Move to specific line and column in one command - ideavim

Let's say we have a text file that is very long and has many lines. I want to move to 30th line and 15th column in this file.
Are there any VIM commands that could be used to move to mentioned line number and column in one command? Thanks.
Please, do not suggest to use smt like :30 command and after 15| this is NOT an option.
May VIM has an option to input smt like: :30,15, just in another syntax?
The only option I found is to use :call cursor(30,15) but it looks little bit too long, as I need to type it each time I want to jump to the another position.

You can define your own command-line command. Define it in ~/.vimrc and it will be available everywhere. Define:
:command -nargs=* Go call cursor(<f-args>)
:Go 30 15

Well, you want to move across two dimensions but Vim commands are limited to one dimension, therefore you can't move to line 30 and column 15 with a single built-in command.
Here are the shortest key sequences to move to column 15 of line 30:
" in normal mode
" in command-line mode and normal mode
" in command-line mode
" from the shell
$ vim foo.txt +norm30G15\|<CR>
Note that the first suggestion above is already the shortest theoretically possible sequence because you would need:
at least one key for the command itself,
at least one key to separate the two coordinates,
the vertical coordinate (can't be shortened),
and the horizontal coordinate (can't be shortened).
The only improvement I can think of to 30G15| would be to use keys that don't require a modifier but, frankly, I am not sure that it is worth the hassle.


Go up one command instead of one line in IPython 5

IPython 5 is a big release. One of its features is real multi-line editing with prompt_toolkit. The up arrow key now moves to the previous input line instead of the previous input command (block of lines).
This is awesome, but when my previous command spans many lines, and I need to reach the command before that, I find myself wishing I could go up one command at a time. Is there a way to do that? The shortcut ctrlp has the exact same behaviour as the up arrow key, so it does not provide a solution.
On my own Belgian Mac keyboard, fnshift↑ does the job. But I cannot tell whether this also works for other locales.
The PageUp and PageDown keys do exactly what you want without any chorded hotkeys involved; they work on an entry-oriented basis, rather than the arrow keys' line oriented approach.

Deleting the first 'x' characters from every line in a region with Emacs

I want to delete the first x characters for every line in a region.
Is there any key binding available to do this without using regex?
The best way to do this is to use the "rectangle" family of commands. For example, mark the beginning of the region. Go to the end of the region and place the point at column X. Run the command kill-rectangle using C-x r k.
Of course, this is not limited to deleting characters at the beginning of lines.
If the mark is on column 0, put the point on column x and use kill-rectange:
C-x r k runs the command kill-rectangle, which is an interactive
autoloaded Lisp function in `rect.el'.
It is bound to C-x r k.
(kill-rectangle START END &optional FILL)
Delete the region-rectangle and save it as the last killed one.
When called from a program the rectangle's corners are START and END.
You might prefer to use `delete-extract-rectangle' from a program.
One command that I really love for these types of jobs is multiple cursor's edit lines:
It is overkill compared to kill-rectangle (the best solution to the original problem) but it is an amazing tool in the toolbox. Definitely worth taking a look at it.
Select the required rectangle using rectangle command
M-x rectangle-mark-mode
Then use command
M-x kill-region

Stop emacs from wrapping 80 column lines in an 80 column terminal?

