Is it possible to Public API Gateway -> VPC Link -> NLB -> Private API Gateway? - aws-api-gateway

I have a VPC with multiple private API Gateways. This is so services within the VPC can call other private APIs without leaving VPC.
I have a Public API Gateway that I want my clients to engage with, but I want this Public API Gateway to have it's requests handled by the appropriate private API Gateway.
It doesn't appear that it is trivial to achieve the design I have imagined. Am I missing something? Are there alternate patterns that I should investigate?
I have tried to implement the above design, however the network load balancer requires a target group. It doesn't seem possible to register a target that is a private API Gateway. I have tried to register the VPC Endpoint IPs for the private API gateway, but health checks fail and traffic isn't routed appropriately.
I have also considered using App Mesh to handle this kind of routing, but I do not necessarily want to ship an Envoy proxy layer with each of my lambdas.


I'm trying to access an AWS API Gateway inside of a VPC, but keep getting timeout errors

I have an AWS API gateway that I created with zappa and an ECR docker image. I assigned the lambda function to a VPC but can no longer access the API.
I created an internet gateway and have the route table routing and ::/0 to it.
I have all traffic allowed on all ports on the security group as well.
However, whenever I try to access any endpoints I get a timeout error. If I take the lambda function out of the VPC I am able to access all the endpoints.
You cannot access API gateway from lambda directly, if your lambda inside VPC. In this case you have to use VPC endpoint.
You can use Lambda functions to proxy HTTP requests from API Gateway to an HTTP endpoint within a VPC without Internet access. This allows you to keep your EC2 instances and applications completely isolated from the internet while still exposing them via API Gateway. By using API Gateway to front your existing endpoints, you can configure authentication and authorization rules as well as throttling rules to limit the traffic that your backend receives.

How to use private IP based backends with google cloud API gateway?

So I am trying to make Google cloud's API gateway serve requests from a private IP based backend. Currently, the backend is a Kubernetes based service. However, I couldn't find it explicitly being mentioned whether its possible or not.
Has anyone else encountered such an issue given that its a pretty common use case? It seems possible only when the API gateway infrastructure has a link to the VPC network(route table) or an explicit private connection.
After looking for a while I think that the best way to do what you are asking is to use Private service connect, this allows private consumption of services across VPC networks that belong to different groups, teams, projects, or organizations and also lets you connect to service producers using endpoints with internal IP addresses in your VPC network.
Here is a guide of how to use Private Service Connect to access Google APIs.
the Google API gateways exist only for serverless product and is intended to be use only against serverless backends(s). It is possible to configure it against public IP’s that are hosted on our Google backends because they leverage the same x-google-backend configuration key-value pairs in the openapi.yaml for API Gateway, but more niche features like authorization on behalf of backend services, or limiting access to backed services hosted on non-serverless platforms like GKE are currently not supported. a possible workaround could be to set up endpoints directly with your GKE cluster you, this documentation could help you first, second, third
Best regards.

Access Api Gateway API operation from VPC?

I am trying to figure out how to access the Api Gateway service API (aka "Manage Amazon API Gateway") from a lambda running in a VPC. Not I'm not trying to invoke an resource method in a private API (I'm aware of how to create an execute-api VPC interface endpoint), just calling an AWS service method (get-api-key, FWIW, using a Python boto3 client). Hope that makes sense, hard to articulate this clearly with so many overloads of "API" here. Current attempts fail with a timeout, so I presume it's VPC-related, but I'm not sure how to provide access. I don't see any obvious endpoint types that would do so. I've seen references to using a NAT gateway for extra-VPC resources, but I'm not clear how (or if) this would apply. The VPC has a NAT Gateway configured, and the Lambda's security group allows all outbound traffic, see configurations below. Appreciate any suggestions.
NAT Gateway Configuration
Lambda Network Configuration
Accessing the Amazon API Gateway Control Plane API endpoints requires Internet access.
Lambda functions in a VPC can't access the Internet without a NAT Gateway or another type of NAT device. See How do I give internet access to my Lambda function in a VPC? ... or provision your Lambda function outside the VPC if it doesn't really need to be inside a VPC. Provisioned outside a VPC, Lambda functions have Internet access automatically.

Bluemix public CF App protect/private REST Endpoint

I have a public Bluemix CF APP which exposes a REST Service. I would like to have the option, that the public url bound to the CFApp would be inaccessible from outside. The REST Service itself should only be usable from other CF Apps in my org, for example over API Management. I don't want to implement an own security mechanism for it, because API Management provides already everything I need to control, which clients will access my service. So some kind of private route inside Bluemix public, only available to runtimes and services in my Bluemix organisation.
This is not currently possible with IBM Bluemix, due to limitations in Cloud Foundry.
All bound routes are accessible from the external network.
If you want to have a private API exposed, you have the following options.
Add authentication to the REST API, managing the credentials as a user-provided service bound to all the apps. The API will be accessible externally but only by users with the credentials.
Use an application service, like a message queue, to expose an internal RPC-style API. Applications can bind to the same service and it will only be accessible internally.

How to call an app with no-route from another app in Bluemix?

Here is usecase:
I have two apps in Bluemix: app1 and app2
app1 is accessible through the internet using its route (e.g.
app2 doesn't have any route to prevent from being accessible through the internet.
app2 may expose a REST API.
How do I call app2 from app1 inside Bluemix?
An example of communicating to an application without a route is implemented in this Microservice Shipping sample.
This is an EJB Liberty application that runs on Bluemix without a route and subscribes to the Bluemix MQ Light service. The sender of the messages is the Microservice Orders sample application, which binds to the same MQ Light service.
Going the REST API route will mean you must have an externally accessible route. However, you could secure it using keys and tokens.
It would be easier to use one of the services in Bluemix as an "RPC" layer between the two applications. You could use one of the queue services (MQLight, RabbitMQ) or Redis to pass messages between the applications to execute commands.
These service bindings are internal and won't be exposed externally unlike the REST API.
Alternatively, you could expose the REST API from App2 and use authentication to control access.
There are two ways you can prevent access.
Put your microservice inside a Bluemix Container and utilize private IPs
Use API Connect as a API Gateway/proxy to the private IP being in your container microservice.
Use Bluemix Dedicated to deploy app2. Bluemix dedicated provides firewall capabilities and you could set it up so that it only accepts requests from app1's IP address.
Use Bluemix Local when it becomes available with the same approach where you use your corporate firewall to only accept requests that come from your App1 IP Address. This is an expensive alternative compared to a public PAAS.
Use the API Connect Service which replaced the API Management Service to:
Specify what users can access your apis
Specify the number of requests per day or other unit of time
Provides a API Gateway to securely call the other service App2.
I expect at some point a software network defined solution will be considered as part of the offering.