We need few changes to our current Azure DevOps architecture.
o Selective Promotion to Prod: If a one feature of a code is ready in a Test environment, but at the same time another feature of the code needs to move to Prod, how do we limit the code present in Release branch (that is not yet TEST-env approved) from being deployed to Prod.
o Hot fix in Prod: Needs to sync with main and then release branch.
Can the gurus advise how this can be achieved?
No solutions tried yet.
So I have a situation. I am working on an update of code on files which we will only receive in Dev and QA environment. I only want this update to reflect in the Dev and QA branch, and not in Prod at all.
I understand this can be done by cherry pick. But problem is, in the future, ad charry-pick will have to be performed everytime I make any other change.
The hierarchy of the branches is Feature Branch > Dev > QA > Prod
Is there a way I can make those code updates permanent in Dev and QA branch, and not have them reflect in Prod without worrying about cherry picking in the future?
I am unable to find a solution which will let me do this, and Cherry picking being the only solution right now. Do not want unwanted code in Prod.
I have two instances of azure data factory. One is PROD and another is DEV.
I have my DEV ADF integrated to git repository and will be doing all developments in this adf instance.
Once the code is ready for production deployment, will follow CI/CD steps to deploy the DEV ADF into PROD.
This functionality is working fine.
Now recently I had few changes in my PROD ADF instance by upgrading the ADLS Gen1 to Gen2 and few alterations on pipelines also. These changes has been directly updated in PROD instance of ADF.
Now I have to deploy these changes in DEV instance in order to make both instances in sync, before proceeding with further developments.
In order to achieve this i have followed below steps.
Remove git integration of DEV ADF instance.
Integrate PROD ADF into a new git repository and do a publish
Build Pipelines and Release pipelines has been executed and deployed PROD into DEV
I could see the changes in both PROD and DEV are in sync.
Now i want to re integrate the DEV ADF in order to proceed with further developments
When I re integrate the DEV ADF into the collaboration branch (master) of existing dev instance repository as shown below, I could see the discrepancies in pipeline count and linked service count.
The pipelines and linked services which are deleted from PROD is still there in DEV ADF master branch.
When I remove the git integration of DEV ADF, now both DEV and PROD ADF are in sync.
I tried to integrate the DEV ADF into a new branch of same dev repository as shown below,
Still I could see the deleted pipelines and linked services which are deleted from production is also available in the dev adf.
It seems like the pipelines and linked services which are changed are getting updated, but the items deleted are not removed from the dev master repository.
Is there any way to cleanup master branch and import only the existing resources at the time of git re-integration?
The only possible way i could found is to create new repository instead of re integrating to the existing one, but it seems like difficult to keep on changing repository and also already created branches and changes in the existing repository will be lost.
Is there any way when I re-integrate the repository with ADF, it should take only the existing resources into master branch of repository, not merging with the existing code in master?
These things happen. ADF Git integrations are a bit different, so there's a learning curve to getting a hold of them. I've been there. Never fear. There is a solution.
There are two things to address here:
Fixing your process so this doesn't happen again.
Fixing the current problem.
The first place you went wrong was making changes directly in PRD. You should have made these changes in DEV and promoted according to standard process.
The next places you went wrong were removing DEV from Git and then adding PRD to Git. PRD should not be connected to Git at any point, and you shouldn't be juggling Git integrations. It's dangerous and can lead to lost work.
Ensure that you do not repeat these mistakes, and you will prevent complicating things like this going forward.
In order to fix the current issues it's worth pointing out that with ADF Git integrations, you don't have to use the ADF editor for everything. You are totally able to manipulate Git repos cloned to your local file system with standard Git tools, and this is going to be the key to digging yourself out. (It's also what you should have done in the first place to retrofit PRD changes back into DEV.)
Basically, if your PRD master contains the objects as you want them, then first clone that branch to your local file system. Elsewhere on your drive, clone a feature branch of your DEV repo to the file system. In order to bring these in sync, you just copy the PRD master contents and paste them into the DEV feature branch directory and push changes. Now, this DEV feature branch matches PRD master. A merge and pull request from this DEV feature branch to DEV master will then bring DEV master in sync with PRD master (assuming the merge is done correctly).
