sed command to replace a word after another one - sed

Let's say i have a file where the word "default" is repeated more times. I want to replace it with "custom" but just where it follows the word "background", regardless of the line number. How could I achieve this with the sed command?
I have been able to do it with
sed - i '/set background default/c\set background custom /` file.conf but it's not really worth changing a whole line for just replacing a single word.

Like this, using capture group:
sed -i -E 's/(set background) default/\1 custom/' file.conf
# ^--------------^ ^-^
# captured restaured


How to insert sth with sed just once

I'm trying to substitute the first empty line in my input file with a multiline block, i. e. out of
I want to create
For this I tried this sed script:
sed '/^$/i\
But it inserts at /each/ empty line.
How can I tweak this call to sed so that it inserts just at the first occurrence of an empty line? Is there a way to tell sed that now the rest of the input should just be copied from to the output?
I do not want to switch to awk or other shell tools like read in a loop or similar. I'm just interested in the use of sed for this task.
You can loop and print lines until the end of the file:
sed '/^$/{i\
:a;n;ba}' file
I found a way by replacing the i with a s command:
sed '0,/^$/s//\
But I would prefer a solution using the i command because not everything I could want to do after the search might be easily replaceable with an s.

Insert specific lines from file before first occurrence of pattern using Sed

I want to insert a range of lines from a file, say something like 210,221r before the first occurrence of a pattern in a bunch of other files.
As I am clearly not a GNU sed expert, I cannot figure how to do this.
I tried
sed '0,/pattern/{210,221r file
}' bunch_of_files
But apparently file is read from line 210 to EOF.
Try this:
sed -r 's/(FIND_ME)/PUT_BEFORE\1/' test.text
-r enables extendend regular expressions
the string you are looking for ("FIND_ME") is inside parentheses, which creates a capture group
\1 puts the captured text into the replacement.
About your second question: You can read the replacement from a file like this*:
sed -r 's/(FIND_ME)/`cat REPLACEMENT.TXT`\1/' test.text
If replace special characters inside REPLACEMENT.TXT beforehand with sed you are golden.
*= this depends on your terminal emulator. It works in bash.
In CodeGnome gave some "sed black magic" :
In order to insert text before a pattern, you need to swap the pattern space into the hold space before reading in the file. For example:
sed '/pattern/ {
r file
}' in
However, to read specific lines from file, one may have to use a two-calls solution similar to dummy's answer. I'd enjoy knowing of a one-call solution if it is possible though.

Matching strings even if they start with white spaces in SED

I'm having issues matching strings even if they start with any number of white spaces. It's been very little time since I started using regular expressions, so I need some help
Here is an example. I have a file (file.txt) that contains two lines
#String1='Test One'
String1='Test Two'
Im trying to change the value for the second line, without affecting line 1 so I used this
sed -i "s|String1=.*$|String1='Test Three'|g"
This changes the values for both lines. How can I make sed change only the value of the second string?
Thank you
With gnu sed, you match spaces using \s, while other sed implementations usually work with the [[:space:]] character class. So, pick one of these:
sed 's/^\s*AWord/AnotherWord/'
sed 's/^[[:space:]]*AWord/AnotherWord/'
Since you're using -i, I assume GNU sed. Either way, you probably shouldn't retype your word, as that introduces the chance of a typo. I'd go with:
sed -i "s/^\(\s*String1=\).*/\1'New Value'/" file
Move the \s* outside of the parens if you don't want to preserve the leading whitespace.
There are a couple of solutions you could use to go about your problem
If you want to ignore lines that begin with a comment character such as '#' you could use something like this:
sed -i "/^\s*#/! s|String1=.*$|String1='Test Three'|g" file.txt
which will only operate on lines that do not match the regular expression /.../! that begins ^ with optional whiltespace\s* followed by an octothorp #
The other option is to include the characters before 'String' as part of the substitution. Doing it this way means you'll need to capture \(...\) the group to include it in the output with \1
sed -i "s|^\(\s*\)String1=.*$|\1String1='Test Four'|g" file.txt
With GNU sed, try:
sed -i "s|^\s*String1=.*$|String1='Test Three'|" file
sed -i "/^\s*String1=/s/=.*/='Test Three'/" file
Using awk you could do:
awk '/String1/ && f++ {$2="Test Three"}1' FS=\' OFS=\' file
#String1='Test One'
String1='Test Three'
It will ignore first hits of string1 since f is not true.

keep the first part and delete the rest on a specified line using sed

I know a line number in a file, wherein I want to keep the first word and delete the rest till the end of the line. How do I do this using sed ?
So lets say, I want to go to line no 10 in a file, which looks like this -
goodword "blah blah"\
and what i want is
I have tried this - sed 's/([a-z])./\1/'
But this does it on all the lines in a file. I want it only on one specified line.
If by "first word" you mean "everything up to the first space", and if by "retain this change in the file itself" you mean that you don't mind creating a new file with the same name as the previous file, and if you have a sed that supports -i, you can probably just do:
sed -i '10s/ .*//' input-file
If you want to be more restrictive in the definition of a word, you can use '10s/\([a-z]*\).*/\1/'
Can you use grep or awk to grab just one line, and then pipe it into sed (if grep or awk couldn't do the entire job for you) to work on just one line? I think the key here is isolating that one line first, and then worrying about extracting something from it.
Using awk
awk 'NR==10 {print $1}' file

sed replace a word at a line which begins with a specific pattern using

How can I replace a word at a line which begins with a specific pattern on FreeBSD?
Consider the following file contents:
this is to test
that was for test
I want to replace "test" at the line which begins with "this".
In order to perform a replacement for lines starting with this, say:
$ sed '/^this/ s/test/something/' inputfile
this is to something
that was for test
This would replace the word test with something on lines starting with this.
If you want to replace all instances of test on the matching lines, supply the g option to sed:
sed '/^this/ s/test/something/g' inputfile
To make the changes in-place, use the below command:
sed -i '/^this/ s/test/something/g' inputfile;