Ora2PG REPLACE_AS_BOOLEAN property and exclude one column by replacing - postgresql

I'm using ora2pg to import an oracle db schema into a postgresql db schema. I configured all in the correct way and I'm able to dump the oracle dn into the postgresql db.
In the schema that I'm converting I have some columns number(1,0) that I need to convert as boolean in the pg schema.
At first I used this configuration
so every column with this type will be conmverted as boolean in the pg db.
The problem is that I have a column in the oracle schema defined as number(1,0). This column has to remain numeric and maintain the same type on the pg schema, so it hasn't to be converted as boolean.
This means that i changed the property in this manner
I have a lot of columns that they have to be converted as boolean and the definition of this property became very long.
Is there a method to define the REPLACE_AS_BOOLEAN property to replace all the column with type number(1,0), but with some exception for one or some of them?
I had to wrote the property with the list of all the tables name and columns name


Postgres not converting from a java boolean to numeric data column automatically?

I have an Oracle database that is currently being migrated to an AWS Aurora Postgres database. As part of this I have had to update some of the datatypes in our sql files for creating tables e.g. changing NUMBER to NUMERIC etc. It has been going well but I am now coming across the following error when trying to insert some data into a table using spring data/JPA
ERROR: column "some_table_column" is of type numeric but expression is of type boolean
I can identify the issue is probably that the java class defines this column like
#Column(name = "SOME_TABLE_COLUMN", nullable = false)
private boolean someTableColumn;
while the sql file defines it like
Don't ask why it has been defined like this, I didn't write this code, I've just inherited it. But this has not been an issue ever with the Oracle database, and I'm only seeing the error now when running against Postgres. Does Oracle do some sort of implict conversion behind the scene that Postgres doesn't do? Is there a way I can resolve this without having to migrate the column to a boolean datatype?

Change Heroku Postgres database column type while retaining data

I've created a Heroku Postgres database, with one of the columns being db.Integer - storing integers. However, I realize that I should actually store floating point numbers instead - i.e., db.Float.
Can I change the type of a PostgreSQL database column - after it has been created with data?
Yes, you can. Use following query to do that:

NUMBER is automatically getting converted to DECFLOAT

I am new with DB2. I am trying to run an alter query on an existing table.
Suppose the EMP table is Already there in db which have below columns
id int
name varchar(50)
Now I am trying to Add a new column Salary for that I am running below query.
The above query run successfully. After that I described the EMP table it gave me below result:
As I am trying to add a column with NUMBER datatype, I dont know how NUMBER is getting converted to DECFLOAT.
It will be helpful if anybody can explain this.
Db2 version details are as follow :
Service_Level: DB2 v11.1.2.2
Fixpack_num : 2
For Db2 for Linux/Unix/Windows, with NUMBER data type enabled (it is not the default), this is the documented behaviour.
The effects of setting the number_compat database configuration
parameter to ON are as follows. When the NUMBER data type is
explicitly encountered in SQL statements, the data type is implicitly
mapped as follows:
If you specify NUMBER without precision and scale attributes, it is mapped to DECFLOAT(16).
If you specify NUMBER(p), it is mapped to DECIMAL(p).
If you specify NUMBER(p,s), it is mapped to DECIMAL(p,s).

How change a column type in Firebird 3

Since Firebird 3, I can't modify a column type.
Before I use this kind of update:
where (RDB$FIELD_NAME = 'JXML') and
because I get ISC error 335545030 ("UPDATE operation is not allowed for system table RDB$RELATION_FIELDS").
Maybe there is another way in Firebird 3?
Firebird 3 no longer allows direct updates to the system tables, as that was a way to potentially corrupt a database. See also System Tables are Now Read-only in the release notes. You will need to use DDL statements to do the modification.
It looks like you want to change the data type of a column to a domain. You will need to use alter table ... alter column ... for that. Specifically you will need to do:
alter table XMLTABLE
alter column JXML type MYTEXT;
This does come with some restrictions:
Changing the Data Type of a Column: the TYPE Keyword
The keyword TYPE changes the data type of an existing column to
another, allowable type. A type change that might result in data loss
will be disallowed. As an example, the number of characters in the new
type for a CHAR or VARCHAR column cannot be smaller than the existing
specification for it.
If the column was declared as an array, no change to its type or its
number of dimensions is permitted.
The data type of a column that is involved in a foreign key, primary
key or unique constraint cannot be changed at all.
This statement has been available since before Firebird 1 (InterBase 6.0).
Firebird 2.5 manual, chapter Data Definition (DDL) Statement, section TABLE:
ALTER TABLE tabname ALTER COLUMN colname TYPE typename

Show definition of custom database datatype

I'm currently working with an existing database, which has a custom datatype called geometry (using the postgis extension). When I extract data from that column in the database all it gives me is a string with 50 chars, but I don't know how the string is created and therefore how I can figure out what the actual data is.
Is there a way to look at custom datatype definitions in postgres?
I tried psql \dT and psql \dT+ but didn't see the definition.
Unfortunately I don't have pgadmin.