there is any way to do this with AR currently. It's a great idea though and I'll make sure the ActiveReports team considers this in the future. I'll also ask around and see if anyone else has ideas within GrapeCity/ComponentOne.

Refresh the Parent form of "Call_form" after Child form is closed in Oracle 10g

What I need is:
what trigger to use and where to put it.
I will give you an example of what I am doing.
I have a Contract form that is fully editable except the contract financial areas, which is read only. I want the user to press a button called, “change rates” and that will have a trigger “When-Button-Pressed” and call_form(UpdateFinancials);.
Now, in this screen, I have the user change the financial information such as increase the contract from 50k to 100k. Then the user saves and exits. This will then close the child form "UpdateFinancials" and show the parent form "ContractForm". The problem is, it still has all the old information on it. I need the information in the form to refresh when it gets back from the child form of the Call_Form function.
In the WHEN-BUTTON-PRESSED trigger, before you issue the CALL_FORM, set a variable (e.g. a hidden item or a global variable) to some value, e.g. 'CALLED_THE_FORM'.
In the WHEN-WINDOW-ACTIVATED trigger, test the variable, if it's ='CALLED_THE_FORM', reset the variable (e.g. to NULL), and run whatever code you want to run when the user returns from the form (e.g. execute query or whatever).
Alternatively, just execute query from the WHEN-WINDOW-ACTIVATED trigger - if you want the refresh to happen every time the user returns to the form. But personally I prefer to only refresh when I believe it is absolutely required.