Even when not having to do things like this, it can be helpful to have your ADF Git repo cloned locally so you have specific control over things. There are times when ADF orphans objects, and you can clean them up via the file system and Git tools without having to wrestle the ADF editor as such.
At work, we're now using GitHub, and with that GitHub flow. My understanding of GitHub flow is that there is a master branch and feature branches. Unlike git flow, there is no develop branch.
This works quite well on projects that we've done, and simplifies things.
However, for our products, we have a development and production environment. For the production environment, we use the master branch, whereas for the development environment we're not sure how to do it?
The only idea I can think of is:
When a branch is merged with master, redeploy master using GitHub actions.
When another branch is pushed, set up a GitHub action so that any other branch (other than master) is deployed to this environment.
Currently, for projects that require a development environment, we're essentially using git flow (features -> develop -> master).
Do you think my idea is sensible, and if not what would you recommend?
Just to clarify, I'm asking the best way to implement development with GitHub Flow and not git flow.
In my experience, GitHub Flow with multiple environments works like this. Merging to master does not automatically deploy to production. Instead, merging to master creates a build artifact that is able to be promoted through environments using ChatOps tooling.
For example, pushing to master creates a build artifact named something like my-service-47cbd6c, which is a combination of the service name and the short commit hash. This is pushed to an artifact repository of some kind. The artifact can then be deployed to various environments using tooling such as ChatOps style slash commands to trigger the deloy. This tooling could also have checks to make sure test environments are not skipped, for example. Finally, the artifact is promoted to production.
So for your use case with GitHub Actions, what I would suggest is this:
Pushing to master creates the build artifact and automatically deploys it to the development environment.
Test in development
Promote the artifact by deploying to production using a slash command. The action slash-command-dispatch would help you with this.
You might also consider the notion of environments (as illustrated here)
Recently (Feb. 2021), you can:
##Limit which branches can deploy to an environment
You can now limit which branches can deploy to an environment using Environment protection rules.
When a job tries to deploy to an environment with Deployment branches configured Actions will check the value of github.ref against the configuration and if it does not match the job will fail and the run will stop.
The Deployment branches rule can be configured to allow:
All branches – Any branch in the repository can deploy
Protected branches – Only branches with protection rules
Selected branches – Branches matching a set of name patterns
That means you can define a job to deploy in dev environment, and that job, as a condition, will only run if triggered from a commit pushed from a given branch (master in your case)
For anyone facing the same question or wanting to simplify their process away from gitflow, I'd recommend taking a look at this article. Whilst it doesn't talk about Github flow explicitly it does effectively provide one solution to the OP.
Purests may consider this to be not strictly Gitflow but to my mind it's a simple tweak that makes the deployment & CI/CD strategy more explicit in git. I prefer to have this approach rather than add some magic to the tooling which can make a process harder for devs to follow and understand.
I think the Gitflow intro is written fairly pragmatically as well:
Different teams may have different deployment strategies. For some, it may be best to deploy to a specially provisioned testing environment. For others, deploying directly to production may be the better choice...
The diagram in the article sums it up well:
So here we have Master == Gitflow main and the useful addition is the temporary release branch from which you can deploy to other environments such as development. What is worth considering is what you choose to call this temporary branch, in the above it's considered a release, in your process it may be a test branch, etc.
You can take or leave the squashing and tagging and the tooling will change between teams. Equally you may or may not care about actual version numbers.
This isn't a million miles away from VonC's answer, the difference is the process is more tightly defined and it's more towards having multiple developers merge into a single branch & apply fixes in order to get a new version ready for production. It may well be that you configure the deployment of this temporary branch via a naming convention as in his answer.
The way I've implemented this flow is using PRs. I did it with Azure DevOps, but I'd say that the same can be achieved with GitHub Actions.
When you have a branch that you intent to test and eventually merge to master and release to production, you create a PR from that branch to master. The PR will trigger a pipeline, which will run your build, static analysis and tests. If that passes, the PR is deployed to a test environment where further automated and manual testing can happen. That PR can be reviewed and approved by other developers and, if you need to, by QA after manual testing. You can configure GitHub PR rules to enforce the approvals. Once approved, you can merge the PR to master.
What happens once in master is independent of the workflow above, but most likely a new pipeline will be triggered, which will build a release candidate and run the whole path to production (with or without manual intervention).
One of the tricks is how the PR pipeline decides which environment to deploy the PR too. I can think of three options:
Create an environment on the fly which will be killed once the PR is merged or closed. This is the most advanced and flexible option. This would require the system to publish the environment location to the PR.
Have a pool of environments and have the automation figure out which are free and automatically choose one. The environments could be stopped, so you find an environment which is stopped, start it up and deploy there. Once the PR is closed/merged, stop the environment again.You can publish the environment location to the PR.
Add a label to the PR indicating the environment (ie. env-1, env-2, etc.). This is the simplest option, but it requires that developers look at the open PRs to see which environments are already in use in other PRs to avoid overwriting other people's code.
With all these options, once the PR is created, you can just push new commits to the branch and the environment will be updated.
You also need to decide what you want to do when a new commit is pushed to master. You most likely want to trigger a new PR build to update the environments with the latest master, but you can do this automatically or manually, depending on how busy your master is.
Nathan, adding a development branch is good idea, you can work on development changes in new branch and test them in dev environment and after getting signoff to move to production environment you can merge your changes in master branch.
Don't forget to perform regression testing on merged master branch to test both old features and new features are working fine before releasing your code for installation in production
I have a project with two branches (develop and master) and a release process to three environments (dev, staging, production).
I've implemented CI/CD, where the code on develop branch is the code deployed to dev and staging environments. The last step of my release pipeline is deploy to production and I would like to know if there's a way (a task) to check if the code deployed on dev and staging environment is already on master branch.
In this case i would suggest you separate dev deployment from the rest, otherwise you will never know if your merge to master was succesful or not, since you never test it. In my opinion the master branch in your case should be the mirror on what is in production.
for your dev build, create a release pipeline which deploys to your dev environment
create another build for the master branch trigered When you merge your dev branch into master. You can use tagging and set a new tag on master, before merging, in order to preserve the old version for hotfixing. and then:
either a new release pipeline with stages staging and Prod
or a new artifact in the previous pipeline with artifact filters for the stages staging and prod
You could also consider changing your branching strategy. In case you develop features and only merge them to your branch, which is deployed to Prod in the end stage, you could use Release Flow branching model with only 1 branch.
The last step of my release pipeline is deploy to production and I
would like to know if there's a way (a task) to check if the code
deployed on dev and staging environment is already on master branch.
For now we don't have any task which is designed to do this kind of job. So there doesn't exist one easy solution to your requirements, you may have to do some changes to your workflow to meet your requirements. Just as the Mario suggests above, you can consider using the Release Flow.
I'm using Azure DevOps as the source code repo for my Docker containerized Angular application. In the process of creating release pipelines to deploy the code base from dev to test (then to staging and prod) I noticed that after selecting the Azure App Service deployment template, I could not specify a branch for code movement.
For example, I could not specify the dev branch for the pipeline that would move code to the test environment. Does this mean that for containerized apps I have to have separate repos for each environment: dev, test, staging, and prod? Further, does this mean that for code deployment that I would have to move, let's say, code from the master branch in the dev repo to the master branch in the test repo, and so on?
As with any other CI\CD pipeline what happens is the following:
you build your code
you test it
you package it
you release it
I guess you miss the fact that you create an artifact and then you release it to dev > staging > prod. In other words you promote it across environments.
As for moving the code between branches - yes, thats what you have to do anyway. Unless you want your branches to be disconnected completely between each other (which makes very little sense).