Avoid 'interleaved LSN' in postgres replication slot - postgresql

I am trying to stream data from postgres replication slot with output plugin 'test_decoding'. When there are big, multiple transactions running, the output plugin seems to have interleaved LSN, ie, they are not in sequence.
How can I have the transactions in sequence and if that's not possible, how can I keep track of the offset, ie, up till where I have read and I will use this offset as starting point to stream data.


What is the correct streaming pattern to replace database table polling?

I am trying to architect an event streaming system to replace our existing database table polling mechanism. We currently have a process where Application ABC will query/scan the entire XYZ (MySQL) table every 5 minutes so that we may get any updates to our data and cache them on Application ABC. As our data grows this will not be scalable or performant.
Instead, I want to have Application ABC read from a Kafka stream that contains any new events around the XYZ table, and use that to modify Application ABC's in-memory cache.
Where I'm having a hard time formulating a good solution is the initial database table load onto the Kafka stream. Since all the XYZ data that would be consumed by Application ABC is cached, we lose that data when we redeploy all of the Application ABC nodes. So we would need some kind of mechanism to be able to get all the XYZ data from the initial load onto the stream. I know Kafka streams are supposed to allow for infinite retention but I'm not sure if infinite retention is a realistic solution in this case due to cost.
What's the usually prescribed solution around this initial load case where Application ABC would need to reload the entire database again off of the stream (every time a new instance is spun up)? Also trying to think about what is the most performant solution here so that Application ABC has the lowest latency to be able to gather all the data it needs from XYZ Table.
Another constraint to mention is that Application ABC needs to have this data in memory for performance reasons. We need to be able to iterate over the entire XYZ data set at all times. We cannot do simple queries by ID.
There is a bit to unpack here but here are is some info.
Instead of polling the DB, consider using a source connector to get the data into Kafka. Debezium is made for this. You havent specified what type of database you are using, but it does support quite a few variants. The mechanism is called CDC - Change Data Capture, and it needs to be enabled on the database and each of the tables first.
As for the Application ABC side - consider using a distributed cache with persistence enabled. Redis is a good option for this. This way it will retain the data even if your application is restarted. Reloading all the data back from Kafka is not a good idea, this will take a long time (depending on the amount of data) the application will be unavailable for that duration after a restart.

Retrieve LSN of Postgres database during transaction

In Postgres, I am taking out a REPEATABLE READ transaction in order to obtain a consistent view of the database at the moment the transaction is begun. I'd like to know the LSN from the POV of this transaction so that I can also setup a replication slot at this LSN at the same tie so that once I finish with the transaction I can setup logical replication at the LSN and receive all updates to the database that happened after the transaction begun.
My expectation was that the LSN wouldn't change once inside the transaction (as other connections were making updates, etc) however multiple calls pg_current_wal_lsn in the transaction resulted in a different LSN each time.
Is there a way to determine the last LSN as seen from the POV of the transaction?
For a bit more context, I'd like to setup logical replication on a database but must first operate on the data that exists in the database prior to setting up the replication slot. I must assume that previous WAL segments have been purged so I don't expect to see all data in the database via logical replication and as a result need a way to first operate on existing data then stream everything past that. Hopefully that makes sense.
Thanks in advance.
What is fixed for a REPEATABLE READ transaction is not the WAL position, since such a transaction can perform data modifications. It is the snapshot, which determines which row versions it can see.
A snapshot consists of a minimal transaction ID (the transaction can see any rows created by older transactions), a maximal transaction ID (the transaction can see nothing newer than that) and the list of the IDs of all concurrent transactions.
Now if you have a REPEATABLE READ READ ONLY transaction, it makes sense to ask for the position where WAL is inserted at the time the snapshot is taken, so you could query
SELECT pg_current_wal_insert_lsn();
as the first statement in your transaction.
However, there is a race condition: first PostgreSQL takes the snapshot, then it executes the query. Between those times a concurrent transaction could perform data modifications that are not visible to the snapshot, but before the LSN you get from the function.
The solution is to use logical decoding. As the documentation says:
When a new replication slot is created using the streaming replication interface (see CREATE_REPLICATION_SLOT), a snapshot is exported (see Section 9.27.5), which will show exactly the state of the database after which all changes will be included in the change stream. This can be used to create a new replica by using SET TRANSACTION SNAPSHOT to read the state of the database at the moment the slot was created. This transaction can then be used to dump the database's state at that point in time, which afterwards can be updated using the slot's contents without losing any changes.
So you do it the other way around: first you create a logical replication slot, then you start a REPEATABLE READ transaction and set its snapshot, so that it sees the correct data.

