Procedure is not executing. Error message is ambiguous - postgresql
I am trying to execute a stored procedure in postgresql.
create procedure add_future_tickers_intl(
v_ticker_serial numeric,
v_source_id character varying DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
v_ticker_id character varying DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
v_sector_id character varying DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
v_status character,
v_market_md character varying DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
v_source_ticker_id character varying DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
v_instrument_type_id numeric DEFAULT NULL::numeric,
v_currency_id character varying DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
v_country_code character varying DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
v_decimal_places numeric DEFAULT NULL::numeric,
v_decimal_correction_factor numeric DEFAULT NULL::numeric,
v_parent_ticker_id character varying DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
v_parent_source_id character varying DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
v_isin_code character varying DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
v_lot_size numeric DEFAULT NULL::numeric, v_unit character varying DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
v_display_ticker character varying DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
v_last_updated_on timestamp without time zone DEFAULT NULL::timestamp without time zone,
v_comments character varying DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
v_listing_date timestamp without time zone,
v_listing_status numeric DEFAULT NULL::numeric,
v_stock_published_status character varying DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
v_max_stocks numeric DEFAULT NULL::numeric,
v_is_settlement_to numeric DEFAULT NULL::numeric,
v_is_main_stock numeric DEFAULT NULL::numeric,
v_last_updated_time timestamp without time zone DEFAULT NULL::timestamp without time zone,
v_currency_correction_factor numeric,
v_global_sector_id character varying DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
v_dfn_sector character varying DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
v_category character varying DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
v_index_type numeric DEFAULT NULL::numeric,
v_source_source_id character varying DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
v_wkn character varying DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
v_reuter_ssymbol character varying DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
v_bloomberg_symbol character varying DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
v_symbol_status character varying DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
v_eligibility_id numeric DEFAULT NULL::numeric,
v_sharia_compliant numeric DEFAULT NULL::numeric,
v_symbolcode character varying DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
v_exchange_status numeric,
v_assct_ticker_serial numeric DEFAULT NULL::numeric,
v_ticker_assctn_date timestamp without time zone DEFAULT NULL::timestamp without time zone,
v_first_trading timestamp without time zone DEFAULT NULL::timestamp without time zone,
v_idx_main_source_id character varying DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
v_otc numeric DEFAULT NULL::numeric,
v_clearance_duration character varying DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
v_lasttradabledate timestamp without time zone DEFAULT NULL::timestamp without time zone,
v_all_descriptions character varying,
v_maturity_date timestamp without time zone DEFAULT NULL::timestamp without time zone,
v_cusip character varying DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
v_is_desc_updated numeric DEFAULT 1,
v_bbgid character varying DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
v_bbgid_composite character varying DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
v_dec_lot_size numeric DEFAULT NULL::numeric,
v_ticker_classification numeric DEFAULT NULL::numeric,
v_display_decimal_places numeric DEFAULT NULL::numeric,
v_ticksize numeric DEFAULT NULL::numeric,
v_sharesoutstanding numeric DEFAULT NULL::numeric,
v_ticker_class_l1 numeric DEFAULT NULL::numeric,
v_ticker_class_l2 numeric DEFAULT NULL::numeric,
v_ticker_class_l3 numeric DEFAULT NULL::numeric,
v_tick_size_string character varying DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
v_mic_code character varying DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
v_min_size numeric DEFAULT NULL::numeric,
v_max_long_size numeric DEFAULT NULL::numeric,
v_max_short_size numeric DEFAULT NULL::numeric,
v_margin_percentage numeric DEFAULT NULL::numeric,
v_display_symbol character varying DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
v_sedol character varying DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
v_stamp_duty_flag numeric DEFAULT NULL::numeric,
v_margin_initial_cash numeric DEFAULT NULL::numeric,
v_margin_maintenance_cash numeric DEFAULT NULL::numeric
language edbspl
v_is_manually_modified number(1);
begin -- insert block
add_ticker_intl (
insert into future_tickers
when dup_val_on_index
begin -- insert into block
select is_manually_modified
into v_is_manually_modified
from tickers
where ticker_serial=v_ticker_serial;
when no_data_found
then v_is_manually_modified := null;
end; -- insert into block
if (v_is_manually_modified <> 1 or v_is_manually_modified is null)
update future_tickers
contract_size = v_lot_size,
maturity_date = v_maturity_date,
exp_date = v_lasttradabledate,
parent_source_id = v_parent_source_id,
parent_ticker_id = v_parent_ticker_id,
last_updated_on = v_last_updated_on,
MARGIN_INITIAL_CASH = v_margin_initial_cash,
MARGIN_MAINTENANCE_CASH = v_margin_maintenance_cash
ticker_serial = v_ticker_serial;
end if;
end; -- insert block
end add_future_tickers_intl
alter procedure add_future_tickers_intl(numeric, varchar, varchar, varchar, char, varchar, varchar, numeric, varchar, varchar, numeric, numeric, varchar, varchar, varchar, numeric, varchar, varchar, timestamp, varchar, timestamp, numeric, varchar, numeric, numeric, numeric, timestamp, numeric, varchar, varchar, varchar, numeric, varchar, varchar, varchar, varchar, varchar, numeric, numeric, varchar, numeric, numeric, timestamp, timestamp, varchar, numeric, varchar, timestamp, varchar, timestamp, varchar, numeric, varchar, varchar, numeric, numeric, numeric, numeric, numeric, numeric, numeric, numeric, varchar, varchar, numeric, numeric, numeric, numeric, varchar, varchar, numeric, numeric, numeric) owner to office;
When I try to execute the following call,
call pkg_ticker_utils.add_future_tickers_intl(
'Metric Ton ',
'2023-02-08 04:42:24.808+00',
'2023-06-21 00:00:00+00',
'2023-06-21 00:00:00+00',
'EN^XTen-Year US Treasury Note Futures Jun-2023 Composite^XTen-Year US Treasury Note Futures Jun-2023 Composite^X|',
it is throwing error:
[42883] ERROR: procedure pkg_ticker_utils.add_future_tickers_intl(integer, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, integer, unknown, unknown, integer, integer, unknown, unknown, unknown, integer, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, integer, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, integer, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, integer, unknown, unknown, integer, unknown, integer, integer, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, integer, unknown, unknown, integer, unknown, unknown, integer, unknown, unknown) does not exist Hint: No procedure matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts. Position: 6
At the end it says:
Hint: No procedure matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts. Position: 6
I do not understand what it means in the end, by position 6 ?
I have tried to count the parameters and all, and they all match. I do not see any discrepancies.
I have tried to count the parameters, match the types and all and it all checks out. What do I have wrong here?
Good luck with finding someone who is ready to dig through tons of parameters.
My advice: avoid character varying or any other non-preferred type in function arguments. Use preferred types, because they facilitate type resolution:
SELECT typname, typcategory FROM pg_type WHERE typispreferred;
typname │ typcategory
bool │ B
text │ S
oid │ N
float8 │ N
inet │ I
timestamptz │ D
interval │ T
varbit │ V
(8 rows)
The exception is probably with the numeric types, as you don't want to use double precision there. There, it is best to use types that can be cast to implicitly, so prefer the right-hand types over the left-hand types in the following list:
SELECT c.castsource::regtype, c.casttarget::regtype
FROM pg_cast AS c
JOIN pg_type AS t1 ON c.castsource = t1.oid
JOIN pg_type AS t2 ON c.casttarget = t2.oid
WHERE t1.typcategory = 'N'
AND t2.typcategory = 'N'
AND c.castcontext = 'i'
AND t2.typname !~~ ALL ('{oid,reg%}');
castsource │ casttarget
bigint │ real
bigint │ double precision
bigint │ numeric
smallint │ bigint
smallint │ integer
smallint │ real
smallint │ double precision
smallint │ numeric
integer │ bigint
integer │ real
integer │ double precision
integer │ numeric
real │ double precision
numeric │ real
numeric │ double precision
numeric │ numeric
(16 rows)
Since your main question seems to be the "position 6": that is the position in the SQL statement that is related to the error, so probably the procedure call:
CALL procname(tons_of_parameters);
invalid input syntax for integer: "0A000" CONTEXT: PL/pgSQL function trigger update
I have an update and insert function triggers, bvtrigger_fct_tr_people_upd and bvtrigger_fct_tr_people_ins When I updated the information on the main table I encountered the error ERROR: invalid input syntax for integer: "0A000" CONTEXT: PL/pgSQL function bvtrigger_fct_tr_people_upd() line 75 at assignment SQL state: 22P02 here are my tables: CREATE TABLE pkihtts.bv_tb_people ( peopleid integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('pkihtts.bvsq_peopleid'), tokenid integer, auid character varying(25) COLLATE pg_catalog."default" NOT NULL, upn character varying(256) COLLATE pg_catalog."default" NOT NULL, firstname character varying(64) COLLATE pg_catalog."default", middlename character varying(64) COLLATE pg_catalog."default", lastname character varying(64) COLLATE pg_catalog."default" NOT NULL, genqual character varying(4) COLLATE pg_catalog."default", serialnumber character varying(25) COLLATE pg_catalog."default", agency character varying(50) COLLATE pg_catalog."default", subagency character varying(64) COLLATE pg_catalog."default", affiliation character varying(10) COLLATE pg_catalog."default", subscribertype character varying(64) COLLATE pg_catalog."default", countryofcitizenship character varying(2) COLLATE pg_catalog."default", emailaddress character varying(256) COLLATE pg_catalog."default" NOT NULL, dateregistered timestamp without time zone NOT NULL, comments character varying(255) COLLATE pg_catalog."default", isdeleted character varying(1) COLLATE pg_catalog."default" NOT NULL DEFAULT 'n'::character varying, modifiedby double precision NOT NULL, modifieddate timestamp(0) without time zone, profileid integer, last_logon_date timestamp without time zone, status character varying(25) COLLATE pg_catalog."default", role character varying(15) COLLATE pg_catalog."default", componentid integer, CONSTRAINT bv_pk_peopleid PRIMARY KEY (peopleid) USING INDEX TABLESPACE pkihtts_data, CONSTRAINT tokenid_uniq UNIQUE (tokenid) INCLUDE(tokenid) USING INDEX TABLESPACE pkihtts_data, CONSTRAINT fk_tokenid FOREIGN KEY (tokenid) REFERENCES pkihtts.tb_token (tokenid) MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE NO ACTION ON DELETE NO ACTION NOT VALID ) TABLESPACE pkihtts_data; ALTER TABLE pkihtts.bv_tb_people OWNER to pkihtts; bv_tb_people_his: