LateInitializationError: Field '_splitScreenMode' has not been initialized flutter - flutter

I'm facing this "LateInitializationError: Field '_splitScreenMode' has not been initialized." error, when I run the flutter app. can you help me?

When working with the late keyword. You must initialize it before using it. Most of the time, you initialized it within the initState. Take a look at how I did it below:
late bool _splitScreenMode; // I used bool type for this example
// setting/initializing the _splitScreenMode
void initState() {
_splitScreenMode = true;
For more help with any questions, leave a comment below.


The non-nullable local variable 'newTaskTitle' must be assigned before it can be used

I'm Trying to capture onChanged property value which is comming from my TextField and use it inside my onPressed textButton but it's not working. I've read most of the related issues in stack overflow but none of it actually helping in the problem. Do you have any better suggestion that I should do.
You have not initialized newTaskTile before accessing it.
So, at line 12 instead of:
String newTaskTile;
String newTaskTile='';
You can use
late String? newTaskTile;
and assign a value on init
void initState() {
newTaskTile = 'some value';

How do I make the update page display data according to the index and the data can be saved to the database when updating?

I'm a new flutter user, so this time I want to explain my problem. I made a data update. When I open the edit data page, the data cannot appear automatically according to the index, then when an update is made, the data that has been entered cannot be saved. Here's the full source code of my flutter lib.
Link source code:
the update form does not appear automatically
After updating the data cannot be stored in the database
For starters instead of
void initState() {
void initState() {
_nama_debiturController.text = nasabah.debiturElement;
_alamatController.text = nasabah.alamatElement;
_no_telpController.text = nasabah.telp;
_no_ktpController.text = nasabah.ktp;
_no_selularController.text = nasabah.selular;
Also dispose them in dispose method (same as initstate)
void dispose() {
_controller.dispose();//dispose all of them
I guess the object values will get updated in the validator of the textfield, so try that if it does not work write in the comments.

How to create a form with address autocomplete in flutter ? not interested to see points or map - it is only for register page

Hello guys I am new at flutter and building register page for my app. I have the following issue when I try to use below code in form field Someone can help me please ?
The instance member 'kGoogleApiKey' can't be accessed in an initializer.
I am currently using last version of flutter, flutter_google_places: ^0.3.0 and geocoder: ^0.2.1
Move the following line inside the initState() method and declaring the variable as late:
late final GoogleMapsPlaces _places;
late GoogleMapPlaces _places;
void initState(){
_places = GoogleMapPlaces(apiKey: kGoogleApiKey)

Flutter: ListView.builder not showing data

Well i'm using List view builder to show data from a specific API but it shows nothing even that the response body contains data.
Did it help you?
void initState(){
myList = getTrendingGamesBloc..getTrendingGames();

Controller's length property does not match the number of tabs present in TabBar's tabs property

I am implementing an TabBar but getting the error, as state above. I know the reason this is happening, but can't figure how to fix this.
I have an async function designed to pull data from Firebase which populates a list. The function is described below. The data pulled by this function is used to pass the length to the TabController.
Function to call data from Firebase:
Future functionName async {
await function actions...
List example = ['item1', 'item2', 'item3', 'item4'];
This function is used in a Future Builder, which returns a widget to display, as soon as the function execution is complete.
The future of the Future Builder is initialised in the initState() of the class. The init() state looks like:
void initState() {
_future = functionName();
tabController = TabController(length: example.length, vsync: this, initialIndex: 0);
Now, I get the error, as stated above. Which is obvious, why!
As the function is an async function and is built in a Future Builder, initially the list 'example' is empty. And the TabController gets a length of 0. But as this list gets populated, the length increases, but the length of the TabController does not change.
I have tried using :
void initState() {
_future = functionName();
setState(() {
tabController = TabController(length : example. length, vsync : this, initialIndex : 0)
But this doesn't work either.
It's annoying to know the issue, but not being able to fix it. Any help on this will be highly appreciated.
You already know the reason of the problem.
The hole idea it's kind of backwards.
You are trying to build the TabBar, before you know how many tabs you need.
You can
Execute your FutureBuilder and then build the TabBar with the data received.
Or you can
Get the data before you go to that screen, so have the data already.
I hope this put you on the right track