In an 80 column wide terminal emacs wraps 80 column lines, putting a backslash in the 80th column. Is there a way to tell emacs to use all 80 columns of my terminal and not wrap lines until they reach 81 characters?
If I understand this question correctly, this is not about logical line
wrapping (how lines are segmented in your file), but about visual wrapping
(how lines are displayed with respect to window width).
If you just want the display to visually wrap more than zero characters before
window boundary, and thus avoid the backslash everywhere, however long your logical lines really are, you can use longlines-mode
Unlike Visual Line mode, Long Lines mode breaks long lines at the fill column (see Fill Commands), rather than the right window edge. To enable Long Lines mode, type M-x longlines-mode. If the text is full of long lines, this also immediately “wraps” them all.
Then, it's only a matter of setting the fill-column appropriately, using
either global settings (.emacs, though you probably want to use a
specific mode-hook for that particular case), local settings (file
variable, dir-locals) or C-u 79 C-uC-x
f to set variable fill-column to 79. This way, lines 79
characters or higher will wrap, but before touching the right edge of the
80-char window (and thus never leaving an ugly backslash character). Your
file will be untouched.
If you simply want no visual wrapping to occur on 80-character lines, and thus do not want the 80th logical character visually displayed below the first, there are two
possible answers:
either you work in an environment where you don't necessarily wrap
logically at or before 80 characters, and you want to see the end of
those 81+ lines somewhere in your screen (i.e. you do want visual wrap, but at a number of chars above the window width), then I don't know how to do
or you want to stop your lines at 80 chars logically (e.g. you
have auto-fill on and fill-column at 80), and if you do happen to have
lines 81 characters or more, you don't care about seeing their ending.
In that case, activate truncate-mode (toggle-truncate-lines).
If the issue is about the last character of your window, and what you really want is the 80th logical character of your line to be displayed on the 80th visual character of your window, though, I'm afraid I don't know how. Either you are truncating lines (as above), and the last character of your window will be a $, or you let emacs do its thing, and the last character will be a backslash.
Note when testing that auto-fill's wrapping (but also longlines-mode's, since it is its visual equivalent) will occur only at word boundaries.
One option is to set the wrapping to happen at 81, instead of 80.
M-x set-fill-column RET 81
Another option, maybe the best choice, is to define the variable overflow-newline-into-fringe as t. Try this once, manually:
M-x set-variable RET overflow-newline-into-fringe RET t
Either of these could be set by default. You can do that through M-x customize or by editing your .emacs file. Post again if you need help.
BTW, do you use emacs in a graphical or terminal environment? In a graphical environment, I often just make the window larger if I have long lines. Or I may turn on line truncation with a horizontal scrollbar.
added later
With the added information that you are running emacs in terminal mode, as you discovered, none of those options work. I tried an example running emacs in putty, where I can change the size of the window and emacs picks it right up. So, I could size to 81 columns and my 80-column lines remain intact without continuation. I am not sure which TERM value you have assigned with tmux, but you could consider creating a custom terminal type (termcap or terminfo) which supports 81 columns. I only took a brief glance at tmux but I noticed that you can resize panes within a terminal.
Now, out of curiosity, what is the primary motivator for you using tmux? I would think that the resume capability would be valuable. I would find however, that the other features are not that useful because in an X-Window environment it is cheap & easy to open more terminals or if I am using putty, I can create more of those. As far as using emacs, whether I am running under X-Window or MS-Windows, I just create as many frames as I would like and can work quite easily with that. So, is there something else that makes you interested in using tmux?
Six years after the previous answers and the workaround I still use is to use 81 character-wide windows.
Unfortunately 80-wide windows that wrap 'correctly' are not possible because of evil fringe characters. Emacs requires the last (fringe) character to have exclusive use of the final column. The argument for this is an optional fringe character is ambiguous. I dream of the day someone will submit a patch to make the fringe character optional, and perhaps solving the ambiguity with a background color.
I don't think that is prossible in general, because emacs needs at least one character to indicate that the line continues in the next line (wraps), although I'm not sure, because emacs has so many options... You could maybe instead select "Word Wrap (Visual Line Mode)" in the "Options" menu (or keyboard):
M-x visual-line-modeRET
This makes the flow more natural, without showing (at least in text modes) the indication of wrapping.

Does less have an equivalent to vim's scrolloff?

I have scrolloff set to 4 in vim. This means that when I scroll up or down, there are 4 lines between the line I'm on and the bottom or top of the screen.
When I use less, usually to view a manpage, I use / to search for text. If I'm looking for a command line option that does something and I search for the term 'something' usually 'something' shows up in the paragraph explaining a command, and the command line switch is a line or two above that, so I have to scroll up to see it. Any ideas for how to make less act more like vim in this one case?
I believe you want the -j option. It doesn't seem to have a bottom-or-top mode, but rather a bottom-mode or top-mode. For instance:
less -j 4
Will always display your search term on the 4th line (from the top), whereas
less -j -4
Will always display your search term on the 4th line from the bottom.
And of course, you can use alias to make your preference the default, by adding this to your .bashrc, for instance:
alias less="less -j 4"
Not sure if you can make less do this by itself, but did you know you can use Vim in place of less as your pager? There's a macro in the Vim installation macros/ directory called less.vim. Copy it to your own .vim/macros directory to enable, then alias less in your .bashrc (or whatever your shell)
# example:
alias less='/usr/share/vim/7.x/macro/'
EDIT Unfortunately I just tried this myself and it ignores the scrolloff by default. You could modify the to set scrolloff=3 at launch.