CREATE TABLE pkihtts.bv_tb_people_his ( javaid integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('pkihtts.bvsq_peoplehis_javaid'), peopleid integer NOT NULL, tokenid integer, auid character varying(25) COLLATE pg_catalog."default" NOT NULL, upn character varying(256) COLLATE pg_catalog."default" NOT NULL, firstname character varying(64) COLLATE pg_catalog."default", middlename character varying(64) COLLATE pg_catalog."default", lastname character varying(64) COLLATE pg_catalog."default" NOT NULL, genqual character varying(4) COLLATE pg_catalog."default", agency character varying(50) COLLATE pg_catalog."default", subagency character varying(64) COLLATE pg_catalog."default", affiliation character varying(10) COLLATE pg_catalog."default", subscribertype character varying(64) COLLATE pg_catalog."default", countryofcitizenship character varying(2) COLLATE pg_catalog."default", emailaddress character varying(256) COLLATE pg_catalog."default" NOT NULL, dateregistered timestamp(0) without time zone NOT NULL, comments character varying(255) COLLATE pg_catalog."default", isdeleted character varying(1) COLLATE pg_catalog."default" NOT NULL DEFAULT 'n'::character varying, modifiedby integer NOT NULL, modifieddate timestamp(0) without time zone, profileid integer, status character varying(25) COLLATE pg_catalog."default", component character varying(100) COLLATE pg_catalog."default", role character varying(15) COLLATE pg_catalog."default", componentid integer, CONSTRAINT bv_pk_peoplehis_javaid PRIMARY KEY (javaid) USING INDEX TABLESPACE pkihtts_data ) TABLESPACE pkihtts_data; ALTER TABLE pkihtts.tb_people_his OWNER to "pkihtts"; tb_token: CREATE TABLE pkihtts.bv_tb_token ( tokenid integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('pkihtts.bvsq_tokenid'::regclass), internalshipmentid integer, tokenassignmentid integer, tokenserialno character varying(25) COLLATE pg_catalog."default" NOT NULL, alphakey character varying(10) COLLATE pg_catalog."default", statusdate timestamp without time zone NOT NULL, comments character varying(255) COLLATE pg_catalog."default", isdeleted character varying(1) COLLATE pg_catalog."default" NOT NULL DEFAULT 'n'::character varying, modifiedby integer NOT NULL, modifieddate timestamp without time zone, identity_verified character varying(1) COLLATE pg_catalog."default", new_token_required character varying(1) COLLATE pg_catalog."default", isreassigned smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, identityverified smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, newtokenrequired smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, status character varying(25) COLLATE pg_catalog."default", prevstatus character varying(25) COLLATE pg_catalog."default", reason character varying(25) COLLATE pg_catalog."default", CONSTRAINT bv_pk_tokenid PRIMARY KEY (tokenid) USING INDEX TABLESPACE pkihtts_data ) TABLESPACE pkihtts_data; ALTER TABLE pkihtts.bv_tb_token OWNER to pkihtts; sequences: peopleid sequence: CREATE SEQUENCE pkihtts.bvsq_peopleid INCREMENT 1 START 50 MINVALUE 1 MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807 CACHE 1; ALTER SEQUENCE pkihtts.bvsq_peopleid OWNER TO "pkihtts"; javaid sequence: CREATE SEQUENCE pkihtts.bvsq_peoplehis_javaid INCREMENT 1 START 50 MINVALUE 1 MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807 CACHE 1; ALTER SEQUENCE pkihtts.bvsq_peoplehis_javaid OWNER TO "pkihtts"; here are my functions/triggers: function tb_people_upd: CREATE FUNCTION pkihtts.bvtrigger_fct_tr_people_upd() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' COST 100 VOLATILE NOT LEAKPROOF AS $BODY$ DECLARE v_ErrorCode int; v_ErrorMsg varchar(512); v_Module varchar(31) = 'BVTR_PEOPLE_UPD'; v_Os_User varchar(30); v_Host varchar(40); BEGIN --- -- Copy the record from tb_people_his to tb_peop;e --- INSERT INTO pkihtts.bv_tb_people_his ( peopleid, role, status, tokenid, auid, upn, firstname, middlename, lastname, genqual, agency, subagency, affiliation, subscribertype, countryofcitizenship, emailaddress, dateregistered, comments, isdeleted, modifiedby, modifieddate, profileid, componentid ) VALUES ( old.peopleid, old.role, old.status, old.tokenid, old.auid, old.upn, old.firstname, old.middlename, old.lastname, old.genqual,, old.subagency, old.affiliation, old.subscribertype, old.countryofcitizenship, old.emailaddress, old.dateregistered, old.comments, old.isdeleted, old.modifiedby, old.modifieddate. old.profileid, old.componentid ) ; RETURN NEW; --- -- Exception error handler --- exception when others then v_ErrorCode := SQLSTATE; v_ErrorMsg := SQLERRM; v_Os_User := CURRENT_USER; v_Host := inet_server_addr(); INSERT INTO pkihtts.bv_tb_errorlog( tstamp, os_user, host, module, errorcode, errormsg ) VALUES ( current_timestamp, v_Os_User, v_Host, v_Module, v_ErrorCode, v_ErrorMsg ); RETURN NEW; END; $BODY$; CREATE TRIGGER bvtr_people_upd BEFORE UPDATE ON pkihtts.bv_tb_people FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE pkihtts.bvtrigger_fct_tr_people_upd(); tb_people_ins: CREATE FUNCTION pkihtts.bvtrigger_fct_tr_people_ins() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' COST 100 VOLATILE NOT LEAKPROOF AS $BODY$ DECLARE v_peopleid int = 0; v_ErrorCode int; v_ErrorMsg varchar(512); v_Module varchar(31) = 'TR_PEOPLE_INS'; v_Os_User varchar(30); v_Host varchar(40); BEGIN if TG_OP = 'INSERT' then IF new.peopleid IS null THEN SELECT nextval('pkihtts."bvsq_peopleid"') INTO v_peopleid; new.peopleid := v_peopleid; END IF; IF new.modifieddate is null then new.modifieddate := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; END IF; RETURN NEW; END IF; --- -- Exception error handler --- exception when others then v_ErrorCode := SQLSTATE; v_ErrorMsg := SQLERRM; v_Os_User := CURRENT_USER; v_Host := inet_server_addr(); INSERT INTO pkihtts.bv_tb_errorlog( tstamp, os_user, host, module, errorcode, errormsg ) VALUES ( current_timestamp, v_Os_User, v_Host, v_Module, v_ErrorCode, v_ErrorMsg ); RETURN NEW; END; $BODY$; CREATE TRIGGER bvtr_people_ins BEFORE INSERT ON pkihtts.bv_tb_people FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE pkihtts.bvtrigger_fct_tr_people_ins(); trigger tb_people_his_ins: CREATE FUNCTION pkihtts.bvtrigger_fct_tr_peoplehis_ins() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' COST 100 VOLATILE NOT LEAKPROOF AS $BODY$ DECLARE v_javaid int = 0; v_ErrorCode int; v_ErrorMsg varchar(512); v_Module varchar(31) = 'BVTR_PEOPLEHIS_INS'; v_Os_User varchar(30); v_Host varchar(40); BEGIN if TG_OP = 'INSERT' then IF new.javaid IS null THEN SELECT nextval('pkihtts."bvsq_peoplehis_javaid"') INTO v_javaid; new.javaid := v_javaid; END IF; RETURN NEW; END IF; --- -- Exception error handler --- exception when others then v_ErrorCode := SQLSTAT; v_ErrorMsg := SQLERRM; v_Os_User := CURRENT_USER; v_Host := inet_server_addr(); INSERT INTO pkihtts.bv_tb_errorlog( tstamp, os_user, host, module, errorcode, errormsg ) VALUES ( current_timestamp, v_Os_User, v_Host, v_Module, v_ErrorCode, v_ErrorMsg ); RETURN NEW; END; $BODY$; CREATE TRIGGER bvtr_peoplehis_ins BEFORE INSERT ON pkihtts.bv_tb_people_his FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE pkihtts.bvtrigger_fct_tr_peoplehis_ins(); the max for javaid and peopleid sequences are both 50 and I altered the current value at 51. select max(peopleid) from pkihtts.bv_tb_people; 50 select max(javaid) from pkihtts.bv_tb_people_his; 50 when I update tb_people record, I keep getting the 22P02 error in AWS only UPDATE pkihtts.bv_tb_people SET lastname='TEST' WHERE tokenid='49'; ERROR: invalid input syntax for integer: "0A000" CONTEXT: PL/pgSQL function bvtrigger_fct_tr_people_upd() line 75 at assignment SQL state: 22P02 but it updated fine in REL staging server and it didn't insert into the history table (tb_people_his) when I update tb_people record. why the error popping in AWS not in Redhat? How can I resolve the problem?
because AWS has non-numeric error codes and you are trying to save a non numeric value("0A000") into an int variable v_ErrorCode
In a PostgresSQL function, is it possible to check if a column value matches a given parameter value?
