Error: No named parameter with the name 'onSelectNotification' - flutter

class HelperNotification {
static Future<void> initialize(FlutterLocalNotificationsPlugin flutterLocalNotificationsPlugin) async {
var androidInitialize = new AndroidInitializationSettings('notification_icon');
var iOSInitialize = new DarwinInitializationSettings();
var initializationsSettings = new InitializationSettings(android: androidInitialize, iOS: iOSInitialize);
flutterLocalNotificationsPlugin.initialize(initializationsSettings, onSelectNotification:(String? payload) async {
if(payload != null && payload.isNotEmpty) {
// Get.toNamed(RouteHelper.getOrderDetailsRoute(int.parse(payload)));
}else {
// Get.toNamed(RouteHelper.getNotificationRoute());
}catch (e) {}
await FirebaseMessaging.instance.setForegroundNotificationPresentationOptions(
alert: true,
badge: true,
sound: true,
I Found that there was an update with the local notification package but i was trying to impliment it and was unsuccessful can you help me figure it out?

Since version 10.0.0 of the flutter_local_notifications plugin, they removed onSelectNotification parameter. You can read more about it in their changelog:
Breaking change
callbacks have now been reworked. There are now the
following callbacks and both will pass an instance of the
NotificationResponse class onDidReceiveNotificationResponse: invoked
only when the app is running. This works for when a user has selected
a notification or notification action. This replaces the
onSelectNotification callback that existed before. For notification
actions, the action needs to be configured to indicate the the app or
user interface should be shown on invoking the action for this
callback to be invoked i.e. by specifying the
DarwinNotificationActionOption.foreground option on iOS and the
showsUserInterface property on Android. On macOS and Linux, as there's
no support for background isolates it will always invoke this callback
onDidReceiveBackgroundNotificationResponse: invoked on a background
isolate for when a user has selected a notification action. This
replaces the onSelectNotificationAction callback
Read more here:


How to write unit test case for the packages that use native components to function, like camera / location permission status etc in flutter?

I am trying to write unit test case for the following method:
checkPermissionsAndNavigate(BuildContext context) async {
/// Check if all permissions have been given
var locationStatus = await permission_handler.Permission.location.status;
var cameraStatus = await;
/// If any permission is denied, navigate to permissions screen
if (cameraStatus.isDenied ||
cameraStatus.isPermanentlyDenied ||
locationStatus.isDenied ||
locationStatus.isPermanentlyDenied) {
/// Permissions are needed
navigateToPermissionScreen(context, constants.permissionsRoute);
} else {
/// Permissions have been given, check if user is logged in
First I tried this,
group('checkPermissionsAndNavigate', () {
test('if camera permissions are granted', () async {
final status = await;
expect(status, PermissionStatus.granted);
If I run this test case, I am getting the exception as MissingPluginException(No implementation found for method requestPermissions on channel
I tried writing this using mocktail also but not able to access the camera or location field using mock object of Permission class as both fields are static and not able to use arrange 'when' method peroperly.
var locationStatus = PermissionStatus.granted;
var cameraStatus = PermissionStatus.granted;
when(() => async => Future.value(cameraStatus as FutureOr<permission_handler.PermissionStatus>?));
when(() => permission_handler.Permission.location.status).thenAnswer((_) async => Future.value(locationStatus as FutureOr<permission_handler.PermissionStatus>?));
If I directly call 'when' method like this, I am getting the same MissingPluginException along with Bad state: No method stub was called from within when(). Was a real method called, or perhaps an extension method?

Flutter - Connectycube_flutter_callkit not working in the background or terminated

i'm using connectycube for receiving calls but when i accept call while is in the background like the image below
it navigates me the home page but not the call here is the code
void videocaller( var friendName){
Uuid uuid = Uuid();
CallEvent callEvent = CallEvent(sessionId: uuid.v4() + "1", callType: 1, callerId: 0,
callerName: friendName, opponentsIds:{1234});
Future<void> _onCallAccepted(CallEvent callEvent) async {
Future<void> _onCallRejected(CallEvent callEvent) async {
Future onCallRejectedWhenTerminated(CallEvent? callEvent) async {
Future onCallAcceptedWhenTerminated(CallEvent? callEvent) async {
ConnectycubeFlutterCallKit.onCallRejectedWhenTerminated = onCallRejectedWhenTerminated;
ConnectycubeFlutterCallKit.onCallAcceptedWhenTerminated = onCallAcceptedWhenTerminated;
onCallAccepted: _onCallAccepted,
onCallRejected: _onCallRejected,
ConnectycubeFlutterCallKit.setOnLockScreenVisibility(isVisible: true);
i tried it with getx to navigate to jitsi call but it does not work
actually the problem is that jitsi function [_joinMeetingVideo(friendName);] is not a page where i can navigate to it's a function so it can't be executed enless the app is open this why it opens the home page of the app but not the video call itself but unfortunately i could't find a solution for this issue. any ideas ??

