PdfSharp Charts - Remove Border and Background - charts

I'm using PdfSharp Charts and the chart container have a blue border and a gradient background. I looked for the property that sets those options but no success. I can change multiple things in the chart itself, but not for the container.
How can I remove the border and the background?
Again, I looked for the properties of the chart container but no success.
Here is the code I have so far:
public static Chart ColumnChart(PdfChartValues pdfChartValues)
Chart chart = new Chart(ChartType.Column2D);
chart.Font.Size = 7;
chart.PlotArea.FillFormat.Color = XColors.White;
chart.Legend.Docking = DockingType.Bottom;
XSeries xSeries = chart.XValues.AddXSeries();
Series series;
foreach (var item in pdfChartValues.ChartSeriesValues)
series = chart.SeriesCollection.AddSeries();
series.Name = item.SeriesName;
series.FillFormat.Color = XColor.FromArgb(item.RedValue, item.GreenValue, item.BlueValue); // Bar color
chart.XAxis.HasMajorGridlines = false;
chart.XAxis.MajorTickMark = TickMarkType.None;
chart.XAxis.Title.Caption = pdfChartValues.TitleCaption;
chart.YAxis.MajorTickMark = TickMarkType.None;
chart.YAxis.MajorTick = pdfChartValues.YAxisMajorTick;
chart.YAxis.HasMajorGridlines = true;
chart.YAxis.MajorGridlines.LineFormat.Color = XColors.LightGray;
chart.PlotArea.LineFormat.Color = XColors.LightGray;
chart.PlotArea.LineFormat.Width = 1;
chart.PlotArea.LineFormat.Visible = true;
chart.DataLabel.Type = DataLabelType.Value;
chart.DataLabel.Position = DataLabelPosition.OutsideEnd;
chart.DataLabel.Format = pdfChartValues.SetMoneyFormat ? "$0" : "##,#";
return chart;

It seems the colours are hard-coded in ChartFrame.cs.
They cannot yet be set using properties.
Take the PDFsharp source code, change the colours there, and compile.


WPF Toolkit - Binding LineSeries in code behind

I've spent a few days trying to bind my data model to a lineseries. I works fine; however, I want to change the line color. I knew where to change the color, yet the chart and series would ignore my binding (was a SolidColorBrush). If I hard-coded the color in XAML it would work; however, if I tried to bind the same property to the color property in my view model it would not work. After too much time was spent I gave up for 2 reasons.
It just wouldn't work
I realized I was going to need to bind 'x'
number of view models to the chart to show more than one line series
at a time.
I eventually just defined my line series in the code behind like so...
LineSeries BuildLine(DosePointsViewModel model)
LineSeries series = new LineSeries();
// styles
Style poly = new Style(typeof(Polyline));
poly.Setters.Add(new Setter(Polyline.StrokeProperty, model.LineColor));
poly.Setters.Add(new Setter(Polyline.StrokeThicknessProperty, 3d));
series.PolylineStyle = poly;
Style pointStyle = new Style(typeof(LineDataPoint));
pointStyle.Setters.Add(new Setter(LineDataPoint.BackgroundProperty, model.LineColor));
series.DataPointStyle = pointStyle;
// binding
series.IsSelectionEnabled = false;
series.IndependentValueBinding = new System.Windows.Data.Binding("Distance");
series.DependentValueBinding = new System.Windows.Data.Binding("Dose");
// X axis
LinearAxis xAxis = new LinearAxis();
xAxis.Title = "Distance";
xAxis.ShowGridLines = false;
xAxis.Interval = 1;
xAxis.Orientation = AxisOrientation.X;
series.IndependentAxis = xAxis;
// Y axis
LinearAxis yAxis = new LinearAxis(); //series.DependentRangeAxis as LinearAxis;
yAxis.Maximum = 5000d;
yAxis.Minimum = -100d;
yAxis.Minimum = model.Points.Min(d => d.Dose) - model.Points.Min(d => d.Dose) * 0.50;
yAxis.Maximum = model.Points.Max(d => d.Dose) + model.Points.Max(d => d.Dose) * 0.05;
yAxis.ShowGridLines = true;
yAxis.Orientation = AxisOrientation.Y;
yAxis.Title = "Dose";
Style s = new Style(typeof(Line));
s.Setters.Add(new Setter(Line.StrokeProperty, new SolidColorBrush(Colors.LightBlue)));
s.Setters.Add(new Setter(Line.StrokeThicknessProperty, 1d));
yAxis.GridLineStyle = s;
series.DependentRangeAxis = yAxis;
return series;
Now, the color for my line series works. Of course, the primary reason for this is that I'm directly setting the color via ...
poly.Setters.Add(new Setter(Polyline.StrokeProperty, model.LineColor));
pointStyle.Setters.Add(new Setter(LineDataPoint.BackgroundProperty, model.LineColor));
So, my question is this. I want to be able to add multiple line series to the chart; however, when I try to do this, only the last item is being bound. Inside the code, this is done for each line series being created. Only the last line series is added to the chart.
DosePointsViewModel model = new DosePointsViewModel(_snc, m.Id);
LineSeries series = BuildLine(model);
Wow, as I'm reading my question I realize that I am calling
Well that was an interesting find.