In the WHERE clause of a SQL Server stored procedure, I can do this: WHERE (*column_value* = #some_parameter OR #some_parameter IS NULL) When I try to do the same thing in a PostgreSQL function, it throws an error. For example: WHERE(FRQ.QuoteId = p_FilterQuote OR p_FilterQuote IS NULL) produces the error: ***column "p_FilterQuote" does not exist. The input parameter p_FilterQuote is declared and initialized at the top of the function like this: p_filterquote integer DEFAULT NULL::integer There must be a way to 'use' input parameters in a WHERE clause. The entire function code is shown below. -- FUNCTION: public.postgres_termpositionrawdata_ver3(character varying, date, character, character varying, character varying, character varying, character varying, character varying, integer, integer, character varying, character varying, character varying, character varying, character varying) -- DROP FUNCTION public.postgres_termpositionrawdata_ver3(character varying, date, character, character varying, character varying, character varying, character varying, character varying, integer, integer, character varying, character varying, character varying, character varying, character varying); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.postgres_termpositionrawdata_ver3( p_provider character varying, p_date date, p_correlationid character DEFAULT NULL::bpchar, p_type character varying DEFAULT NULL::character varying, p_productexclusionset character varying DEFAULT 'LevelTermPosition'::character varying, p_ctmoptions character varying DEFAULT 'WOM'::character varying, p_test character varying DEFAULT 'No'::character varying, p_testaccountlogon character varying DEFAULT NULL::character varying, p_averagetopx integer DEFAULT 5, p_filterquote integer DEFAULT NULL::integer, p_includeduplicatequotes character varying DEFAULT 'Yes'::character varying, p_ignoreglobalpermissions character varying DEFAULT 'Yes'::character varying, p_ignoredefaultproductexclusions character varying DEFAULT 'No'::character varying, p_ignorelowstartresponseindicator character varying DEFAULT 'No'::character varying, p_ignorevariableresponseindicator character varying DEFAULT 'No'::character varying) RETURNS void LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' COST 100 VOLATILE AS $BODY$ --DECLARE CONSTANTS DECLARE --DECLARE VARIABLES v_Status varchar(10) = 'Success';BEGIN -- assume success -- SET CorrelationID IF p_CorrelationId IS NULL THEN p_CorrelationId := public.swf_newid(); END IF; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS FilteredRequests; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS FilteredResponses; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Ranks; CREATE TEMP TABLE FilteredRequests AS SELECT * FROM public.dblink('srv_exchangemart', ' SELECT FRQ.QuoteID ,DEO.Name AS OrganisationName ,DEO.Postcode AS OrganisationPostcode ,DEO.FRN AS OrganisationFRN ,DDQ.Date AS RequestDate ,DLB.LifeBasis ,DDC.Date AS CommencementDate ,DQF.QuotationFor ,LCR.LifeCriticalIllnessRiskRelationship ,TDP.TotalPermanentDisabilityCover ,CB.CommissionBasis ,DCT.CommissionType ,DG1.Gender AS Life1Gender FROM FactRequest FRQ INNER JOIN dimExchangeOrganisation DEO ON FRQ.ExchangeOrganisationID = DEO.ExchangeOrganisationId INNER JOIN dimExchangeUser DEU ON FRQ.ExchangeUserId = DEU.ExchangeUserId INNER JOIN dimLifeBasis DLB ON FRQ.LifeBasisId = DLB.LifeBasisID INNER JOIN dimTotalPermanentDisabilityCover TDP ON FRQ.TotalPermanentDisabilityCoverId = TDP.TotalPermanentDisabilityCoverID INNER JOIN dimDate DDQ ON FRQ.QuotationDateID = DDQ.DateID INNER JOIN dimDate DDC ON FRQ.CommencementDateID = DDC.DateID INNER JOIN dimExchangePanel DEP ON FRQ.ExchangePanelId = DEP.ExchangePanelId INNER JOIN dimCommissionBasis CB ON FRQ.CommissionBasisId = CB.CommissionBasisId INNER JOIN dimCommissionType DCT ON FRQ.CommissionTypeId = DCT.CommissionTypeId INNER JOIN factClient FC ON FRQ.QuoteID = FC.QuoteID INNER JOIN dimLifeCriticalIllnessRiskRelationship LCR ON FRQ.LifeCriticalIllnessRiskRelationshipId = LCR.LifeCriticalIllnessRiskRelationshipId INNER JOIN dimQuotationFor DQF ON FRQ.QuotationForId = DQF.QuotationForId INNER JOIN dimKeyPerson DKP ON FRQ.KeyPersonId = DKP.KeyPersonId INNER JOIN dimBenefitBasis DBB ON FRQ.BenefitBasisId = DBB.BenefitBasisId INNER JOIN dimIntegrator DI ON FRQ.ExchangeIntegratorId = DI.ExchangeIntegratorId INNER JOIN dimGender DG1 ON FC.Life1GenderID = DG1.GenderID INNER JOIN dimGender DG2 ON FC.Life2GenderID = DG2.GenderID INNER JOIN dimSmoker DS1 ON FC.Life1SmokerID = DS1.SmokerID INNER JOIN dimSmoker DS2 ON FC.Life2SmokerID = DS2.SmokerID INNER JOIN dimOccupation DO1 ON FC.Life1OccupationId = DO1.OccupationID INNER JOIN dimOccupation DO2 ON FC.Life2OccupationId = DO2.OccupationID WHERE DDQ.Date = p_date AND FRQ.ProductTypeId IN (53) -- TERM ONLY AND DKP.KeyPerson = ''No'' -- Not Business AND DBB.BenefitBasis = ''Benefit