When I try to override a core function in converse.js I get an error - xmpp

I am using converse.js 7.0.6 version. I am trying to set the subject topic button to be by default hidden, currently, it is visible by default. I have investigated I need to override this function toggleSubjectHiddenState, when I try to use _converse.api.user. I get an error TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'user')
This is how I tried, maybe I am doing wrong something.
export const addModifyHideTopicPlugin = () => {
window.converse.plugins.add('modify-hide-topic', {
overrides: {
ChatRoom: {
toggleSubjectHiddenState: async function () {
const _converse: any = this;
// const muc_jid = this.get('jid');
const jids = await _converse.api.user.settings.get(
return _converse.toggleSubjectHiddenState
.apply(_converse, arguments)
.then((response: any) => {
console.log(response, 'response');
return response;
This is the toggleSubjectHiddenState function I am trying to override because this function is handleing the show topic or hide topic.
async toggleSubjectHiddenState () {
const muc_jid = this.get('jid');
const jids = await api.user.settings.get('mucs_with_hidden_subject', []);
if (jids.includes(this.get('jid'))) {
api.user.settings.set('mucs_with_hidden_subject', jids.filter(jid => jid !== muc_jid));
} else {
api.user.settings.set('mucs_with_hidden_subject', [...jids, muc_jid]);


Redux toolkit createAsyncThunk using Parameter

I need your help.
We implemented createAsyncThunk using the Redux Toolkit.
However, as shown in the picture, I need a function to change ChannelId flexibly. Can't I use the parameter in createAsyncThunk?
How can I use it if I can?
Or is there any other way?
I am sorry that the quality of the question is low because I am Korean using a translator.
enter image description here
export const getYoutubeList_PlayList = createAsyncThunk(
async (data, thunkAPI) => {
try {
const { data } = await axios.get<youtubeResponse>(
return data
} catch (err: any) {
return thunkAPI.rejectWithValue({
errorMessage: '호출에 실패했습니다.'
const youtube_PlaylistSlice = createSlice({
reducers: {},
// createAsyncThunk 호출 처리 = extraReducers
extraReducers(builder) {
.addCase(getYoutubeList_PlayList.pending, (state, action) => {
state.loading = true;
.addCase(getYoutubeList_PlayList.fulfilled, (state, action: PayloadAction<youtubeResponse>) => {
state.loading = false;
state.data = action.payload;
.addCase(getYoutubeList_PlayList.rejected, (state, action: PayloadAction<any>) => {
state.error = action.payload;
You named both the incoming argument data as well as the result of your axios call. That will "shadow" the original data and you cannot access it any more. Give those two variables different names.
Here I called it arg, which allows you to access arg.channelId.
export const getYoutubeList_PlayList = createAsyncThunk(
async (arg, thunkAPI) => {
try {
const { data } = await axios.get<youtubeResponse>(
return data
} catch (err: any) {
return thunkAPI.rejectWithValue({
errorMessage: '호출에 실패했습니다.'
You would now dispatch this as dispatch(getYoutubeList_PlayList({ channelId: 5 }))

Failed to add new elements when set initialState as an empty object

I try to use redux toolkit and I have this as menu-slice.js
I try to use property accessors to add a new property to fileItems, its initial value is an empty object.
import { createSlice } from "#reduxjs/toolkit";
const menuSlice = createSlice({
name: "ui",
initialState: {
fileItems: {},
reducers: {
setFileDate: (state, action) => {
state.FileDate = action.payload;
replaceFileItems: (state, action) => {
const filesList = action.payload.map((fileName) =>
fileName.slice(fileName.indexOf("/") + 1)
state.fileItems[state.FileDate] = filesList;
console.log(`filesList: ${filesList}`);
console.log(`state.fileItems: ${JSON.stringify(state.fileItems)}`);
console.log(`state.FileDate: ${state.FileDate}`);
state.fileContents = null;
I call dispatch with the api return value ( dispatch(menuActions.replaceFileItems(fileResponse.data));)
in menu-action.js:
the return value is an array of strings.
export const fetchFiles = (fileDate) => {
return async (dispatch) => {
const fetchFilesList = async () => {
const response = await fetch(
"some url" +
new URLSearchParams({
env: "https://env.com",
date: fileDate,
if (!response.ok) {
throw new Error("Fail to fetch files list!");
const data = await response.json();
return data;
try {
const fileResponse = await fetchFilesList();
} catch (error) {
But it never prints console logs and didn't display where went wrong in the console or in the chrome redux extension.
I want to add data into state.fileItems on each click that triggers fetchFiles() when it returns a new array:
from state.fileItems = {}
check if state.fileItems already has the date as key,
if not already has the date as key,
change to ex: state.fileItems = {"2022-01-01": Array(2)}
and so on..
ex: state.fileItems = { "2022-01-01": Array(2), "2022-01-02": Array(2) }
I also tried to set state.fileItems as an empty array, and use push, but it didn't work either, nothing printed out, state.fileItems value was always undefined.
Can anyone please tell me why this didn't work?
Thanks for your time to read my question.

