How to not reset the form on submit with `use:enhance` in Svelte? - forms

I have a form that updates a product's information using a form with use:enhance and actions defined in +page.server.ts - However, whenever I submit the form, use:enhance resets the form elements and they all become blank, which is unexpected as the value for these elements is specified by $, and the docs state that use:enhance runs invalidateAll.
Nonetheless, is there a way to stop this reset from occurring within the use:enhance function?

If you return a function from the use:enhance action, that function will be called when you get a response from the form submit. This function in turn gets an update function which takes an option reset that you can give the value false to not reset the form:
import { enhance } from '$app/forms'
use:enhance={() => {
return async ({ update }) => {
await update({ reset: false });
<input type="text" name="name" />

As of #7326, you can pass a reset: false option to the update function in your enhance callback:
import { enhance } from '$app/forms';
use:enhance={() => {
return async ({ update }) => {
update({ reset: false });
<input type="text" name="name" />


How to make a always unchecked checkbox without using disabled in vue.js?

I need the checkbox to be always unchecked.
I tried by binding the checked attribute to a false property from data and set #input/change listener to do nothing and using v-model but none of them does work as expected.
Code here
handle the click event (e) and call e.preventDefault()
or use the #click.prevent shortcut
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
methods: {
preventThisClickEvent(e) {
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<input type="checkbox" :checked="checked" #click="preventThisClickEvent" /> prevent by method
<input type="checkbox" :checked="checked" #click.prevent="doNothing" /> prevent by shortcut

Why Is my script freezing up when I hit enter?

The majority of the Add-on is good but whenever I hit enter (which is, in my opinion, the most common way to submit a form, for example, a login form), but all it does is blank out.
I've tried linking the script with a onkeydown like so:
<div onkeydown="handle(event)">blagh blagh blagh</div>
but I still get the same results:
<form id='myForm' style="font-family:Georgia;">
<tr><td><h2>Enter your Password</h2></td></tr>
<tr><td><p>DO NOT HIT ENTER ON YOUR KEYBOARD!!!!!</p></td></tr>
<tr><td><input name='password' type='password' value="" onkeypress="handle(event)"></td></tr>
<tr><td><div id="submitbuttcontainer"><img id="submitloader" style="display:none;" src='' /><input id="submitbutt" type='button' onclick='showWorking();"myForm"));' name="Submit" value="Submit"></div></td></tr>
function onSuccess(obj) {
if(obj.status == 'success') {;
browser.msgbox('Access Granted', browser.buttons.OK)
else {
browser.msgbox('ALERT!!','!OOF!','Incorrect Password. Please retry', browser.buttons.OK);
function showWorking() {
function handle(e){
if(e.keyCode === 13)
All I'm trying to do is get the form to submit when I hit enter and not blank out. I always hit enter to submit a form but in this case all it does is blank out the form and all I have is whiteness.
Here's the link for the complete source code (don't know if this will work because I'm in a school district):
Hitting enter key results in form submission (which is explicitly forbidden in Apps Script due to its client-to-server communication implementation).
Solution 1 - handle inputs individually
Add preventDefault() to a keydown event if key is enter (btw, keypress event is deprecated, see reference on MDN, use the keydown / keyup instead):
var ENTER_CODE = 13;
function handle(e) {
if(e.keyCode === ENTER_CODE) {
Solution 2 - handle form submit
You can listen for a submit event on your form instead and invoke preventDefault() as the only statement in event handler or handle form submission at the same time if you expect form to be submitted on enter key hit:
//assumption: form is initiated elsewhere in code;
form.addEventListener('submit', (event) => {
//handle submission;
You can also prevent all forms from being submitted to make the setup flexible:
(() => {
const { forms } = document;
form => form.addEventListener("submit", (e) => e.preventDefault())
Or, alternatively, use event delegation and register one listener on the document since the event bubbles up:
document.addEventListener("submit", (e) => e.preventDefault());
Please, use addEventListener instead of on[event name here] attributes. This way is much more flexible and has the benefit of being concise and easy for others to read.
Handling forms in Apps Script guide
Why use addEventListener? MDN reference
I wanted to try to give you a complete answer, but I have to admit that I may know less about event handlers than you. But this seems to work for me.
window.onload=function() {
function preventFormSubmit1() {
var form=document.forms['myForm'];
form.addEventListener('submit',function(e) {
function handleFormSubmit(formObject) {
var first=document.forms['myForm']['first'].value;
var last=document.forms['myForm']['last'].value
var sheet=document.forms['myForm']['sheet'].value;
if(first.length>0 && last.length>0 && sheet.length>0) {
var div=document.getElementById('output');
var inputs=document.querySelectorAll('input[type=text]');
for(var i=0;i<inputs.length;i++) {
alert("Invalid or Incomplete Data");
<form id="myForm" onsubmit="handleFormSubmit(this)">
<input type="text" name="first" /> First<br />
<input type="text" name="last" /> Last<br />
<select name="sheet">
<option value="Sheet1">Sheet1</option>
<option value="Sheet2">Sheet2</option>
</select> Sheet<br />
<input id="sub" type="submit" value="Submit" />
<div id="output"></div>
function processForm(formObject) {
var ss=SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
var sh=ss.getSheetByName(formObject.sheet);
return Utilities.formatString('First: %s<br />Last: %s<br />Sheet: %s', formObject.first,formObject.last,formObject.sheet);
function runOne() {//This loads the dialog
var userInterface=HtmlService.createHtmlOutputFromFile('aq4').setWidth(1000);
SpreadsheetApp.getUi().showModelessDialog(userInterface, "My Form Example")