Led'' -- ONLY RETURNS BENEFIT LED QUOTES AND (DEU.LogonId = p_TestAccountLogon OR (p_TestAccountLogon IS NULL AND DI.DefaultExclusion = ''No'' AND DEO.DefaultExclusion = ''No'')) AND ( (p_IncludeDuplicateQuotes = ''No'' AND FRQ.IsDuplicateQuote = 0) OR (p_IncludeDuplicateQuotes = ''Yes'')) AND (FRQ.QuoteId = p_FilterQuote OR p_FilterQuote IS NULL) AND ( (p_CTMOptions = ''CTM Only''AND DEU.LogonId = ''CTM000'') OR (p_CTMOptions = ''Exclude CTM'' AND DEU.LogonId != ''CTM000'') OR (p_CTMOptions = ''WOM'') ) ') AS DATA (QuoteID integer, OrganisationName character varying, OrganisationPostcode character varying, OrganisationFRN character varying, RequestDate date, LifeBasis character varying, CommencementDate date, QuotationCoverFor character varying, LifeCIRiskRelationship character varying, TPDOption character varying, CommissionBasis character varying, CommissionType character varying, Life1Gender character varying); -- SELECT * FROM FilteredRequests; END; $BODY$;
The SQL statement is executed as it is on the remote database, and no parameter substitutions of any kind are performed. You have to do that yourself: DECLARE sql text; BEGIN sql := format( 'SELECT ... WHERE(FRQ.QuoteId = %L::integer OR %L::integer IS NULL)', p_FilterQuote, p_FilterQuote ); SELECT * FROM dblink('conn', sql) AS ...; END;
You might need to add explicit type casts
I am trying to create function which returns last inserted id, but its showing error while function call: Will you please help me to identify my error. ERROR: function public.insert_voucher(integer, unknown, unknown, integer, integer, unknown) does not exist LINE 1: select public.insert_voucher(1, 'P', '20180909', 1, 1, 'txt'); Function: CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.insert_voucher( in_orgid smallint ,in_transtype character ,in_date character ,in_partnerid smallint ,in_quantity smallint ,in_remarks character varying) RETURNS integer AS $BODY$ BEGIN insert into public.transaction_header( org_id ,trans_type ,fiscal_year ,date ,partner_id ,quantity ,remarks ,create_by ,create_ts) values ( in_orgid ,in_transtype ,1819 ,in_date ,in_partnerid ,in_quantity ,in_remarks ,1 ,now()) returning trans_header_id; END $BODY$ LANGUAGE plpgsql VOLATILE COST 1; Table Schema: trans_header_id integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('transaction_header_trans_header_id_seq'::regclass) ,org_id smallint NOT NULL ,trans_type character(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'P'::bpchar ,fiscal_year smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT '1819'::smallint ,date date NOT NULL ,partner_id smallint NOT NULL ,quantity smallint NOT NULL ,remarks character varying(100) ,create_by smallint NOT NULL ,create_ts timestamp without time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now() ,update_by smallint ,update_ts timestamp without time zone ,CONSTRAINT transaction_header_pk PRIMARY KEY (trans_header_id) ,CONSTRAINT create_by FOREIGN KEY (create_by) REFERENCES public.app_user (user_id) MATCH FULL ON UPDATE NO ACTION ON DELETE NO ACTION ,CONSTRAINT org_id FOREIGN KEY (org_id) REFERENCES public.organization (org_id) MATCH FULL ON UPDATE NO ACTION ON DELETE NO ACTION ,CONSTRAINT partner_id FOREIGN KEY (partner_id) REFERENCES (partner_id) MATCH FULL ON UPDATE NO ACTION ON DELETE NO ACTION ,CONSTRAINT update_by FOREIGN KEY (update_by) REFERENCES public.app_user (user_id) MATCH FULL ON UPDATE NO ACTION ON DELETE NO ACTION ,CONSTRAINT org_fy_transtype_transno UNIQUE (org_id, trans_type, fiscal_year) With reference #muistooshort and #stickybit, I am updating previous function. Hope it will give more clarity and returns desired result. CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.insert_voucher( IN in_orgid smallint ,IN in_transtype character ,IN in_date date ,IN in_partnerid smallint ,IN in_quantity smallint ,IN in_remarks character varying ,OUT out_id smallint) RETURNS smallint AS $BODY$ BEGIN insert into public.transaction_header( org_id ,trans_type ,fiscal_year ,date ,partner_id ,quantity ,remarks ,create_by ,create_ts) values ( in_orgid ,in_transtype ,1819 ,in_date ,in_partnerid ,in_quantity ,in_remarks ,1 ,now()) RETURNING trans_header_id INTO out_id; END $BODY$ LANGUAGE plpgsql VOLATILE COST 1;
The smallints are the problem. A cast from integer to smallint can mean losing some information. The engine won't do implicit casts, where information can get lost. Therefore it considers public.insert_voucher(integer, unknown, unknown, integer, integer, unknown) as not an option. If you explicitly cast the numbers to smallint, the call should work. SELECT public.insert_voucher(1::smallint, 'P', '20180909', 1::smallint, 1::smallint, 'txt'); There are some other things like why you pass a date as a string and '1819'::smallint (why the string first?). And some other problem may arise once the call works. But that's beyond the current question.
