How to grant system permissions while writing flutter integration tests? - flutter

I am writing flutter integration tests
I can find and tap on my widgets perfectly fine but the problem arises when I have to click the system widgets to grant permissions in order to continue and test the remaining flow.
For example:
I tap a button then have to grant location permissions. At this moment the screen as below is shown
This screen is shown by the system and I have no key or way how to tap "While using the app".
Also the system screen might change between devices like ios and android and the text might be different as well.
What is the best practice to solve this issue? I am blocked from testing the remaining screens that use the required permissions..
What I tried so far?
I tried to grant the permissions manually for Android as a start but did not work
Future<void> grantRequiredAppPermissions() async {
if (!Platform.isAndroid) {
const appPackageName = 'my.package';
'We are going to manually grant the required permissions to the android package $appPackageName');
final Map<String, String> envVars = Platform.environment;
String adbPath = join(
envVars['ANDROID_SDK_ROOT'] ?? envVars['ANDROID_HOME']!,
Platform.isWindows ? 'adb.exe' : 'adb',
print('Using adb at $adbPath');
final permissions = [
for (final permission in permissions) {
adbPath, ['shell', 'pm', 'grant', appPackageName, permission]);
I was calling that function in my app/integration_test/driver.dart
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:integration_test/integration_test_driver_extended.dart';
import 'helpers/grant_required_permissions.dart';
Future<void> main() async {
await grantRequiredAppPermissions();
await integrationDriver();
but did not help at all. Also it is not a proper solution because even if it was going to work, would work only for android and i test also on ios devices.

You can try out the testing framework patrol
See the documentation here:
It let's you interact with the native ui like this:
await $.native.grantPermissionWhenInUse();
await $.native.grantPermissionOnlyThisTime();
await $.native.denyPermission();


Error when trying to authenticate users with google in firebase

I've been struggling with this for months, sinc.e I'm just learning firebase with flutter.
I have a simple button that when pressed should give the option to register or start section with google, but when running I get errors in the console.
There are so many that I don't know which one it is.
Error: Assertion failed:
options != null
"FirebaseOptions cannot be null when creating the default app."
Error: [core/no-app] No Firebase App '[DEFAULT]' has been created - call Firebase.initializeApp()
here in onpress of the button:
child: MaterialButton(
onPressed: () async {
User? user = await Authenticator.IniciarSesion(context: context);
and the class that authenticates
class Authenticator {
static Future<User?> IniciarSesion({required BuildContext context}) async {
FirebaseAuth authenticator = FirebaseAuth.instance;
User? user;
GoogleSignIn objGooglesignIn = GoogleSignIn();
GoogleSignInAccount? objGooglesignInAccount =
await objGooglesignIn.signIn();
if (objGooglesignInAccount != null) {
GoogleSignInAuthentication objGoogleSignInAuthentication =
await objGooglesignInAccount.authentication;
AuthCredential credential = GoogleAuthProvider.credential(
accessToken: objGoogleSignInAuthentication.accessToken,
idToken: objGoogleSignInAuthentication.idToken);
try {
UserCredential userCredential =
await authenticator.signInWithCredential(credential);
user = userCredential.user;
return user;
} on FirebaseAuthException catch (e) {
print("error de auth");
Sorry if I put a lot of code. I don't know exactly what the error could be.
There are two issues with your application, first one seems like you are not initializing firebase in the main function properly. Please refer mentioned link for setup.
Flutter firebase setup guide
Additionally as I can see there is no firebase_options.dart in your lib directory which basically manages (api key) configurations for different platforms.
If you have followed steps mentioned in guide correctly you can create these configs using
flutterfire configure
command only after you have already installed flutterfire cli using following command
dart pub global activate flutterfire_cli

How to test browser url route for Flutter web?

I am working on testing how my navigator 2.0 setup handles url changes in the browser in flutter web.
The closest i have come to being able to test how my app handles url changes is to manually update state in the RouterDelegate by calling the setNewRoutePath with a config from the RouteInformationParser.
I would really like to test the navigator closer to the origin of the url change.
Any ideas and pointers would be appreciated.
My current code looks like this:
//Pass routeInformation to RouterInformationParser
RouteInformation selectShopRoute = RouteInformation(location: '/selectshop?token=321');
RouterConfig selectShopConfig = await app.myRouteParser.parseRouteInformation(selectShopRoute);
await app.myRouterDelegate.setNewRoutePath(selectShopConfig);
await tester.pumpAndSettle();
//Verify that navigator state is select shop
expect(app.myRouterDelegate.currentScreen, RouterEnum.selectshop);
//Verify that navigator token is set correctly
expect(app.myRouterDelegate.token, '321');
I had the same question and could not find a good approach. I came up with a way to test our code and wanted to share it to you.
Basically, we have a custom RouteInformationParser, in which a location is added only for the testing purpose.
class MyRouteInformationParser
extends RouteInformationParser<PageConfiguration> {
String? customPath; // only use for testing
Future<PageConfiguration> parseRouteInformation(
RouteInformation routeInformation,
) async {
final location = customPath ?? routeInformation.location;
// Compute the configuration based on the location
return PageConfiguration()
In the widget test, we just create the route information parser and use it with the MaterialApp. Changing the customPath during testing has similar effect as changing the URL of the web browser.
final informationParser = MyRouteInformationParser();
informationParser.customPath = "my/expected/path";

Flutter shared_preferences not persistent?