syncfusion chart background line will be dotted line

I want my chart backgroud line will be dotted. Which property can i use for dotted in syncfusion? I tried but i coudn't do this. I don't know exactly which propertly will use for dotted line.
Here is my code:
control.AutoTempFileCleanUp = true;
control.OutputFormat = ImageProviderOutputFormat.DiskFile;
ChartModel chartModel = new ChartModel();
ChartSeries chart = new ChartSeries(yAxisBar1LegendName, ChartSeriesType.Column);
chart.Text = yAxisBar1LegendName;
control.ChartArea.PrimaryXAxis.TickLabelsDrawingMode = ChartAxisTickLabelDrawingMode.UserMode;
// = string.Format("");
control.ChartArea.PrimaryXAxis.Labels.Add(new ChartAxisLabel("", Color.Black, new Font("Arial", 10), 0, "", ChartValueType.Custom));
int counter = 1;
DoubleRange dr = new DoubleRange(1, 100);
foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
double bar1Value = Convert.ToDouble(row[yAxisValueColumn1]);
chart.Points.Add(counter, bar1Value);
control.ChartArea.PrimaryXAxis.Labels.Add(new ChartAxisLabel(row["ModuleCode"].ToString(), Color.Black, new Font("Arial", 10), counter, "", ChartValueType.Custom));
chart.PrepareStyle += new ChartPrepareStyleInfoHandler(series_PrepareStyle);
control.ChartArea.PrimaryXAxis.DrawGrid = false;
control.PrimaryXAxis.GridLineType.ForeColor = Color.DarkGray;
control.PrimaryYAxis.GridLineType.ForeColor = Color.DarkGray;
control.PrimaryXAxis.LineType.ForeColor = Color.DarkGray;
control.PrimaryYAxis.LineType.ForeColor = Color.DarkGray;
control.Text = chartHeader;
control.ChartArea.PrimaryYAxis.Title = yAxisText;
control.ChartArea.PrimaryXAxis.Title = xAxisText;
control.ChartArea.PrimaryXAxis.TitleAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;
control.ChartArea.PrimaryXAxis.IsVisible = true;
control.ChartArea.PrimaryXAxis.LabelAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;
control.ChartArea.PrimaryXAxis.VisibleRange.Min = 0;
control.ChartArea.PrimaryXAxis.VisibleRange.Max = counter;
control.ChartArea.PrimaryXAxis.VisibleRange.Interval = 1;
control.ChartArea.PrimaryYAxis.EdgeLabelsDrawingMode = ChartAxisEdgeLabelsDrawingMode.Center;
control.ChartArea.PrimaryYAxis.GridDrawMode = ChartAxisGridDrawingMode.Default;
//control.PrimaryXAxis.EdgeLabelsDrawingMode = ChartAxisEdgeLabelsDrawingMode.Center;
control.PrimaryXAxis.Font = new Font("Arial", 10F);
control.PrimaryYAxis.Font = new Font("Arial", 10F);
counter = 0;
foreach (ChartSeries series in control.Series)
Color color;
if (counter == 0)
color = Color.Green;
color = Color.Red;
series.Style.Interior = new BrushInfo(color);
series.Style.Border.Color = Color.DarkGray;
series.Style.Font.Bold = true;
series.Style.TextColor = Color.Black;
series.Style.TextOrientation = ChartTextOrientation.Left;
series.Style.TextFormat = "{0}";
control.Width = 650;
control.Series3D = false;
control.ShowLegend = false;
control.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None;
control.BorderAppearance.SkinStyle = ChartBorderSkinStyle.None;
//control.Legend.Alignment = ChartAlignment.Far;
Here is my chart image:
Thanks for using syncfusion products.
We have analyzed your query. If you want to customize the grid lines in axis, then you can use the “DashStyle” property in GridLineType which property is used to change the line style. And you can also specify the grid line style as Dash, DashDot, DashDotDot, Dot, Solid in axis.
And please find the below code snippet
this.ChartWebControl1.PrimaryYAxis.GridLineType.DashStyle = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.DashStyle.DashDot;
And we have also prepared a sample for your reference in ASP.NET classic platform and attached in the below location.
Sample Link : http://www.syncfusion.com/downloads/support/directtrac/160606/ze/Sample1273790903
Please find the output of the sample below:
And also we wish to let you know that the above mentioned property is also applicable for chart control in windows forms, ASP.NET classic and ASP.NET MVC classic platforms.
Please contact us via syncfusion support, if you have any queries related to using syncfusion products.