POSTGRESQL PG/PGSQL- Function with params
I'm having some issues making a function in Postgresql, I have this function: CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.isp_ticket(_cr integer, _grupo character varying(255), _numero integer, _descripcion text, _resumen character varying(255), _fechaaper timestamp with time zone, _fechacierr timestamp with time zone, _tipo smallint, _apellidousuarioafectado character varying(255), _apellidosolicitante character varying(255), _tenant character varying(255), _metodoreportado character varying(100), _prioridad smallint, _sla character varying(255), _categoria character varying(255), _estado character varying(255), _herramienta_id integer, _asignado character varying(255), _nombresolicitante character varying(255), _nombreusuarioafectado character varying(255)) RETURNS void AS $$ BEGIN CASE WHEN _asignado = '' AND _close_date = '' AND _sla = '' THEN INSERT INTO public.website_ticket(cr, grupo, numero, descripcion, resumen, fechaaper, tipo, apellidousuarioafectado, apellidosolicitante, tenant, metodoreportado, prioridad, categoria, estado, herramienta_id, nombresolicitante, nombreusuarioafectado) VALUES (_cr, _grupo, _numero, _descripcion, _resumen, _fechaaper, _tipo, _apellidousuarioafectado, _apellidosolicitante, _tenant, _metodoreportado, _prioridad, _categoria, estado, _herramienta_id, _nombresolicitante, _nombreusuarioafectado); WHEN _asignado = '' AND _close_date = '' THEN INSERT INTO public.website_ticket(cr, grupo, numero, descripcion, resumen, fechaaper, tipo, apellidousuarioafectado, apellidosolicitante, tenant, metodoreportado, prioridad, sla, categoria, estado, herramienta_id, nombresolicitante, nombreusuarioafectado) VALUES (_cr, _grupo, _numero, _descripcion, _resumen, _fechaaper, _tipo, _apellidousuarioafectado, _apellidosolicitante, _tenant, _metodoreportado, _prioridad, _sla, _categoria, _estado, _herramienta_id, _nombresolicitante, _nombreusuarioafectado); WHEN new_close_date = '' THEN INSERT INTO public.website_ticket(cr, grupo, numero, descripcion, resumen, fechaaper, tipo, apellidousuarioafectado, apellidosolicitante, tenant, metodoreportado, prioridad, sla, categoria, estado, herramienta_id, asignado,nombresolicitante, nombreusuarioafectado) VALUES (_cr, _grupo, _numero, _descripcion, _resumen, _fechaaper, _tipo, _apellidousuarioafectado, _apellidosolicitante, _tenant, _metodoreportado, _prioridad, _sla, _categoria, _estado, _herramienta_id, _asignado, _nombresolicitante, _nombreusuarioafectado); ELSE UPDATE public.website_ticket SET fechacierr = _fechacierr WHERE numero = _numero; END CASE; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; and when I try to use the function doing this: SELECT public.isp_ticket(924266, 'EUS_Zona V Region', 512294, 'Nombre: Gisselle Espinoza Contreras\nCorreo: \nAnexo: 6221\nUbicación: Valparaiso\nPais: Chile\nMotivo: Usuario indica que su computador se apagó repentinamente. Se pudo entrar a windows después de un buen rato, pero no puede ingresar a las aplicaciones que se conecten a red.\n\nDirección: Plaza Victoria 1646 - Piso 1 - Banco', 'Valparaiso // Computador con problemas de conexión.', '2018-01-23 15:17:51', '', 1, 'Espinoza Contreras', 'Espinoza Contreras', 'Ripley', 'Telephone', 3, '', 'Ripley.Hardware.Desktop.Falla', 'Open', 1, '', 'Gissel Rose Marie', 'Gissel Rose Marie') I tried to CAST every value, and it didn't work either, always appear the same error: ERROR: no existe la función public.isp_ticket(integer, character varying, integer, text, character varying, timestamp with time zone, unknown, integer, character varying, character varying, character varying, character varying, integer, unknown, character varying, character varying, integer, unknown, character varying, character varying) LINE 1: SELECT public.isp_ticket( ^ SQL state: 42883 Character: 8 I need help how can I fix it? Forwards thanks everyone!!!
