Defining multiple self-relations on the same model with prisma - prisma

I could use some help with self relations.
So we basically have a microservice that handles callbacks/postbacks from other another company. A callback can either be completely new, with no relations, or it can be a callback that updates another previous callback, so it has a relation with that callback.
I won't got into too much details, but if it's a callback that is related to another callback, they provide the reference id of the other callback. And that's how we come up with the relation.
This worked perfect with the self relations that is detailed here:
referenceId String? #unique
reference Callback? #relation("CallbackHistory", fields: [referenceId], references: [id])
referenceOf Callback? #relation("CallbackHistory")
Now here's the problem we encountered - we'd like to have a way to know what the original callback is in this chain of callbacks. Ideally, we'd like to pass along that relation to all the callbacks that related to eachother. We realized self relations can only have two sides however - so we can't simply add a:
original Callback? #relation("CallbackHistory")
And we're struggling coming up with another relation name if we'd define another self-relation, nevertheless what we would call the other side of this "original" relation.
Does anyone have here have any input on this? Would appreciate it a ton.


Deciding on class responsibility

I know this is an opinionated question. However it comes up often at work.
When creating methods it's often a struggle to know which class should be responsible.
bool result = ProductService.CategoryHasSoldOutOfProducts(int categoryId)
bool result = CategoryService.CategoryHasSoldOutOfProducts(int categoryId)
In my opinion, the CategoryService should be responsible, as the method is taking a categoryId and is specific to the Category.
Others at my work say the ProductService should be responsible as the method is dealing with if Products have sold out.
Just trying to develop a better understanding of service architecture and good process. I'm interested in other peoples explanations for why they would choose one over the other.
Disclaimer - this is a purely IMHO answer. I am answering this in the spirit of having a design brainstorm.
Based on the OP, it seems the relationship between Category and Product is an optional one to many : Category (0..1) <--------> (*) Product.
Implementation wise, this means that the Category entity probably has a Container of Products, and the Product entity has a reference to a Category which may be NULL.
In this case, I agree with the decision to place CategoryHasSoldOutOfProducts under the responsibility of the Category entity. The method name clearly implies that the Category entity should be responsible for informing its API user on the status of its products.
There is another option, however: An association class/entity. The motivation behind this entity is to describe the relationship between two other entities.
In this case, you can have a functional association entity which we will call ProductContainment for the sake of this example.
ProductContainment will have no internal state, and will hold functions which are provided with Category and/or Product entities as parameters.
It is then the responsibility of the association entity to provide the implementation of functions which relate to how Category and Product relate to one another.
If you end up using ProductContainment - then CategoryHasSoldOutOfProducts should be one of its functions.
Since you're asking for opinions, here is mine:
(Disclaimer: That's probably something you cannot easily implement in the business world)
As you are using the term "class", I assume you want to have something object-oriented. The problem is, a service is nothing a valid object could be created from. Instead, it's just a namespace for functions.
Additionally it's very general. It's like calling a class "Manager". You can put possibly everything inside of it and this class has the potential to grow to have hundreds of functions.
My advice: Create small entities. Small enough to be created without the use of any setters, just by calling the constructor. If you notice your object needs more functionalities, create a decorator that is a little bit smarter and can do the work for you.
I would need a few more details about your environment to be more precise, but I guess in your case, you would have something like a Category class that contains products and knows when it's sold out. Just imagine you have a team of persons and everyone knows something. Ask the right guys to do the stuff and stay away from managers or services.

Symfony2: where to put "pre-set" and "post-get" entity methods?

I have three different entity attributes which have to be "pre-parsed" before they get saved in the datebase.
Same attributes have to be "post-parsed" before being shown to users.
There are several different controllers actions which are setting/getting these attributes. Currently I preparse/postparse this attributes basicly in every of these methods.
How should I handle this? I was thinking about putting it directly into entity but that is not the place for that. Especially because I need the same pre-parse functions in a few entities.
Basically these function has to run before every setter and getter call.
if you have a t4 template that generates the model code, then it's relatively easy to change property setters/getters to do the data pre and post-processing.
You may want to look at Data Transformers -
Another, and probably the most appropriate, method would be to use Doctrine EventListener or EventSubscriber.
In your case, you need to listen/subscribe to prePersist, preUpdate, and postLoad events.

CoreData (IOS) Unique Constraint on Multiple columns?

