How to reset a table - scala

It's possible to reset a table scala swing or remove it from the container after clicking on a button ?
I've tried to create a val with that table but I have always a new table stacked under the old
Here is the code :
// here is the most crucial part when the user click on the button, it will append a new table but if we want to start again, it will append bottom of the old one and I want here a kind of reset or removing of table
contents = new BoxPanel(Orientation.Vertical) {
contents += new Label("Hello, you're welcome")
contents += Button("Query") {
val query: ScrollPane = new ScrollPane(changeCountry())
contents -= query
Try {
contents += query
}.getOrElse(Dialog.showMessage(contents.head, "Incorrect input ! This seems that input isn't in that list, write a different code or country"))
// this part will ask to the user to write text to the input to display the table in function of the parameter of my function
def changeCountry(): Table = {
val text = Dialog.showInput(parent = contents.head, message = "Write a code of a country or a country", initial = "test")
text match {
case Some(s) => airportRunwayByCountry(s)
// this below part creates the table
def airportRunwayByCountry(code : String): Table = {
val headers = Seq("Airport","Runway linked")
val rowData = Functions.findAirportAndRunwayByCountry(code).map(x => x.productIterator.toArray).toArray
val tableAirportRunway = new Table(rowData,headers)

Solved with method "remove" of containers
Here is the code :
Try {
if(contents.length == 3 \\ number of items in my Box) {
\\ at this moment, only add the table because none other table exists
contents += new ScrollPane(changeCountry())
else {
contents -= contents.remove(3) \\get the id of the old table and remove it at this position
contents += new ScrollPane(changeCountry()) \\ at this moment, this content will have the id n°2, and the loop can start over without errors


Apache POI: Why Is a Row Missing When I use shiftRows?

I'm shifting the rows in an excel sheet and inserting a new row at the beginning of the sheet. However, regardless of how many rows I shift and insert, I seem to be ending up with one less row than I should be.
import Row.MissingCellPolicy._
import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFWorkbook
def shiftAndInsertRow(sheet: Sheet) = {
val rowInsertionPoint = 0
// shift all the rows down
val lastRowNum = sheet.getLastRowNum
println(s"Last row is $lastRowNum")
val debugRow1 = sheet.getRow(rowInsertionPoint)
val debugCell1 = debugRow1.getCell(0)
// let's get a play-by-play of what's being attempted
println(s"Current value in row $rowInsertionPoint is " +
println(s"Shifting rows $rowInsertionPoint and below down one row")
sheet.shiftRows(rowInsertionPoint, lastRowNum, 1, true, true)
val debugRow2 = sheet.getRow(rowInsertionPoint + 1)
val debugCell2 = debugRow2.getCell(0)
println(s"Current value in row ${rowInsertionPoint + 1} is now " +
println(s"Creating new row at $rowInsertionPoint in sheet")
// create the new row
val newRow = sheet.createRow(rowInsertionPoint)
// set the field ID of the row
val newCell = newRow.getCell(0, CREATE_NULL_AS_BLANK)
println(s"Inserting value $lastRowNum at $rowInsertionPoint in sheet")
val workbook = new XSSFWorkbook()
val sheet = workbook.createSheet(createSafeSheetName("Test 1"))
val rowNum = 0
val cellValue = -1
println(s"Creating new row at $rowNum in sheet")
// create the new row
val row = sheet.createRow(rowNum)
// set the field ID of the row
val cell = row.getCell(0, CREATE_NULL_AS_BLANK)
println(s"Inserting value $cellValue at $rowNum in sheet")
// insert a second row
// and a third
The above code creates a spreadsheet with only two rows instead of three. What am I missing?
I think your code is fine, it looks to me like this is a bug in apache-poi. It works for me on version 3.17 but breaks if I upgrade to 4.0.0.
As far as I can tell, the row num is being updated correctly, but the reference (cell.getReference) is not.
I would suggest trying to find if the bug has already been reported here and if not, filing a new bug report.
In the meantime, you could perhaps try this workaround which seems to do the trick for me. It calls updateCellReferencesForShifting on every cell in the spreadsheet.
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
for {
row <- sheet.rowIterator().asScala.toList
cell <- row.cellIterator().asScala.toList
} yield cell.asInstanceOf[XSSFCell].updateCellReferencesForShifting("")
Place this block of code right after your call to shiftRows. No guarantees that it's not going to break something else though, so use with caution!