Postgres Replication Slots Checking Lag

I'm attempting to detect on my AWS RDS Aurora Postgres 11.9 instance if my three Logical Replication slots are backing up. I'm using wal2json plugin to read off of them continuously. Two of the slots are being read off by python processes. The third is kafka-connect consumer.
I'm using the below query, but am getting odds results. It is saying two of my slots are several GB behind even in the middle of the night when we have very small load. Am I misinterpreting what the query is saying?
SELECT redo_lsn, slot_name,restart_lsn,
round((redo_lsn-restart_lsn) / 1024 / 1024 / 1024, 2) AS GB_behind
FROM pg_control_checkpoint(), pg_replication_slots;
Things I've checked:
I've checked that the consumers are still running.
I have also looked at the logs and the timestamps of the rows being inserted are coming off the database within 0-2 seconds after they were inserted. So it doesn't appear like I'm lagging behind.
I've performed an end-to-end test and the data is making it through my pipeline in a few seconds, so it is definitely consuming data relatively fast.
Both of the slots I'm using for my python processes have the same value for GB_behind, currently 12.40. Even though the two slots are on different logical databases which have dramatically different load (one is ~1000x higher load).
I have a 3rd replication slot being read by a different program (kafka connect). It shows 0 GB_behind.
There is just no way, even at peak load, that my workloads could generate 12.4 GBs of data in a few seconds(not even in a few minutes). Am I miss interpreting something? Is there a better way to check how far a replication slot is behind?
Thanks much!
Here is a small snippet of my code(python3.6) in case it helps, but I've bene using it for awhile and data has been working:
def consume(msg):
kinesis_client.put_record(StreamName=STREAM_NAME, Data=msg.payload, PartitionKey=partition_key)
logger.exception('PG ETL: Failed to send load to kinesis. Likely too large.')
with con.cursor() as cur:
cur.start_replication(slot_name=replication_slot, options = {'pretty-print' : 1}, decode=True)
I wasn't properly performing send_feedback during my consume function. So I was consuming the records, but I wasn't telling the Postgres replication slot that I had consumed the records.
Here is my complete consume function in case others interested:
def consume(msg):
kinesis_client.put_record(StreamName=STREAM_NAME, Data=msg.payload, PartitionKey=partition_key)
logger.exception('PG ETL: Failed to send load to kinesis. Likely too large.')
with con.cursor() as cur:
cur.start_replication(slot_name=replication_slot, options = {'pretty-print' : 1}, decode=True)

Avoiding small files from Kafka connect using HDFS connector sink in distributed mode

We have a topic with messages at the rate of 1msg per second with 3 partitions and I am using HDFS connector to write the data to HDFS as AVRo format(default), it generates files with size in KBS,So I tried altering the below properties in the HDFS properties.
but the output is still small files,So I need clarity on the following things to solve this issue:
is flush.size property mandatory, in-case if we do not mention the flus.size property how does the data gets flushed?
if the we mention the flush size as 5000 and rotate interval as 2 hours,it is flushing the data for every 2 hours for first 3 intervals but after that it flushes data randomly,Please find the timings of the file creation(
19:14,21:14,23:15,01:15,06:59,08:59,12:40,14:40)--highlighted the mismatched intervals.is it because of the over riding of properties mentioned?that takes me to the third question.
What is the preference for flush if we mention all the below properties (flush.size,rotate.interval.ms,rotate.schedule.interval.ms)
Increasing the rate of msg and reducing the partition is actually showing an increase in the size of the data being flushed, is it the only way to have control over the small files,how can we handle the properties if the rate of the input events are varying and not stable?
It would be great help if you could share documentations regarding handling small files in kafka connect with HDFS connector,Thank you.
If you are using a TimeBasedPartitioner, and the messages are not consistently going to have increasing timestamps, then you will end up with a single writer task dumping files when it sees a message with a lesser timestamp in the interval of rotate.interval.ms of reading any given record.
If you want to have consistent bihourly partition windows, then you should be using rotate.interval.ms=-1 to disable it, then rotate.schedule.interval.ms to some reasonable number that is within the partition duration window.
E.g. you have 7200 messages every 2 hours, and it's not clear how large each message is, but let's say 1MB. Then, you'd be holding ~7GB of data in a buffer, and you need to adjust your Connect heap sizes to hold that much data.
The order of presecence is
scheduled rotation, starting from the top of the hour
flush size or "message-based" time rotation, whichever occurs first, or there is a record that is seen as "before" the start of the current batch
And I believe flush size is mandatory for the storage connectors
Overall, systems such as Uber's Hudi or the previous Kafka-HDFS tool of Camus Sweeper are more equipped to handle small files. Connect Sink Tasks only care about consuming from Kafka, and writing to downstream systems; the framework itself doesn't recognize Hadoop prefers larger files.

Informix to Postgres, continuous data replication algorithm

The master server is Informix, version varies from 9.40 to the latest, database is unlogged by design that can't be changed. Slave server is the latest PostgreSQL. Master and slave are separate machines, network latency is unpredictable. Master schema is statically defined, well known and does not change, so it's only the data that needs to be replicated. In the master, there are three types of tables:
Numeric data tables, usually one date column, one time column and 15-300 int columns keyed by 2-3 primary keys. The data is never changed, only added once in a set interval (15, 30, or 60 minutes) and deleted when the retention point is reached. Replication data set can be up to 80,000 rows but usually is in the range of hundreds. This data needs to be replicated one way, master to slave. There is about 30 tables of this type and they need to be replicated all at once and as fast as possible, typically in under one minute after new interval set has been committed to the master.
Mixed data tables, with date, time, int, and string types, 30-100 columns, again 2-3 primary keys. This data is also never changed, added continuously and is deleted when the retention point is reached. The data set is up to 100,000 rows per hour. One way replication is needed, master to slave. There are a few tables like that, less than 5 usually.
Mixed data tables, with int and string types, less than 10 columns, 2-3 primary keys. The data largely stays intact, with occasional additions, edits or deletions. The usual replication set size is unpredictable, but probably will be in low hundreds of rows. This data needs to be replicated both ways, as fast as possible. There are a few tables of this type, and they need to be synched independently.
I've been looking for an existing tool that could do what I need, but it looks like there is none that is open source. I'm probably going to write one for my needs, and I'm looking for advice from DB gurus on how to approach this task.
In my estimate, there's probably no single algorithm that would cover all the use cases so I may be in fact looking for two or three algorithms. Here's what I found so far:
Fire trigger on master changes, record row OIDs (does Informix have them?) to temp table, dump the changed rows to a file, transfer it and load up. Question: how to buffer the trigger? The master DB is unlogged (no transactions), so trigger will fire upon each INSERT. Additional strain on the master, not good.
Add a cron job on the slave that will pull latest date/time keys from the master, and if the data is newer, pull it. Problem: although the update interval is defined, in reality it's based on the data source clock (not master DB clock) which is guaranteed to vary from slave server clock. More of it, there can be several data sources, each with varying clocks, and the data needs to be replicated ASAP. The only way here that I see is to constantly poll the master from the slave, hoping that by the time the poll comes in, the data is all committed (no transactions, remember?). Kludgy, slow, not good.
Add Informix as foreign data wrapper in the Postgres and run queries directly instead of bothering with replication. Pros: simplicity. Cons: Informix connector seems to be in alpha stage, and the whole approach is an unknown factor at best.
I've been researching this topic for some time, and it seems that the core of the problem is the lack of transactions on the master side. If the master DB was logged, it would be much easier to replicate it, but without transactions the task suddenly becomes much more complicated. For one, how do I ensure that there are no dupes? Another one, how to avoid update loops in type 3 tables? Considering all that, how to make replication as fast-reacting as possible? I mean the delay between data update and sync start here, data transfer is another topic altogether.
Any input is appreciated.
If you can't change the master in any significant way you are going to have a heck of a time with any sort of replication. Your basic problem is that you have no real way to handle replicating changes in real time without tracking which changes have been replicated, and if you can't change the master, you can't add that. So the short answer is that replication is not a solution which can work for you. Given some of Informix's other features I would think twice about going about this as continuous replication.
This leads to other approaches. The big unknown factors are that networks may not be reliable enough to just link the databases. This could lead to transactions hanging while waiting for data off a high latency connection to all kinds of other problems. You might be able to get this to work with an odbc fdw and an informix provider or with DBI-Link and DBD::Informix, but this strikes me as a problem in your current environment. You could use these in a cron job to populate a second PostgreSQL server closer to your own location periodically, however and so I would not write the approach entirely off.
One way or another it seems to me you need to get a copy of the data to your PostgreSQL server. You may want to do an ETL job to import the data periodically. You may want to use a secondary postgresql server and FDW's or DBI-Link to pull in the data. But this is not likely to be real-time, it is not likely to be continuous.
The tl;dr is that your environment isn't really set up to do this. For my money I would recommend an ETL approach and accept that your slave will not be in sync with the master.