I have stored my document ID inside a string doc_id. I want to use this doc_id to access the subcollection from another file.
This is how I stored the doc_id :
onPressed: () async {
await FirebaseFirestore.instance
'postbody': postController.text,
}).then((value) {
doc_id = value.id;
}).catchError((error) => errorAlert(context));
I have tried another way, like storing this doc_id as a field value inside the collection 'blog',
await FirebaseFirestore.instance
.update({'postid': docid});
But then while fetching the data using get() it needed the documentid for fetching. Is there any way that I can read values without documentid.
Or how can I access this doc_id from another dart file ?
You can read on collection to get all blog, Or run query with it to prevent read too much document one time that can increased costs, like FirebaseFirestore.instance.collection('blogs').limit(10).snapshots()
I want to delete document inside subcollection using where, how can I achieve this?
I can delete document inside subcollection using their document Id, but in some case if we don't know the id, we need to use where method.
This is direct method.
await FirebaseFirestore.instance
I have to achieve in this case:
await FirebaseFirestore.instance
Use get() to get snapshot from query, then you can delete the returned result.
// return a QuerySnapshot future, which contain list of matches documents
final snapshot = await FirebaseFirestore.instance
// delete all matches
for (var doc in snapshot.docs) {
In my App a user can have many different gymplans. So I have a collection where every gymplan has his own document. When creating a new plan I want to store the document id inside the document so that I have access to this document with the id.
When creating a new document firestore automatically create a unique id which is fine. But how can I get this id inside my code? So far my code to create a new plan looks like this:
Future createPlan(String planName, List exerciseNames, List rows) async {
return await usersCol.doc(myUser.uid).collection('plans').add({
'planId': /// here i want to save the document id firestore creates
'name': planName,
'exerciseNames': exerciseNames,
'rows': rows,
You'd have to create the document first. Then use set() instead of add(). So:
final ref = usersCol.doc(myUser.uid).collection('plans').doc();
return await ref.set({
'planId': ref.id,
'name': planName,
'exerciseNames': exerciseNames,
'rows': rows,
I have Doctor collection when each doctor (represent by his email ) has a collection called patients_waiting.
Now, what I'm trying to do is delete one document from the paitents_waiting collection by field calls patients containing his email.
but I tried many solutions and none of them works for me now.
what I have tried to do :
now it's not good because the document is saved in uid and not by email but I tried to play with the where function but with no success.
how do I found this document by email and delete him?
I will mention that I'm doing it on flutter, but I think it doesn't matter.
as long as you have the patient's email address you can search with and delete it
. document(doctorEmail)
.where('patient', isEqualTo:paitentEmail )
.get().then((value) => value.docs.single.reference.delete())
Nb: you are using an old version of firestore
Inside your paitents_waiting collection, the documents are NOT named according to patient email, they are randomly generated Firebase IDs. Take a closer look.
.document(paitentEmail) //this in your Firebase isn't an email, it's "xaErf43Asd..etc"
If you want to follow this approach, which should be working otherwise, when you want to create a patient waiting document, use .set instead of .add, and set the document id to your pateint's email, like this:
.set({your patient data here});
This should get things working for you.
To delete all patients for a doctor by the email you can use a combination of Firestore query and batch updates. The first one we need to get all patients with the same email and the other to delete them. A function for that would look like this:
Future<void> deletePatiensForDoctor(String docEmail, String patEmail) async {
WriteBatch batch = FirebaseFirestore.instance.batch();
QuerySnapshot querySnapshot = await Firestore.instance
.where('email', isEqualTo: patEmail)
querySnapshot.docs.forEach((doc) {
return batch.commit();
I want to delete a document from a collection in Firebase Firestore. I wrote a method, but it's not working and does not delete anything. I need help, and this is my method:
final couponsReference = FirebaseFirestore.instance.collection("Coupons");
Future<void> Deletecoupon() async {
// displayToastMassage('try1', context);
String s=couponsReference.doc().id;
displayToastMassage('Coupn Code has been deleted sucsseflly', context);
To delete a document you need the documentId of that specific document. In your deletecoupon method you should pass in the documentId and could then use the await keyword to => await couponsReference.doc(documentId).delete();
To delete a particular document from a collection is very easy you just need one thing that documents documents I'd which you want to delete :
FirebaseFirestore.instance .collection("blogs").doc(widget.postid).delete();
I am trying to figure out how to update my document after I query the one I want to update. Here is the code I came up with:
Firestore.instance.collection("Social_Posts").where(data["postTitle"], isEqualTo: "postTitle").where(data["postContent"], isEqualTo: "postContent")
.listen((event) {print("hh");});
Whenever I perform this query to find the correct document, I would like to update the document by adding a number to it.
It is possible to update the document from inside, The easier way to do that would definitely be to use the documentID and to increment the value Firestore has a special property, FieldValue.increment(1). Using this you can easily increment a field.
Lets say the field in the document you want to increment by 1, is "numberField".
Updated code using async/await style:
onTap: () async {
setState(() {
_title = data["postTitle"];
_content= data["postContent"];
QuerySnaphot snapshot = await Firestore.instance.collection("Social_Posts")
.where("postTitle" , isEqualTo: _title)
.where("postContent", isEqualTo: _content)
doc.reference.updateData({"views" : FieldValue.increment(1),});
The numberField will be incremented without needing to make an extra call to know the present value.
EDIT : You were making a mistake in the .where() method
You can do that by using the document id you quired from inside the listen function in your case by using the event.documents[0].documentID assuming that your query returns one document only and then you can call the updateData method from Firestone package
Your code might looks like this:
.where(data["postTitle"], isEqualTo: "postTitle")
.where(data["postContent"], isEqualTo: "postContent")
.listen((event) {
updateEvent) //Add here the new object you want to
.whenComplete(() {
// You can add your desire action after the row is updated
You can check package page for more information https://pub.dev/packages/cloud_firestore
And if you want to check a sample on how to perform CRUD functionalities you can check this repository: https://github.com/sayed3li97/flutter_firestore_crud