Is it possible to configure PayPal to receive Notifications in Text instead of HTML email - paypal

I was wondering if it is at all possible to configure PayPal Admin notification to receive in Text instead of html email. I would like to have email body that contains the order details.

You can change from HTML to text in your PayPal account's settings -> Notifications, first option.

Thank you. It worked. PayPal account's settings -> Notifications changed Email type to Text.
Now the text in the body I can reads using C#.


Getting rendered emails for Sandgrid Sandbox mode

I use SendGrid Sandbox mode and I get a response from API with 200 OK status code.
Is there a way I can check email content that I've created in this way?
I tried to find such Emails in SendGrid app or Google documentation for that. My first guess was that I will find such emails in Activity section of SendGrid app, but was not able to do it using email address I've sent emails to.
Thank you!

Changing app 'sent from' email address in Firebase

I was just creating the 'reset password' section for my app using Firebase (built for iOS with Swift) and wondered if I was able to change the email address that the reset password link is sent from?
For example, instead of it being '', could I change it to ''?
I can't seem to find anything on how this can be done and I guess it's not really hugely important but it's just something I might want to change in the future.
In Firebase console you can find Templates tab in Authentication. There you can change sender name
refer at Customize the sender domain in
You should add domain in Firebase console.
You can also use SMTP for emails
You need to go to the firebase console ==> Authentication Part:
Click on the pencil to edit, then click customize domain:
works with password reset, email address verification, email address change.

Using SendGrid to send password reset links

I am using SendGrid as the email provider in my application. When I place a link in the email it gets re-encoded to a link on the SendGrid servers. Can I trust this link with my password resets? I know that I am already trusting SendGrid with my links by sending through their servers but what is the purpose of rewriting the urls. To use the link you need to also know the email address and it is only valid for 20 minutes.
The link in my email looks like
and it gets encoded in the email as
This is because you have Click Tracking enabled in your account. Log into your SendGrid dashboard, and from the navbar on the left side click on Settings -> Tracking and disable Click Tracking.

How can I send a form by email with titanium

I have seen the email dialog example and also the email dialog example, but I am not looking for an email client interface.
I also took a look at the pizza ordering app, and I couldn't find any method for the send button.
I have custom text fields and in the end I want to send the whole form to an email recipient. I can't find the way to do that.
That is, I would appreciate your help.
For sending E-mail from your app , you have these options :-
1- Using Titanium.UI.EmailDialog .
The Email Dialog is created with the Titanium.UI.createEmailDialog method. The user needs to register an e-mail account on the device in order to open the dialog. The dialog will not open when there is not a registered e-mail account.
Ex : Android
Read more!/api/Titanium.UI.EmailDialog
But As you said you don`t want like this ! and if you want to send direct messages from your app please see these other options :-
2- Make any backend service like #PHP to send email
for ex:-, and using Titanium.Network.HTTPClient to connect with your backend service .
3- Using ArrowDB
Enjoy !
Follow these steps,
1) Create webservice method to send email.
2) Call particular email method in the button click.
Note :
Apple will not approve if you don't provide valid reason to send email via webservice. They might think you are trying to spam users.
Create a web service (e.g. a PHP script) that receives POST data and send an email based on it.
In your app, clicking the button simply collects all the data and POST it to your web service.
You can not check this on emulator/simulator only can check on device. And in device you need to configure any email account like gmail or outlook mail.
var emailDialog = Ti.UI.createEmailDialog();
emailDialog.subject = "Hello from Titanium";
emailDialog.toRecipients = [''];
emailDialog.messageBody = '<b>Appcelerator Titanium Rocks!</b>';
var f = Ti.Filesystem.getFile('cricket.wav');

Want to set up a system of sending email to users on my magento store who have forgot a password

I have set up a magento store of my own for my business of grocery products.
I have almost configured each and everything.
I have a mail server and can have as many email addresses as I require.
I have a theme set up for the store.
While a user tries to log in and has forgot a password, there is a link to click saying "Forgot Password".
On clicking it, it displays "An email has been sent to your account with new password details."
I know this will not send an email as I have to configure entire system.
I do not want to send a new password by email. Instead I want to send a link. On clicking this link, the user can go the it and have an option of password reset.
Please help me with this. It will be much much appreciated.
Magento's standard "Forgot Password" functionality works exactly as you've described - it sends a link to the user to reset his or her password - it doesn't just send a new password.
Magento uses Zend_Mail to send emails. By default, Zend_Mail will use PHP's mail() function (via Zend_Mail_Transport_Sendmail), which will usually send emails via sendmail or similar, depending on the PHP configuration.
If you have your own mail server that you'd prefer to use, you can configure Magento to use SMTP. This does require some code, but, luckily, there are some good extensions out there that already do this, like aschroder/Magento-SMTP-Pro-Email-Extension.