Not able to edit a component inside another component in AEM editable templates - aem

I have a editable template. on the template, i am adding a component called contact us which intern adds button component to the parsys. I am able to edit/configure contactus component but I am unable to edit/configure button component which is added inside contact us component. It is not working on the editable template. But it works on the page level.


AEM 6.1 Reference component references are not showing up in Classic UI

Was going to the AEM 6.1 Page-author documentation for reference component. Strange is am not able to see any references link in Classic UI (i.e. via the sidekick Page tab -->Show References)
Steps to reproduce.
Drag and drop OOTB Text component in /content/geometrixx-outdoors/en/men/coats page and author some content.
Drag and drop OOTB Reference component in /content/geometrixx-outdoors/en/equipment page
Edit the Reference component and select the text component that has been authored in above step-1.
Refreshed both the pages, And on /content/geometrixx-outdoors/en/men/coats page sidekick-->Page tab --> click on Show References Expected is to show a dialog popup with all the references available for that page.
When i test the same with Touch UI it shows correctly the text under Lent Content section
Touch UI

Adobe AEM/CQ5 personalizable carousel

I am trying to build a carousel where a user can personalize each slide. Out of box carousel does not seem to do it.
The solution I end up doing was to extend the parsys and keep the virtual 3cols. I renamed the 3cols to carousel and added a custom attribute called renderType and set it to "carousel". So when parsys tries to render, knowing it is carousel I render as carousel instead of regular content holder.
It works but then I would like call a javascript when a user clicks "Preview" so that I can render this as carousel and when they unchoose "Preview" by clicking Edit or Target, I would render normally.
I see that you can listen to WCMMode change event but I am not able to get concrete e.g or documentation to perform. Any help?

How to add a custom button in rte plugin in aem/cq

How to add a custom button in rte plugin/cq?
The below path is for hyperlink
I need to add a custom button in rte plugin to extend the hyperlink functionality?
To provide a new button/plugin in RTE, a new clientlib will have to be created. In the js file, the intended functionality of button can be implemented in ExtJs. In CSS file, the appearance/image of thee button can be specified.
Then the newly created clientlib can be registered as a plugin for RTE by using following line :
The entire process has been described step by step in this excellent article.

Adding custom xtype to page properties

I've created a custom xtype that I want to use in a page property dialog. It works great when I bring up the page and select page properties from the sidekick, but I can't figure out where to place the custom javascript I've created so its available from the sites menu in the main page. There the custom xtype fails to load and the new section fails to work.
You need to place your script inside a new clientlib, defined with the category cq.wcm.admin. All clientlibs with this category are automatically included on the site admin. If you add the category cq.wcm.edit, your script will be included on the page editor as well.

How to drag and drop a component over other components (other than parsys) in CQ5?

I have created a button component in CQ5 without inheriting existing button component. Now I want to
place this button component over another custom Banner component by drag and drop method from sidekick. I gave the banner comp as parent for my button and in banner I gave this button in allowed children and made it as container too. also I have created design dialog for the banner component where I added this button component in allowed components option. still I am not able to drag and drop this button over the banner, as its going either above or below this banner and the banner itself is inside parsys. if I include the component via jsp, its working fine. but I must do it by drag and drop.
I am new to CQ5, appreciate any help I can get. thanks in advance.
A parsys is the fundamental container component for composition. Applying this functionality manually into another component would require quite a bit of custom configuration.
If you look at the parsys at /libs/foundation/components/parsys, you will see that it is defined as a container by the property cq:isContainer - true, which instructs CQ to allow for drag and drop. There are multiple sub nodes that will need to be defined etc.
If you are trying to limit only a particular component to be dropped in, this may make sense, and yo should look at the image component, however, the best approach is to make a component that contains a parsys.
Remember that the author's should have the ability to add as much as they want to, and a single object does not allow for this flexibility. You should be handling bad author activity through a review process before the content is published, rather than enforcing it on a software level.
Hope that helps.
Drag and Drop feature is available on Parsys or IParsys only. So to achieve your requirement you need to include parsys in banner component.
If you want to restrict banner parsys to allow button component, please use design config and select button component in button's parsys