Adding a header line to log4cpp log files - log4cpp

I'm using log4cpp to log CSV data to log files that may wrap around and I want each log file to have a CSV column header.
Is there a way to define the header line of a log4cpp log file, so that log4cpp always prependeds it to log files even after they roll over?


Reading the last 2 lines of a .log file via Matlab

The problem that I am attempting to solve is as follows:
I have a .log file that is updated every x seconds (an interval that I can change), with updated status information from a piece of test equipment. At each interval, another line is added to the .log file, with the updated information. My goal is to have the most recent status information (the last two lines of the .log file) easily viewable in Matlab.
Here is an example of what each update looks like, in case that is relevant (a single line of text):
What I have tried:
I used the readtable command (shown below) to view the information in the .log file, but that gives me the entire .log file every time the function is called, when I only want/need the last two lines.
data = readtable('FileName.log','FileType','text')
I know that this would be simpler if I was working with a .csv or .xlsx file, but the test equipment only updates the .log file, so I cannot just change the file type, as it would not get updates then.
Any advise would be appreciated.
If the .log file is in plain text format (as I assume based on your code snippet), you can get the last 2 lines of the file by using the following system command in MATLAB:
[status,output] = system(['tail -n 2 ', path]);
Please do keep in mind that this requires the tail command to be available, which is not available in windows by default - however you can get around this by installing a package containing the tail command, for example Cygwin.

converting text file to gps track file

Note:Question is edited according to suggestion
I want to geotag my images
Content of Images
I tried the solution with csv but getting this error
I have a csv file adata.csv
C:\EXIF>exiftool -csv=adata.csv Images
C:\EXIF>exiftool -csv=adata.csv Images
No SourceFile 'Images/im1.jpg' in imported CSV database
(full path: 'c:/exif/images/im1.jpg')
No SourceFile 'Images/im2.jpg' in imported CSV database
(full path: 'c:/exif/images/im2.jpg')
1 directories scanned
0 image files read
I don't know much about the gpx format but your example doesn't include timestamps, which are required for exiftool to be able to sync between images and the track. Another thing to watch for is the fact that the gpx timestamps are supposed to be in UTC, which may require some work to sync properly, especially if the timestamps in your text file are local time.
Instead, I'd suggest converting your TXT file to a CSV file and using the -csv option. Some simple changes would be required. The first column would need to be changed to filenames, which it looks like would only require adding .jpg to each number in the first column. The column header for the first column would need to be changed to SourceFile. The Time column could be removed, unless you need to add the timestamps to the image files, in which case I'd suggest changing the column header to DateTimeOriginal. The Latitude and Longitude column headers need to be changed to GPSLatitude and GPSLongitude. Finally, because GPS metadata is unsigned, you will need to set the reference tags. Duplicate the GPSLatitude and GPSLongitude columns and change the headers to GPSLatitudeRef and GPSLongitudeRef. This all should be relatively easy in a spreadsheet program such as Excel or LibreOffice.
At that point your new CSV file should look like this:
You could then run this command to fill the gps data
exiftool -csv=data.csv c:\Images

Scalding: Ouptut schema from pipe operation

I am reaidng files on HDFS via scalding, aggregating on some fields, and writing to a tab delimited file via TSV. How can I write out a file that contains the schema of my output file? For example,
.project('key, 'var1)
.groupBy('key){_.sum[Long]('var1 -> var1sum))}
I want to write an output text file that contains "Key, var1sum" that someone who picks up my ooutput file later knows what the columns. I'm assuming scalding doesn't embed this in the file somewhere?
Just found the option writeHeader = true which will write the column names to the output file, negating the need for writing out to a file.

Using the second row of a delimited text file as the header row when importing into Access 2010.

Is it possible to use the values of the second row of a delimited text file (e.g. a csv file) as the header row when importing into Access 2010?
No - the headers have to be in the first line of the imported file. You need to delete the empty first line of data.
If there are too many files for this to be practical, as you imply, you have a couple of options.
Presuming the headers are the same on all of your files to be imported, you could combine all of the text files into one file and import that.
If the headers are different, you could write some code to batch delete the first line from all your files, as is suggested here.

How to clear/delete contents of .txt file in matlab

How can I either delete the contents of a .txt file so that it becomes a blank file or it deletes the file altogether? I'm reading in from the .txt file and if I don't delete the contents from the previous time it ran, it will omit results that I want to account for.
Suppose your file is named to_be_deleted.txt, you can simply use the following command to delete the file altogether:
delete 'to_be_deleted.txt';
On the other hand, if you simply want to clear it's contents, just open it using fopen with the write attribute as follows: