Baking point light URP - unity3d

I use URP for my Unity 3d project. I have many point lights in my scene, they all set to mixed and important light. However some point lights does not produce any light on the scene after the baking.
Before baking:
After baking:
If I mark them as baked light instead of mixed than they just go completely black.
Any suggestions?

In URP there is a limit for realtime point lights. You can´t set more than 8 point lights. This is the reason, that in "mixed mode" some of your point lights are producing lights and the others don´t. Nevertheless baked lighting should produce a result for every point light. Probably the light setup is not correct. Try to follow some basic URP lighting tutorials i.e. on youtube


How to add light effects to buildings in unity (building light)

To be more precise I need a type of lighting that looks good to put on building models that already have a texture, I can't texturize the textures with light turned on apartments such as in GTA5 because I do not know how to create textures. I tried putting point light and spot light on buildings but it looks pretty bad, neon cubes are not good either as it makes the building look back.
I hope you understand what I meant.
Like that but no texturization
To achieve the results in the image, you should use an emission map.
Creating these types of lights using the Light Component is inefficient. You must not Spot Light OR Point Light for this purpose.
How to TURN ON Lights in Unity
How to Use EMISSIVE MATERIALS in Unity! Step-by-Step Tutorial

Unity 2019.3.0f1 one sided meshes with baked lightmap dark

I am using unity 2019.3.0f1, with HDRP. I have made a simple room mesh, that has only one sided walls, facing inwards. Turning the room static, having it generate lightmap uv, and setting the light static makes it completely black, when scene lightning is used. I've attached some images. I tried turning backface tolerance to 0, but it did not help.
Without lights (scene lightning not used)
With lights (scene lightning used).
Any help is appreciated :).
So my original answer was untrue, unfortunately. Turns out, when I created the mask, I've set green to 0, setting ambient occlusion to 0. Because of this, it handled everything occluded (from ambience). Setting ambient occlusion to 1 manually (and adding full green on every mask afterwards) fixes the issue.

Unity3D: Why is particle lighting making directional shadows disappear?

UPDATE: As #BenHayward suspected, this is a bug. <link>
I have a very simple setup of cubes on a plane comprising a grid of quads. A directional light is shining down at the scene at an angle, producing a set of shadows from the cubes onto the quads.
Now I'm trying to produce an explosion effect with Unity's particle system, but when I add a point light to the particle system it causes all the directional-lighting shadows to disappear, whether they're in line of sight of the particle or not.
The shadows reappear when the particle is destroyed. Replicating the particle effect with pure C# doesn't cause any problems.
(Oh, and obviously I'm using the deferred rendering path.)
Any ideas? This is driving me off the wall.
[EDIT: I should have mentioned that the point light added to the particle system is set to cast shadows. The Unity standard particle pack has shadow-casting disabled by default. They too cause the problem when I turn the shadow-casting on.]
Based on the project that you linked to, it seems as though the particle system is causing the shadow cast from the directional light to flicker on and off quickly. I suspect this is a bug, since if it were intended behaviour, I wouldn't expect it to flicker in this manner.
In cases where this is not a bug, the problem can be caused by a couple of issues:
You can only have a certain number of dynamic (shadow casting) lights in your scene which are seen by the camera frustum. By default, this number is quite low (I think it's 4). You can increase this number by going to Edit > Project Settings > Quality. Set the Pixel Light count higher from its default value. You will need to increase this value to be greater than the total number of lights in your effect. Higher values will allow more lights to be rendered on the screen, but this reduces performance.
It depends on the shaders which you are using to receive the shadows. Some shaders will only render shadows for one directional light. The light which is used isn't necessarily too easy to determine. If you are using the standard Unity shader this shouldn't be a problem. But if you are using a mobile compatible surface shader or something you've written yourself then this could be the cause of the problem.
Also, for an explosion, I'd recommend using just one single point light (not lights attached to each particle), as this is all that is required. Any more lights would result in considerable performance impact on the GPU especially if there are more than one explosion in the scene at any one time.
I recreated the scene as you described, i can't recreate your issue.
i mostly followed this tutorial, and added a few cubes in a plane:
I will need a screenshot of your lights componnents, both the directional and the point light, the particles, and the cubes (mostly the material); I cannot comment because i dont have enough reputation yet, so i'll delete this once you add the screenshots;

Unity3D - Light deactivated when facing opposite direction

I placed a light in my scene.
It is lighting the ground when i'm facing that light but when I turn the opposite direction, the light on the ground vanishes.
I think this might be some Unity's default behaviour.
Is there a way I can solve this issue?
Unity uses frustum culling to save performance, so it only draws items that are within the camera's viewing area. As a result of this, the particles behind you are not drawn, and any lights attached to them aren't either.
Scene-crucial lights aren't normally attached to particles, so it's normally not a concern if they're hidden along with their particles.
For conventional lights (not attached to particles), Unity should render the light as long as it affects objects within the camera frustum. If you use a conventional light, you should see better results.
Looks like you may have to disable occlusion culling. Unity3D Manual

Lighting an instantiated prefab, baked versus realtime

I'm generating a dungeon out of prefabs which means I design a room, save it in the resource folder and instantiate it at a random position with a random rotation while the game is running.
The problem I have is the lighting.
Because of the above mentioned generation process it has to be dynamic but it doesn't seem to work. Below you can see the comparison between a baked and realtime rendered room:
Baked (I also don't know where these strange lighting borders (on the walls), which are looking like someone painted the light with watercolors are coming from):
As you can see, the realtime room doesn't seem to reflect light in any way.
These are my lighting settings:
And this is my 'sun':
What am I doing wrong?
Your lighting settings have Ambient Light set to 0- with realtime lighting, this means nothing that can directly see the source of a light will be lit at all. The screenshot with baked lighting looks different because it has a baked lightmap.
If you're trying to get the real-time lighting to look exactly like the baked, soyy, but Unity refuses to bake lightmaps at runtime. The closest you can probably get is by setting your Ambient Light to a color and its intensity above zero. Playing around with Light Probes probably won't be much good, since you need to light an entire room in a vacuum.
An alternate solution, depending on how well you know Unity, would be to Frankenstein together different scenes, which is mentioned briefly in Unity's Intro to Global Illumination, though I can't find it anywhere else.
Relevant links:
Baked Lightmaps:
Light Probes:
Ambient Light: