Is it possible to restrict searches to tracked files only? - visual-studio-code

When using Edit > "Search in Files" I'd like to exclude "untracked" files (identified by the U). Is there a way to achieve this?


How to get a list of all files matching search criteria in VSCode?

As per the answers in this question, there are two primary ways to search for files in VSCode:
By using CTRL/CMD + P/E to search and "go to file"
By clicking anywhere in the explorer tree and typing
Why do the above solutions not suit my needs?
I need a way to search for files and get a full list of them (in plain view) so I can easily scan them.
The 1st method returns only partial results unless I scroll down.
The 2nd method only searches the folder tree that's currently open.
I know I can use the find command in Linux to achieve this, but can I achieve something similar in the editor itself?

VS code, is there a way to count the files by type? say I need to count the "ts" files in my project

In my huge project, I would like to count the ".ts" file(s) existence. as well ".spec.ts" files. how to I count them separately. is there a way in "visual studio code" for it? simply counting the file by it's extension.
at present I am trying with "ctl + shif+ f" but not works.
thanks in advance.
Ctl-Shift-F is a good enough approach, if the total amount of files that you will potentially match is less than 10000. This is due to a limitation in vscode, that limits the total amount of matches to this number. Thanks to #Timothy G for pointing this out!
I would do it like this:
To count all .spec.ts files change the search pattern to regex and search for (.*\n?)* (this matches the whole content of the file, forcing a multi-line match in vscode).
Under "files to include" add *.spec.ts:
To count all *.ts files without the *.spec.ts files you set "files to include" to *.ts and "files to exclude" to *.spec.ts:
What about using the file system in your OS ?
In Windows you could search for *.ts and you could see the amount of elements in the bottom left corner of the window.
On linux you could use ls --file-type *.ts | wc --lines

How to filter out files with certain file extensions in VSCode?

For example, I have 1000 files under a repo, I want to filter out all files with .vue/.tsx extensions, not searching for their content, rather just filter by the file names, how to achieve this?
Ah, just found out I could do that by using Ctrl+P (go to file), and type .vue/.tsx to filter.
Did you try this? vscode file navigation. You can use search settings to filter files.

RubyMine: exclude specific files from search

How to exclude files in log directory from every future search without having to type exclusions in manually.
Right click on the folder on the left (Project area with directories and files). Then select 'Mark Directory As...', then select 'Excluded'
You can also exclude individual files by their naming pattern, as documented here:

Compare directory using winmerge?

I have two different directories and i am making a script which identify that if different directories have the same file name with different changes.i am trying with winmerge commaline option as below ..
WinMergeU C:\Folder\File.txt C:\Folder2
and i also want to merge the all changes into the one file.
Please suggest me on this.
When I compare folders with WinMerge, I go to File->Open, select folders and check the 'Include subfolders' check-box. Then in the View menu I switch on the Tree View and switch off Show Identical Items.
Here is the manual from Winmerge explaining on comparing two different folders -
The answer from Stanislav works well from the user interface.
From the command line (documentation), you need the flag /r to do the comparison recursively:
WinMergeU /r Folder1 Folder2
Then, as mentioned in Stanislav's post, you can go to the View Menu and Check the "Tree Mode" and uncheck "Show Identical Items" to get a clearer view of the differences.