How to use refetch method to send different queries using useQuery in react-query - react-query

I'm working with react-query in ReactJS to build a website.
I have the following code, where I fetch some data using useQuery():
const { error, data: movie, status, refetch } = useQuery({
queryKey: 'key1',
queryFn: async () => {
return await Promise.all([
axios.get(``), /*getting some data from api-1 */
axios.get(``), /*getting some data from api-2 */
]).then(([api1, ap2]) => {
return { data1: api1, data2: api2 }
The problem I'm facing is getting somtimes a 404 response from one of the apis, so I need to refetch the data just from the other api that doesn't cause the error.
I tried to use the refetch method inside onError, but it can't be used with parameters.
onError: (error) => {
refetch() /* refetch can't be used with parameters */
How can I handle this problem?

I ended up doing the following:
Writing the fetching part in an external function (so I can call the function with parameters)
Adding a try-catch block inside the queryFn to handle the errors
/********* this is the function where I fetch the data. *********/.
/********* with a param that tells me if i'll call API-2 or not *********/
const fetchData = async ({ isDataFoundInApi2 }) => {
return await Promise.all([
(!isDataFoundInApi2 && axios.get(``)),
]).then(([api1, api2]) => {
return { data1: api1, data2: api2 }
/********* the useQuery where the above method is called *********/
/********* first it sends true as a bool value, then if no *********/
/********* data was found in API-2, it sends false *********/
/********* from `catch` to prevent the fetching from API-2 *********/
const { error, data: movie, status } = useQuery({
queryKey: 'key1',
queryFn: async () => {
try {
return await fetchData({})
} catch (error) {
if (error.response?.status === 404)
return await fetchData({ isDataFoundInApi2: true }) // true means call only the first api


NestJS: handle external API call (success or fail ) in a controller

The controller method:
/** Create a comment in database */
#ApiOperation({ summary: 'Create a comment in database' })
async createComment(
#Query('callId', ParseIntPipe) callId: number,
#Body() dto: CreateCommentDto,
) {
const foundCall = await this.callService.getCall(callId);
throw new NotFoundException('Call not found for this id');
throw new PreconditionFailedException('crmActivityId must exist for this operation.');
const activityNote = utilsFinalActivityNote(foundCall, dto.message);
// handle PUT service call method if fails
await this.pipeDriveService.putActivity(foundCall.crmActivityId, activityNote);
const comment: Partial<Comment> = {
callId: callId,
message: dto.message
// comment we still be saving even if putActivity fails
await this.commentService.createComment(comment);
The service method:
async putActivity(id: string, body) {
try {
await this.http.put(
{ note: body}
} catch (e) {
throw new PreconditionFailedException(;
If the external API call fail it will still save the comment in the database.
How to handle error if my external API call fail ?

How can i make the interceptor run a function on error exept for one specific request?

this is my interceptor:
(response) => {
if (error.response?.status === 403) {
unstable_batchedUpdates(() => {
// to force react state changes outside of React components
message: `${i18n.t('forbidden')}: ${error.toJSON().config.url}`,
severity: 'error',
return Promise.reject(error)
I want this behavior all the time except when I make this specific call or at least except every head call
export const companiesQueries = {
headCompany: {
name: 'headCompany',
fn: async (companyId) => {
return await axios.head(`/companies/${companyId}`)
fixed by applying these changes to the api call:
const uninterceptedAxiosInstance = axios.create()
headCompany: {
name: 'headCompany',
fn: async (companyId) => {
return await

Axios Vue Js: How to get the value of this object to show in api get request url

this is my vue file which accepts the id from table. this works I can get the data id from the table row
showProd (id) {
Products.showProd().then((response) => {
.catch((error) => {
this is my config file for calling the axios.get I can reach the backend but not generating the query because this url/api sends an object I believe not the id number
export default {
async showProd(id) {
return Api.get('/products/{id}',id)
loadProds () {
return Api.get('/products')
First make sure your API call is correct:
export default {
showProd(id) { // async not needed, axios returns promise
return axios.get('/products/' + id)
loadProds () {
return axios.get('/products')
You can than call these functions:
showProd (id) {
Products.showProd(id).then((response) => { // Note the id in the call
console.log( // Use the response object
.catch((error) => {