Flutter- How to know AudioService is stopped?

I am working with audio_service flutter package. I want to pop a player page if Audio Service stops. How to get the Audio Service stopped event? I didn't find any events to check if service is stopped
(Answer update: Since v0.18, the service is effectively always running while the app is running, so there is no longer a need to check. The following answer is for v0.17 and earlier.)
AudioService.running will emit true when the service is running and false when it is not.
To listen to when it changes from true to false, you could try this:
// Cast runningStream from dynamic to the correct type.
final runningStream =
AudioService.runningStream as ValueStream<bool>;
// Listen to stream pairwise and observe when it becomes false
runningStream.pairwise().listen((pair) {
final wasRunning = pair.first;
final isRunning = pair.last;
if (wasRunning && !isRunning) {
// take action
If you instead want to listen to the stopped playback state, you need to ensure that your background audio task actually emits that state change in onStop:
Future<void> onStop() async {
await _player.dispose();
// the "await" is important
await AudioServiceBackground.setState(
processingState: AudioProcessingState.stopped);
// Shut down this task
await super.onStop();
This way, you can listen for this state in the UI:
AudioService.playbackStateStream.listen((state) {
if (state.processingState == AudioProcessingState.stopped)) {
// take action

Open an app in flutter based on the url provided in the email sent for verification

So I have been working on a flutter app and once the user registers through my app they are sent an email for the verification of their account. Once the url in the link is tapped they are verified. Now after their verification,the users must be redirected to the app. I looked into firebase dynamic links but in all of the articles,they were trying to share their app by generating a link. Is there a way I can implement this? Thanks in advance!
Use this package
For getting the link when the app is started.
This is the case in which your app was in the closed state.
Future<Null> initUniLinks() async {
// Platform messages may fail, so we use a try/catch PlatformException.
try {
String initialLink = await getInitialLink();
// Parse the link and warn the user, if it is not correct,
// but keep in mind it could be `null`.
} on PlatformException {
// Handle exception by warning the user their action did not succeed
// return?
For listening to link clicks. This is for the case when your app is already open and you click the link.
_sub = getLinksStream().listen((String link) {
// Parse the link and warn the user, if it is not correct
}, onError: (err) {
// Handle exception by warning the user their action did not succeed
// NOTE: Don't forget to call _sub.cancel() in dispose()
Usually, you need to implement both of them together since your app may be in the closed state or open state while you click the link.
Future<Null> initUniLinks() async {
try {
String initialLink = await getInitialLink();
} on PlatformException {
_sub = getLinksStream().listen((String link) {}, onError: (err) {});

Flutter: How to check if app is running on background from firebase messaging plugins onBackgroundMessage

I'm using firebase_messaging plugin to register a callback handler with onBackgroundMessage for my data-only payload of firebase messaging.
If the app is in foreground or in background, the normal way of operation is using sockets to get the data from network and show notification from the app.
But when the app is in killed state, I would like to show the notification by fetching the data from network.
But these operations conflicts when the app is in background as onBackgroundMessage is getting called in background also.
If I'm not wrong, the handler is running on a separate isolate and it has no access to the main contents.
So how can I differentiate the killed and background state of the app from this isolated function?
You can use IsolateNameServer to register a ReceiverPort from the foreground when it is running and remove it when the foreground is not running. Then on the background isolate check if it exists and if so redirect the FCM message through the port to the foreground for handling on foreground.
Something along the lines of this:
const FOREGROUND_ISOLATE_PORT_NAME = 'foreground_port';
class NotificationManager {
ReceivePort? _foregroundReceivePort;
StreamSubscription<RemoteMessage>? _fcmMessageSubscription;
init() async {
_fcmMessageSubscription = FirebaseMessaging.onMessage.listen(_fcmMessageHandlerForeground);
_foregroundReceivePort = ReceivePort();
_foregroundReceivePort!.listen((message) {
if (message is RemoteMessage) {
log('got fcm message for handling in foreground');
shutdown() async {
_foregroundReceivePort = null;
With these two top level functions:
Future<void> _fcmMessageHandlerForeground(RemoteMessage message) async {
// ... handle message in foreground ...
Future<void> _fcmMessageHandlerBackground(RemoteMessage message) async {
final foreground = IsolateNameServer.lookupPortByName(FOREGROUND_ISOLATE_PORT_NAME);
if (foreground != null) {
log("redirecting FCM message to foreground");
} else {
// ... handle message in background ...