Redux Form Values Properties Undefined & Refreshes on Submit

I am using redux-form in order to submit a new user signup page in my React Web App, but when I try to grab the input field values on the form of the parameter values, it comes back undefined in mapDispatchToProps. I have read many posts of people claiming their values variable comes back undefined, but that is not the case for me. Only when I console.log(values.[inputName]) do I get undefined. According to the documentation, I cannot tell that I am doing anything incorrectly.
Can someone please help determine what is causing to be undefined? Thanks.
// presentational component
class Signup extends Component {
render() {
const { handleSubmit } = this.props;
return (
<form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
<Field component="input" type="email" name="email" />
<Field component="input" type="password" name="password" />
<button type="submit" >Submit</button>
export default reduxForm({
form: 'Signup',
enableReinitialize: true
// redux container component
const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch) => {
return {
handleSubmit: (values) => {
console.log(; // outputs undefined!
const SignupContainer = connect(
export default SignupContainer;
// reducer index.js
import { reducer as formReducer } from 'redux-form';
export const appReducer = combineReducers({
form: formReducer
// store.js
export const store = createStore(
Side Note
I have noticed that whenever I first click the submit button on the form, the page refreshes (so I do not see the console.log). All proceeding times does not cause a refresh, but I am unsure as to why. Any explanation of this would be greatly appreciated, too.
After changing my Router from HashHistory to BrowserRouter (react-router), the page refreshes every time I click submit. Seems that I have two problems now.

In Redux, how to get user input

I have a form, how to get the use input in the handleSubmit() method?
handleSubmit(e) {
//how to get the user input?
render() {
return (
<div className="col-sm-4">
<form onSubmit={this.handleSubmit}>
<input type="text" placeholder="user"/>
<input type="text" placeholder="comments"/>
<input type="submit" hidden/>
so far, I know three solutions:
The first one, use refs, but I can see there are lots of people saying that we should avoid using it
The second one, add onChange() to each <input>, e.g.
class Example extends React.Component {
state = {
inputValue: ""
handleInputChanged(e) {
render() {
return (
<input onChange={this.handleInputChanged.bind(this)} value={this.state.inputValue}>
this one is fine with a few inputs. But if the form has 20 input fields, then there are 20 different onChange methods?
third, use some npm module, like redux-form.
any other suggestion? Thanks
You can actually just do an onChange on the parent form like so:
onChange(e) {
switch( {
case 'checkbox':
this.setState({ []: });
this.setState({ []: });
// in render
<form onChange={this.onChange.bind(this)}>
<input name="foo1" />
<input name="foo2" />
<input name="foo3" />
<input name="foo4" />
<input name="foo5" />
<input name="foo6" />
<input name="foo7" />
<input name="foo8" />
There are certain libraries like, These forms have additional functions pre written for form submitting, validations. I think using refs is a tedious and unwanted task if the form is big with the reason being that if it is controlled form you need to access the state value for controlled components which brings unnecessary complications. You can do it but it is better to use prewritten libraries.

Proper way of clearing forms without redux-form

This is my form
<form className="input-group" onSubmit={this.handleSubmit}>
<input className="form-control"
placeholder="Insert name"
autofocus="true" />
<span className="input-group-btn">
<button type="submit" className={classNames}>Add</button>
This is my event handler:
handleSubmit(e) {
let name =[0].value;
if (name.length > 0) {
My question is:
what's the proper "redux way" to clearing the form after submitting it?
Do I need to dispatch a different action or should I use the existing createClassroom action?
Note: I'd rather not use redux-form package.
First, you have to make sure that the <input> is a controlled component by passing its respective value from the state:
const { classroom } = this.props;
// in return:
<input type="text" value={ } />
Then, the form can be cleared by ideally submitting a RESET action that your classroom reducer acts upon:
const initialState = {};
function classroomReducer(state = initialState, action) {
switch (action.type) {
// ...
return initialState;
return state;