Is there a way to display a macro list similar to displaying your mappings in Vim?

I know there is a way to list mappings via :map (or :imap, :cmap, etc.), but I can't find a way to list macros I have stored in my vimrc file (as in let #a = 'blahblah').
Is there a way to do this without having to manually looking inside it (via :split [myvimrcfile] or whatever way)?
Also, if it is possible, is there a way to attach some sort of documentation that would display with the macro to explain what it is for? I have a handful that I use quite a bit, but about 6 weeks apart. It would be nice to just quickly list them along with a comment that tells me what the macro does (or even just a name so I make sure I use the right one).
In vim, the macros are just stored in registers. You can recall the content of any register and execute it as a macro (which is what the # does). To see a list of what is in your registers, use :reg.
You can see the contents of all the registers using the
command. Or an argument string like this
:reg ahx
will show you the contents of registers a, h, and x.
That way you can at least see what sequence of commands will be run and hopefully that will be clear enough for you to tell one from another.
The registers simply contain text. You can paste the command sequence in as text or you can copy text into a register and then run it as a command, depending on how you access the register.
I have not found any direct way to edit the contents of a register, but you can paste it into the file, edit it, and then save it back to the same register.
As /u/jheddings wrote the macros are stored as registers and what counts is the assignment of the code to the register (usually done in the vimrc files with let #a=blahblah
To ease the way to display the macros you defined in your vimrc file (in my case it is in the ~/.vimrc path) you can use this vim function:
function! ShowMacros()
exe 'r!' . 'grep -B 1 -E "^\s*let #" ~/.vimrc'
call cursor(1,1)
What it does:
10new - open a new vim window with ten lines size
exe ... - execute a command and put in the window
call ... - go to the first line first column
You can execute this function by tipping in the normal mode
:call ShowMacros
You could additionally create a key mapping or a command to fasten the way to call the function:
:cnoremap sm call ShowMacros()<CR>
command! sm call ShowMacros()`
This is the original post where I wrote the function similar to the above.
The OP asked, "is there a way to attach some sort of documentation that would display with the macro to explain what it is for?"
I have found VI / VIM macros extremely obtuse to understand even a week after I've written them, so I heartily support the idea of documentation. I have a suggestion for that, in two parts.
First is the process of documenting the macro in your .vimrc. I've developed the following .vimrc comment format that helps me understand, a week or a year or more later, what a macro is supposed to be doing. E.g.:
"= Yank the entire contents of the file into the clipboard; quit without saving.
"define F2 followed by y to be:
"| Go to line 1.
"| | From there, into the * buffer (system clipboard),
"| | | yank to the end of the file.
"| | | | Go to sleep for 1 second (to allow the clipboard to be updated).
"| | | | | Quit without saving the file.
"| | | | | |
map #2y 1G"*yG1gs:q!<CR>
Second, I am imagining that Jakub's ShowMacros() function above could be modified to grep a specific set of Help lines for each macro that would be in the file along with the definition, much the way the above command-line breakdown is attached to the definition, that would provide the needed User Help.
I've flagged two lines above with "= at the beginning of each, so that they can become the User Help. Then Jakub's grep command would search for "^\"= ". Here's the command I used. I'm not sure if the -E for Extended Regular Expressions is needed and the -B 1 is a nice touch to include one line previous to a matching sequence, so here I have an explicitly empty comment line.
In my vimrc, I only needed one backslash, for the initial parsing of the definitions. Here's the line, replacing the one in Jakub's function definition above:
exe 'r!' . 'grep -B 1 -E "^\"= " ~/.vimrc'
Thanks to Jakub's hint, I now can generate help from my .vimrc in pretty much exactly the way the OP is asking for. I've been using vi since 1983, so I'm pretty stoked.
Thanks Jakub!