Parameter #7, _fechacierr should be timestamp with time zone. You can not pass '', change it to null (and cast it to timestamp with time zone) if you need empty value. And it's worth to read how PostgreSQL finds specific function to call, especially: If any input arguments are unknown, check the type categories accepted at those argument positions by the remaining candidates. At each position, select the string category if any candidate accepts that category. (This bias towards string is appropriate since an unknown-type literal looks like a string.) Otherwise, if all the remaining candidates accept the same type category, select that category; otherwise fail because the correct choice cannot be deduced without more clues. Now discard candidates that do not accept the selected type category. Furthermore, if any candidate accepts a preferred type in that category, discard candidates that accept non-preferred types for that argument. Keep all candidates if none survive these tests. If only one candidate remains, use it; else continue to the next step.
PostgreSQL COPY from CSV with delimiter "|"
please, can anyone help me to solve this problem? I'd like to create a table in Postgres database with data from CSV file with delimiter "|", while trying to use the command COPY (or Import) I get this error: ERROR: extra data after last expected column CONTEXT: COPY twitter, line 2: ""Sono da Via Martignacco|"<a href="""" rel=""nofollow"">f..." The first 2 lines of CSV: txt|"source"|"ulang"|"coords"|"tweettime_wtz"|"country"|"id"|"userid"|"in_reply_user_id"|"in_reply_status_id"|"uname"|"ucreationdate"|"utimezone"|"followers_count"|"friends_count"|"x_coords"|"y_coords" Sono da Via Martignacco|"foursquare"|"it"|"0101000020E6100000191CA9E7726F2A4026C1E1269F094740"|"2012-05-13 10:00:45+02"|112|201582743333777411|35445264|""|""|"toffo93"|"2009-04-26 11:00:03"|"Rome"|1044|198|13.21767353|46.07516943 For this data I have created in Postgres a table "Twitter" CREATE TABLE public.twitter ( txt character varying(255), source character varying(255), ulang character varying(255), coords geometry(Point,4326), tweettime_wtz character varying(255), country integer, userid integer NOT NULL, in_reply_user_id character varying(255), in_reply_status_id character varying(255), uname character varying(255), ucreationdate character varying(255), utimezone character varying(255), followers_count integer, friends_count integer, x_coords numeric, y_coords numeric, CONSTRAINT id PRIMARY KEY (userid) ) WITH ( OIDS=FALSE ); ALTER TABLE public.twitter OWNER TO postgres; Any ideas, guys?
The destination table contain 16 column, but your file contain have 17 column. It seems to be the id field who is missing. try to set you table as: CREATE TABLE public.twitter ( txt character varying(255), source character varying(255), ulang character varying(255), coords geometry(Point,4326), tweettime_wtz character varying(255), country integer, id character varying, userid integer NOT NULL, in_reply_user_id character varying(255), in_reply_status_id character varying(255), uname character varying(255), ucreationdate character varying(255), utimezone character varying(255), followers_count integer, friends_count integer, x_coords numeric, y_coords numeric, CONSTRAINT twitter_pk PRIMARY KEY (userid) ) WITH ( OIDS=FALSE ); Change the data type of the id field as you need it.
My solution: So the problem was in my CSV file: it has had invisible signs of quotes. I haven't seen them when I opened CSV in Excel, I saw the lines in this way: txt|"source"|"ulang"|"coords"|"tweettime_wtz"|"country"|"id"|"userid"|"in_reply_user_id"|"in_reply_status_id"|"uname"|"ucreationdate"|"utimezone"|"followers_count"|"friends_count"|"x_coords"|"y_coords" Sono da Via Martignacco|"foursquare"|"it"|"0101000020E6100000191CA9E7726F2A4026C1E1269F094740"|"2012-05-13 10:00:45+02"|112|201582743333777411|35445264|""|""|"toffo93"|"2009-04-26 11:00:03"|"Rome"|1044|198|13.21767353|46.07516943 But when I opened CSV in notepad I saw it differently: "txt"|"source"|"ulang"|"coords"|"tweettime_wtz"|"country"|"id"|"userid"|"in_reply_user_id"|"in_reply_status_id"|"uname"|"ucreationdate"|"utimezone"|"followers_count"|"friends_count"|"x_coords"|"y_coords" "Sono da Via Martignacco"|"foursquare"|"it"|"0101000020E6100000191CA9E7726F2A4026C1E1269F094740"|"2012-05-13 10:00:45+02"|112|201582743333777411|35445264|""|""|"toffo93"|"2009-04-26 11:00:03"|"Rome"|1044|198|13.21767353|46.07516943 " So i should delete all quotes (in Notepad and saving the file as CSV), so that the text became: txt|source|ulang|coords|tweettime_wtz|country|id|userid|in_reply_user_id|in_reply_status_id|uname|ucreationdate|utimezone|followers_count|friends_count|x_coords|y_coords Sono da Via Martignacco|<a href= rel=nofollow>foursquare</a>|it|0101000020E6100000191CA9E7726F2A4026C1E1269F094740|2012-05-13 10:00:45+02|112|201582743333777411|35445264|||toffo93|2009-04-26 11:00:03|Rome|1044|198|13.21767353|46.07516943 Only after this I was able to use Import tool in pgAdmin without any problem!