Ag-Grid - Pasting Excel Data into Grid - Appending Rows

When pasting clipboard/Excel data into AG-Grid, how do I get the data to append to the current rows?
If my table currently has a single row and I'm trying to paste 10 rows into the table, Ag-Grid only overwrites the single row instead of appending the extra 9 rows. Am I missing a gridOption or is this not possible?
To get what you need, follow these steps:
1) Add a paste event listener:
mounted () {
window.addEventListener('paste', this.insertNewRowsBeforePaste);
2) Create the function that retrieves the data from the clipboard and creates new lines in the grid:
var self = this;
// gets data from clipboard and converts it to an array (1 array element for each line)
var clipboardData = event.clipboardData || window.clipboardData;
var pastedData = clipboardData.getData('Text');
var dataArray = self.dataToArray(pastedData);
// First row is already in the grid and dataToArray returns an empty row at the end of array (maybe you want to validate that it is actually empty)
for (var i = 1; i < dataArray.length-1; i++) {
3) dataToArray is a function that ag-Grid uses to paste new lines and I just needed to adjust the "delimiter" variable. I copied it from the clipboardService.js file.
// From
// This will parse a delimited string into an array of
// arrays. The default delimiter is the comma, but this
// can be overriden in the second argument.
export var dataToArray = function(strData) {
var delimiter = self.gridOptions.api.gridOptionsWrapper.getClipboardDeliminator();;
// Create a regular expression to parse the CSV values.
var objPattern = new RegExp((
// Delimiters.
"(\\" + delimiter + "|\\r?\\n|\\r|^)" +
// Quoted fields.
"(?:\"([^\"]*(?:\"\"[^\"]*)*)\"|" +
// Standard fields.
"([^\"\\" + delimiter + "\\r\\n]*))"), "gi");
// Create an array to hold our data. Give the array
// a default empty first row.
var arrData = [[]];
// Create an array to hold our individual pattern
// matching groups.
var arrMatches = null;
// Keep looping over the regular expression matches
// until we can no longer find a match.
while (arrMatches = objPattern.exec(strData)) {
// Get the delimiter that was found.
var strMatchedDelimiter = arrMatches[1];
// Check to see if the given delimiter has a length
// (is not the start of string) and if it matches
// field delimiter. If id does not, then we know
// that this delimiter is a row delimiter.
if (strMatchedDelimiter.length &&
strMatchedDelimiter !== delimiter) {
// Since we have reached a new row of data,
// add an empty row to our data array.
var strMatchedValue = void 0;
// Now that we have our delimiter out of the way,
// let's check to see which kind of value we
// captured (quoted or unquoted).
if (arrMatches[2]) {
// We found a quoted value. When we capture
// this value, unescape any double quotes.
strMatchedValue = arrMatches[2].replace(new RegExp("\"\"", "g"), "\"");
else {
// We found a non-quoted value.
strMatchedValue = arrMatches[3];
// Now that we have our value string, let's add
// it to the data array.
arrData[arrData.length - 1].push(strMatchedValue);
// Return the parsed data.
return arrData;
4) Finally, to add new blank lines in the grid, use the function below:
addEmptyRow(rowIndex) {
var newItem = {};
this.gridOptions.api.updateRowData({add: [newItem], addIndex: rowIndex});
Basically what this code does is insert blank rows at the beginning of the grid and let ag-Grid paste the data into those rows. For it to work, the line where the code is pasted must be the first line in the grid. It's using the updateRowData from ag-grid (
You may need to make some adjustments if you need something else.
I have the same question. I originally used a paste event listener to add a number of rows to the grid, based on the difference between available space and clipboard data length. But now the grid will only add the rows and not complete the paste.

How to pass more than one record between two forms?