I have been using shared_preferences in flutter, was working fine until now. Suddenly it stopped working, both in iOS and Android. I debugged it step by step and it stores data to pref and while app is on, data still persists, but after hot restart _preferencecache always is empty. How can I solve this? (version is 0.5.12)
When user logs in I save the user_id:
final prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
final userData = json.encode(
'user_id': userID,
prefs.setString('userData', userData);
Later, when user restarts again:
final prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
if (!prefs.containsKey('userData')) {
// print("no user data in shared preference");
return false;
But the abpve function returns false, that's the issue, I checked the previous version of shared_preferences as well, but no solution.
you have do it like this
final prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
final data = prefs.getString("userData");
if(data != null){
final userData = json.dncode(userData);
I realized I was clearing my shared preferences some where in my app and I had forgotten about it. Please check every where in your code for sharedPreferences.clear(). You never know.
I assume that somewhere in your code, you faced this error and as a quick solution, you had added SharedPreferences.setMockInitialValues({}); in your code, which should be the reason (other than sharedPreferences.clear()).
The SharedPreferences.setMockInitialValues({}); is the thing that is preventing data to persist between sessions.
A quick getaway is to add a try-catch block to your code. Somethink like the following:
try {
} catch (e) {
But this isn't a conventional fix to this problem, I recommend checking out this answer by Siddharth Agrawal.

Flutter - How to check is the app has a new version?

I create an app with Flutter. I need to force users to update the app when I upload a new version. I try this package, but I think that it doesn´t work. In the documentation, we can read that we can verify the version with this code.
margin: EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(12.0, 0.0, 12.0, 0.0),
child: UpgradeCard();
The problem is: I need to check the version in *'initState', not in Scaffold. So what is the right way to check the version on the app start?
I recommend trying out the Firebase Remote Config and update the minimum required version there. It's not a good practice to force update app on every update in the store. Also, some users can see the updated version in given store later than others. This is just how Google Play and AppStore work.
Thus, when you really need to force update the application you can increment the parameter on Firebase e.g. a day after update in the store.
Simple code to trigger the dialog can look as following:
Future<bool> checkUpdates() async {
await remoteConfig.fetch();
await remoteConfig.activateFetched();
final requiredBuildNumber = remoteConfig.getInt(Platform.isAndroid
? 'requiredBuildNumberAndroid'
: 'requiredBuildNumberIOS');
final currentBuildNumber = int.parse(packageInfo.buildNumber);
return currentBuildNumber < requiredBuildNumber;
This requires package_info package to be added as well as firebase_remote_config.
To open the app in the store you need to use url_launcher package and just pass URL to your app.
you can call$id or$id to receive the newest app version available on the stores.
i can recommend this package to do this:
You can check your app version like
void initState() {
Duration(seconds: 3), // put your stuff here
() => Navigator.of(context).pushReplacement(MaterialPageRoute(
builder: (BuildContext context) => LoginScreen())));}
and presume one thing this code must be in spalsh screen or home screen
and there you can check app version forcefully stop any app which is belonged old version
Try out the in app update package- which works on Android and for iOS, try-
Use this package -> new_version
It's awesome & easy :)
///initialize your variable
final newVersion = NewVersion(
iOSId: '',
androidId: '',
//and use this inside of your widget or controller
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
newVersion.showAlertIfNecessary(context: context);
return Container();
If you just want the current version number from the App Store and Play Store. You can use the upgrader package API like this:
import 'dart:developer';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:html/dom.dart';
import 'package:upgrader/upgrader.dart';
Future<String?> getStoreVersion(String myAppBundleId) async {
String? storeVersion;
if (Platform.isAndroid) {
PlayStoreSearchAPI playStoreSearchAPI = PlayStoreSearchAPI();
Document? result = await playStoreSearchAPI.lookupById(myAppBundleId, country: 'US');
if (result != null) storeVersion = PlayStoreResults.version(result);
log('PlayStore version: $storeVersion}');
} else if (Platform.isIOS) {
ITunesSearchAPI iTunesSearchAPI = ITunesSearchAPI();
Map<dynamic, dynamic>? result =
await iTunesSearchAPI.lookupByBundleId(myAppBundleId, country: 'US');
if (result != null) storeVersion = ITunesResults.version(result);
log('AppStore version: $storeVersion}');
} else {
storeVersion = null;
return storeVersion;
EDIT: If your app is NOT available on the US App Store or Play Store, you need to change the country code.

How to determine which provider the user logged in with

I am using multiple Firebase sign in methods in my app (Facebook, Google, Phone, etc). But once the user is logged in, I am unable to determine which provider was used to sign in.
I tried below(very close to the recommended solution. But does not work):
I expect it to return something like "" or ""
Instead it returns "firebase"
I cant find any other solution where it clearly lets us determine if a google or facebook sign in was used. All solutions in the forum iOS specific or for web. Can't find anything flutter specific. Appreciate any help in advance.
I checked and _auth.currentUser().providerData[0].providerId does provide "" or ""
Not sure at what point it showed me "firebase". Will post to this if I figure this out
You can use the following code :
Future<void> signOut() async {
final FirebaseAuth _auth = FirebaseAuth.instance;
try {
final _providerData = _auth.currentUser!.providerData;
if (_providerData.isNotEmpty) {
if (_providerData[0]
.contains('google')) {
await GoogleSignIn().signOut(); // google signOut
} else if (_providerData[0]
.contains('facebook')) {
await FacebookAuth.instance.login(); // facebook signOut
await _auth.signOut(); // firebase signOut
} catch (e) {
I am not sure about facebook since I have never implemented login with facebook, but for Google, you may be able to do something like this.
You probably have a statement similar to GoogleSignInAccount googleUser = await _googleSignIn.signIn(). Why not check if google User is null or not once the user is signed in or on auth change? This will let you know if the user signed in with google.
Similar functionality for facebook should be possible but I just don't know if it is the same.
If googleUser != null then google was used.
If say facebookUser != null then facebook was used,
Then if googleUser is null and say facebookUser is null it was email.
Maybe this is helpful, maybe not, but it is just what I could think of right now.