When i am using react-simple-maps an error showing, I can't find the solution anywhere.
ERROR Invariant Violation: View config getter callback for component svg must be a function (received undefined). Make sure to start component names with a capital letter.
This error is located at:
in svg (created by ComposableMap)
in k (created by ComposableMap)
in ComposableMap (created by CountryDetailScreen)
in RCTView (created by View)
in View (created by CountryDetailScreen)
in RNCSafeAreaView
in Unknown (created by Screen)
in Screen (created by CountryDetailScreen)
in CountryDetailScreen (created by SceneView)
in StaticContainer
in EnsureSingleNavigator (created by SceneView)
in SceneView (created by SceneView)
in RCTView (created by View)
in View (created by DebugContainer)
in DebugContainer (created by MaybeNestedStack)
in MaybeNestedStack (created by SceneView)
in RCTView (created by View)
in View (created by SceneView)
in RNSScreen (created by AnimatedComponent)
in AnimatedComponent
in AnimatedComponentWrapper (created by InnerScreen)
in Suspender (created by Freeze)
in Suspense (created by Freeze)
in Freeze (created by DelayedFreeze)
in DelayedFreeze (created by InnerScreen)
in InnerScreen (created by Screen)
in Screen (created by SceneView)
in SceneView (created by NativeStackViewInner)
in Suspender (created by Freeze)
in Suspense (created by Freeze)
in Freeze (created by DelayedFreeze)
in DelayedFreeze (created by ScreenStack)
in RNSScreenStack (created by ScreenStack)
in ScreenStack (created by NativeStackViewInner)
in NativeStackViewInner (created by NativeStackView)
in RCTView (created by View)
in View (created by SafeAreaInsetsContext)
in SafeAreaProviderCompat (created by NativeStackView)
in NativeStackView (created by NativeStackNavigator)
in PreventRemoveProvider (created by NavigationContent)
in NavigationContent
in Unknown (created by NativeStackNavigator)
in NativeStackNavigator (created by Navigator)
in AppBootstrapGate (created by Navigator)
in EnsureSingleNavigator
in BaseNavigationContainer
in ThemeProvider
in NavigationContainerInner (created by Navigator)
in Navigator (created by Main)
in Provider (created by Main)
in RNCSafeAreaProvider (created by SafeAreaProvider)
in SafeAreaProvider (created by Main)
in Main
in RCTView (created by View)
in View (created by AppContainer)
in RCTView (created by View)
in View (created by AppContainer)
in AppContainer
in QuobPad(RootComponent)
Flutter 3.3.10 & go_router 6.0.1
I have created a sample Flutter app for desktop that has a navigation bar on the left. I want my routes to navigate only to the right of the nav so the nav is persistent and never changes. Only the content in the "detail" pane of my app should change and navigate.
This works great when going between top-level pages or drilling down one level in the nav hierarchy:
But once you go from a child page to a grandchild page, the views animate over the top of the nav, which would suggest it's ignoring the ShellRoute established at the top of the navigation tree.
Here's my sample app: https://gist.github.com/cliftonlabrum/802f974be057306ca9205ccc6638e438
How do I force my grandchild views to respect the ShellRoute and only navigate/animate inside the detail portion of my UI?
I've been trying to make a basic app where there's a splash-screen for three seconds and then opens a page where there are buttons and each button leads to another page which should all contain a back button.
I can get both the navigation between pages and splash-screen working but only separately. I have to sacrifice "Is Initial View Controller" for one to have the other.
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: DispatchTime.now()+3 )
self.performSegue(withIdentifier: "nextPage", sender: nil)
I tried linking the splash-screen to the navigation controller and setting the splash-screen as Initial View Controller. I also set the splash-screen as Initial View Controller
1.Select the ViewController you want to add a Navigation Controller to
2.Go to the menubar(where File,Edit are located) and click on "Editor"
Scroll down to "Embeded in"
Select "Navigation Controller"
When it comes to a 'splash page' that you are referring to. You are talking about the launch screen. Generally speaking your xcode application project should have initialized with one already called LauchScreen.storyboard.
This storyboard is the 'splash page' that you see when an application is first launched and before it is fully loaded.
When your application finally launches and loads fully you should have your application loading onto your navigation controller that is set up in a different Storyboard.
Above is the root view controller which is also my navigation view controller.
Then you can set up other view controllers that you embed into this navigation controller.
I simply added view controllers and from the 'main' view i have segued the buttons to each respective view controller with the 'show' segue.
and viola !
Hope this helps
to see what storyboard you are using as your launch screen select your project in the navigator, then select the target and select 'general' tab at the top. Scroll down to app icons and launch images.
Note: if you do not have any launchscreen.storyboard. you can create a fresh story board and name it 'launchscreen' (or splash screen if you like) then in the same section as described above you should be able to select the story board in the drop down menu.
NOTE: once your launchscreen.storyboard has finished launching and your application is going to launch fully.
Using the same steps provided above
Under 'general tab' you should see 'deployment info'
It is here you will see what storyboard will be launched.
Next to 'main interface' you can see that mine is Main (is called Main.storyboard)
Clicking the down arrow will allow you to select what story board you want to use for main interface.
Remember: your 'splash screen' is the launchscreen.storyboard that is defined in your target settings under 'general tab' and once that 'splash screen' is finished, the application will automatically load your main interface ( also defined in under 'general tab' in target settings ).
There is no need for a segue between the 'splash screen' and your main storyboard.
I create side menu via container view and when user tapped on bar button ( menu button ) I just change constraints and show or hide side menu. But when side menu open user can use elements in all screen. How I can disable or enable only part of screen when side menu open or hide?
Suppose your side menu's view hierarchy is setup like this:
View #1
|_ title label
|_ button
|_ button
You can now embed it inside another view, that'll be invisible:
View #0
|_ View #1
|_ title label
|_ button
|_ button
...where view #1 would be your regular side menu view that covers, say, 70% of the screen's width.
Now, set the view #0's background color to .clear.
Also, change your constraint logic to move the side menu to the screen's edge.
This will give you a side menu that covers the full screen, disables taps outside it and looks like it only covers part of the screen.
Extra Credit:
Add a UITapGestureRecognizer to view #0. When triggered, you can dismiss the side menu.
With the new 'Container View' for iOS in Storyboards of Xcode 4.5, how do I reload/update one?
In my app, I have a container view which holds a UITableViewController. From my main view controller (the one with the container view) I need to updates the table view in the container.
I am not able to find the file where the entry get saved that which controller is for which view.
i am facing a issue that i have created a controller and then right clicked on it and generated a .ascx user control. but it generates it in HOME directory but when i move that .ascx to shared folder its not link with controller.
plez tell me how to create a user control in shared folder and set its controller.
You don't set a controller to a view. It works by convention. The controller action will first look at the ~/Views/ControllerName folder for the view and then in ~/Views/Shared. If the view is in some non-standard location you could specify its location when returning it:
return PartialView("~/Views/SomeLocation/SomeView.ascx");