Error: Cannot find module 'react-bootstrap/lib/Breadcrumb'

I am following this tutorial: https://youtu.be/YPbgjPPC1d0 at 34:55 I am trying to use "truffle test", but keep getting Error: Cannot find module 'react-bootstrap/lib/Breadcrumb'
My code:
const { should, assert } = require('chai')
const { useReducer } = require('react')
const { Item } = require('react-bootstrap/lib/Breadcrumb')
const color = artifacts.require('./color.sol')
contract ('color', (accounts) => {
describe('deployment', async () => {
It('deploys successfully', async () => {
contract = await color.deployed()
const address = contract.address
assert.notEqual(address, '')
I am using Virtual Studio Code
Has anyone had similar problem or know how to fix it? Thanks

about vscode api for executeCommand("explorer.newFolder")

I want callback for after newFolder,
executeCommand("explorer.newFolder").then(value => console.log(value))
but The value is not the value of folderName.
I analyzed the code of the command you executed.
The explorer.newFolder command is defined as NEW_FOLDER_COMMAND_ID, and is connected with the openExplorerAndCreate handler. (The result is received through the handler of CommndsRegistry.)
The return of the openExplorerAndCreateis a callback function (Promise).
When i look closely inside,, if the input parameter is not isFolder, that is, if it is a file, a callback function is provided by the return commandService.executeCommand(NEW_UNTITLED_FILE_COMMAND_ID); command.\
but if it is a folder, there is no return value. That is undifined.
in vscode API documentation
return type of executeCommand() is Thenable<T | undefined>. That is, in the case of the corresponding command, it is returned as undefined, not Thenable<T>. If an error is not thrown and undefined is returned, it can be determined that it has been normally executed.
// src/vs/workbench/contrib/files/browser/fileAction.ts
export const NEW_FOLDER_COMMAND_ID = 'explorer.newFolder';
handler: async (accessor) => {
await openExplorerAndCreate(accessor, true);
async function openExplorerAndCreate(accessor: ServicesAccessor, isFolder: boolean): Promise<void> {
const explorerService = accessor.get(IExplorerService);
const fileService = accessor.get(IFileService);
const editorService = accessor.get(IEditorService);
const viewsService = accessor.get(IViewsService);
const notificationService = accessor.get(INotificationService);
const commandService = accessor.get(ICommandService);
const wasHidden = !viewsService.isViewVisible(VIEW_ID);
const view = await viewsService.openView(VIEW_ID, true);
if (wasHidden) {
// Give explorer some time to resolve itself #111218
await timeout(500);
if (!view) {
// Can happen in empty workspace case (https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/100604)
if (isFolder) {
throw new Error('Open a folder or workspace first.');
return commandService.executeCommand(NEW_UNTITLED_FILE_COMMAND_ID);
const stats = explorerService.getContext(false);
const stat = stats.length > 0 ? stats[0] : undefined;
let folder: ExplorerItem;
if (stat) {
folder = stat.isDirectory ? stat : (stat.parent || explorerService.roots[0]);
} else {
folder = explorerService.roots[0];
if (folder.isReadonly) {
throw new Error('Parent folder is readonly.');
const newStat = new NewExplorerItem(fileService, folder, isFolder);
const onSuccess = async (value: string): Promise<void> => {
try {
const resourceToCreate = resources.joinPath(folder.resource, value);
await explorerService.applyBulkEdit([new ResourceFileEdit(undefined, resourceToCreate, { folder: isFolder })], {
undoLabel: nls.localize('createBulkEdit', "Create {0}", value),
progressLabel: nls.localize('creatingBulkEdit', "Creating {0}", value)
await refreshIfSeparator(value, explorerService);
if (isFolder) {
await explorerService.select(resourceToCreate, true);
} else {
await editorService.openEditor({ resource: resourceToCreate, options: { pinned: true } });
} catch (error) {
onErrorWithRetry(notificationService, error, () => onSuccess(value));
await explorerService.setEditable(newStat, {
validationMessage: value => validateFileName(newStat, value),
onFinish: async (value, success) => {
await explorerService.setEditable(newStat, null);
if (success) {

Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot use 'in' operator to search for 'validateStatus' in

I am getting ** Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot use 'in' operator to search for 'validateStatus' in 5f8425a33a14f026f80133ed** where 5f8425a33a14f026f80133ed is the id passed to the axios url
I want to display the services based on the user id. My url works perfectly in postman but when i access it from the veux store it gives an error.
services.js (store)
import axios from 'axios';
const state = {
services : {},
status: '',
error: null
const getters = {
services : state => { return state.services }
const actions = {
async fetchServices({commit}, userId) {
let res = await axios.get('http://localhost:5000/api/services/displayUser' , userId)
commit('setProducts', res.data)
return res;
const mutations = {
setProducts (state, items) {
state.services= items
export default {
This is how I am calling the action :
computed: {
methods: {
async created() {
await this.getProfile();
await this.getData();
The axios route is defined as
router.get('/displayUser', (req,res) => {
const query = user = req.body ;
.exec((err, services) => res.json(services))
the error screenshot :
Error screenshot
GET request should not have a body. Either use query params, indicate an id in a path, or use POST request.
In case of query params this may look like this:
let res = await axios.get('http://localhost:5000/api/services/displayUser' , { params: { userId })
router.get('/displayUser', (req,res) => {
const query = user = req.query;
.exec((err, services) => res.json(services))
This worked for me too:
In front end: Vue Js
let res = axios.get("http://localhost:3000/api/v1/role/getRoleByName",
{ params: { roleName: "name of role you want to send as params" },
In back end: Node Js
router.get('/getRoleByName', (req,res)=>{
let roleName = req.query.roleName;
roleModule.getRoleByName(roleName).then(data =>{
).catch(err=> {
response.badRequest(res, err);
it's a silly mistake axios.post req.
async addTodo({ commit }, title) {
try {
const res = await axios.post(BASE_URL, { title, complete: false });
commit("newTodo", res.data);
} catch (err) {