Is it possible to, in CoreData for an iPhone app, have a Unique Constraint on Multiple columns?
For example:
have Event, EventItems, Items entities
the EventItems entity has a column ORDER
so the ORDER column for an EventItem should be unique for all it's instances relating to the same EVENT
So questions are:
How could I setup this constraint in coredata?
If it's not directly support any suggestions re how to put in place programmatically?
To do
For any core data constraint that operates on more then a single managed object at once you want to look at implementing:
- (BOOL)validateForDelete:(NSError **)error
- (BOOL)validateForInsert:(NSError **)error
- (BOOL)validateForUpdate:(NSError **)error
(I normally have core data make a .h and .m file for the entity, and then make my own category for things like this so I don't have as much work if I change the entity a little later)
If you have something that only needs to make sure values in a single managed object are correct you can use -validate<Key>:error:
To do what you are looking for I would make EventItems' validateForInsert/validateForUpdate
call a common method (maybe validateUniqueOrder). In that method I would use the relationship from EventItems to Event, and then fetch all the EventItems relating to the Event, and then check for uniqueness. I have fairly small sets of relations, so I didn't bother with anything fancy, but if you have a lot of event items associated with given events you might look into NSFetchRequests' setPropertiesToFetch method. Or maybe you can come up with a query that can directly search for duplicated values (I never could, so if you do, reply here to enlighten me).
How could I setup this constraint in coredata?
You control what goes into the data store, so you can impose any constraints you like, no matter how complex. But Core Data is not a database, and it doesn't implement the kinds of automatic constraints that you typically find in a RDBMS.
If it's not directly support any suggestions re how to put in place programmatically?
I'd do a check at the point in your code where you create or modify the affected object. In your case, you could create a custom setter for EventItem's 'order' property that compares the proposed 'order' to that of all the other EventItems related to the same event. Or, you might put the check in Event, and use an appropriate accessor to check any new EventItems as they're added.
Unique Constraints make sure that records in an Entity are unique by the given fields. But unique constraints along with To-Many relationship leads to a lot of weird issues while resolving conflicts.
e.g. “Dangling reference to an invalid object.”
This post is basically focused to a small problem that may take days to fix.

MVC2 Poco Update when properties are not mapped to View Model

I'm after some opinions \ best practice for handling updates to my repository in the following scenario:
I am using EF 4 with the POCO tt templates which creates nice clean clr objects.
For example's sake lets say I have a POCO object name Customer and a ViewModel called CustomerViewModel. CustomerViewModel has a public property for the Customer object which is populated with the POCO Customer object.The view references the Customer object on the CustomerViewModel. So far so good. Everything is displayed as expected.
When it comes time to update the CustomerViewModel is passed back and only the properties that were bound to the view are populated, fair enough.
What I have now is a POCO object that is missing some of the property values which are needed to update via the EF data context. For example, since I did not display the ID in the view, it was not hydrated back into the view model's Customer property. Not really surprising behaviour but I am wondering what the best way to handle this scenario is.
So here is the question:
Would it be better to map the properties that i don't display into hidden fields so that I have the complete POCO object on postback which is ready for updating to the Repository? (I'm thinking there is needles sending of data to and from the client here)
OR should I do a read of Customer before my update(assuming I have the ID) and then update the properties from my view model object. ( is this a needles read on the database ?).
OR is there another may altogether that I am missing.
I realise that maybe there is no one correct answer for this but I'd be interested to hear how others are handling this scenario.
I'm going to answer my own question here... maybe it was a silly question but the act of writing it out has made the answer more obvious..
The first option of populating hidden fields is a bad idea for too many reasons!! So I think I'll have to go with doing a read of the customer object on the post back and calling.
TryUpdateModel(customer, "Customer");
Where customer is the freshly read Customer and "Customer" is the property name on the view model.
It seems that this results in more data access than in a classic ASP where the object could have been shoved (rightly or wrongly) into Session !
Anyone care to add their 2c ?

Callbacks on entity on created/updated

I would like to know when entities in a certain database table are either created or updated. The application is essentially a CMS, and I need to know when changes are made to the content so that I can reindex them for searches.
I know that the autogenerated LINQ to EF class has overridable methods for when certain fields change, but I need to know when the whole object is created/updated, not just a single field. I tried putting it in OnCreated, only to find that meant OnObjectInitialized and not OnObjectInsertedIntoDBTable xD
I did some searching and came across this link. The "Entity State" section looks like its what I want, but I'm not sure how to use this information. Where do I override those methods?
Or perhaps there is a another/better way?
(I also need to know this for another part of the system, which will send notifications when certain content is changed. I would prefer this code to execute automatically when the insert/update occurs instead of placing it in a controller and hoping hoping I always call that method.)
You need to get ObjectStateEntry(s) from the ObjectStateManager property of the ObjectContect.
var objectStateEntries = this.ObjectStateManager.GetObjectStateEntries();
This entries contain every object state you've pulled down per context and what kind of actions where performed on them.
If you are using EF4 you can override the SaveChanges method to include this functionality. I've used this technique to audit every change that occurs in the database instead of triggers.