I want to pass more than one record between two forms. The user opens Form-A, selects multiple records and then clicks a button that opens Form-B.
In Form-B there are two (or more) StringEdit controls and they should display values from the selected records.
I know how to pass only one record, to do that I use the following code in a method of Form-B:
if (element.args().parmEnumType() == enumNum(NoYes)
&& element.args().parmEnum() == NoYes::Yes)
myTable = element.args().record();
How should I change my code so that I can set the text of another StringEdit control to the field value of the next record that the user selected?
To do this, you can use an args to pass the records, which you will need to prepare in your Form-A, as below (taking the SalesTable as example);
int recordsCount;
SalesTable salesTable;
container con;
Args args = newArgs();
// gets the total records selected
recordsCount = salesTable_ds.recordsMarked().lastIndex();
salesTable = salesTable_ds.getFirst(1);
// storing recid of selected record in container
con = conIns(con,1, salesTable.RecId);
salesTable = SampleTable_ds.getNext(); // moves to next record
// passing container converted to string
Then on your Form-B, you will need to override the init() method to read the args you created,
In order to retrieve passed arguments in the recipient from. Override the init() method of new form as shown
public void init()
container con;
int i;
// string to container
con = str2con(element.args().parm(),'','');
// for sorting
for(i = 1;i<= conLen(con) ;i++)
Hope it helps.
Taken from Ax-Forum
This will typically imply looping through the selected records in Form-A and changing the query in Form-B.
The idiomatic way to loop through selected records involves a for loop and the getFirst and getNext methods of the datasource:
SalesLine sl;
FormDataSourcs ds = _salesLine.dataSource();
for (sl = ds.getFirst(true) ? ds.getFirst(true) : ds.cursor(); sl; sl = ds.getNext())
//Do your thing, add a query range
The MultiSelectionHelper class may be of use here, as it does the thing:
public void init()
MultiSelectionHelper ms;
if (element.args() && element.args().caller() && element.args().record())
ms = MultiSelectionHelper::createFromCaller(element.args().caller());
ms.createQueryRanges(this.query().dataSourceTable(tablenum(SalesLine)), fieldstr(SalesLine, InventTransId));

how to get autocomplete text box value using lift web

I am using Lift web framework.
I am implementing an auto-complete text box. When I enter some value in the box a drop-down list opens. If I select a value from that list, only then I am able to access value of text box. If I write a value by myself then I get an empty value.
My code :
var friend_name=""
"#bdayReminder" #> AutoComplete("",
getAllName _,
value => takeAction(value),
List("minChars" -> "3"))
private def takeAction(str: String) {
friend_name = str
Please suggest a solution
Disclaimer: I'm the author of following library.
I think lift-combobox could achieve what you want, since it has a feature that let user created the value on-the fly. It use select2 jQuery plugin, so you will have a nice look and feel for the drop-down menu.
For example if you need to get the user-created value, it will simply as the following, note that we usually using Option[T] to denote that the value may not be presented, for example, the user may not selected any item in drop-menu at all:
var friend_name: Option[String] = None
val friendsMenu = new ComboBox(
default = None,
allowCreate = true
) {
// This is where you build your combox suggestion
override def onSearching(term: String): List[ComboItem] = {
val names = List(
ComboItem("f1", "Brian"), ComboItem("f2", "Alice"),
ComboItem("f3", "Luke"), ComboItem("f4", "Smith"),
ComboItem("f5", "Brandon")
override def onItemSelected(selected: Option[ComboItem]): JsCmd = {
friend_name = selected
// The returned JsCmd will be executed on client side.
Alert("You selected:" + selected)
// What you want to do if user added an item that
// does not exist when allowCreate = true.
override def onItemAdded(text: String): JsCmd = {
friend_name = Some(text)
"#bdayReminder" #> friendsMenu.combobox

How can I receive the input of the changed fields in Vaadin?

My Vaadin application provides a little table, which is editable.
If the user - after changing some fields - clicks on the save button, I will receive all the rows and save the changed rows into the database.
// create a bean item container
val writers: BeanItemContainer[Person] = new BeanItemContainer[Person](classOf[Person])
// create some person objects
writers.addBean(new Person("Thomas", "Mann", 1929))
writers.addBean(new Person("W. B.", "Yeats", 1923))
writers.addBean(new Person("Günter", "Grass", 1999))
// create the table incl. the bean item container
val table: Table = new Table("Nobel Prize for Literature", writers)
// set some options for the table
// create the save button
val saveButton = new Button("save")
// create a table listener
saveButton.addListener(new Button.ClickListener() {
def buttonClick(event: com.vaadin.ui.Button#ClickEvent) {
val writerList = table.getItemIds.asInstanceOf[Collection[Person]].asScala.toList
// I received always the original rows, without the
// user input, but I needs the user input, the changed rows.
for (item <- writerList) {
println("firstName ====> " + item.getFirstName)
println("lastName =====> " + item.getLastName)
println("year==========> " + item.getYear)
How can I receive the changed rows with the user input? Is it necessary to implement a form? If yes, how I can implement a form in this case?
Vaadin does not keep track of modified items in a container. You have to track the modifications in your beans (Person). Define setters for all editable properties and set a modified flag if something changes. In the save button listener you can filter out all modified items.