How to enable long descriptions on doxygen? - doxygen

I'm using doxygen for my C code project
and would like to hide the "More..." link on function description and just show the entire text.
How? :)



How to insert annotation on my source code without numbering the code line in vscode plugin?

I'm developing a "C code verification" plugin on vscode and I would like to achieve the below requirements:
First, Once I insert a text into the content box, it automaticaly adds some annotations under the "void ssort" method. just as shown in the image.
Second, I would like the IDE not to number(or hide) the annotation line.(Is it possible to realise it on vscode?) Or is there any example that I can follow to achieve it?
Here is the image
Thanks in advance for the help

How to add code snippets in Microsoft Word

I am trying to add code snippets in Microsoft Word for my final thesis.
The image below is the sample. I want to ask how to add these kind of code snippets in a word document.
I found the following here.
Here is the best way, for me, to add code inside word:
go to "insert" tab, click "object" button (it's on the right)
choose "OpenDocument Text" which will open a new embedded word document
copy and paste your code from Visual Studio / Eclipse inside this embedded word page
save and close
The result looks very nice. Here are the advantages of this method:
the code keeps its original layout and colors
the code is separated from the rest of the document, as if it was a picture or a chart
spelling errors won't be highlighted in the code (this is cool !)
And it takes only few seconds.
If you are simply looking to format text like your example apply the Block Text paragraph style. You may need to modify the style to add the background colour you want. Whilst modifying the style you can also tell Word not to check spelling or grammar for all instances of that style as shown below.

Adding Line Height Drop Down to Tiny MCE Editor Tool Bar

We are using BlogEngine.Net for managing blog posts which has implemented version “3.9.2” of Tiny MCE Editor.
As per our requirement we want to add new control (dropdown) in tool bar of the editor to provide this line height option so that author of the blog post could set line height to any of the selected paragraphs. We even find a related link for this but it didn’t work for me.
Can someone please help me on this?
Take a closer look at the way the style plugin works that gets shipped with Tinymce3. You can copy the plugin directory and apply your own changes there.
All you need to to is to get rid of the unwanted funtionality and rename the plugin (directory and in the code).
This TinyMCE plugin can help you.
Download and place it into your tinymce plugin folder.
It supports TinyMCE 4.

How to show code snippets in MS Word document as it shows in StackOverflow (scrollbars and gray background)

I am writing a document which intends to show code changes made in C# project, I am looking for a good format to show code snippet.
I like is the way StackOverflow site shows code snippet in its Questions and Answers (scrollbars and background color).
Can anybody guide me to create similar background/view to show code snippet in word document (mainly scrollbars).
I tried copying and pasting it from StackOverflow but the background does not appear.
I search and found this useful link but it does not change background color and don't have scroll bars How do you display code snippets in MS Word preserving format and syntax highlighting?
Here is what I did, first the results:
Go to stackoverflow copy some code, paste it in the word doc, you will get this gray box and etc.
Mark you text and go to:
Then you just write your code in any IDE, and past it into the word doc, mark it and set the style to code. :)
I could not comment on most voted answer for #AeroVTP, my rep is too low. But when you create a style, you can modify it by right clicking and then Modify..
Then on bottom left, click on Format -> Border. Then on tab Shading you can select whatever color you want as a background. Hope this clears things up :)
In Microsoft Word setup a text box (Insert > textbox) select the "format" tab, go to "fill" and choose the background color, set up a grey background, then use a monospaced font and here is your code-like text!
Here is a link to a Microsoft support page that can drive you better if you need:
Fro scrollbars is a little more complicated, but here is someone who found a solution:
From there you can find a lot of usefull guides for text formatting and general MS Word use.
Just insert a 1x1 table, style it as you want and paste the code from notepad++ (NppExport->Copy all formats to clipboard). Easiest solution.
Even though, it would be best if we write to Bill that he has to put some code styler for us developers in need to document our code via Microsoft word :(

Is there a way to highlight code in NetBeans manually?

When I am figuring out someone's code in NetBeans, it occurred to me I could use a feature to mark code as 'understood', or 'suspicious', etc. while going through it. Is there any way to manually highlight or format code in NetBeans, the way it is done in Word? Some plugin maybe?
The alternative, i guess, is adding short comments everywhere, which is often not too convenient.
The Netbeans Collab plugin was pretty useful to share code and color them when you are sharing it through an XMPP server or discussing the code with someone.
You could use that to talk to yourself and color parts that you want to comment on.
You could surround sections of code with an editor-fold. To quickly do this:
Select the section of code you want surrounded
Press Alt + Enter
Select Surround with // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="comment">... from the hints popup
Enter your tag ie. "understood"
Press enter
This will give you a collapsible section of code that when collapsed will only show the tag that you've entered for the comment attribute.