Flow(InferError): Cannot call await with 'axios.get(...)' bound to 'p'

I'm getting some Flow errors using axios.
Cannot call await with 'axios.get(...)' bound to 'p' because:
Either property 'error_message' is missing in 'AxiosXHR'.
Or property 'data' is missing in 'Promise'
Here is my code, with an attempted type annotation. (Same error without the AxiosPromise<Object> annotation.) The error is on axios.get(url).
async handleAddressChange(): AxiosPromise<Object> {
const url = `${GoogleMapsApiKey}&input=${this.state.address}`;
try {
const { data, error_message } = await axios.get(url);
if (error_message) throw Error(error_message);
addressPredictions: data.predictions,
showPredictions: true
} catch (err) {
Funny thing is that in another file axios gives no Flow problems:
export async function loginWithApi(creds: AuthParams) {
const res = await axios.get(ApiUrls.login, { params: creds });
I have import type { AxiosPromise, $AxiosXHR } from "axios"; in my file.
Anyone know how to fix this?
In case of error there will be no error_message in returned payload, but the error goes into the catch block.
Also, the handleAddressChange does not returns AxiosPromise, instead it returns implicit promise, as it defined with async
So, something like this:
async handleAddressChange(): Promise<void> {
const url = `${GoogleMapsApiKey}&input=${this.state.address}`;
try {
const { data } = await axios.get(url);
addressPredictions: data.predictions,
showPredictions: true
} catch (err: AxiosError) {
new Error(err);
Might work for you. Note the AxiosError definition.
One extra note is that you can add returned payload into the AxiosPromise generic, i.e.:
type TExpectedLoginResponse = {
ok: boolean,
token: string
export async function loginWithApi(creds: AuthParams): AxiosPromise<TExpectedLoginResponse> {
const res = await axios.get(ApiUrls.login, { params: creds });
return; // so now flow knows that is type of TExpectedLoginResponse
Hope it helps.

How to get axios error response INTO the redux saga catch method

With axios the code is:
export const createBlaBla = (payload) => {
return'/some-url', payload)
.then(response => response)
.catch(err => err);
And then I'm using this with redux-saga like this:
function* createBlaBlaFlow(action) {
try {
const response = yield call(createBlaBla, action.payload);
if (response) {
yield put({
} catch (err) {
// I need the error data here ..
yield put({
payload: 'failed to create bla-bla'
In case of some error on the backend - like invalid data send to the backend - it returns a 400 response with some data:
"message":"Validation failed because ..."
But I don't receive this useful data in the catch statement inside the saga. I can console.log() the data in the axios catch statement, also I can get it inside the try statement in the saga, but it never arrives in the catch.
Probably I need to do something else? ... Or the server shouldn't return 400 response in this case?
So, I came up with two solutions of this problem.
First one - very dump workaround, but actually it can be handy in some specific cases.
In the saga, right before we call the function with the axios call inside, we have a variable for the errors and a callback that sets that variable:
let errorResponseData = {};
const errorCallback = (usefulErrorData) => {
errorResponseData = usefulErrorData;
Then - in the axios method we have this:
export const createBlaBla = (payload, errCallback) => {
return'/some-url', payload)
.then(response => response)
.catch(err => {
if (err && && typeof errCallback === 'function') {
return err;
This way, when we make request and the backend returns errors - we'll call the callback and will provide the errors from the backend there. This way - in the saga - we have the errors in a variable and can use it as we want.
However, another solution came to me from another forum.
The problem I have is because in the method with the axios call I have catch, which means that the errors won't bubble in the generator. So - if we modify the method with the axios call like this:
export const createBlaBla = (payload) => {
return'/some-url', payload)
Then in the catch statement in the saga we'll have the actual backend error.
Hope this helps someone else :)
In your API call you can do the following:
const someAPICall = (action) => {
return axios.put(`some/path/to/api`, data, {
withCredentials: true,
validateStatus: (status) => {
return (status == 200 || status === 403);
Please note the validateStatus() part - this way when axios will encounter 200 or 403 response, it will not throw Error and you will be able to process the response after
const response = yield call(someAPICall, action);
if (response.status === 200) {
// Proceed further
} else if (response.status === 403) {
// Inform user about error
} else {