How to highlight Amchart area using guide, programmatically

I am trying to highlight area on Amcharts but unable to do so with help of guide. I referred an example from here below is the code which is not working however if I add a line guide it works.
Here is the JSFiddle code snippet
var guide1 = new AmCharts.Guide();
guide1.category = "2007-01-01";
guide1.toCategory = "2008-01-01";
guide1.lineColor = "#CC0000";
guide1.lineAlpha = 1;
guide1.fillAlpha = 0.2;
guide1.fillColor = "#CC0000";
guide1.dashLength = 2;
guide1.inside = true;
guide1.labelRotation = 90;
guide1.label = "test";
guide1.above = true;
You have two problems - first, amstock.js is not included, and second, with stock chart, which is date-based you should use guide.date and guide.toDate instead of category and toCategory:
guide1.date = new Date(2007, 0, 1);
guide1.toDate = new Date(2008, 0, 1);
Note, months are zero based in JS.

copy chart control to new form

Is there a way to copy a chart control to a new form?
I have a Windows Form with a chart control on it, but the form is not allowed to be resizable. For that reason I have a button "Zoom" that opens the chart in a new form that is resizable. I have set a lot of chart properties in the "original" chart (axis color, axis intervalls etc.) and would like to just reuse this properties. I tried to call the constructor of the new form with the chart as parameter, but that didn't work.
public ZoomChartSeriesForm(Chart myChart)
My main problem is, that I allow zooming inside of the chart and that crashes, when I just copy the chart.
Here is the code of my "original chart" (example):
System.Drawing.Color color = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
//plot new doublelist
var series = new Series
Name = "Series2",
Color = color,
ChartType = SeriesChartType.Line,
ChartArea = "ChartArea1",
IsXValueIndexed = true,
List<double> doubleList = new List<double>();
var chartArea = chart1.ChartAreas["ChartArea1"];
LabelStyle ls = new LabelStyle();
ls.ForeColor = color;
Axis a = chartArea.AxisY;
a.TitleForeColor = color; //color of axis title
a.MajorTickMark.LineColor = color; //color of ticks
a.LabelStyle = ls; //color of tick labels
chartArea.Visible = true;
chartArea.AxisY.Title = "TEST";
chartArea.AxisX.Minimum = 1;
chartArea.AxisX.Maximum = doubleList.Count;
// Set automatic scrolling
chartArea.CursorX.AutoScroll = true;
chartArea.CursorY.AutoScroll = true;
// Allow user to select area for zooming
chartArea.CursorX.IsUserEnabled = true;
chartArea.CursorX.IsUserSelectionEnabled = true;
chartArea.CursorY.IsUserEnabled = true;
chartArea.CursorY.IsUserSelectionEnabled = true;
// Set automatic zooming
chartArea.AxisX.ScaleView.Zoomable = true;
chartArea.AxisY.ScaleView.Zoomable = true;
chartArea.AxisX.ScrollBar.IsPositionedInside = true;
chartArea.AxisY.ScrollBar.IsPositionedInside = true;
//reset zoom
Copy as in deep copying the object?
I ran into this exact problem recently myself. Unfortunately, MS Chart has no method to clone their chart object and their class is not marked as serializable so you can't use the method suggested here.
If you want to do this the right way, you'll have to introduce a third party control such as Copyable or handle the reflection yourself, but this won't be easy.
A really nice workaround I found is to use the built-in serialization inside MS Chart control. The idea is to serialize the chart using memorystream, create a new instance of the chart and deserialize the chart.
private Chart CloneChart(Chart chart)
MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();
Chart clonedChart = chart;
clonedChart = new Chart();
return clonedChart;
Not exactly an efficient solution, but if performance isn't your priority, this works like a charm.

How to disable Fusioncharts legend area?

How can I disable/remove the legend area when using FusionCharts? I'll be using a very small chart, so the legend area is not necessary.
Adding a showLegend='0' tag should disable it. Use it like this:
<chart showLegend='0'...>
Check out FusionCharts Legend API for more help on legends.
How to set Show legend property to my Fusion Graph.My code like this.
public Pie2DChart GetServiceEsclationChart(DataTable BarChartdt, string CaseType)
Pie2DChart oChart3 = new Pie2DChart();
// Set properties
oChart3.Background.BgColor = "ffffff";
oChart3.Background.BgAlpha = 50;
oChart3.ChartTitles.Caption = "Case Type Count";
oChart3.ChartTitles.Caption = CaseType;
// oChart.ChartTitles.SubCaption = "2013-2014 Year";
// Set a template
oChart3.Template = new Libero.FusionCharts.Template.OfficeTemplate();
// Set data
oChart3.DataSource = BarChartdt;
oChart3.DataTextField = "Name";
oChart3.DataValueField = "Value";
//Load it into ViewData.
// ViewData["SREsclation"] = oChart3;
return oChart3;